Hillary’s Top Aides Knew from First Minutes that Benghazi Was a Terrorist Attack, E-mails Disclose

Whether anyone knew it was a terrorist attack from jump or not, the mere fact that this admin was not prepared and did not sufficiently fortify US interests on the most significant of dates is an abject failure in itself. Creating a pair of coverups to cover up that failure and to cover up the first coverup is the crime. This is Nixon times a thousand and makes Watergate look like a parking ticket. Lefties who excuse or deflect from this are hypocrites deluxe.

I know you want it to be a big scandal, god knows you and fox have put everything you have into making it one, but it just ain't happening. Perhaps you should go back and try FEMA prisons again, of perhaps Death panels.
Not quite. This is about holding this admin accountable for their abject failure to protect the American people as per their job and them putting their own interests above that responsibility. Kinda like what we did with Nixon except this one threatens the people as well as the office.
Now that the liberal pukes realize that Ol' Rotten Crotch ain't gonna be on the ticket they are going into full attack mode. And it's all O'Reilly's fault.
Lol what? She currently wins in every poll dummy.


Hillary let 4 innocent American's die. Then lies about it, and your like. What difference does it make. Pathetic.
Seriously, anyone who wants more Clinton after the fucked up shit those two have been involved in is akin to wanting another Bush as a candidate.
Their credibility went out the window the first time they claimed it was a spontaneous response to a video. What utter bullshit.

As far as teabaggers were concerned, you didn't want to admit any credibility to start with. The fact that you still don't just means that you are an idiot.
To a sycophant like you, anything they said would be considered the gospel truth, even after being proven to be bullshit. You probably still claim it was because of the video. :lol:

You dumbass. It looked like the video had something to do with it at first. After the first few days, nobody said it was because the video..
Whether anyone knew it was a terrorist attack from jump or not, the mere fact that this admin was not prepared and did not sufficiently fortify US interests on the most significant of dates is an abject failure in itself. Creating a pair of coverups to cover up that failure and to cover up the first coverup is the crime. This is Nixon times a thousand and makes Watergate look like a parking ticket. Lefties who excuse or deflect from this are hypocrites deluxe.

I know you want it to be a big scandal, god knows you and fox have put everything you have into making it one, but it just ain't happening. Perhaps you should go back and try FEMA prisons again, of perhaps Death panels.
Not quite. This is about holding this admin accountable for their abject failure to protect the American people as per their job and them putting their own interests above that responsibility. Kinda like what we did with Nixon except this one threatens the people as well as the office.

Then why did all those separate investigations, including right wing house investigations, say there was nothing to it? You got nothing but right wing butt hurt.
benghazi... that was a long time ago... jay carney

watch steph cutter with bret baier the night of the last debate...

hillary, the guy who made the video will go to jail...
Their credibility went out the window the first time they claimed it was a spontaneous response to a video. What utter bullshit.

As far as teabaggers were concerned, you didn't want to admit any credibility to start with. The fact that you still don't just means that you are an idiot.
To a sycophant like you, anything they said would be considered the gospel truth, even after being proven to be bullshit. You probably still claim it was because of the video. :lol:

You dumbass. It looked like the video had something to do with it at first. After the first few days, nobody said it was because the video..
No it didn't, it never looked like the video had anything to do with it. And Obama maintained that bullshit lie when he spoke at the U.N. So did Hillary. You just proved me right about being a sycophant.
When this came up years ago, the Democrats stalled, stonewalled, refused to turn over evidence, ignored subpoenas, delayed, and concealed as much as they could.

Now isn't it about time some Democrat stands up any says, "Old news, this has all been examined, nothing was found, that proves there's nothing wrong, nothing to see here, move along."

I have no problem with the public not being told exactly what went down immediately after the attack in Benghazi...Because the public includes the entire Muslim world as well....It was more important to do a little more investigating and figuring out precisely what went down, and specifically by whom and for precisely what reason. I would NOT expect anyone representing our Nation to go before the ENTIRE WORLD on Public tv and say right before our enemies, it was a terrorist attack and we have no idea of any specifics....

I'd rather the perps be wondering, what the heck? When listening to us talk about a possible revolt from the Book etc etc etc, while our intelligence agencies work behind the scene to catch the guys.....
I have no problem what Rice said before the world a few days after the event,

the dog and pony shows and grandstanding by Republicans for merely political purpose in this Election is what is sickening in my opinion, and it could have gravely hurt our Nation....again, in my opinion.
The whole Benghazi affair just proves that no matter how bad the Dems blow it, their sheep will back them up 100%.

It possible to blame the Hussein administration for the lack of defense at the compound, but that really isn't the issue. They lied about the you tube video for weeks. Progressives simply don't care that their Dear Leader lies, as long as it is for the greater good, and a progressive politician covering his or her own lying ass is always good for the progressive Agenda. It enables that politician to carry the agenda in the future. In this case it is Hildabeast 2016. That is far more important to the Agenda than the lives of a few Americans that died, and it is far more important than admitting mistakes were made to everyone else.
Their credibility went out the window the first time they claimed it was a spontaneous response to a video. What utter bullshit.

As far as teabaggers were concerned, you didn't want to admit any credibility to start with. The fact that you still don't just means that you are an idiot.
To a sycophant like you, anything they said would be considered the gospel truth, even after being proven to be bullshit. You probably still claim it was because of the video. :lol:

You dumbass. It looked like the video had something to do with it at first. After the first few days, nobody said it was because the video..
No it didn't, it never looked like the video had anything to do with it. And Obama maintained that bullshit lie when he spoke at the U.N. So did Hillary. You just proved me right about being a sycophant.

Here is an interactive Google map of all the riots associated with that particular movie marked in blue. You can read the reports at each pinpoint. These were all within a couple of days of Benghazi, and caused by that video. It's pretty easy to see how Benghazi could have been thought to be just one more.
Muslim Protests by John Hudson
The whole Benghazi affair just proves that no matter how bad the Dems blow it, their sheep will back them up 100%.

It possible to blame the Hussein administration for the lack of defense at the compound, but that really isn't the issue. They lied about the you tube video for weeks. Progressives simply don't care that their Dear Leader lies, as long as it is for the greater good, and a progressive politician covering his or her own lying ass is always good for the progressive Agenda. It enables that politician to carry the agenda in the future. In this case it is Hildabeast 2016. That is far more important to the Agenda than the lives of a few Americans that died, and it is far more important than admitting mistakes were made to everyone else.

All those separate investigations proved you are full of shit.

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