Hollywood fights back: Oscars open ceremony with a race joke mocking black protesters haha!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Anyone see that? Oscars first line of the opening ceremony was that they are here "to celebrate our best and our whitest" haha!!! Host then said "er...I mean our brightest".

The crowd laughed.

A big fuck you to the protesters. Hollywoods white libs call.others racist. But call.THEM racist...and oh how the table turns!
Well that had nothing to do with the protesters... but hey whatever. Good for you taking the chance to bash black people. :thup:

Um yes it did. Racist blacks are protesting the mostly white nominees. The Oscars opened with a joke about it.

Im bashing racists. In this case...its black people who want fewer white people in the Oscars.
Great...now on stage a black singer named John Legend just compared modern black prisoners to the slaves from the 1800s.

Um...yeah except slaves didnt volunteer to be slaves.

Prisoners volunteered for jail when they committed crimes you moron.
Wow. Had to let that one sink in.

He actually tried to compare black prisoners to slaves. As if a white "massa" forced a black guy to rob a gas station. Wonder what the white trailor trash rednecks in jail will use as an excuse.
Wow. Had to let that one sink in.

He actually tried to compare black prisoners to slaves. As if a white "massa" forced a black guy to rob a gas station. Wonder what the white trailor trash rednecks in jail will use as an excuse.
An applause line for the white folks...feel good about themselves...
Whits work harder and have high goals for themselves and they don't allow themselves to be mastered by society, and are therefor the ultimate race. Blacks are just jealous at what they can never be.
Wow. Had to let that one sink in.

He actually tried to compare black prisoners to slaves. As if a white "massa" forced a black guy to rob a gas station. Wonder what the white trailor trash rednecks in jail will use as an excuse.
An applause line for the white folks...feel good about themselves...

Pathetic wasnt it. Half of them were applauding while thinking "Dude...they arent slaves, they are in jail for committing crimes" but would never say it.

Poor oppressed black prisoners. Apparently just like slaves. Even if jail is voluntary.
Its just insane.

When will people realize that in 2015 your success or failure depends ONLY on your God damn decisions. Period. If you do shit to get arrested for and refuse to get an education or work your way up in a job from bottom to middle to top....your life will suck. Its not any skin colors fault.

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