Historic First:Obama leaves Michelle behind for her 50th

You should be ashamed to post a propaganda hate thread such as this

Mail Online? Really?

Leave the mans family alone

Propaganda hate thread? Are you crazy?

I'm trying to figure out how we can separate being able to attack a man or woman's political policies and make sure that we do not under any circumstances involve their family.

We can't do this to people. It's wrong.

First you lied about the President leaving his wife alone on her 50th birthday.....her birthday is not for 12 days
Then you turn a story about the President taking the girls home for school and giving his wife some "alone time" in Hawaii into a tragedy about how it signals the end of his marriage......with selected "sad" pictures

You should be ashamed.....leave the mans family alone

I am not here to defend anyone, but here is a quote from the first post.

'Obama LEAVES Michelle in Hawaii as 50th 'birthday present'

That is entirely different than this: 'First you lied about the President leaving his wife alone,'

And, will she still be alone in Hawaii on her Birthday? If she is, she will be alone, and if she isn't, it wasn't a birthday present.
Let's not get Vonnegut about this ok? Holy toledo here. It was a headline and I put it out there.

But what I found myself thinking about and this is the bigger picture was despite the politics what do we expect of these poor souls?

I hate Obama's policies. That said though he's still a dad. Michelle is still a mom. Kids are going to be kids and they truly did look sad. AND hey that's ok. But it got me thinking that we expect too much. We really do.

And we really should wonder at how much we expect of this family. I have a lot of thinking to do up and coming.

Those girls are gorgeous and they are growing up before us. And although I hate their daddy (only over politics) Obama is without a doubt the coolest guy to his girls. Mom pants aside :lol: he looks like a good man.

We really have to look at how we are going to conduct ourselves up and coming.
That would work if Michelle wasn't so politically active. She and Hussein are both fair game.

Conservatives have no limits on how low they will sink

This thread is a perfect example of the hate they spread. Tiny dancer has reached a new low

They can't allow White House tours for school groups because of the cost of Secret Service, but they can leave Secret service people in Hawaii to watch after the First Lady.

They do not have White House tours because conservatives are enforcing the sequester. As a non-essential government function, those tours as well as Blue Angels are suspended

You wanted austerity and you got it
Let's not get Vonnegut about this ok? Holy toledo here. It was a headline and I put it out there.

But what I found myself thinking about and this is the bigger picture was despite the politics what do we expect of these poor souls?

I hate Obama's policies. That said though he's still a dad. Michelle is still a mom. Kids are going to be kids and they truly did look sad. AND hey that's ok. But it got me thinking that we expect too much. We really do.

And we really should wonder at how much we expect of this family. I have a lot of thinking to do up and coming.

Those girls are gorgeous and they are growing up before us. And although I hate their daddy (only over politics) Obama is without a doubt the coolest guy to his girls. Mom pants aside :lol: he looks like a good man.

We really have to look at how we are going to conduct ourselves up and coming.

You're sweet. But I don't think the family in any way suffering or they are poor souls. Michelle wants to be away from her family for a few days, I know I've felt the same way many times. I just wish I had the nation paying for my down time too.

As for the girls, vacations over and it's cold in DC. Most kids would be sad
Conservatives have no limits on how low they will sink

This thread is a perfect example of the hate they spread. Tiny dancer has reached a new low

They can't allow White House tours for school groups because of the cost of Secret Service, but they can leave Secret service people in Hawaii to watch after the First Lady.

They do not have White House tours because conservatives are enforcing the sequester. As a non-essential government function, those tours as well as Blue Angels are suspended

You wanted austerity and you got it

You mean the sequester that was originally Obies idea?
Oh yeah, that sequester.
Actually, it's off-topic for the thread.......:badgrin:.
This whole issue is beyond lame.

I am no fan of Barak or Moochelle.

But the daughters have to return to school after the holidays like any other kids..

And the Prez needs to go back to work......which may or may not be a good thing for the country?

Plus, what woman doesn't sometimes want a few pampered days off from the husband and kids? .... :cool:

Zooooom!!! right over pee balls brain........sarcasam is wit and pee balls is definetly lacking :lol:
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He is making up for hitting on the "danish white bitch ".
She thought Barry was only gay, now shes mad she found out he is really bi, but only for hot blonde white bitches.
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This whole issue is beyond lame.

I am no fan of Barak or Moochelle.

But the daughters have to return to school after the holidays like any other kids..

And the Prez needs to go back to work......which may or may not be a good thing for the country?

Plus, what woman doesn't sometimes want a few pampered days off from the husband and kids? .... :cool:

Especially, on her birthday!

Conservatives have no limits on how low they will sink

This thread is a perfect example of the hate they spread. Tiny dancer has reached a new low

They can't allow White House tours for school groups because of the cost of Secret Service, but they can leave Secret service people in Hawaii to watch after the First Lady.

They do not have White House tours because conservatives are enforcing the sequester. As a non-essential government function, those tours as well as Blue Angels are suspended

You wanted austerity and you got it

I pointed out that he has enough Secret Service people to stay with Michelle but not enough to conduct White House tours. Obama set the priorities, and the sequester doesn't seem to affect his extravegant vacations.
Conservatives have no limits on how low they will sink

This thread is a perfect example of the hate they spread. Tiny dancer has reached a new low

They can't allow White House tours for school groups because of the cost of Secret Service, but they can leave Secret service people in Hawaii to watch after the First Lady.

They do not have White House tours because conservatives are enforcing the sequester. As a non-essential government function, those tours as well as Blue Angels are suspended

You wanted austerity and you got it

Hey RW This is another example of where both sides blame the other.
In a way, they are both right, and it still doesn't solve the problem.

I notice you tend to point out hypocrisy on the right, while I tend to focus on
problems with the liberals/Democrats on the left. [note: this is because I am trying to work within the Democrat party to address and correct problems caused by political and legal abuse by Democrats, by investing my own labor and money into solutions "as a Democrat" to encourage more Democrats to fix problems caused by our own party members and leaders instead of denying them and blaming others]

Can I propose you and I join together in making a resolution this year to being open to equal criticisms and corrections from both the left and right?

So if you post this criticism of the right, then acknowledge the left is equally deserving of criticism and correction.

And when I criticize the left (as a peer among fellow Democrats trying to CORRECT the problems and redirect resources to repair the damages caused by political abuse and waste from infighting) then I will also acknowledge that the right has the same problems.

For example, on the health care reform, if Democrats are criticized for increased costs and reducing accessing or quality of health care, then equally blame Republicans for excess war spending and corrupt contracts that cost taxpayers billions on war and destruction.

So why not petition both parties to seek reimbursement of corrupt war spending on contested contracts, and use that money to pay for Veterans health care first? Reform that system, create jobs for enough hospitals, service providers, and Vets to cover all Vets first, and then use that same system to build toward universal coverage for all other citizens.

Just an example.

But what do you think of this idea? Not to criticize one side only, but to also find the equivalent criticism of the other side doing the same or similar. so we join forces to police both equally so it solves twice the problems, on both sides, instead of competing to discredit one and ignore the other. When both sides do that, neither problem gets solved.

wouldn't that do more to end the political deadlocking so there is less govt waste?
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They can't allow White House tours for school groups because of the cost of Secret Service, but they can leave Secret service people in Hawaii to watch after the First Lady.

They do not have White House tours because conservatives are enforcing the sequester. As a non-essential government function, those tours as well as Blue Angels are suspended

You wanted austerity and you got it

Hey RW This is another example of where both sides blame the other.
In a way, they are both right, and it still doesn't solve the problem.

I notice you tend to point out hypocrisy on the right, while I tend to focus on
problems with the liberals/Democrats on the left. [note: this is because I am trying to work within the Democrat party to address and correct problems caused by political and legal abuse by Democrats, by investing my own labor and money into solutions "as a Democrat" to encourage more Democrats to fix problems caused by our own party members and leaders instead of denying them and blaming others]

Can I propose you and I join together in making a resolution this year to being open to equal criticisms and corrections from both the left and right?

So if you post this criticism of the right, then acknowledge the left is equally deserving of criticism and correction.

And when I criticize the left (as a peer among fellow Democrats trying to CORRECT the problems and redirect resources to repair the damages caused by political abuse and waste from infighting) then I will also acknowledge that the right has the same problems.

For example, on the health care reform, if Democrats are criticized for increased costs and reducing accessing or quality of health care, then equally blame Republicans for excess war spending and corrupt contracts that cost taxpayers billions on war and destruction.

So why not petition both parties to seek reimbursement of corrupt war spending on contested contracts, and use that money to pay for Veterans health care first? Reform that system, create jobs for enough hospitals, service providers, and Vets to cover all Vets first, and then use that same system to build toward universal coverage for all other citizens.

Just an example.

But what do you think of this idea? Not to criticize one side only, but to also find the equivalent criticism of the other side doing the same or similar. so we join forces to police both equally so it solves twice the problems, on both sides, instead of competing to discredit one and ignore the other. When both sides do that, neither problem gets solved.

wouldn't that do more to end the political deadlocking so there is less govt waste?

Sounds boring...

I gave up trying to be "Fair and Balanced" four years ago. This board is about talking smack....you suck and your guy sucks

Offering well thought out, balanced opinions only gets you more smack
No. The invitations said people should eat before they come, and you know how the Repubs are about freebies. ;)

Republicans will not come because the Obamas are Bla......

I mean because their schedules are too busy

"Blaming them?" I C wut u did thar!

Its kind of like why Republicans did not attend the dedication of Martin Luther Kings March on Washington.....they wouldn't go because MLK was bla........

I mean they didn't go because every Republicans schedule was busy
Is this all conservatives have left?

Fake stories about the demise of Obamas marriage?

It is not a good sign. Her 50th birthday is special.

And the left cry about the sane crap about conservatives.

Obama is a crappy husband and President.

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