Hollywood Perversity


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
For those who hadn't noticed, the institution of "marriage" in Tinseltown has long been something of a joke. Marriages are transitory things in Hollywood, killed by hormones, success, long separations, boredom, and narcissism. When asked why she had been married eight times, Liz Taylor responded, "I guess I'm just an old-fashioned girl." That's Hollywood.

The proof is in the rarity of "real" marriages where people actually take their marriage vows seriously.

And yet, these sick, immature twits have jumped on the bandwagon en masse, in support of "gay marriage."

The irony is absolutely priceless. This population of misfits who couldn't give a fig about marriage between a man and a woman, have consecrated gay marriage to a cultural "sacrament," almost equal to abortion.

I understand the recent Grammy Awards included a celebration of gay marriage, with multiple couples participating. I might have the details wrong since I never watch such trash.

It is to vomit.
For those who hadn't noticed, the institution of "marriage" in Tinseltown has long been something of a joke. Marriages are transitory things in Hollywood, killed by hormones, success, long separations, boredom, and narcissism. When asked why she had been married eight times, Liz Taylor responded, "I guess I'm just an old-fashioned girl." That's Hollywood.

The proof is in the rarity of "real" marriages where people actually take their marriage vows seriously.

And yet, these sick, immature twits have jumped on the bandwagon en masse, in support of "gay marriage."

The irony is absolutely priceless. This population of misfits who couldn't give a fig about marriage between a man and a woman, have consecrated gay marriage to a cultural "sacrament," almost equal to abortion.

I understand the recent Grammy Awards included a celebration of gay marriage, with multiple couples participating. I might have the details wrong since I never watch such trash.

It is to vomit.

She turned out to be real piece of filth. Especially with her worshiping the deviant Michael Jackson.

You know instead of locking up the Dr. that killed MJ, Obama should appoint him as the only eligible Doc under Obamacare in Beverly Hills.
For those who hadn't noticed, the institution of "marriage" in Tinseltown has long been something of a joke. Marriages are transitory things in Hollywood, killed by hormones, success, long separations, boredom, and narcissism. When asked why she had been married eight times, Liz Taylor responded, "I guess I'm just an old-fashioned girl." That's Hollywood.

The proof is in the rarity of "real" marriages where people actually take their marriage vows seriously.

And yet, these sick, immature twits have jumped on the bandwagon en masse, in support of "gay marriage."

The irony is absolutely priceless. This population of misfits who couldn't give a fig about marriage between a man and a woman, have consecrated gay marriage to a cultural "sacrament," almost equal to abortion.

I understand the recent Grammy Awards included a celebration of gay marriage, with multiple couples participating. I might have the details wrong since I never watch such trash.

It is to vomit.

It's unfortunate our culture has come to view what's perverse as only a sexual thing. If Hollywood is perverse, it's in how they glorify violence and human on human brutality and call it "entertainment."

Sex is the very best thing two or more people can share with each other. It's long-established that cultures that glorify violence denounce sex since encouraging sexual expression denies our neurological ability to feel aggression. I suppose in a time where finite resources are becomming more noticeable, discouraging sex and the resulting births of more resource using persons is sensible. But it's still unfortunate.
There have been a lot of couples who have been married for decades. You just never hear about them. Tinseltown doesn't mention them. The long term marrieds are ignored.
After becoming mega millionaires from almost a century of promoting violence and guns in films, now they want to take all the guns.

Hollywood denizens are the biggest hypocrites on the face of the earth. No surprise here.
When asked why she had been married eight times, Liz Taylor responded, "I guess I'm just an old-fashioned girl." That's Hollywood.

And the rest of that story, is simply, beautiful women attract men easily and the men want ownership of them and will marry to acquire it. It all starts off on the wrong foot because of the real reason....ownership.
Hollywood produces what sells

Ozzie and Harriet does not sell
For those who hadn't noticed, the institution of "marriage" in Tinseltown has long been something of a joke. Marriages are transitory things in Hollywood, killed by hormones, success, long separations, boredom, and narcissism. When asked why she had been married eight times, Liz Taylor responded, "I guess I'm just an old-fashioned girl." That's Hollywood.

The proof is in the rarity of "real" marriages where people actually take their marriage vows seriously.

And yet, these sick, immature twits have jumped on the bandwagon en masse, in support of "gay marriage."

The irony is absolutely priceless. This population of misfits who couldn't give a fig about marriage between a man and a woman, have consecrated gay marriage to a cultural "sacrament," almost equal to abortion.

I understand the recent Grammy Awards included a celebration of gay marriage, with multiple couples participating. I might have the details wrong since I never watch such trash.

It is to vomit.

The Grammy Awards was so boring with way too much music and not enough awards. I am glad I DVRd it, so I could scroll through the thank you speeches and commercials.
Hollywood produces what sells

Ozzie and Harriet does not sell

Sadly rw, I have to agree with you.

A small minority of people have yelled and screamed to make deviant behavior appear to be the norm and good wholesome behavior something to be ridiculed.
It's unfortunate our culture has come to view what's perverse as only a sexual thing. If Hollywood is perverse, it's in how they glorify violence and human on human brutality and call it "entertainment."

Neither Hollywood or "our culture" invented the entertainment value of glorified violence and brutality.

Hollywood simply filmed it.

Humans from every corner of the planet pay to see it.

While we pretend to be more than naked apes, as a species, we really are nothing else.
When asked why she had been married eight times, Liz Taylor responded, "I guess I'm just an old-fashioned girl." That's Hollywood.

And the rest of that story, is simply, beautiful women attract men easily and the men want ownership of them and will marry to acquire it. It all starts off on the wrong foot because of the real reason....ownership.

What you suggest is not a one-way street, both parties need to agree to this situation. Ownership connotes something with which the man has to buy this property, whether it's in the form of power, material things or prestige, to name a few.

The blushing bride wants to have those things and tolerate being sold like a piece of property

In other words maybe an idiot, but I'm certainly a romantic and I believe in love. Physical beauty fades I do not see why anyone would want to buy that beauty and Marry it, sounds like one gigantic pain in the ass.
When asked why she had been married eight times, Liz Taylor responded, "I guess I'm just an old-fashioned girl." That's Hollywood.

And the rest of that story, is simply, beautiful women attract men easily and the men want ownership of them and will marry to acquire it. It all starts off on the wrong foot because of the real reason....ownership.

What you suggest is not a one-way street, both parties need to agree to this situation. Ownership connotes something with which the man has to buy this property, whether it's in the form of power, material things or prestige, to name a few.

The blushing bride wants to have those things and tolerate being sold like a piece of property

In other words maybe an idiot, but I'm certainly a romantic and I believe in love. Physical beauty fades I do not see why anyone would want to buy that beauty and Marry it, sounds like one gigantic pain in the ass.

That system of marriage is a carry over from feudal times when men sold their daughters for a nice 'dowry'.

Right now, I have a friend who can't seem to make ends meet. Her answer, instead of working smarter is to find a man who will 'stabilize' her life. When she does, less than a year into that marriage, she will find him (whomever) completely unsuitable as a husband. But, though fairly well educated, she is too dim to see that.

Consider this. It is a movie we were shown in one of my college classes:

In the story, Johnny Lingo (played by Makee K. Blaisdell) is a shrewd, but honest and well-liked Polynesian trader. It is actually told from the perspective of a Caucasian shopkeeper, Mr. Harris (played by Francis Urry). Lingo has come to one island to bargain for a wife. Mahana (played by Naomi Kahoilua), the young woman he desires, is considered by her neighbors and even her father to be of little value, sullen, ugly and undesirable. As the bargaining is about to begin, women of the island brag to each other of how many cows their husbands had given for each of them, and comment that Mahana's father will be lucky to see one cow as Lingo's offer. The counselor advises Mahana's father to ask for three cows so that finally, Moki (Mahana's father, played by Joseph Ah Quin) will at least get one cow.

The bargaining begins and as the counselor suggested Moki asked Johnny Lingo three cows. Islanders laugh derisively, then wait for Lingo to make his counter-offer, certain that he will make a devastating bargain.

Lingo, considering, says that three cows are many... "But not enough for my Mahana!" He then offers the unheard-of price of eight cows for her hand in marriage. The next day, the villagers gather at the house of Mahana's father to see the completion of the deal. Some of the islanders say that Lingo reconsidered his deal and would not show up. But Lingo brings the cows and subsequently marries Mahana that night, enduring some derision for a deal that many believe to be foolish, while Moki revels in his newfound prosperity. He and Mahana then leave the island on a trading trip.

When they come back, Harris discovers, to his astonishment, that Mahana is a beautiful, happy woman. Even Mahana's father began accusing Johnny Lingo of cheating him by giving only eight cows for a girl truly worth ten cows. Johnny, her proud husband, had proved to her that her true worth had nothing to do with what others saw, but only what she truly was.

He had made the best bargain of all -- a few cows for a life with the woman that he loved.

When asked why she had been married eight times, Liz Taylor responded, "I guess I'm just an old-fashioned girl." That's Hollywood.

And the rest of that story, is simply, beautiful women attract men easily and the men want ownership of them and will marry to acquire it. It all starts off on the wrong foot because of the real reason....ownership.

What you suggest is not a one-way street, both parties need to agree to this situation. Ownership connotes something with which the man has to buy this property, whether it's in the form of power, material things or prestige, to name a few.

The blushing bride wants to have those things and tolerate being sold like a piece of property

In other words maybe an idiot, but I'm certainly a romantic and I believe in love. Physical beauty fades I do not see why anyone would want to buy that beauty and Marry it, sounds like one gigantic pain in the ass.

Interesting Theory.

In Hollywood, people are to beautiful to marry.

My theory is that In Hollywood, people are to rich and young to remain married. Let's face it, one of the major barriers to divorce is expense, lawyers, courts, accountants.....many economic barriers, while on the other hand, there are economic incentives to becomming and staying married.
And the rest of that story, is simply, beautiful women attract men easily and the men want ownership of them and will marry to acquire it. It all starts off on the wrong foot because of the real reason....ownership.

What you suggest is not a one-way street, both parties need to agree to this situation. Ownership connotes something with which the man has to buy this property, whether it's in the form of power, material things or prestige, to name a few.

The blushing bride wants to have those things and tolerate being sold like a piece of property

In other words maybe an idiot, but I'm certainly a romantic and I believe in love. Physical beauty fades I do not see why anyone would want to buy that beauty and Marry it, sounds like one gigantic pain in the ass.

That system of marriage is a carry over from feudal times when men sold their daughters for a nice 'dowry'.

Right now, I have a friend who can't seem to make ends meet. Her answer, instead of working smarter is to find a man who will 'stabilize' her life. When she does, less than a year into that marriage, she will find him (whomever) completely unsuitable as a husband. But, though fairly well educated, she is too dim to see that.

Consider this. It is a movie we were shown in one of my college classes:

In the story, Johnny Lingo (played by Makee K. Blaisdell) is a shrewd, but honest and well-liked Polynesian trader. It is actually told from the perspective of a Caucasian shopkeeper, Mr. Harris (played by Francis Urry). Lingo has come to one island to bargain for a wife. Mahana (played by Naomi Kahoilua), the young woman he desires, is considered by her neighbors and even her father to be of little value, sullen, ugly and undesirable. As the bargaining is about to begin, women of the island brag to each other of how many cows their husbands had given for each of them, and comment that Mahana's father will be lucky to see one cow as Lingo's offer. The counselor advises Mahana's father to ask for three cows so that finally, Moki (Mahana's father, played by Joseph Ah Quin) will at least get one cow.

The bargaining begins and as the counselor suggested Moki asked Johnny Lingo three cows. Islanders laugh derisively, then wait for Lingo to make his counter-offer, certain that he will make a devastating bargain.

Lingo, considering, says that three cows are many... "But not enough for my Mahana!" He then offers the unheard-of price of eight cows for her hand in marriage. The next day, the villagers gather at the house of Mahana's father to see the completion of the deal. Some of the islanders say that Lingo reconsidered his deal and would not show up. But Lingo brings the cows and subsequently marries Mahana that night, enduring some derision for a deal that many believe to be foolish, while Moki revels in his newfound prosperity. He and Mahana then leave the island on a trading trip.

When they come back, Harris discovers, to his astonishment, that Mahana is a beautiful, happy woman. Even Mahana's father began accusing Johnny Lingo of cheating him by giving only eight cows for a girl truly worth ten cows. Johnny, her proud husband, had proved to her that her true worth had nothing to do with what others saw, but only what she truly was.

He had made the best bargain of all -- a few cows for a life with the woman that he loved.


Sure, but these are not feudal times, back then women were considered "chattel". Today the "Glass Ceiling" has been shattered, women are visible in the high income industries and positions. There is no reason for to "buy" beauty. To do so clearly speaks to a man's self esteem and character flaws.
And the rest of that story, is simply, beautiful women attract men easily and the men want ownership of them and will marry to acquire it. It all starts off on the wrong foot because of the real reason....ownership.

What you suggest is not a one-way street, both parties need to agree to this situation. Ownership connotes something with which the man has to buy this property, whether it's in the form of power, material things or prestige, to name a few.

The blushing bride wants to have those things and tolerate being sold like a piece of property

In other words maybe an idiot, but I'm certainly a romantic and I believe in love. Physical beauty fades I do not see why anyone would want to buy that beauty and Marry it, sounds like one gigantic pain in the ass.

Interesting Theory.

In Hollywood, people are to beautiful to marry.

My theory is that In Hollywood, people are to rich and young to remain married. Let's face it, one of the major barriers to divorce is expense, lawyers, courts, accountants.....many economic barriers, while on the other hand, there are economic incentives to becomming and staying married.

I agree with this. The perception of the culture in Hollywood dictates that each person stay single and have a series of monogamous relationships...Probably better for publicity as well.
After becoming mega millionaires from almost a century of promoting violence and guns in films, now they want to take all the guns.

Hollywood denizens are the biggest hypocrites on the face of the earth. No surprise here.


The worst ones took gore to the level of obscenity and now blame Republicans. They think people they brainwashed are too stupid to see their perverse projections. :rolleyes:
And the rest of that story, is simply, beautiful women attract men easily and the men want ownership of them and will marry to acquire it. It all starts off on the wrong foot because of the real reason....ownership.

What you suggest is not a one-way street, both parties need to agree to this situation. Ownership connotes something with which the man has to buy this property, whether it's in the form of power, material things or prestige, to name a few.

The blushing bride wants to have those things and tolerate being sold like a piece of property

In other words maybe an idiot, but I'm certainly a romantic and I believe in love. Physical beauty fades I do not see why anyone would want to buy that beauty and Marry it, sounds like one gigantic pain in the ass.

Interesting Theory.

In Hollywood, people are to beautiful to marry.

My theory is that In Hollywood, people are to rich and young to remain married. Let's face it, one of the major barriers to divorce is expense, lawyers, courts, accountants.....many economic barriers, while on the other hand, there are economic incentives to becomming and staying married.

People who can afford to have and do what they want have and do what they want.

But what is really bizarre to me is that when the 'little people' are harping on 'corporations' they seem to overlook the mega rich Hollywood types.
For those who hadn't noticed, the institution of "marriage" in Tinseltown has long been something of a joke. Marriages are transitory things in Hollywood, killed by hormones, success, long separations, boredom, and narcissism. When asked why she had been married eight times, Liz Taylor responded, "I guess I'm just an old-fashioned girl." That's Hollywood.

The proof is in the rarity of "real" marriages where people actually take their marriage vows seriously.

And yet, these sick, immature twits have jumped on the bandwagon en masse, in support of "gay marriage."

The irony is absolutely priceless. This population of misfits who couldn't give a fig about marriage between a man and a woman, have consecrated gay marriage to a cultural "sacrament," almost equal to abortion.

I understand the recent Grammy Awards included a celebration of gay marriage, with multiple couples participating. I might have the details wrong since I never watch such trash.

It is to vomit.

Here's a simple solution.

Don't watch TV.

Don't turn on a radio.

Don't go outside.

Don't talk to anyone.

Don't read anything.

Don't look at anything.

Don't hear anything.

If none of those don't work to keep the queers away, please kill yourself.

Thank you in advance.

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For those who hadn't noticed, the institution of "marriage" in Tinseltown has long been something of a joke. Marriages are transitory things in Hollywood, killed by hormones, success, long separations, boredom, and narcissism. When asked why she had been married eight times, Liz Taylor responded, "I guess I'm just an old-fashioned girl." That's Hollywood.

The proof is in the rarity of "real" marriages where people actually take their marriage vows seriously.

And yet, these sick, immature twits have jumped on the bandwagon en masse, in support of "gay marriage."

The irony is absolutely priceless. This population of misfits who couldn't give a fig about marriage between a man and a woman, have consecrated gay marriage to a cultural "sacrament," almost equal to abortion.

I understand the recent Grammy Awards included a celebration of gay marriage, with multiple couples participating. I might have the details wrong since I never watch such trash.

It is to vomit.

There's a global war going on at the moment over gay marriage...including in the parliaments of many countries.
In such a war their are warriors on either side.

IMO, 'separation of church and state' should see gay people allowed to be married, by the state.
With the gay people then working out the morality of it with whoever is their God.

If I were a gay person I'd be demanding equality/equal rights, ...the right to marry my sweetheart the same as hetero people.

With Hollywood we expect drama...par for the course.
Gay people...so far, basically, a persecuted minority.

[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agZ91vQu7XE [/ame]
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It's interesting that the issue of legalized homosexual unions is political rather than social. The moderate sane left gives lip service (no pun intended) to the concept but generally avoids the sleaze and degenerate behavior connected to radical homosexuality. The radical left which claims to be tolerant of fundamental Islamic jihad terrorism seems to be intolerant of fundamental Christian beliefs.

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