Hispanics stick with Trump despite tough border stance

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
I imagine the LOWEST UNEMPLOYMENT RATE FOR HISPANICS...EVER...Had a big to do with that!

President Trump is poised to launch his 2020 reelection as popular with Hispanic voters as other Republicans, bucking predictions that provocative nationalist rhetoric and hard-line border policies would crater his support with this critical bloc.

When Trump, four years ago Saturday, descended the escalator to the lobby of his iconic New York skyscraper and announced his first campaign, he riffed that Mexicans "with lots of problems," including rapists, were crossing the southern border. Many Republicans, establishment and otherwise, were mortified. They fretted that nominating Trump, never mind electing him, would permanently doom the GOP with Hispanics.

It hasn’t worked out that way. Available polling consistently shows Hispanic support for the president at around 30% — about the same as it has been for many Republican politicians post-George W. Bush and pre-Trump. Indeed, Some party insiders focused on improving Hispanic support for the GOP now contend that he has room to grow with this cohort in next election.

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com...
It's not only the low employment rate.
It's because they are angry at the Dem's stand on illegals when they came in legally.
Putting non citizens above legal citizens.
The higher IQ hispanics realize very well what they escaped, and don't want it back.

The dumber ones are just a bunch of racist Mexican nationalists in America.

Too bad most weren't blessed with high IQ.
....you would have to be a real dumbass/racist to want MORE workers into your country which would bring your wages DOWN and prices up--just like California
Like all Trump polls, numbers for approval have not moved since his election. His numbers in the Hispanic community remain at a low 30% approval.
It's not only the low employment rate.
It's because they are angry at the Dem's stand on illegals when they came in legally.
Putting non citizens above legal citizens.
Yep. Why would anyone side with those who cut 8n front of the line. Isnt that the usual cause of road rage? Only Africans put skin color above all else -- even when it doesnt serve their interests

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