Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals

I think there is some truth to it.

I heard those who are gay or had a gay experience are likely to hate gay people and become closet cases.
Yes. They are doing it to cover for what they are. They are protecting themselves in a hostel environment.
They were in the boy scouts, hidden in plain sight and always condemning the gay mentors. Homosexuality was on classified as a mental illness in 1973 because they realized it was a normal sexual orientation for a segment of the population just like bisexuality is. Knowledge changes everything.
I don't ever see animals as homosexuals. Their is nothing normal about it. It goes against natural human biology. Mother nature, God, created Man and woman. Male and Female. Anything outside of this process, can and is seen as "abnormal". The seamen was designed for the female egg. Any deviation from this is physically and biologically abnormal. If everyone became homosexuals on Earth, the human race would become extinct in a matter of 135 or more years.
I don't ever see animals as homosexuals. Their is nothing normal about it. It goes against natural human biology. Mother nature, God, created Man and woman. Male and Female. Anything outside of this process, can and is seen as "abnormal". The seamen was designed for the female egg. Any deviation from this is physically and biologically abnormal. If everyone became homosexuals on Earth, the human race would become extinct in a matter of 135 or more years.
There are thousands of animal species that practice homosexuality look it up you might learn something.
There are thousands of animal species that practice homosexuality look it up you might learn something.
And scientists agree human beings are not meant to be monogamous so marriage is an unrealistic expectation created by society. The artificial construct creates a lot of sexual disharmony and dysfunction.
There are thousands of animal species that practice homosexuality look it up you might learn something.
There is nothing I can learn about by watching humans or animals practicing Homosexuality. There may be some Dogs trying to engage with a another male Dog, but when observed in Jamaica, these animals were usually destroyed and set on fire by the observers. I know already that , as I stated earlier, there is nothing normal , or good about the Homosexual act. Number one, the male penis scientist have said, is not for the human anus, or rectum. The anal membrane is a lot thinner than the human female vagina, and can easily tear, and cause rupture. Homosexuals suffer from many strange sexual diseases , ie hepatitis A,B, and C, some which are incurable. they suffer from a form of incurable syphilis and gonorrhea., AIDS, and many other strange diseases This is what I have already learned about Homosexuality. Human fecal bacterial diseases also. This is all that I have read and learned about male Homosexual sexual sex.
There is nothing I can learn about by watching humans or animals practicing Homosexuality. There may be some Dogs trying to engage with a another male Dog, but when observed in Jamaica, these animals were usually destroyed and set on fire by the observers. I know already that , as I stated earlier, there is nothing normal , or good about the Homosexual act. Number one, the male penis scientist have said, is not for the human anus, or rectum. The anal membrane is a lot thinner than the human female vagina, and can easily tear, and cause rupture. Homosexuals suffer from many strange sexual diseases , ie hepatitis A,B, and C, some which are incurable. they suffer from a form of incurable syphilis and gonorrhea., AIDS, and many other strange diseases This is what I have already learned about Homosexuality. Human fecal bacterial diseases also. This is all that I have read and learned about male Homosexual sexual sex.
Everything you're saying reeks of ignorance, hatred and intolerance. The modern world has finally grown beyond that, sorry you are stuck in the wretched past. Jamaica former African colonies still practice the barbaric laws the British empire once practiced. Ignorance, intolerance and hatred are nothing to be proud of.
Everything you're saying reeks of ignorance, hatred and intolerance. The modern world has finally grown beyond that, sorry you are stuck in the wretched past. Jamaica former African colonies still practice the barbaric laws the British empire once practiced. Ignorance, intolerance and hatred are nothing to be proud of.
I'm sorry I can't waste any more time trying to convince you of the truth of this world. I have to work tomorrow good night.

I think there is some truth to it.

I heard those who are gay or had a gay experience are likely to hate gay people and become closet cases.
There is no such thing as homophobia. The word phobia has been hijacked by homosexuals to instill a belief that heterosexuals who disapprove of their lifestyle, are somehow in abject fear of them.
A more correct word to describe someone who has a dislike of homosexuals, would probably be "homo-disgust" or "homo-disapproval."
A phobia an an unreasonable "fear" of something to the point of panic, or running away from, or be in a state of semi-paralysis over an object, thing or, situation. My daughter has an Arachnophobia of spiders to the point that when she sees one, she runs from the room and won't return until I either kill it or remove it from the house.
I have never seen or heard about anyone that is actually in a state of fear of any homosexual.
As for myself, I don't give a rat's-ass about them one way or another, which is my opinion about most humans.
There is no such thing as homophobia. The word phobia has been hijacked by homosexuals to instill a belief that heterosexuals who disapprove of their lifestyle, are somehow in abject fear of them.
A more correct word to describe someone who has a dislike of homosexuals, would probably be "homo-disgust" or "homo-disapproval."
A phobia an an unreasonable "fear" of something to the point of panic, or running away from, or be in a state of semi-paralysis over an object, thing or, situation. My daughter has an Arachnophobia of spiders to the point that when she sees one, she runs from the room and won't return until I either kill it or remove it from the house.
I have never seen or heard about anyone that is actually in a state of fear of any homosexual.
As for myself, I don't give a rat's-ass about them one way or another, which is my opinion about most humans.
I guess you just don't understand psychology. George Weinberg ( a heterosexual ) coined the word. It is defined as; " Encompassing a wide range of negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuals or people who are identified or perceived as being homosexual. " You can tell if someone has it if they feel uncomfortable when a new acquantinence does anything remotely suspicious reflecting homosexual behavior.
I guess you just don't understand psychology. George Weinberg ( a heterosexual ) coined the word. It is defined as; " Encompassing a wide range of negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuals or people who are identified or perceived as being homosexual. " You can tell if someone has it if they feel uncomfortable when a new acquantinence does anything remotely suspicious reflecting homosexual behavior.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary: An exaggerated or often disabling fear, usually inexplicable to the subject.
Oxford English Dictionary: An extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary: A type of anxiety disorder that involves an extreme fear of something:
ICD Codes (International Classification of Diseases), that physicians AND psychiatrists use in the classification of diseases and mental illness and in this case the classification of "phobias" are classified as F409: Phobia: A type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation.
Just because some rogue psychologist(s) don't like it that many people are not fans of the gay/lesbian lifestyle, he/they attach the "moniker" phobia after the word to make them seem unreasonably afraid of their lifestyle. As I said, I have never met anyone "afraid" of gays and lesbians.
I will repeat me previous statement about where I stand, but add a bit for more detail. I don't care if people are gay or lesbian, they can have joint bank accounts, live together, get married and have a great life together and get divorced just like any other couple.
Now, where I do have an issue is that there is this idiotic demand that society change established fictional characters to fit their narrative (i.e., make Batman, Superman, James Bond, et cetera, become gay characters). While these are clearly fictional characters, their characters have long been established as heterosexual. All the gay/lesbian community has to do is fund books, comics, tv series, miniseries, or movies with their own versions of superheroes or other fictional characters that are gay/lesbian/gender fluid (whatever the hell that even means). Ours are ours, create your own great characters and if they catch on and become popular, great for you, but these established fictional characters are ours to enjoy. Get your own.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary: An exaggerated or often disabling fear, usually inexplicable to the subject.
Oxford English Dictionary: An extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary: A type of anxiety disorder that involves an extreme fear of something:
ICD Codes (International Classification of Diseases), that physicians AND psychiatrists use in the classification of diseases and mental illness and in this case the classification of "phobias" are classified as F409: Phobia: A type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation.
Just because some rogue psychologist(s) don't like it that many people are not fans of the gay/lesbian lifestyle, he/they attach the "moniker" phobia after the word to make them seem unreasonably afraid of their lifestyle. As I said, I have never met anyone "afraid" of gays and lesbians.
I will repeat me previous statement about where I stand, but add a bit for more detail. I don't care if people are gay or lesbian, they can have joint bank accounts, live together, get married and have a great life together and get divorced just like any other couple.
Now, where I do have an issue is that there is this idiotic demand that society change established fictional characters to fit their narrative (i.e., make Batman, Superman, James Bond, et cetera, become gay characters). While these are clearly fictional characters, their characters have long been established as heterosexual. All the gay/lesbian community has to do is fund books, comics, tv series, miniseries, or movies with their own versions of superheroes or other fictional characters that are gay/lesbian/gender fluid (whatever the hell that even means). Ours are ours, create your own great characters and if they catch on and become popular, great for you, but these established fictional characters are ours to enjoy. Get your own.
I can only speak for myself, as a youth I enjoyed watching Superman. I never gave it a thought that he might be gay. You see back then our church was telling me I was evil if I was gay, society was telling me I was abnormal if I was gay, and there were laws against gays and gays were persecuted. I knew I liked men since I was 7 and didn't know anything about the sex part. I really didn't come out until I was in the Air Force in Omaha and a fellow airman took me to a downtown bar. Then I found there was a whole world of people like me, and I was finally at peace with myself. I knew I wasn't abnormal, sinful or criminal in nature.

I think there is some truth to it.

I heard those who are gay or had a gay experience are likely to hate gay people and become closet cases.
The Rulers Intimidate Us Not to Make This Obvious Rebuttal

Just the opposite. Gayists know that their addiction is unnatural and wish the hell they could get free of it and turn Straight. This accounts for Rock Hudson's on-target portrayals of strong Straights. Many actors are good at showing what they really want to be but can't be that way off-screen. Inside every Gayist is a Straight crying to get out.
This silly little theory simply doesn't hold up to scrutiny. It only applies to gays, nobody claims Islamophobes secretly want to be Muslim, the list goes on and on.
Libs' Favorite Beattles Song: "Twist and Shout"

According to Liberal Logic 101, you just proved you're a flaming faggot and probably secretly like to diddle little boys, too.
The Rulers Intimidate Us Not to Make This Obvious Rebuttal

Just the opposite. Gayists know that their addiction is unnatural and wish the hell they could get free of it and turn Straight. This accounts for Rock Hudson's on-target portrayals of strong Straights. Many actors are good at showing what they really want to be but can't be that way off-screen. Inside every Gayist is a Straight crying to get out.
Gayist ? I can only speak of my own experience, I had one good love in my life, that lasted 18 years. I am thankful for that. He had been married to a woman, he new things weren't right but back then that was expected of men even if they were gay. You waited till his children were grown up, then he left his wife and found me. Of my close gay friends ( all older men ) about half were married to women at one time. I am thankful young gay people are out of the closet, are not persecuted anymore, and accepted and more and more churches. Imagine how much better the world would be if that was the case all along. All those failed marriages wouldn't have happened. All those people would have been much happier all along on. No one should be forced to live in a closet. Freedom belongs to everyone or it belongs to no one.
I prefer being called homophonic...
Medionics Is As Ignorant As Ebonics, Yet Those Regressive Retards Set the Standard Even for Their Opponents

English seems to have more homophones than any other language. That accounts for our confused spelling, too. The only words where -eak isn't pronounced "-eek" is in the homophonic pairs break, break; steak, stake.

I think there is some truth to it.

I heard those who are gay or had a gay experience are likely to hate gay people and become closet cases.


Question? What exactly is wrong with the FEAR of SIN in any format? The beginning of Wisdom begins with the fear of God. (Prov. 9:10) I would suggest that HOMOPHOPIA is a made up word in the attempt to publicly shame anyone that might disapree with any sinful lifestyle. Just like the made up word FETUS is now used in order to dehumanize the life within a female womb. Up is Down, North is South.......left is right, and right is wrong?

Yeah.....before anyone presents any "psychological study" as evidence of a TRUTH of any nature, one must realize Psychology is not an actual SCIENCE......its a philosophy based entirely upon SUBJECTIVE assumptions, suggestions, conjectures and content found only to exist within the confines of the human psyche. This (wink, wink) Science depends entirely upon certain answers derived from information presented from within the human mind. And we all know that humans never lie about anything.

You can test people anyway you wish but there is a certain portion of our population that are great at the art pathological lies........you can hook them up to the best lie detector on earth and they will score perfect. Every person holds this art to a certain degree, thus you never know what is actual truth and what is fabricated.

Proof? Read the first few paragraphs of this supposed scientific article. Then go to Webster's dictionary or any other objective dictionary and find the definitions of the words used in the first few paragraphs of this article.

Should Consider, Suggests, May, May Also, Should, Appears, Would Indicate (depends upon the most common word in the English Dictionary "IF" ...example I WOULD ........IF............

And I read but a few lines..........and soon realized, This SOCIAL SCIENCE can suggest anything it wishes and there is no method whatsoever of calibrating TRUTH. Why because this so called discipline depends upon the content of the conscious and subconscious FEELINGS and THOUGHTS.

What? This world is now populated with those who have the power to READ MINDS? :popcorn:

Again........I liken studies such as found in the story of the little boy practicing his archery skills. First he "knocks" an air from his quiver....draws back the string and lets the arrow fly. Its fired in the direction of the side of a big red barn, the arrow hits home on the side of the barn. The boy scratches his head for minute, then gets a paint bush and can of white paint............ goes to the barn draws a circle around the arrow, and declares, THERE! PERECT BULL'S EYE. :abgg2q.jpg:
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Medionics Is As Ignorant As Ebonics, Yet Those Regressive Retards Set the Standard Even for Their Opponents

English seems to have more homophones than any other language. That accounts for our confused spelling, too. The only words where -eak isn't pronounced "-eek" is in the homophonic pairs break, break; steak, stake.

Actually, I believe Mandarin Chinese has the largest number of homophones.
I don't ever see animals as homosexuals. Their is nothing normal about it. It goes against natural human biology. Mother nature, God, created Man and woman. Male and Female. Anything outside of this process, can and is seen as "abnormal". The seamen was designed for the female egg. Any deviation from this is physically and biologically abnormal. If everyone became homosexuals on Earth, the human race would become extinct in a matter of 135 or more years.
Male mammals do it to each other all the time. Large monkeys' sucking the red penis of another monkey. I have seen a male horse eagerly mount another male horse. The monkey and male horse are not sinning. Why is vexing people with what you say a good thing to you? Jesus did not do that. The Left took up your vexing torch, vexing cartoon characters like Pepe le Pew, who can have more than one wife, and even concubines. You have no idea about what Jacob, Solomon and Reaboahm had? Reaboahm was a good king? Church lies influenced innocent minds. The church hates the nude Adam and Eve. The church adores clothing that sinful hands make, adoring that. Money that buys it is held in high regard. People are worth nothing. People are seen as a leather wallet. People, Biblically, could have many females to fertilize. Blind people should not be telling people what they can, and cannot do. Jesus judged people acording to how they were, and what they said, praising people who were like him. Judging a person based on what sex they engage in is mean. Jesus is not mean. Can you see with your own eyes that Humans are not becoming extinct? The constant use of money will cause extinction, not using gifting, ask and receive. God's mind in our mind. God invented free. God freed him from vexing people. 2 Peter 2:7 - 8 KJV. Gifting will make the best things to be available. Cheep things will not need to be made. We don't need overly stiff bike frames. They end up being stiff legged Machines.
Enrique Cavaldi
Sports Sunglasses Polarized Lens TR90. Look at this: They are made in Switzerland.
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