Hobby Lobby and the Loss of America's Soul

Just like the Constitution does not authorize anyone to compel religious people to practice against their religion....

Someone is forcing these bible thumpers to operate a business? No?

No they are forcing them to pay for abortion.

No they aren't. The ACA doesn't cover abortion, though it should. And even if it did, if you want to operate a business in this country you must abide by the laws of the country. This includes providing, if you provide insurance, coverage for preventative care including reproductive care.
No they are forcing them to pay for abortion.


No one’s being ‘forced’ to pay for abortion.

The employer contribution to the employees’ health insurance premium is compensation for work provided, the same as a wage or salary. How the employee uses that compensation – be it his wage or health insurance – is solely the business of the employee and his health provider.

Indeed, employers have no right to interfere with the private deliberations between the employee/patient and his doctor, as to what is best for the overall health and well being of the employee/patient.

not being forced to pay...? OK then.....let the employer provide the insurance of his choice without abortion coverage....

That's too much like Right.
Someone is forcing these bible thumpers to operate a business? No?

No they are forcing them to pay for abortion.

No they aren't. The ACA doesn't cover abortion, though it should. And even if it did, if you want to operate a business in this country you must abide by the laws of the country. This includes providing, if you provide insurance, coverage for preventative care including reproductive care.

you're splitting hairs.....it doesn't cover abortion operations but it does cover abortefacients which are pills that stop a pregnancy.....technically an abortion....

there are religions (backed up by science) that believe life begins at conception.....and that life is sacred...

personally i don't think a business should even be responsible for employee health care....
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I wonder if you leftists think the same thing for news organizations?

After all, they are just businesses, therefore they should not enjoy first amendment rights of free speech.

I say force them to report the truth or suffer massive and bankrupting lawsuits.

After all, if the threshold for religious freedom is cut off at the notion of being a business, then the same standard applies to freedom of speech.
I wonder if you leftists think the same thing for news organizations?

After all, they are just businesses, therefore they should not enjoy first amendment rights of free speech.

I say force them to report the truth or suffer massive and bankrupting lawsuits.

After all, if the threshold for religious freedom is cut off at the notion of being a business, then the same standard applies to freedom of speech.

Well good for you sunshine but your faith doesn't allow you to fuck other people out of their rights as dictated by law and your faith doesn't allow to choose how other people live. Thank christ you'll never be smart enough to own your own business though so I think you'll never have to face this problem.

And I don't even know what your last sentence means but I appreciate how emotional you're getting you silly bitch.

If you had a clue I still wouldn't be concerned...

When you make enough money to buy your own rubbers, maybe then you'll be able to let go of Oblamers sack...

Don't let go to soon, there are millions in line behind you...

You have a sad and paranoid view of the world my friend. :lol:

...So you don't have proof?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2S26vaITck]Obama Stole the Election - YouTube[/ame]

Apparently you don't know what the word proof means.

Not at all, we live a very comfortable lifestyle, I have based on these principles all of my life...

Now, go along and play with the kids...
Its a pretty safe bet that every time he types a four letter word he looks over his shoulder to see if his mom is watching.

If you had a clue I still wouldn't be concerned...

When you make enough money to buy your own rubbers, maybe then you'll be able to let go of Oblamers sack...

Don't let go to soon, there are millions in line behind you...

You have a sad and paranoid view of the world my friend. :lol:

Apparently you don't know what the word proof means.

Not at all, we live a very comfortable lifestyle, I have based on these principles all of my life...

Now, go along and play with the kids...
he could just sell off the business you know.
He is being a baby.

Why should he have to sell off the business he spent his life building up because the federal government suddenly decided to intrude in his decisions? Does that sound like a free nation to you?

I'm sure the same argument was made when we passed anti-discrimination legislation. That damn intrusion on the side of fairness.

Maybe employers can decide they don't want to pay for amputations--after all your body was made in God's image...right?

And the GOP wonders why it is losing traction with independent minded women.
Corn and Sandra Fluke, true american heroines.

he could just sell off the business you know.
He is being a baby.

Why should he have to sell off the business he spent his life building up because the federal government suddenly decided to intrude in his decisions? Does that sound like a free nation to you?

I'm sure the same argument was made when we passed anti-discrimination legislation. That damn intrusion on the side of fairness.

Maybe employers can decide they don't want to pay for amputations--after all your body was made in God's image...right?

And the GOP wonders why it is losing traction with independent minded women.
The liberal war against religion is in full swing....

Starting Jan 1, 2013 Hobby Lobby will need to come up with $1.3 million PER DAY in IRS excise taxes because they are sticking to their religious principles against Obama and his anti-religion minions....

You break the law you pay the price.

Welcome to America, chump.

Rule. Of. Law.

Most crafters like Michaels better.
he could just sell off the business you know.
He is being a baby.

Why should he have to sell off the business he spent his life building up because the federal government suddenly decided to intrude in his decisions? Does that sound like a free nation to you?

I'm sure the same argument was made when we passed anti-discrimination legislation. That damn intrusion on the side of fairness.

Maybe employers can decide they don't want to pay for amputations--after all your body was made in God's image...right?

And the GOP wonders why it is losing traction with independent minded women.

What more fascism do you wish to impose?
Why should he have to sell off the business he spent his life building up because the federal government suddenly decided to intrude in his decisions? Does that sound like a free nation to you?

I'm sure the same argument was made when we passed anti-discrimination legislation. That damn intrusion on the side of fairness.

Maybe employers can decide they don't want to pay for amputations--after all your body was made in God's image...right?

And the GOP wonders why it is losing traction with independent minded women.

What more fascism do you wish to impose?

Isn't there a pipe-bomb you should be building?
The liberal war against religion is in full swing....

Starting Jan 1, 2013 Hobby Lobby will need to come up with $1.3 million PER DAY in IRS excise taxes because they are sticking to their religious principles against Obama and his anti-religion minions....

If your point is that giving our employers that much control over our health care expenditures was a real stupid idea, :clap2:

:beer: To a true public option!

have to agree with you there (first part only).......we should separate health care costs from all sorts of middlemen including employers, government, insurance companies, etc. It should be an individual purchase directly from the provider (doctor) with an added and low cost major medical policy for the big emergencies....costs would plummet compared to Obama public care....

The way in which services are paid for also needs to change. Can you imagine the clusterfucked education budgets if teachers were paid on a 'per pupil / per test' basis?

The teachers may have a politically powerful union, but they got nuttin' on the American Medical Association. If the tax payers are going to be on the hook for basic care so as to keep the streets lookin' neat for the tourists, We need to pay doctors a fair salary to provide basic care, no more of this per patient / per procedure bullshit.
I'm sure the same argument was made when we passed anti-discrimination legislation. That damn intrusion on the side of fairness.

Maybe employers can decide they don't want to pay for amputations--after all your body was made in God's image...right?

And the GOP wonders why it is losing traction with independent minded women.

What more fascism do you wish to impose?

Isn't there a pipe-bomb you should be building?
Why it is progressives tools like you who like to commit mass murder.
What more fascism do you wish to impose?

Isn't there a pipe-bomb you should be building?
Why it is progressives tools like you who like to commit mass murder.

Really? Well, damn, the NRA needs to start trying to court us, then.

God, you're a nimrod.
The liberal war against religion is in full swing....

Starting Jan 1, 2013 Hobby Lobby will need to come up with $1.3 million PER DAY in IRS excise taxes because they are sticking to their religious principles against Obama and his anti-religion minions....

You break the law you pay the price.

Welcome to America, chump.

Rule. Of. Law.

Most crafters like Michaels better.

unless you're an illegal then you get a re ward.
he could just sell off the business you know.
He is being a baby.

Why should he have to sell off the business he spent his life building up because the federal government suddenly decided to intrude in his decisions? Does that sound like a free nation to you?

Why should he give a fuck if his employees want to use birth control? If the employers want to be up to their dicks in our healthcare business, everyone needs to play by the same rules, regardless of religion, creed, shade of Monkey khaki, etc., etc.

The problem is forcing people to buy health care from their employer via tax code favoritism and manipulation, in effect creating monopolies. Stop screaming about the symptoms and start looking at the problem.

Fair and simple taxes, public budgets that are balanced by law, transparency in all things politics and then, build and economy that your kids can drive to the stars.

It's not rocket science, Monkeys.


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