Printing 50 copies for the twelve teams of my Thursday night bowling league.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
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(To my friends at the bowling alley: 1,000 words of free speech)

A newspaper, talk radio programming, two colleges, and the rise of fatal wokeness in Keene New Hampshire.

Some have difficulty coming to grips with the threat to free speech that is ubiquitous across our society and indeed, our nation. In 1955 my parents bought a home, and I started third grade in Keene, New Hampshire, a small city tucked away in the southwestern corner of the state. Superficially Keene is a beautiful city. It has always been the perfect likeness to past Americana in the classic Woolworth sense. It features a large, beautiful church at the head of a rotary on Main Street where horses and buggies were once tied waiting for the return of their owners.​

Keene keeps a lot of its former surface charm but only on a very shallow level. Today it is more packaging than substance. There is something dark and creepy about Keene that hides in plain sight. Keene’s local media along with years of bad city government have evolved into something few of us who grew up in the area recognize. Do some research and look up ICLEI. Many of Keene’s past and current city leaders are big boosters of this One World One Vision sellout of American Exceptionalism. When the US government finishes raising a standing army of 87,000 new tax collectors, remember ICLEI. We can probably blame ourselves for not paying attention to the kinds of people that gravitate into local stewardship. If you are on a ship, you should make sure that the rats do not end up sailing it. Public apathy is a real thing, and we are all guilty of it. The problem with the apathetic nature of the human mind is that sinister personalities will take advantage of our laziness.

Do you think that if we went back fifty years and the main medical facility in the city allowed enormous amounts of deadly chemicals to slip out the back door that no one would call for the firing of the CEO of the complex? And what about the board of directors of the hospital? These are the people in charge, and no one has sent any of them packing. Do you know someone who has died recently from Fentanyl? Ask yourself why there are no boards of inquiry to find out just how long this killer concoction has been circulating in the area and who else is involved which would include present and past employees.

One thing we know for sure is that Keene’s thinning matchbox newspaper and the kindergarten content of the city’s local Hooterville talk radio programming are not going to touch this issue with a ten-foot pole. They exist much like national media to support the status quo of the Democratic Party. There are dire consequences for this path. How many of Keene’s best doctors are going to hang around while their reputations are sullied by the poor leadership of Cheshire Medical center? The center features ineptitude that rivals that of Keene State College, a third-rate liberal arts educational institution that has brought national shame to the region.

Keene State college put out the word that it was looking for new leadership a few years ago and competent candidates left skid marks running the other way. What will happen to Keene if the same thing happens to its local hospital? Keene already has a newspaper that is nothing but a rubber stamp for leftist progressivism coupled with radio programming that purposely promotes group-think brain death. What did Keene do when enough hospital Fentanyl disappeared to kill every human on the East Coast? It held a pride event! Go to Cheshire Medical Center’s website and what do you see? You will see the words diversity, equity and inclusion prominently displayed. What do diversity, equity, and inclusion have to do with good medical care?

When you seek medical help do you expect political activism? Or do you take comfort in the fact that most health care providers follow the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm? What will happen to Keene if all its top doctors leave? This writer had a gall bladder removed at Cheshire Medical Center and everything went well. The great surgeon who did the work is long gone. Now the writer’s nurse practitioner, a very competent individual, has flown the coop. Do we sense a trend here? How long are the best and brightest going to stick around at an infamous facility under the kind of Chernobyl leadership that is poisoning local citizens?

We know that local media cannot be trusted. They are public relations for everything that is wrong. Keene’s newspaper joined the Boston Globe and my other publications to fool the population into believing that the former president was attacking free speech. The former president was exposing fake news which is a modern term for propaganda. When you struggle to heat your home and buy food this winter remember what that newspaper did.

How do you like our new mail-in, ventriloquist president? Have you heard the joke about him getting 81 million votes? The joke was on you by the way as you will soon find out. You will not read this in Keene’s coloring book newspaper or hear it on WKBK’s Mickey Mouse Club talk radio. What you will see is people dropping occasionally from Fentanyl-laced street drugs. Keene, New Hampshire has made the big time now. Maybe you know some of these people that are expiring before they hit the ground. Maybe they are your loved ones. Is it true that you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs? According to Keene’s media we really needed to get rid of that bad guy that was in the White House. He was making professional, embedded Washington look bad.

In a few days my wife and I will vote for the first time ever in a mid-term election. You are encouraged to do the same. We must vote in droves to counteract the loaded dice of mail-in votes. We must send a clear message that we are not as stupid as they think we are. Can Keene be saved? The jury is out.


(To my friends at the bowling alley: 1,000 words of free speech)

A newspaper, talk radio programming, two colleges, and the rise of fatal wokeness in Keene New Hampshire.

Some have difficulty coming to grips with the threat to free speech that is ubiquitous across our society and indeed, our nation. In 1955 my parents bought a home, and I started third grade in Keene, New Hampshire, a small city tucked away in the southwestern corner of the state. Superficially Keene is a beautiful city. It has always been the perfect likeness to past Americana in the classic Woolworth sense. It features a large, beautiful church at the head of a rotary on Main Street where horses and buggies were once tied waiting for the return of their owners.​

Keene keeps a lot of its former surface charm but only on a very shallow level. Today it is more packaging than substance. There is something dark and creepy about Keene that hides in plain sight. Keene’s local media along with years of bad city government have evolved into something few of us who grew up in the area recognize. Do some research and look up ICLEI. Many of Keene’s past and current city leaders are big boosters of this One World One Vision sellout of American Exceptionalism. When the US government finishes raising a standing army of 87,000 new tax collectors, remember ICLEI. We can probably blame ourselves for not paying attention to the kinds of people that gravitate into local stewardship. If you are on a ship, you should make sure that the rats do not end up sailing it. Public apathy is a real thing, and we are all guilty of it. The problem with the apathetic nature of the human mind is that sinister personalities will take advantage of our laziness.

Do you think that if we went back fifty years and the main medical facility in the city allowed enormous amounts of deadly chemicals to slip out the back door that no one would call for the firing of the CEO of the complex? And what about the board of directors of the hospital? These are the people in charge, and no one has sent any of them packing. Do you know someone who has died recently from Fentanyl? Ask yourself why there are no boards of inquiry to find out just how long this killer concoction has been circulating in the area and who else is involved which would include present and past employees.

One thing we know for sure is that Keene’s thinning matchbox newspaper and the kindergarten content of the city’s local Hooterville talk radio programming are not going to touch this issue with a ten-foot pole. They exist much like national media to support the status quo of the Democratic Party. There are dire consequences for this path. How many of Keene’s best doctors are going to hang around while their reputations are sullied by the poor leadership of Cheshire Medical center? The center features ineptitude that rivals that of Keene State College, a third-rate liberal arts educational institution that has brought national shame to the region.

Keene State college put out the word that it was looking for new leadership a few years ago and competent candidates left skid marks running the other way. What will happen to Keene if the same thing happens to its local hospital? Keene already has a newspaper that is nothing but a rubber stamp for leftist progressivism coupled with radio programming that purposely promotes group-think brain death. What did Keene do when enough hospital Fentanyl disappeared to kill every human on the East Coast? It held a pride event! Go to Cheshire Medical Center’s website and what do you see? You will see the words diversity, equity and inclusion prominently displayed. What do diversity, equity, and inclusion have to do with good medical care?

When you seek medical help do you expect political activism? Or do you take comfort in the fact that most health care providers follow the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm? What will happen to Keene if all its top doctors leave? This writer had a gall bladder removed at Cheshire Medical Center and everything went well. The great surgeon who did the work is long gone. Now the writer’s nurse practitioner, a very competent individual, has flown the coop. Do we sense a trend here? How long are the best and brightest going to stick around at an infamous facility under the kind of Chernobyl leadership that is poisoning local citizens?

We know that local media cannot be trusted. They are public relations for everything that is wrong. Keene’s newspaper joined the Boston Globe and my other publications to fool the population into believing that the former president was attacking free speech. The former president was exposing fake news which is a modern term for propaganda. When you struggle to heat your home and buy food this winter remember what that newspaper did.

How do you like our new mail-in, ventriloquist president? Have you heard the joke about him getting 81 million votes? The joke was on you by the way as you will soon find out. You will not read this in Keene’s coloring book newspaper or hear it on WKBK’s Mickey Mouse Club talk radio. What you will see is people dropping occasionally from Fentanyl-laced street drugs. Keene, New Hampshire has made the big time now. Maybe you know some of these people that are expiring before they hit the ground. Maybe they are your loved ones. Is it true that you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs? According to Keene’s media we really needed to get rid of that bad guy that was in the White House. He was making professional, embedded Washington look bad.

In a few days my wife and I will vote for the first time ever in a mid-term election. You are encouraged to do the same. We must vote in droves to counteract the loaded dice of mail-in votes. We must send a clear message that we are not as stupid as they think we are. Can Keene be saved? The jury is out.


I just read the last paragraph. Experience.

People have been voting by mail for over a century you fucking idiot. Nobody has ever questioned the legitimacy of their ballots
I just read the last paragraph. Experience.

People have been voting by mail for over a century you fucking idiot. Nobody has ever questioned the legitimacy of their ballots

The last paragraph says nothing about questioning anything...
How do you like our new mail-in, ventriloquist president? Have you heard the joke about him getting 81 million votes? The joke was on you by the way as you will soon find out. You will not read this in Keene’s coloring book newspaper or hear it on WKBK’s Mickey Mouse Club talk radio. What you will see is people dropping occasionally from Fentanyl-laced street drugs.

You're like a broken record, maybe you should get some new material, no wonder everyone in Keene N.H. thinks you're a crank.
I read it to mean that it's a concern, as it should be.

It wasn't questioning the legitimacy, though...
So much concern....that until your blob showed up....nobody bitched about mail in voting; something the military has been doing for 100 years.

I'm concerned for your mental health; you seem to be lacking.
So much concern....that until your blob showed up....nobody bitched about mail in voting; something the military has been doing for 100 years.

I'm concerned for your mental health; you seem to be lacking.
Mail in Balloting should be limited to The Military and the Very Sick.

Not some guy named Al Gore Rhythm who votes 20 million times using Fake IDs and Fake Ballots made by The CCP Chicoms.
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In a few days my wife and I will vote for the first time ever in a mid-term election. You are encouraged to do the same.
Wow, pretty damn sad there hoss. Representatives are elected every two years. Many senate races happen during a mid-term election. I registered to vote, with a deputy sheriff escort, in 1979. Dumbshit old hag refused to allow me to register, I came back with a deputy. Not missed an election since then. You are a rank amateur, don't bother to vote, you don't know enough, you define the greatest fear of the founders, mob rule.
So much concern....that until your blob showed up....nobody bitched about mail in voting; something the military has been doing for 100 years.

I'm concerned for your mental health; you seem to be lacking.

Oh, those whose IQ exceeds their shoe size have long accepted that idiots like you believe that anyone who might have a different opinion than you has issues.

But we know the truth...
Oh, those whose IQ exceeds their shoe size have long accepted that idiots like you believe that anyone who might have a different opinion than you has issues.

But we know the truth...
306>232...the truth.

A different opinion? Nobody expressed these opinions before your blob arrived on the scene. Amazing how you guys never said a word about it until you joined the cult.
306>232...the truth.

A different opinion? Nobody expressed these opinions before your blob arrived on the scene. Amazing how you guys never said a word about it until you joined the cult.


I've always expressed my opinion, and I was sure the fuck doing it before Trump came along, you pencil-neck...

I've always expressed my opinion, and I was sure the fuck doing it before Trump came along, you pencil-neck...
And of course you can show us where you stated that the elections in Utah (a state where mail in balloting is in effect) were fraudulent, right?

Cue the excuses.
So much concern....that until your blob showed up....nobody bitched about mail in voting; something the military has been doing for 100 years.

I'm concerned for your mental health; you seem to be lacking.
you were saying...

I just read the last paragraph. Experience.

People have been voting by mail for over a century you fucking idiot. Nobody has ever questioned the legitimacy of their ballots
And until 2020 it was REPUBLICANS who most often used that method of voting
you were saying...

An article by Breitbart, an accusation, and a credible story by CNN with citations from the year 2000.

Make me laugh harder.
And until 2020 it was REPUBLICANS who most often used that method of voting
I'm not so sure about that.

I do know that both blue states and red states have mail in voting and there was zero complaints about the legitimacy of their elections before 2020.
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