Hillary’s “Open Borders” Mean More Heroin and Death!!!!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
One of the advantages of having a smart TV is that you can bypass the dumb cable channels, particularly CNN. A smart TV gives you direct access to YouTube channels like Right Side Broadcasting, which covers the Donald J. Trump rallies without commercial interference and endless commentary from liberal talking heads. The crowd at the rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania on Monday night broke into cries of “CNN Sucks” when the candidate referred to the channel’s disgraceful coverage of the campaign.

Mediaite highlighted the reaction of CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, who said, in regard to Trump’s criticism of CNN, “…I think this is very high on the list of irresponsible things the guy [Trump] has done.” What Trump did was blast the channel for failing to report on the size of the Trump rallies. “I wish those cameras would show this crowd, because if they would, people would be amazed,” Trump said. “They never show the crowd.”

(Excerpt) Read more at aim.org ...
Granny says, "Dat's right, lissen up - Jesus don't want ya doin' heroin...

The Opiate Epidemic: Saving Your Kids from Heroin Hell
December 2, 2016 | The statistics are frightening.
If you’re a parent, what I’m about to share on BreakPoint today just might scare the heck out of you. But you need to hear it. Elizabeth Blunt was a talented musician and athlete who attended a Christian high school and college. Gifted in foreign languages, Beth was preparing to work in international relations, perhaps in China. But she never made it. Beth died in May of an overdose of heroin laced with fentanyl—a cheap, synthetic opiate. She was not quite 23. “She never came home drunk, didn’t show signs of drug abuse,” Beth’s mother, Lisa, said. “She used to be the sweetest girl. I don’t know what happened.”

The statistics are frightening. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, every day in the United States, an average of 78 people like Beth die of an opiate overdose, including 29 from heroin. Every year, the CDC reports, opiate overdoses kill more than 28,000 people, and heroin kills more than 10,500. That’s more than all those killed on U.S. highways. And the problem is escalating. About 435,000 Americans in 2014 used heroin, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. That’s nearly three times the number just in 2007.

U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy says drug and alcohol addiction is “a moral test for America,” with more than 20 million people embroiled in substance abuse problems. Only 10 percent of them are receiving treatment. “We can never forget that the faces of substance use disorders are real people,” Murthy said while releasing a report on the problem. “Are we able to live up to that most fundamental obligation we have as human beings: to care for one another?”

What’s behind this hellish epidemic? One factor—heroin is a very affordable high. “Heroin is … cheap and available just about everywhere,” reporter Dan Ponce of WGN-TV in Chicago says. “A $10 bag can keep someone high for a day or two. … Drug dealers will deliver heroin right to your front door.” Another is the neurological effect such drugs have on the brain. The surgeon general’s report notes that repeated use changes the brain, so that it demands more to function. It’s a vicious cycle that can trap our children in addiction. And it comes straight from hell. As Screwtape said to his junior-devil colleague, Wormwood, “An ever-increasing craving for an ever diminishing pleasure is the formula.” That describes drug abuse to a T.


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