Muslim man stabs two nonbelievers: NOT A HATE CRIME


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
A Muslim man on a bus asked his two victims what their religion was. When they apparently confirmed that they were non-believers or infidels, the man then stabbed them.

And according to the assistant prosecutor in the case, the situation went from a verbal altercation as it
"deescalated to a physical altercation."

Hate crime legislation is unconstitutional imo. Buf if you're going to so blatantly not apply it where applicable, then that is a gross miscarriage of justice.


No hate crime charges for Detroit Muslim who stabbed 2 after asking them their religion - BizPac Review
It's time to wake up people:

Now That The Religious Are Exposed, Welcome The Soon Coming Destruction Of Religion

I already know that the religious desperately scramble to try and deny what is obvious all the while you seem to think you are fooling anyone. Millions if not billions of people lead to their death over thousands of years over filthy pathetic factually proven foundations of religious lies.

Take a look for example what happened between the Muslims and the Jewish people in the middle east of which they are still fighting. But at one time the Jewish had to leave Israel or the Muslims were going to make them extinct.

Who was nice enough to give them refuge until getting fed up with their religious rhetoric? Germany did. But because the Jewish people valued filthy religious lies more than they valued human life, they were not only evicted from Israel, but they were also evicted from Germany only no other country wanted their religious filthy plaguing their country so Germany got so fed up with them and the world around them for no one else offering to take them, that the holocaust began and all because people valued filthy religious lies more than they valued human life they had to suffer being imprisoned in camps.

Since no one else would take them because no one else wanted a mass number imposing their filthy religious lies in their country, the world decided to be humanitarian and take back Israel so they could take their filthy religious lies back over there where they are back at war with the Muslims.

It quite obviously is not over land as you will likely be so very desperate to try and make that out to be (the religious always try and make anything else to blame because they are that weak and pathetic to take responsibility for their own actions) because the Muslims know that if they evict them again that the world will just come back and give it back to what would then be even a more scarce population of religious fools who continue to value lies more than they value human life while, like you, trying to pass the blame off n everyone else.

Everyone of every religion values filthy religious lies more than they value human life and proof of this is quite simply that they are religious.

Thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions of people and still the world is plagued with the disease known as religion.

The holocaust happened because people value lies more than they value human lives and those same people seek tot ry and blame everyone else for their own actions because they are too weak and pathetic to accept responsibility for their own actions and throw their religion in the garbage where it belongs.

How many people died for hundreds of years since before they were evicted, then during what they call a holocaust and now since the holocaust? Millions of people and here you sit practising religions only defence which is quite obviously ignorance.

Jesus Christ according to the religious themselves went to Rome spewing his religious filth and was slung up on a cross thus another fine example of filthy religious lies leading to war and divide exemplified by the religious themselves. How much more greedy or selfish can anyone be than to role play that which is factually proven not to exist aka a god?!!

The religious filthy lies, since long before Christ, eventually lead to the collapse of the Roman Empire and how many millions died there?

To top it off, the religious then stole the cross from the dead and called it a crucifix.

Many religious are those who worship or pray to the factually proven lie referred to by the religious as god, which is acknowledgement from themselves that what they worship or pray to must have intelligence to be able to understand. They also claim that what they pray to or worship is the creator of everything.

Not anything is able to go poof into existence out of nothingness, let alone be able to develop an intelligence without there first be energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.

Share with me even one example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness?! No one ever will because the fact remains that it takes energy matter and time to recreate energy and matter.

You never will because what I share is the non contestable factual evidence falsifying every religious fundamental belief, what I share proves that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies. I do this because these lies have lead to the death of millions if not billions of people over thousands of years.

Again, the religious also steal from everything and attempt to attribute what they steal to their foundation of factually proven lies to assist them in taking advantage of those from a time of weakness for power and control over the many. (time of weakness, innocent little baby, just lost a loved one, just got raped, homeless, starving, just got in or out of jail, the list goes on and on) For example a thousand years before some selfish liar chipped out of stone what they call the ten commandments, would you want your family murdered, your possessions stolen etc. Throw away religion and there are are still morals that existed, which the religious stole, long before the religious stole those morals and attempted to attribute what they stole to their foundation of factually proven religious filthy lies.

I say to all of you who for now stoop to being religious, you are far better than that and all you have to do to prove it is accept responsibility for your actions instead of continuing to practice religions only defence which is ignorance and throw your religion where every religion belongs and that place to throw it is quite obviously in the garbage and a long time coming.

I value lives more than I value filthy religious lies and because I care I am here for all of you.

Here is a video for everyone to love, even those who for now degrade themselves with the title Muslims (every religion is just as filthy as any other)

What a breeze and my pleasure.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
It's time to wake up people:

Now That The Religious Are Exposed, Welcome The Soon Coming Destruction Of Religion

I already know that the religious desperately scramble to try and deny what is obvious all the while you seem to think you are fooling anyone. Millions if not billions of people lead to their death over thousands of years over filthy pathetic factually proven foundations of religious lies.

Take a look for example what happened between the Muslims and the Jewish people in the middle east of which they are still fighting. But at one time the Jewish had to leave Israel or the Muslims were going to make them extinct.

Who was nice enough to give them refuge until getting fed up with their religious rhetoric? Germany did. But because the Jewish people valued filthy religious lies more than they valued human life, they were not only evicted from Israel, but they were also evicted from Germany only no other country wanted their religious filthy plaguing their country so Germany got so fed up with them and the world around them for no one else offering to take them, that the holocaust began and all because people valued filthy religious lies more than they valued human life they had to suffer being imprisoned in camps.

Since no one else would take them because no one else wanted a mass number imposing their filthy religious lies in their country, the world decided to be humanitarian and take back Israel so they could take their filthy religious lies back over there where they are back at war with the Muslims.

It quite obviously is not over land as you will likely be so very desperate to try and make that out to be (the religious always try and make anything else to blame because they are that weak and pathetic to take responsibility for their own actions) because the Muslims know that if they evict them again that the world will just come back and give it back to what would then be even a more scarce population of religious fools who continue to value lies more than they value human life while, like you, trying to pass the blame off n everyone else.

Everyone of every religion values filthy religious lies more than they value human life and proof of this is quite simply that they are religious.

Thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions of people and still the world is plagued with the disease known as religion.

The holocaust happened because people value lies more than they value human lives and those same people seek tot ry and blame everyone else for their own actions because they are too weak and pathetic to accept responsibility for their own actions and throw their religion in the garbage where it belongs.

How many people died for hundreds of years since before they were evicted, then during what they call a holocaust and now since the holocaust? Millions of people and here you sit practising religions only defence which is quite obviously ignorance.

Jesus Christ according to the religious themselves went to Rome spewing his religious filth and was slung up on a cross thus another fine example of filthy religious lies leading to war and divide exemplified by the religious themselves. How much more greedy or selfish can anyone be than to role play that which is factually proven not to exist aka a god?!!

The religious filthy lies, since long before Christ, eventually lead to the collapse of the Roman Empire and how many millions died there?

To top it off, the religious then stole the cross from the dead and called it a crucifix.

Many religious are those who worship or pray to the factually proven lie referred to by the religious as god, which is acknowledgement from themselves that what they worship or pray to must have intelligence to be able to understand. They also claim that what they pray to or worship is the creator of everything.

Not anything is able to go poof into existence out of nothingness, let alone be able to develop an intelligence without there first be energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.

Share with me even one example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness?! No one ever will because the fact remains that it takes energy matter and time to recreate energy and matter.

You never will because what I share is the non contestable factual evidence falsifying every religious fundamental belief, what I share proves that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies. I do this because these lies have lead to the death of millions if not billions of people over thousands of years.

Again, the religious also steal from everything and attempt to attribute what they steal to their foundation of factually proven lies to assist them in taking advantage of those from a time of weakness for power and control over the many. (time of weakness, innocent little baby, just lost a loved one, just got raped, homeless, starving, just got in or out of jail, the list goes on and on) For example a thousand years before some selfish liar chipped out of stone what they call the ten commandments, would you want your family murdered, your possessions stolen etc. Throw away religion and there are are still morals that existed, which the religious stole, long before the religious stole those morals and attempted to attribute what they stole to their foundation of factually proven religious filthy lies.

I say to all of you who for now stoop to being religious, you are far better than that and all you have to do to prove it is accept responsibility for your actions instead of continuing to practice religions only defence which is ignorance and throw your religion where every religion belongs and that place to throw it is quite obviously in the garbage and a long time coming.

I value lives more than I value filthy religious lies and because I care I am here for all of you.

Here is a video for everyone to love, even those who for now degrade themselves with the title Muslims (every religion is just as filthy as any other)

What a breeze and my pleasure.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

P.S. To long, be gone.
yeah , too long , I just read the first few lines and then saw how long it was . One point though , attacks on good religions like Christianity only tend to make it stronger . Lots of good Christians have an independent nature so they will remain Christian no matter what . See china for its Christian underground church's , see the Jews in irans Jewish community . The Jewish community is not a nice place to live but the Jews have lived in that sharia run country for centuries . Well 2 points because here is my point number 2 , the biggest killer of humans has been Governments and that's throughout human history .

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