Hillary's team came up with the cover phrase "Marked Classified"

The "double standard" that Lynch whined about actually IS obvious...only it's not a GOP double standard...it's a liberal double standard that demanded transparency in our Federal government following the Nixon White House's misuse of power but now demands that there's "nothing to see here...move along!" with Hillary Clinton's misuse of power!
Care, I will remind you that it is a violation of federal law to have ANY internal government correspondence on your private server. That she did this, is not in question. If she had classified material on her server, it is a major felony and one she can go to prison for.

Can you please point out to me ANYONE who has gone to jail for doing that?

Anyone? A single case?


The problem is that the regulations haven't kept up with the technology. they are trying to apply the law for paper documents to the electronic age.

The fact is, "secure government servers" were hacked millions of times last year.

No sensible person is going to send Hillary to prison for getting an e-mail some other bureaucrat stamped "Classified" later on.
Didn't find anyone who actually spent time in jail, but did find this:

Navy engineer sentenced for mishandling classified material
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A Naval reservist was sentenced for mishandling classified military materials.
A federal attorney announced Wednesday that Bryan Nishimura of Folsom, California, pleaded guilty to the unauthorized removal and retention of classified materials.

Nishimura, deployed in Afghanistan in 2007 and 2008 as a regional engineer, admitted to downloading classified briefings and digital records onto his personal electronic devices. He carried the materials off base and brought them back to the U.S. when his deployment ended.

An FBI search of Nishimura's home turned up classified materials, but did not reveal evidence he intended to distribute them.

He was sentenced to two years of probation and a $7,500 fine, and was ordered to surrender his security clearance. He is barred from seeking a future security clear

Navy engineer sentenced for mishandling classified material

Although he was sentenced to two years probation, he was ordered to surrender his security clearance and barred from seeking future security clearances.

That is the probable punishment for Hillary and would mean she couldn't run for president. Enter Joe Biden
LOL...the only problem with THAT cite, Joey is it came WAY back before Hillary's deleted e-mails slowly started leaking out from the State Department...before we began to see that she was indeed conducting top secret business on those personal servers. Stephen Lynch...the Democrat you quote...now looks like a world class ass because it's now obvious that Clinton was breaking multiple laws, that her servers were not secure and that her "IT team" was so incompetent that they couldn't even securely delete files let alone protect them from hackers!

Guy, the Federal Servers get hacked on a regular basis. If your argument is that Hillary's private server was bad because it could have been hacked, so were state department servers. But I'm sure your Lizard Man technology has evolved far beyond the need for normal computers.

As for Colin Powell being complicate in a "WAR CRIME"? How so? As the Downing Street Memos clearly pointed out when they were leaked...both the Bush Administration and the British Government were extremely worried about Iraq using WMD's if that country was invaded.

They hung Germans and Japanese for a LOT less than what Powell did. Point was, Saddam didn't have WMD's, but Powell beat the war drums even when it was clear he knew it was a bad idea. THat kind of makes him WORSE than the Neo-Cons who actually thought this was a good idea.

The bottom line is this...you are trying to smear Colin Powell in order to protect Hillary Clinton...and failing miserably! That was what Stephen Lynch was doing last August as well. You'll note that he's not claiming the GOP is conducting a witch hunt NOW when they ask for Hillary's e-mails! Nobody is trying to get that dog to hunt because it's become obvious that Clinton deliberately broke the law numerous times and then did her best to cover up what she'd done.

He's not arguing it now because it's pretty clear you guys are serving weak tea. Jesus Fucking Christ it's like you people never learn. You go on these witch hunts no one cares about, and eventually people start feeling sorry for the folks you are going after.

Again, here's a crazy idea you might want to talk over with the other Lizard People. Instead of trying to find that the Clintons lied about a blow job or didn't use the right e-mail server, how about addressing them ON THE ISSUES!!!!

Because while this sort of thing is important to people who were never going to vote for Hillary anyway, the rest of us sort of don't give a fuck.
Didn't find anyone who actually spent time in jail, but did find this:

Navy engineer sentenced for mishandling classified material
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A Naval reservist was sentenced for mishandling classified military materials.
A federal attorney announced Wednesday that Bryan Nishimura of Folsom, California, pleaded guilty to the unauthorized removal and retention of classified materials.


That is the probable punishment for Hillary and would mean she couldn't run for president. Enter Joe Biden

As always, there is more to these stories, that you guys like to leave out.

Illegal transfer of classified data gets Folsom engineer a fine, probation

Nishimura admitted to FBI and Naval Criminal Investigative Service agents that he had transferred approximately 200 megabytes of classified data and satellite imagery to his personal electronic equipment while in Afghanistan, had traveled within that country carrying the equipment containing the data and had returned to the United States with the data in May 2008, the court papers say.

Wow, that sounds a lot more serious than what you claim Hillary did.

Read more here: Illegal transfer of classified data gets Folsom engineer a fine, probation
The "double standard" that Lynch whined about actually IS obvious...only it's not a GOP double standard...it's a liberal double standard that demanded transparency in our Federal government following the Nixon White House's misuse of power but now demands that there's "nothing to see here...move along!" with Hillary Clinton's misuse of power!

In Nixon's case, there was actual abuse of power- breaking into offices, stealing psychological records, shit like that.

In Bush's case, there was abuse of power. You know, a war started ON A LIE that killed 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis... and is still killing people today.

In Hillary's case. Oh, she didn't use a correct server and maybe some documents someone thought were classified later ended up on them.

Hey, I've got a hot new lead. Forget those servers. I have heard Hillary tore off those tags on couches that say, "Do Not Remove Under Penalty of Law".

LOL...the only problem with THAT cite, Joey is it came WAY back before Hillary's deleted e-mails slowly started leaking out from the State Department...before we began to see that she was indeed conducting top secret business on those personal servers. Stephen Lynch...the Democrat you quote...now looks like a world class ass because it's now obvious that Clinton was breaking multiple laws, that her servers were not secure and that her "IT team" was so incompetent that they couldn't even securely delete files let alone protect them from hackers!

Guy, the Federal Servers get hacked on a regular basis. If your argument is that Hillary's private server was bad because it could have been hacked, so were state department servers. But I'm sure your Lizard Man technology has evolved far beyond the need for normal computers.

As for Colin Powell being complicate in a "WAR CRIME"? How so? As the Downing Street Memos clearly pointed out when they were leaked...both the Bush Administration and the British Government were extremely worried about Iraq using WMD's if that country was invaded.

They hung Germans and Japanese for a LOT less than what Powell did. Point was, Saddam didn't have WMD's, but Powell beat the war drums even when it was clear he knew it was a bad idea. THat kind of makes him WORSE than the Neo-Cons who actually thought this was a good idea.

The bottom line is this...you are trying to smear Colin Powell in order to protect Hillary Clinton...and failing miserably! That was what Stephen Lynch was doing last August as well. You'll note that he's not claiming the GOP is conducting a witch hunt NOW when they ask for Hillary's e-mails! Nobody is trying to get that dog to hunt because it's become obvious that Clinton deliberately broke the law numerous times and then did her best to cover up what she'd done.

He's not arguing it now because it's pretty clear you guys are serving weak tea. Jesus Fucking Christ it's like you people never learn. You go on these witch hunts no one cares about, and eventually people start feeling sorry for the folks you are going after.

Again, here's a crazy idea you might want to talk over with the other Lizard People. Instead of trying to find that the Clintons lied about a blow job or didn't use the right e-mail server, how about addressing them ON THE ISSUES!!!!

Because while this sort of thing is important to people who were never going to vote for Hillary anyway, the rest of us sort of don't give a fuck.

Bill Clinton lied to Congress about having an affair with a White House intern. He lied to the American people about having multiple affairs before running for the White House...smearing those women who brought accusations sexual harassment against him...something that Hillary was a part and parcel of. For her to now turn around and say that she's fighting FOR women when she enabled someone to abuse them for years is the very epitome of farce! I'm curious, Joey...what would Hillary Clinton HAVE to do for you not to vote for her? She's already displayed a long history of lying. She and her hubby have made millions off their political positions. She was at best a so so Secretary of State and that's if you buy her story that she didn't knowingly lie about a You Tube video causing the attack in Benghazi. Her "re-set" with Russia is laughably naive.

So what "issue" do you think Hillary has the high ground on? She's taken so much money from Wall Street bankers that you'd have to be a complete idiot to think she's going to do anything to hurt them! She seems to know that ObamaCare has huge problems but says we should stick with it because it's better than nothing. What is Hillary's position on Immigration? What's her position on ANYTHING for that matter? She's willing to vote for anything or anyone if the price is right. Free terrorists for the Puerto Rican vote in NYC? Sure why not! A pardon for Marc Rich in return for a big contribution to her Senate campaign war chest? No problem! Make an even bigger contribution to the Clintons? Hell, they'll let you sleep in the Lincoln bedroom in the White House! It's all good, baby! Hillary Clinton is the EPITOME of a "for sale" politician! You pay the money...you get what you ask for! That's what Bill and Hillary Clinton have always been about.
The "double standard" that Lynch whined about actually IS obvious...only it's not a GOP double standard...it's a liberal double standard that demanded transparency in our Federal government following the Nixon White House's misuse of power but now demands that there's "nothing to see here...move along!" with Hillary Clinton's misuse of power!

In Nixon's case, there was actual abuse of power- breaking into offices, stealing psychological records, shit like that.

In Bush's case, there was abuse of power. You know, a war started ON A LIE that killed 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis... and is still killing people today.

In Hillary's case. Oh, she didn't use a correct server and maybe some documents someone thought were classified later ended up on them.

Hey, I've got a hot new lead. Forget those servers. I have heard Hillary tore off those tags on couches that say, "Do Not Remove Under Penalty of Law".


There is a REASON why Hillary didn't use the proper servers, you dumbass! She wanted to conduct her official business secretly and in violation of Federal law. It's the kind of thing you DO when you're breaking the law. It's the kind of thing you DO when you're attempting to cover up huge fuck ups like Benghazi!

What's amusing is that the laws that Clinton violated were put in place because Richard Nixon "attempted" to use the IRS against his political opponents! The Obama White House just "succeeded" at using the IRS against it's political opponents and you lemmings on the Left think it's a "no harm...no foul" kind of thing that we should just let slide!

The reason that Hillary Clinton should never sit behind a desk in the Oval Office is that she and her husband believe that there are two rules of law in this country...one for them...and one for the rest of us.
So forget all the partisan sniping...this comes down to a very simple question...

Are we going to allow our government officials to conduct public business secretly or not? If you let Hillary slide on this you'll get what you deserve no matter who runs the country, Democrat...Republican...Liberal or Conservative!

if Clinton was the ONLY politician who used a private server I would agree ... BUT SHE ISN'T AND WASN'T !!!

but the RW conspiracy/hipocracy animals have their fangs attached to her butt and won't let go .. and they're foaming at the mouth.
It would be over if she would just hand over what they are asking for. Exactly what she did in the 90's.
So forget all the partisan sniping...this comes down to a very simple question...

Are we going to allow our government officials to conduct public business secretly or not? If you let Hillary slide on this you'll get what you deserve no matter who runs the country, Democrat...Republican...Liberal or Conservative!

if Clinton was the ONLY politician who used a private server I would agree ... BUT SHE ISN'T AND WASN'T !!!

but the RW conspiracy/hipocracy animals have their fangs attached to her butt and won't let go .. and they're foaming at the mouth.
It would be over if she would just hand over what they are asking for. Exactly what she did in the 90's.
What in the heck are you talking about? Huh?

She turned over everything, including her server, will ALL Emails including her private ones back in September....

If you all Really had something g on her, you wouldn't have to make up LIES and stories.
So forget all the partisan sniping...this comes down to a very simple question...

Are we going to allow our government officials to conduct public business secretly or not? If you let Hillary slide on this you'll get what you deserve no matter who runs the country, Democrat...Republican...Liberal or Conservative!

if Clinton was the ONLY politician who used a private server I would agree ... BUT SHE ISN'T AND WASN'T !!!

but the RW conspiracy/hipocracy animals have their fangs attached to her butt and won't let go .. and they're foaming at the mouth.
It would be over if she would just hand over what they are asking for. Exactly what she did in the 90's.
What in the heck are you talking about? Huh?

She turned over everything, including her server, will ALL Emails including her private ones back in September....

If you all Really had something g on her, you wouldn't have to make up LIES and stories.
She postponed turning over more emails because of the winter storm. She has been stonewalling for a couple of years. The FBI will have to prosecute her or be proven to be corrupted.
So forget all the partisan sniping...this comes down to a very simple question...

Are we going to allow our government officials to conduct public business secretly or not? If you let Hillary slide on this you'll get what you deserve no matter who runs the country, Democrat...Republican...Liberal or Conservative!

if Clinton was the ONLY politician who used a private server I would agree ... BUT SHE ISN'T AND WASN'T !!!

but the RW conspiracy/hipocracy animals have their fangs attached to her butt and won't let go .. and they're foaming at the mouth.
It would be over if she would just hand over what they are asking for. Exactly what she did in the 90's.
What in the heck are you talking about? Huh?

She turned over everything, including her server, will ALL Emails including her private ones back in September....

If you all Really had something g on her, you wouldn't have to make up LIES and stories.
She postponed turning over more emails because of the winter storm. She has been stonewalling for a couple of years. The FBI will have to prosecute her or be proven to be corrupted.
She has absolutely NOTHING to do with Kerry's state department release of her emails.... nada, niente, zilch, zip.... she requested that the Kerry State dept release all of her emails over two years ago and every month since.....

Where do you guys get this crud from??? You are so misinformed and propagandized it's down right pathetic.
So forget all the partisan sniping...this comes down to a very simple question...

Are we going to allow our government officials to conduct public business secretly or not? If you let Hillary slide on this you'll get what you deserve no matter who runs the country, Democrat...Republican...Liberal or Conservative!

if Clinton was the ONLY politician who used a private server I would agree ... BUT SHE ISN'T AND WASN'T !!!

but the RW conspiracy/hipocracy animals have their fangs attached to her butt and won't let go .. and they're foaming at the mouth.
It would be over if she would just hand over what they are asking for. Exactly what she did in the 90's.
What in the heck are you talking about? Huh?

She turned over everything, including her server, will ALL Emails including her private ones back in September....

If you all Really had something g on her, you wouldn't have to make up LIES and stories.
She postponed turning over more emails because of the winter storm. She has been stonewalling for a couple of years. The FBI will have to prosecute her or be proven to be corrupted.
She has absolutely NOTHING to do with Kerry's state department release of her emails.... nada, niente, zilch, zip.... she requested that the Kerry State dept release all of her emails over two years ago and every month since.....

Where do you guys get this crud from??? You are so misinformed and propagandized it's down right pathetic.
Then it goes back to Kerry. I wonder what the Clinton's has got on Obama? This could get good. Like I said the FBI is gonna have to prosecute her or they will be proven to be corrupt.
Then it goes back to Kerry. I wonder what the Clinton's has got on Obama? This could get good. Like I said the FBI is gonna have to prosecute her or they will be proven to be corrupt.

Or more likely, they will say she did bad, but not criminal.

Guy, you people will probably end up making her more sympathetic.

Petreaus didn't go to jail for something a lot more serious. Neither did Scooter Libby. Neither did Ollie North.
So forget all the partisan sniping...this comes down to a very simple question...

Are we going to allow our government officials to conduct public business secretly or not? If you let Hillary slide on this you'll get what you deserve no matter who runs the country, Democrat...Republican...Liberal or Conservative!

if Clinton was the ONLY politician who used a private server I would agree ... BUT SHE ISN'T AND WASN'T !!!

but the RW conspiracy/hipocracy animals have their fangs attached to her butt and won't let go .. and they're foaming at the mouth.
It would be over if she would just hand over what they are asking for. Exactly what she did in the 90's.
What in the heck are you talking about? Huh?

She turned over everything, including her server, will ALL Emails including her private ones back in September....

If you all Really had something g on her, you wouldn't have to make up LIES and stories.

You're claiming that Hillary Clinton turned over "ALL" e-mails back in September? Who did she turn them over to...Congressional investigators or to the State Department? Did what she turn over include the 50,000 e-mails that she deliberately had deleted to keep the Congressional investigators from looking at them?

The truth (OMG!!! Not the truth!!!) is that Hillary Clinton's e-mails have been released a few at a time by the State Department while month after month has gone by. At the same time the FBI's computer forensics people have been attempting to recreate all of the e-mails that Hillary had deleted. It's a classic stone walling done as only Hillary knows how to do. It's exactly the same tactics she employed during the Whitewater scandal. Congressional investigators asked for the legal records from her law firm relating to that deal...Hillary said she'd given them everything...and then several years later boxes of files that those investigators were seeking magically appeared in Hillary's office and nobody had the faintest idea how they got there or why they couldn't be found before. The truth about what was on Hillary's server will eventually come out...but I would bet the farm that it won't happen until AFTER the next election. Then Hillary and her supporters will employ the next phase of their "deny, stonewall and then declare it's all old news" strategy and say that nobody cares anymore and it's time to move on.
she turned the server over on Aug 13 ... 5 months ago.

if they haven't found anything by now logic says they found nothing .. it took Gowdy 9 investigations to find nothing.

Just admit it ladies, you hate anything Clinton.

Maybe you should listen to other news sources because it's been reported by several that top secret and other classified emails have been found. The State Dept is trying to delay turning over the rest of the emails till after the election.

Hillary used one server for all emails. In her time as Sec of State, there were many classified emails. She is a lying bitch and I hope she is charged.
You're claiming that Hillary Clinton turned over "ALL" e-mails back in September? Who did she turn them over to...Congressional investigators or to the State Department? Did what she turn over include the 50,000 e-mails that she deliberately had deleted to keep the Congressional investigators from looking at them?

You mean the ones that were next to the proof she killed Vince Foster? Or the ones that were next to the evidence she shot down Ron Brown's plane? Or the one that proved she put a hit on Christopher Stevens? Or the ones that prove you are really a lizard man from Alpha Centauri?

You can go on and on about your conspiracy theories all day, but frankly, it looks like the FBI is pulling a Ken Starr maneuver- leaking a lot of rumors because they don't have any real evidence.

The truth (OMG!!! Not the truth!!!) is that Hillary Clinton's e-mails have been released a few at a time by the State Department while month after month has gone by. At the same time the FBI's computer forensics people have been attempting to recreate all of the e-mails that Hillary had deleted. It's a classic stone walling done as only Hillary knows how to do. It's exactly the same tactics she employed during the Whitewater scandal.

Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars investigating Whitewater, expanding it to FBI Files, the Travel Office firings, Vince Fosters suicide, and eventually, whether or not Bill lied about getting a blow job. and the only thing he proved was... Bill lied about getting a blow job.

To which the American people shrugged and said, "Meh, so what?"
Maybe you should listen to other news sources because it's been reported by several that top secret and other classified emails have been found. The State Dept is trying to delay turning over the rest of the emails till after the election.

Hillary used one server for all emails. In her time as Sec of State, there were many classified emails. She is a lying bitch and I hope she is charged.

so let me get this straight. Ollie North sold missiles to the terrorists in Iran, and gave the proceeds to drug smugglers in Central America, and you seem to think he's a hero.

Scooter Libby helped lie about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and when the CIA complained they had been misused, he outed one of their spies. Yet he didn't go to jail.

General Petreaus took whole binders of classified materials out of the CIA to show his mistress. (Seriously, dude, most women are happy with flowers and candy) and he didn't go to jail...

But man, Hillary used the wrong e-mail server? Burn that witch!!!
So forget all the partisan sniping...this comes down to a very simple question...

Are we going to allow our government officials to conduct public business secretly or not? If you let Hillary slide on this you'll get what you deserve no matter who runs the country, Democrat...Republican...Liberal or Conservative!

if Clinton was the ONLY politician who used a private server I would agree ... BUT SHE ISN'T AND WASN'T !!!

but the RW conspiracy/hipocracy animals have their fangs attached to her butt and won't let go .. and they're foaming at the mouth.
It would be over if she would just hand over what they are asking for. Exactly what she did in the 90's.
What in the heck are you talking about? Huh?

She turned over everything, including her server, will ALL Emails including her private ones back in September....

If you all Really had something g on her, you wouldn't have to make up LIES and stories.

You're claiming that Hillary Clinton turned over "ALL" e-mails back in September? Who did she turn them over to...Congressional investigators or to the State Department? Did what she turn over include the 50,000 e-mails that she deliberately had deleted to keep the Congressional investigators from looking at them?

The truth (OMG!!! Not the truth!!!) is that Hillary Clinton's e-mails have been released a few at a time by the State Department while month after month has gone by. At the same time the FBI's computer forensics people have been attempting to recreate all of the e-mails that Hillary had deleted. It's a classic stone walling done as only Hillary knows how to do. It's exactly the same tactics she employed during the Whitewater scandal. Congressional investigators asked for the legal records from her law firm relating to that deal...Hillary said she'd given them everything...and then several years later boxes of files that those investigators were seeking magically appeared in Hillary's office and nobody had the faintest idea how they got there or why they couldn't be found before. The truth about what was on Hillary's server will eventually come out...but I would bet the farm that it won't happen until AFTER the next election. Then Hillary and her supporters will employ the next phase of their "deny, stonewall and then declare it's all old news" strategy and say that nobody cares anymore and it's time to move on.
She turned over her Server which was NOT wiped clean, back in Aug/Sept of last year to the FBI....THEY HAVE EVERYTHING on the server including her 30000 work emails and 30000 Private and personal emails.

Got it yet? Has it sunk in yet?

Or are you going to continue to promote your lies, again in your next post, as if you were never informed of this a hundred times already???
So forget all the partisan sniping...this comes down to a very simple question...

Are we going to allow our government officials to conduct public business secretly or not? If you let Hillary slide on this you'll get what you deserve no matter who runs the country, Democrat...Republican...Liberal or Conservative!

if Clinton was the ONLY politician who used a private server I would agree ... BUT SHE ISN'T AND WASN'T !!!

but the RW conspiracy/hipocracy animals have their fangs attached to her butt and won't let go .. and they're foaming at the mouth.
It would be over if she would just hand over what they are asking for. Exactly what she did in the 90's.
What in the heck are you talking about? Huh?

She turned over everything, including her server, will ALL Emails including her private ones back in September....

If you all Really had something g on her, you wouldn't have to make up LIES and stories.

You're claiming that Hillary Clinton turned over "ALL" e-mails back in September? Who did she turn them over to...Congressional investigators or to the State Department? Did what she turn over include the 50,000 e-mails that she deliberately had deleted to keep the Congressional investigators from looking at them?

The truth (OMG!!! Not the truth!!!) is that Hillary Clinton's e-mails have been released a few at a time by the State Department while month after month has gone by. At the same time the FBI's computer forensics people have been attempting to recreate all of the e-mails that Hillary had deleted. It's a classic stone walling done as only Hillary knows how to do. It's exactly the same tactics she employed during the Whitewater scandal. Congressional investigators asked for the legal records from her law firm relating to that deal...Hillary said she'd given them everything...and then several years later boxes of files that those investigators were seeking magically appeared in Hillary's office and nobody had the faintest idea how they got there or why they couldn't be found before. The truth about what was on Hillary's server will eventually come out...but I would bet the farm that it won't happen until AFTER the next election. Then Hillary and her supporters will employ the next phase of their "deny, stonewall and then declare it's all old news" strategy and say that nobody cares anymore and it's time to move on.
She turned over her Server which was NOT wiped clean, back in Aug/Sept of last year to the FBI....THEY HAVE EVERYTHING on the server including her 30000 work emails and 30000 Private and personal emails.

Got it yet? Has it sunk in yet?

Or are you going to continue to promote your lies, again in your next post, as if you were never informed of this a hundred times already???
Nope they are still trying to get emails off the server. Hillary has to go down. If she doesn't it will prove the FBI is corrupt. So at this point it's either the FBI or Hillary. I just wonder what will happen to Obama when Hillary goes down. You know she won't go alone.

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