HIV positive man films himself having sex with 31 people in 4 months

This isn't a single incident.
I call for registration of all HIV infected homosexual

Nice try. Why not call for registration of all HIV infected people? Afraid you'd have to register? Or is it just about hating gays and not about a health issue?

Early on, straight people were not getting it as the initial carrier was homosexual. But HIV got in the blood supply, and adolescents are becoming sexually active and more promiscuous earlier. If I recall correctly, though, recent data shows that HIV is increasing in homosexuals. This is a newer generation and they may not be as aware as the one before them. For a time, the greatest increase was among heterosexuals, but I don't believe that is the trend any longer. (No, I won't look for a link. I'm retired from healthcare. So it is a moot point personally.)

I am mid 60s. I had two gay classmates who both died in the first run of it. Many of the gay people I worked with in the 80s did as well.

The current status of the disease being treatable has led to a portion of the gay community to return to the promiscuity that was a hallmark of the lifestyle during the 70's and early 80's.

The problem is a new strain can emerge that ISNT treatable, and then back to the bad old days we go.
Stating scientific factual possibilities is hate speech! Also the current strains of HIV can adapt to become resistant to the medications, so that they are useless.
Nice try. Why not call for registration of all HIV infected people? Afraid you'd have to register? Or is it just about hating gays and not about a health issue?

Early on, straight people were not getting it as the initial carrier was homosexual. But HIV got in the blood supply, and adolescents are becoming sexually active and more promiscuous earlier. If I recall correctly, though, recent data shows that HIV is increasing in homosexuals. This is a newer generation and they may not be as aware as the one before them. For a time, the greatest increase was among heterosexuals, but I don't believe that is the trend any longer. (No, I won't look for a link. I'm retired from healthcare. So it is a moot point personally.)

I am mid 60s. I had two gay classmates who both died in the first run of it. Many of the gay people I worked with in the 80s did as well.

The current status of the disease being treatable has led to a portion of the gay community to return to the promiscuity that was a hallmark of the lifestyle during the 70's and early 80's.

The problem is a new strain can emerge that ISNT treatable, and then back to the bad old days we go.

That's too bad. HIV is a virus and viruses mutate. A fact not generally known is that the scientific community has for some time now had grave concern that HIV would mutate into a form that is spread much like the flu virus and would not require blood/body fluid contact. When I was practicing I was required to stay up on the topic.

Also, vaccines have not reached a level of perfection. Of course, neither has the flu vaccine. But HIV is an RNA 'reverse transcriptase' virus. What that means for the human is that the virus incorporates itself into the human cell and the human cell then begins to replicate the virus. Any treatment that has been effective has been one that has shut down the replication of the virus. But, as stated earlier, viruses mutate.
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wow. thanks for the link. that is amazing. if you knowingly transmit the disease, that definitely should be a crime, unless the person consents to sex, then i say, hey, your roll of dice.

some libs are just insane.

Thats an important word there. Some...not all.

If he knew he had aids then lock his ass up for attempted murder. Period.
HIV is not always transmitted with only one exposure. Most who acquire the disease have had multiple exposures. There has to be a high enough viral load for it to be transmitted.
It's amazing how liberals like Noomi are wrong on just about everything.

Noomi, do you think adults having sex with prepubescent children is wrong and should be criminally punished?

I'm praying you are not wrong on at least one issue.

Doesn't deserve an answer.
From the link: "If convicted of knowingly transmitting HIV, he could get up to life in prison."

Sounds like what I said.

Pay attention, Liberals are making demands this not be a criminal offense. The reason? Stigma on the AIDS carrier.
31 cases of Aids plus all the people they subsequently put at risk for HIV goes beyond anything considered a stigma.

He also should not be exposed to other inmates without constant supervision. People who acquire HIV and engage in unprotected sex out of wedlock are candidates for the disease. Prisons should be rehabilitation facilities, not disease-spreading edifices.

And yes, people who have HIV and expose other people to it are imposing sickness on everybody else. It's criminal since HIV still kills.
From the link: "If convicted of knowingly transmitting HIV, he could get up to life in prison."

Sounds like what I said.

Pay attention, Liberals are making demands this not be a criminal offense. The reason? Stigma on the AIDS carrier.
31 cases of Aids plus all the people they subsequently put at risk for HIV goes beyond anything considered a stigma.

He also should not be exposed to other inmates without constant supervision. People who acquire HIV and engage in unprotected sex out of wedlock are candidates for the disease. Prisons should be rehabilitation facilities, not disease-spreading edifices.

And yes, people who have HIV and expose other people to it are imposing sickness on everybody else. It's criminal since HIV still kills.

This is indicative of a syndrome called the AIDS-terrorist syndrome. I first saw it declared in urban dictionary. My dead friend did the same thing, only without the camera part and with many many many poor unfortunate victims. Read about it here. Like I said, it's so well known the gays even have coined a term for it. Maybe the urge to kill to project repressed anger at being molested is also "born that way?":

Long ago a dear family friend who was molested by a man, grew up to be very confused sexually. He had no access to mental health providers and at that time the taboo over discussing child molestation and how it affects the imprinting on a child's mind sexually was taboo. It still is today, but from the lavender group instead of conservatives. Nobody wants people catching on. Even the American Psychological Association turned belly up and been completely taken over by this political interest that seems hellbent on accessing the minds and bodies of children.

The family friend... He grew up sexually confused in that he fell in love with women but could only express himself compulsively with males, like he learned/was imprinted to as a child. More and more he became promiscuous. One by one he alienated his hetero friends who if male, he compulsively hit on for sex. He turned to drugs and put the afterburner on his promiscuity, gatheing with fellow "addicts" his condition snowballed. Ironically he medicated untreated wounds of being sexually molested by a male by having sex with males. Speculation on who "turned" him abounded. I think it was his boy scout master. He was in the boys scouts when all this started happening...

Naturally, he contracted HIV. But in a twist of sadism towards his original assailant, he projected this anger onto the general gay male population. He went out and had unprotected sex with as many of them as he could, telling no one of his status. He may have killed hundreds. Maybe thousands? He liked to "get around". After he died of a long, very expensive and lingering horrible death of AIDS, his brother approached us and told us the missing parts of his story. We were especially shocked about the vendetta and how he dealt with it using projection towards innocent people. The name of his assailant is unknown, but it could have easily been "Harvey Milk".
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Here's a site that has the definition my friend suffered from:

AIDS terrorist:
Recent coinage for a person infected with the AIDS virus who knowingly engages in unprotected-sex . AIDS terrorist - Dictionary of sexual terms

Behind any terrorist is unresolved anger. Being sexually exploited as a child comes with a price if you can't get therapy [as a matter of law now in California and New Jersey] to change what was done to you. Especially a male child. Boys grow up to be men and men have funny and sometimes extreme ways of expressing repressed rage.

Before the rainbow peanut gallery chimes in, yes, I've got some statistics for you on how prevalent gay men being molested as boys actually is. Bear in mind this comes from the CDC where they are trained not to use the words "pervasive" or "epidemic" lightly...

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure we need to give this self-diagnosed "born that way" thing another look.
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From the link: "If convicted of knowingly transmitting HIV, he could get up to life in prison."

Sounds like what I said.

Pay attention, Liberals are making demands this not be a criminal offense. The reason? Stigma on the AIDS carrier.

Name the "Liberals" making such demands! Do it now or forever be known as a liar!

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