History's verdict on Trump will be devastating

Rye Catcher

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2019
A vindictive POTUS who ignores the moral values in the Mission Statement, i.e. The Preamble to COTUS, who has violated his oath to support COTUS in words and acts, is unworthy of the office of trust. President Trump has dishonored the office he has had the privilege of this high office, as have the Senators who failed to remove him when the opportunity was there.

Examples in evidence:

"While the coronavirus spreads across the nation with no regards to state borders, the nation's governors are taking wildly different approaches to tackling the disease, resulting in a patchwork national map that undermines our ability to stop COVID-19 effectively. Coupled with the disastrous leadership of a president more interested in retaliating against his perceived enemies than employing his powers for good, the fractured response to coronavirus reveals how much has to be healed in our nation's system. It also sets in motion an inevitable showdown between Trump and those state leaders who are taking coronavirus seriously, a divide that is only going to get worse given Trump's toxic tendency to blame others for his own shortcomings"

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sharpened her criticism of President Trump’s early dismissal of the coronavirus, saying the delay cost American lives.

“His denial at the beginning was deadly,” said Pelosi to open her interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper.

“His delaying of getting equipment — it continues — his delaying of getting equipment to where it is needed is deadly, and now I think the best thing is to prevent more loss of life rather than open things up because we just don’t know. We have to have testing, testing, testing — that’s what we said from the start before we can evaluate the nature of it in some of these other regions as well.”

  • PBS NewsHour reporter Yamiche Alcindor confronted President Donald Trump with his own statements during the daily coronavirus taskforce briefing on Sunday as US coronavirus cases rose to nearly 140,000.
  • In response, Trump snapped at Alcindor to "be nice" and not "be threatening."
  • The president continued berating Alcindor as she pressed on and tried to redirect his attention to her question about earlier statements he made to Fox News host Sean Hannity about the shortage in medical equipment as states battle the novel coronavirus.
  • "When journalists get up and ask questions that are so threatening—" Trump began. Alcindor hit back: "I was quoting you directly from your interview with Sean Hannity."

A vindictive POTUS who ignores the moral values in the Mission Statement, i.e. The Preamble to COTUS, who has violated his oath to support COTUS in words and acts, is unworthy of the office of trust. President Trump has dishonored the office he has had the privilege of this high office, as have the Senators who failed to remove him when the opportunity was there.

Examples in evidence:

"While the coronavirus spreads across the nation with no regards to state borders, the nation's governors are taking wildly different approaches to tackling the disease, resulting in a patchwork national map that undermines our ability to stop COVID-19 effectively. Coupled with the disastrous leadership of a president more interested in retaliating against his perceived enemies than employing his powers for good, the fractured response to coronavirus reveals how much has to be healed in our nation's system. It also sets in motion an inevitable showdown between Trump and those state leaders who are taking coronavirus seriously, a divide that is only going to get worse given Trump's toxic tendency to blame others for his own shortcomings"

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sharpened her criticism of President Trump’s early dismissal of the coronavirus, saying the delay cost American lives.

“His denial at the beginning was deadly,” said Pelosi to open her interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper.

“His delaying of getting equipment — it continues — his delaying of getting equipment to where it is needed is deadly, and now I think the best thing is to prevent more loss of life rather than open things up because we just don’t know. We have to have testing, testing, testing — that’s what we said from the start before we can evaluate the nature of it in some of these other regions as well.”

  • PBS NewsHour reporter Yamiche Alcindor confronted President Donald Trump with his own statements during the daily coronavirus taskforce briefing on Sunday as US coronavirus cases rose to nearly 140,000.
  • In response, Trump snapped at Alcindor to "be nice" and not "be threatening."
  • The president continued berating Alcindor as she pressed on and tried to redirect his attention to her question about earlier statements he made to Fox News host Sean Hannity about the shortage in medical equipment as states battle the novel coronavirus.
  • "When journalists get up and ask questions that are so threatening—" Trump began. Alcindor hit back: "I was quoting you directly from your interview with Sean Hannity."
Ya know. You really need to lay off the Ann Lanterns columns
A vindictive POTUS who ignores the moral values in the Mission Statement, i.e. The Preamble to COTUS, who has violated his oath to support COTUS in words and acts, is unworthy of the office of trust. President Trump has dishonored the office he has had the privilege of this high office, as have the Senators who failed to remove him when the opportunity was there.

Examples in evidence:

"While the coronavirus spreads across the nation with no regards to state borders, the nation's governors are taking wildly different approaches to tackling the disease, resulting in a patchwork national map that undermines our ability to stop COVID-19 effectively. Coupled with the disastrous leadership of a president more interested in retaliating against his perceived enemies than employing his powers for good, the fractured response to coronavirus reveals how much has to be healed in our nation's system. It also sets in motion an inevitable showdown between Trump and those state leaders who are taking coronavirus seriously, a divide that is only going to get worse given Trump's toxic tendency to blame others for his own shortcomings"

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sharpened her criticism of President Trump’s early dismissal of the coronavirus, saying the delay cost American lives.

“His denial at the beginning was deadly,” said Pelosi to open her interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper.

“His delaying of getting equipment — it continues — his delaying of getting equipment to where it is needed is deadly, and now I think the best thing is to prevent more loss of life rather than open things up because we just don’t know. We have to have testing, testing, testing — that’s what we said from the start before we can evaluate the nature of it in some of these other regions as well.”

  • PBS NewsHour reporter Yamiche Alcindor confronted President Donald Trump with his own statements during the daily coronavirus taskforce briefing on Sunday as US coronavirus cases rose to nearly 140,000.
  • In response, Trump snapped at Alcindor to "be nice" and not "be threatening."
  • The president continued berating Alcindor as she pressed on and tried to redirect his attention to her question about earlier statements he made to Fox News host Sean Hannity about the shortage in medical equipment as states battle the novel coronavirus.
  • "When journalists get up and ask questions that are so threatening—" Trump began. Alcindor hit back: "I was quoting you directly from your interview with Sean Hannity."
Trump should be removed from office. Yes, he IS responsible for much of what his happening.

I ran the White House pandemic office. Trump closed it.

The federal government is moving too slowly, due to a lack of leadership.

Beth Cameron
Beth Cameron is vice president for global biological policy and programs at the Nuclear Threat Initiative. She previously served as the senior director for global health security and biodefense on the White House National Security Council.

March 13, 2020 at 9:32 a.m. EDT

When President Trump took office in 2017, the White House’s National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense survived the transition intact. Its mission was the same as when I was asked to lead the office, established after the Ebola epidemic of 2014: to do everything possible within the vast powers and resources of the U.S. government to prepare for the next disease outbreak and prevent it from becoming an epidemic or pandemic.

One year later, I was mystified when the White House dissolved the office, leaving the country less prepared for pandemics like covid-19.'''''
A vindictive POTUS who ignores the moral values in the Mission Statement, i.e. The Preamble to COTUS, who has violated his oath to support COTUS in words and acts, is unworthy of the office of trust. President Trump has dishonored the office he has had the privilege of this high office, as have the Senators who failed to remove him when the opportunity was there.

Examples in evidence:

"While the coronavirus spreads across the nation with no regards to state borders, the nation's governors are taking wildly different approaches to tackling the disease, resulting in a patchwork national map that undermines our ability to stop COVID-19 effectively. Coupled with the disastrous leadership of a president more interested in retaliating against his perceived enemies than employing his powers for good, the fractured response to coronavirus reveals how much has to be healed in our nation's system. It also sets in motion an inevitable showdown between Trump and those state leaders who are taking coronavirus seriously, a divide that is only going to get worse given Trump's toxic tendency to blame others for his own shortcomings"

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sharpened her criticism of President Trump’s early dismissal of the coronavirus, saying the delay cost American lives.

“His denial at the beginning was deadly,” said Pelosi to open her interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper.

“His delaying of getting equipment — it continues — his delaying of getting equipment to where it is needed is deadly, and now I think the best thing is to prevent more loss of life rather than open things up because we just don’t know. We have to have testing, testing, testing — that’s what we said from the start before we can evaluate the nature of it in some of these other regions as well.”

  • PBS NewsHour reporter Yamiche Alcindor confronted President Donald Trump with his own statements during the daily coronavirus taskforce briefing on Sunday as US coronavirus cases rose to nearly 140,000.
  • In response, Trump snapped at Alcindor to "be nice" and not "be threatening."
  • The president continued berating Alcindor as she pressed on and tried to redirect his attention to her question about earlier statements he made to Fox News host Sean Hannity about the shortage in medical equipment as states battle the novel coronavirus.
  • "When journalists get up and ask questions that are so threatening—" Trump began. Alcindor hit back: "I was quoting you directly from your interview with Sean Hannity."
Like when Pelosi and her ilk condemned Trump when he said he thought China was lying
Or drafted bills to stop the travel bans he was putting into effect
Or condemned him for not following WHO recommendations and over reacting

A vindictive POTUS who ignores the moral values....

Too bad you killed all your credibility with years of delusional ravings. Even if you had a point at this time, past experience has killed in me the ability to take you seriously enough to read such a wall of text.

You should have thought about this possibility, when you were presented with say, an opportunity to call the President a "nazi" or a supreme court justice a "gang rapists". And you jumped on it, like a starving dog on a bone.

You took the base level of respect you had, as just a person, and destroyed it. YOu are a delusional troll whom, I'm not going to give a listen to, even if, you had a real point this time.

And that is all you.
Democrats can just can it. They have gone so far over the edge they don't even deserve a lifeline. They are using this virus as an excuse to attack the president. That's all it has become.

Rye, and others like him, that got maybe TWO sentences to get to the point, before I am done with them.

THey open with meaningless partisan pap, and they flushed their chance, down the crapper.

If someone with a stronger stomach can give me a bullet point (or two) summing up his actual point(s), I will be happy to address it.
A vindictive POTUS who ignores the moral values in the Mission Statement, i.e. The Preamble to COTUS, who has violated his oath to support COTUS in words and acts, is unworthy of the office of trust. President Trump has dishonored the office he has had the privilege of this high office, as have the Senators who failed to remove him when the opportunity was there.

Examples in evidence:

"While the coronavirus spreads across the nation with no regards to state borders, the nation's governors are taking wildly different approaches to tackling the disease, resulting in a patchwork national map that undermines our ability to stop COVID-19 effectively. Coupled with the disastrous leadership of a president more interested in retaliating against his perceived enemies than employing his powers for good, the fractured response to coronavirus reveals how much has to be healed in our nation's system. It also sets in motion an inevitable showdown between Trump and those state leaders who are taking coronavirus seriously, a divide that is only going to get worse given Trump's toxic tendency to blame others for his own shortcomings"

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sharpened her criticism of President Trump’s early dismissal of the coronavirus, saying the delay cost American lives.

“His denial at the beginning was deadly,” said Pelosi to open her interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper.

“His delaying of getting equipment — it continues — his delaying of getting equipment to where it is needed is deadly, and now I think the best thing is to prevent more loss of life rather than open things up because we just don’t know. We have to have testing, testing, testing — that’s what we said from the start before we can evaluate the nature of it in some of these other regions as well.”

  • PBS NewsHour reporter Yamiche Alcindor confronted President Donald Trump with his own statements during the daily coronavirus taskforce briefing on Sunday as US coronavirus cases rose to nearly 140,000.
  • In response, Trump snapped at Alcindor to "be nice" and not "be threatening."
  • The president continued berating Alcindor as she pressed on and tried to redirect his attention to her question about earlier statements he made to Fox News host Sean Hannity about the shortage in medical equipment as states battle the novel coronavirus.
  • "When journalists get up and ask questions that are so threatening—" Trump began. Alcindor hit back: "I was quoting you directly from your interview with Sean Hannity."
Ya know. You really need to lay off the Ann Lanterns columns

Gee, you ought to open your eyes and ears:

President Donald Trump spent a portion of his daily coronavirus briefing on Sunday attacking White House reporters who asked objective questions about his past remarks about the coronavirus crisis.
Trump, who has always had a tense relationship with the news media, denied and attacked two different reporters who read a quote from the president back to him. He first went after PBS NewsHour’s Yamiche Alcindor ― a reporter who the president has regularly attacked as the pandemic continues.
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A vindictive POTUS who ignores the moral values in the Mission Statement, i.e. The Preamble to COTUS, who has violated his oath to support COTUS in words and acts, is unworthy of the office of trust. President Trump has dishonored the office he has had the privilege of this high office, as have the Senators who failed to remove him when the opportunity was there.

Examples in evidence:

"While the coronavirus spreads across the nation with no regards to state borders, the nation's governors are taking wildly different approaches to tackling the disease, resulting in a patchwork national map that undermines our ability to stop COVID-19 effectively. Coupled with the disastrous leadership of a president more interested in retaliating against his perceived enemies than employing his powers for good, the fractured response to coronavirus reveals how much has to be healed in our nation's system. It also sets in motion an inevitable showdown between Trump and those state leaders who are taking coronavirus seriously, a divide that is only going to get worse given Trump's toxic tendency to blame others for his own shortcomings"

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sharpened her criticism of President Trump’s early dismissal of the coronavirus, saying the delay cost American lives.

“His denial at the beginning was deadly,” said Pelosi to open her interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper.

“His delaying of getting equipment — it continues — his delaying of getting equipment to where it is needed is deadly, and now I think the best thing is to prevent more loss of life rather than open things up because we just don’t know. We have to have testing, testing, testing — that’s what we said from the start before we can evaluate the nature of it in some of these other regions as well.”

  • PBS NewsHour reporter Yamiche Alcindor confronted President Donald Trump with his own statements during the daily coronavirus taskforce briefing on Sunday as US coronavirus cases rose to nearly 140,000.
  • In response, Trump snapped at Alcindor to "be nice" and not "be threatening."
  • The president continued berating Alcindor as she pressed on and tried to redirect his attention to her question about earlier statements he made to Fox News host Sean Hannity about the shortage in medical equipment as states battle the novel coronavirus.
  • "When journalists get up and ask questions that are so threatening—" Trump began. Alcindor hit back: "I was quoting you directly from your interview with Sean Hannity."
Trump should be removed from office. Yes, he IS responsible for much of what his happening.

I ran the White House pandemic office. Trump closed it.

The federal government is moving too slowly, due to a lack of leadership.

Beth Cameron
Beth Cameron is vice president for global biological policy and programs at the Nuclear Threat Initiative. She previously served as the senior director for global health security and biodefense on the White House National Security Council.

March 13, 2020 at 9:32 a.m. EDT

When President Trump took office in 2017, the White House’s National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense survived the transition intact. Its mission was the same as when I was asked to lead the office, established after the Ebola epidemic of 2014: to do everything possible within the vast powers and resources of the U.S. government to prepare for the next disease outbreak and prevent it from becoming an epidemic or pandemic.

One year later, I was mystified when the White House dissolved the office, leaving the country less prepared for pandemics like covid-19.'''''

Maybe at his next "press conference" he can pass out toilet paper and paper towels, that worked so well for him in winning the hearts and minds of Puerto Rico citizens.
A vindictive POTUS who ignores the moral values in the Mission Statement, i.e. The Preamble to COTUS, who has violated his oath to support COTUS in words and acts, is unworthy of the office of trust. President Trump has dishonored the office he has had the privilege of this high office, as have the Senators who failed to remove him when the opportunity was there.

Examples in evidence:

"While the coronavirus spreads across the nation with no regards to state borders, the nation's governors are taking wildly different approaches to tackling the disease, resulting in a patchwork national map that undermines our ability to stop COVID-19 effectively. Coupled with the disastrous leadership of a president more interested in retaliating against his perceived enemies than employing his powers for good, the fractured response to coronavirus reveals how much has to be healed in our nation's system. It also sets in motion an inevitable showdown between Trump and those state leaders who are taking coronavirus seriously, a divide that is only going to get worse given Trump's toxic tendency to blame others for his own shortcomings"

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sharpened her criticism of President Trump’s early dismissal of the coronavirus, saying the delay cost American lives.

“His denial at the beginning was deadly,” said Pelosi to open her interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper.

“His delaying of getting equipment — it continues — his delaying of getting equipment to where it is needed is deadly, and now I think the best thing is to prevent more loss of life rather than open things up because we just don’t know. We have to have testing, testing, testing — that’s what we said from the start before we can evaluate the nature of it in some of these other regions as well.”

  • PBS NewsHour reporter Yamiche Alcindor confronted President Donald Trump with his own statements during the daily coronavirus taskforce briefing on Sunday as US coronavirus cases rose to nearly 140,000.
  • In response, Trump snapped at Alcindor to "be nice" and not "be threatening."
  • The president continued berating Alcindor as she pressed on and tried to redirect his attention to her question about earlier statements he made to Fox News host Sean Hannity about the shortage in medical equipment as states battle the novel coronavirus.
  • "When journalists get up and ask questions that are so threatening—" Trump began. Alcindor hit back: "I was quoting you directly from your interview with Sean Hannity."
Ya know. You really need to lay off the Ann Lanterns columns

Gee, you ought to open your eyes and ears:

President Donald Trump spent a portion of his daily coronavirus briefing on Sunday attacking White House repo

rters who asked objective questions ...

Like you, the white house reporters have destroyed their own credibility long ago.

Every time that Trump talks to them at this point, and does not punctuate his sentences with a punch in the face, he deserves praise for his restraint.

YOu are like the little boy that cried wolf. Maybe this time, the wolf is real. Too bad you, should have thought about that, when you were laughing all the other times you managed to lie and make it work.
A vindictive POTUS who ignores the moral values in the Mission Statement, i.e. The Preamble to COTUS, who has violated his oath to support COTUS in words and acts, is unworthy of the office of trust. President Trump has dishonored the office he has had the privilege of this high office, as have the Senators who failed to remove him when the opportunity was there.

Examples in evidence:

"While the coronavirus spreads across the nation with no regards to state borders, the nation's governors are taking wildly different approaches to tackling the disease, resulting in a patchwork national map that undermines our ability to stop COVID-19 effectively. Coupled with the disastrous leadership of a president more interested in retaliating against his perceived enemies than employing his powers for good, the fractured response to coronavirus reveals how much has to be healed in our nation's system. It also sets in motion an inevitable showdown between Trump and those state leaders who are taking coronavirus seriously, a divide that is only going to get worse given Trump's toxic tendency to blame others for his own shortcomings"

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sharpened her criticism of President Trump’s early dismissal of the coronavirus, saying the delay cost American lives.

“His denial at the beginning was deadly,” said Pelosi to open her interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper.

“His delaying of getting equipment — it continues — his delaying of getting equipment to where it is needed is deadly, and now I think the best thing is to prevent more loss of life rather than open things up because we just don’t know. We have to have testing, testing, testing — that’s what we said from the start before we can evaluate the nature of it in some of these other regions as well.”

  • PBS NewsHour reporter Yamiche Alcindor confronted President Donald Trump with his own statements during the daily coronavirus taskforce briefing on Sunday as US coronavirus cases rose to nearly 140,000.
  • In response, Trump snapped at Alcindor to "be nice" and not "be threatening."
  • The president continued berating Alcindor as she pressed on and tried to redirect his attention to her question about earlier statements he made to Fox News host Sean Hannity about the shortage in medical equipment as states battle the novel coronavirus.
  • "When journalists get up and ask questions that are so threatening—" Trump began. Alcindor hit back: "I was quoting you directly from your interview with Sean Hannity."
Ya know. You really need to lay off the Ann Lanterns columns

Gee, you ought to open your eyes and ears:

President Donald Trump spent a portion of his daily coronavirus briefing on Sunday attacking White House reporters who asked objective questions about his past remarks about the coronavirus crisis.
Trump, who has always had a tense relationship with the news media, denied and attacked two different reporters who read a quote from the president back to him. He first went after PBS NewsHour’s Yamiche Alcindor ― a reporter who the president has regularly attacked as the pandemic continues.
Trump was way too kind to these reporters. They deserved a slap across the mouth so hard their teeth bleed.
A vindictive POTUS who ignores the moral values in the Mission Statement, i.e. The Preamble to COTUS, who has violated his oath to support COTUS in words and acts, is unworthy of the office of trust. President Trump has dishonored the office he has had the privilege of this high office, as have the Senators who failed to remove him when the opportunity was there.

Examples in evidence:

"While the coronavirus spreads across the nation with no regards to state borders, the nation's governors are taking wildly different approaches to tackling the disease, resulting in a patchwork national map that undermines our ability to stop COVID-19 effectively. Coupled with the disastrous leadership of a president more interested in retaliating against his perceived enemies than employing his powers for good, the fractured response to coronavirus reveals how much has to be healed in our nation's system. It also sets in motion an inevitable showdown between Trump and those state leaders who are taking coronavirus seriously, a divide that is only going to get worse given Trump's toxic tendency to blame others for his own shortcomings"

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sharpened her criticism of President Trump’s early dismissal of the coronavirus, saying the delay cost American lives.

“His denial at the beginning was deadly,” said Pelosi to open her interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper.

“His delaying of getting equipment — it continues — his delaying of getting equipment to where it is needed is deadly, and now I think the best thing is to prevent more loss of life rather than open things up because we just don’t know. We have to have testing, testing, testing — that’s what we said from the start before we can evaluate the nature of it in some of these other regions as well.”

  • PBS NewsHour reporter Yamiche Alcindor confronted President Donald Trump with his own statements during the daily coronavirus taskforce briefing on Sunday as US coronavirus cases rose to nearly 140,000.
  • In response, Trump snapped at Alcindor to "be nice" and not "be threatening."
  • The president continued berating Alcindor as she pressed on and tried to redirect his attention to her question about earlier statements he made to Fox News host Sean Hannity about the shortage in medical equipment as states battle the novel coronavirus.
  • "When journalists get up and ask questions that are so threatening—" Trump began. Alcindor hit back: "I was quoting you directly from your interview with Sean Hannity."
They day you ever come in contact with reality there will be snowball fights in hell.
Democrats can just can it. They have gone so far over the edge they don't even deserve a lifeline. They are using this virus as an excuse to attack the president. That's all it has become.

Rye, and others like him, that got maybe TWO sentences to get to the point, before I am done with them.

THey open with meaningless partisan pap, and they flushed their chance, down the crapper.

If someone with a stronger stomach can give me a bullet point (or two) summing up his actual point(s), I will be happy to address it.
Sorry, I couldn't read it all either.

is it November yet? Trump needs another 4-years to fix more stuff in the DC swamp....
anymore fixings by the pos will send us deeper into the cesspool he's started
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