History of Abortion in the United States

Communist? Apparently you do not even know what communism is

Let us know when Democrats start advocating for the state take over of the means of production andthe confiscation of private property. When did the Democrats propose outlawingcapitalism and stripping corporate CEO of their 6 figure salaries and stock options.

How stupid are you!!??
So they did not stop the Keystone Pipeline
Communist? Apparently you do not even know what communism is

Let us know when Democrats start advocating for the state take over of the means of production andthe confiscation of private property. When did the Democrats propose outlawingcapitalism and stripping corporate CEO of their 6 figure salaries and stock options.

How stupid are you!!??
What are guns but private property. Taking from the rich private property yes that sums up the democrat communist party
Communist? Apparently you do not even know what communism is

Let us know when Democrats start advocating for the state take over of the means of production andthe confiscation of private property. When did the Democrats propose outlawingcapitalism and stripping corporate CEO of their 6 figure salaries and stock options.

How stupid are you!!??
Seems like the communist democrats are doing that already. Following in the footsteps of other great communists like Stalin and Mao, communists are engineering an American famine. Mao called it the great leap forward. Our communist leader calls it the incredible transition.
Seems like the communist democrats are doing that already. Following in the footsteps of other great communists like Stalin and Mao, communists are engineering an American famine. Mao called it the great leap forward. Our communist leader calls it the incredible transition.
You are living in an alt-reality. Meds might help
Gun control /regulation is communism? Give me a damned break. No rights are without limitations and all rights must be weighed against the greated good of the public.
That is idiotic., They wanted to keep guns out of the hand of their enemies, I want to keep guns out of the hands of mentally unstable people who would kill our loved ones. You have to be really stupid to actually believe that advocating for gun control makes someone a communist. That is a moronic, false equivalency logical falacy as well as over generalization fallacy

Most of all it is a '

No true Scotsman - Wikipedia

No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity, is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to protect their universal generalization from a falsifying counterexample by excluding the counterexample improperly. Rather than abandoning the f
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That is idiotic., They wanted to keep guns out of the hand of their enemies, I want to keep guns out of the hands of mentally unstable people who would kill our loved ones. You have to be really stupid to actually believe that advocating for gun control makes someone a communist. That is a moronic, false equivalency logical falacy as well as over generalization fallacy

Most of all it is a '

No true Scotsman - Wikipedia

No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity, is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to protect their universal generalization from a falsifying counterexample by excluding the counterexample improperly. Rather than abandoning the f
And you're an idiot because it's true. Dumbass they also claimed something was wrong with those they disarmed and killed.

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