Hillary's now lying about her grandparents being immigrants

Here she is without the war paint.... :ack-1:


HAHAHAHA She looks old enough she could have immigrated here with her grandparents :)
According to pro life beliefs, grandma was an immigrant. She was apparently a child inside her mothers womb.
Just thought I'd add something to the silly circle masterbation party going on here.

Awwww you mad, bro? Your precious fraud got caught in a whopper and if it were a republican you would be all over it...and you know it
It isn't a whopper. People understand that when your parents are immigrants and a couple of your older siblings are immigrants the community will treat you like an immigrant because that is how your family acts. They act like immigrants. This is just another useless lame fake scandal that has less legs than the previous ones. No one really cares and it just makes the right wing haters look desperate and stupid.

Perhaps you missed she said ALL of her grandparents immigrated here? They didn't, she lied and got cuaght, deal with the fact she lies constantly and she's going to get called out
Ted Cruz getting the vast bulk of his financial contributions from uber rich multi millionaires and even a tax cheating billionaire is getting more attention than this grandma wasn't a genuine immigrant story because she was born a short time after the great grand parents got here nonsense. But you ignore the real scandal about your guy being bought off and concentrate on someone getting their 135 year old family history wrong and off by a few months about grandma's exact date of birth. or qualifications as an immigrant.

who exactly do you think is funding the Hillary campaign? minimum wage burger flippers? There are more uber rich dems who are trying to buy the whitehouse for the hildebeast than Cruz could ever find.
According to pro life beliefs, grandma was an immigrant. She was apparently a child inside her mothers womb.
Just thought I'd add something to the silly circle masterbation party going on here.

Awwww you mad, bro? Your precious fraud got caught in a whopper and if it were a republican you would be all over it...and you know it
It isn't a whopper. People understand that when your parents are immigrants and a couple of your older siblings are immigrants the community will treat you like an immigrant because that is how your family acts. They act like immigrants. This is just another useless lame fake scandal that has less legs than the previous ones. No one really cares and it just makes the right wing haters look desperate and stupid.

Perhaps you missed she said ALL of her grandparents immigrated here? They didn't, she lied and got cuaght, deal with the fact she lies constantly and she's going to get called out
Ted Cruz getting the vast bulk of his financial contributions from uber rich multi millionaires and even a tax cheating billionaire is getting more attention than this grandma wasn't a genuine immigrant story because she was born a short time after the great grand parents got here nonsense. But you ignore the real scandal about your guy being bought off and concentrate on someone getting their 135 year old family history wrong and off by a few months about grandma's exact date of birth. or qualifications as an immigrant.

who exactly do you think is funding the Hillary campaign? minimum wage burger flippers? There are more uber rich dems who are trying to buy the whitehouse for the hildebeast than Cruz could ever find.
Nope. Hilderbeast gets lots of donations from groups and associations and individuals. Cruz is almost totally dependent on a small handful of super rich dudes who save billions of tax breaks that Cruz is vowing to maintain and even increase. The story of Cruz's being corrupted will far outlast the one about Hillary Clinton's grandmother being born in the 1880's.
According to pro life beliefs, grandma was an immigrant. She was apparently a child inside her mothers womb.
Just thought I'd add something to the silly circle masterbation party going on here.
Ah, so she was smuggled in in a woman's womb. Verrrrry clever!
Another whopper from the fraud.....Dimocraps are natural born liars.

She'll get away with it, because the lamestream media is in on it. I still laugh over this one, for Christ's sake, she can't even tell the truth about her family or history:

“So when I was born, she called me Hillary, and she always told me it’s because of Sir Edmund Hillary.”

As anyone with a little history background knows (or could look up in about 0.34 seconds), Sir Edmund became famous only after climbing Everest in 1953. PIAPS was crapped out on a rock by a low flying bird in 1947.

When it comes to lying, fabricating or downright falsification, Brian Williams is a neophyte compared to both Dumbama and PIAPS.
According to pro life beliefs, grandma was an immigrant. She was apparently a child inside her mothers womb.
Just thought I'd add something to the silly circle masterbation party going on here.

Awwww you mad, bro? Your precious fraud got caught in a whopper and if it were a republican you would be all over it...and you know it
It isn't a whopper. People understand that when your parents are immigrants and a couple of your older siblings are immigrants the community will treat you like an immigrant because that is how your family acts. They act like immigrants. This is just another useless lame fake scandal that has less legs than the previous ones. No one really cares and it just makes the right wing haters look desperate and stupid.
I hope you enjoy making up bullshit to cover Hillary's lies. You will be very busy, till she loses.
According to pro life beliefs, grandma was an immigrant. She was apparently a child inside her mothers womb.
Just thought I'd add something to the silly circle masterbation party going on here.

Awwww you mad, bro? Your precious fraud got caught in a whopper and if it were a republican you would be all over it...and you know it
It isn't a whopper. People understand that when your parents are immigrants and a couple of your older siblings are immigrants the community will treat you like an immigrant because that is how your family acts. They act like immigrants. This is just another useless lame fake scandal that has less legs than the previous ones. No one really cares and it just makes the right wing haters look desperate and stupid.

Perhaps you missed she said ALL of her grandparents immigrated here? They didn't, she lied and got cuaght, deal with the fact she lies constantly and she's going to get called out
Ted Cruz getting the vast bulk of his financial contributions from uber rich multi millionaires and even a tax cheating billionaire is getting more attention than this grandma wasn't a genuine immigrant story because she was born a short time after the great grand parents got here nonsense. But you ignore the real scandal about your guy being bought off and concentrate on someone getting their 135 year old family history wrong and off by a few months about grandma's exact date of birth. or qualifications as an immigrant.
Hey Sharpton isn't contributing to the republicans. He is Obama's right hand man, and one of the biggest tax cheats. You support.
Not surprising, since Hillary has always had her own version of the facts.

So they don't jive with reality? What does it matter?
Well......they don't have anyone willing to correct her that liberals will believe....so basically, she can tell as many whoppers as she can dream up...and it all becomes gospel.
Must be nice being a Democrat these days......never having to watch every syllable you utter for fear that the media will pounce on it....like Republicans have to.
According to pro life beliefs, grandma was an immigrant. She was apparently a child inside her mothers womb.
Just thought I'd add something to the silly circle masterbation party going on here.
Ah, so she was smuggled in in a woman's womb. Verrrrry clever!
No, now that would be considered a fetus. Therefore it doesn't count. A fetus isn't a baby. Liberal rule #1.
According to pro life beliefs, grandma was an immigrant. She was apparently a child inside her mothers womb.
Just thought I'd add something to the silly circle masterbation party going on here.

Awwww you mad, bro? Your precious fraud got caught in a whopper and if it were a republican you would be all over it...and you know it
It isn't a whopper. People understand that when your parents are immigrants and a couple of your older siblings are immigrants the community will treat you like an immigrant because that is how your family acts. They act like immigrants. This is just another useless lame fake scandal that has less legs than the previous ones. No one really cares and it just makes the right wing haters look desperate and stupid.

Perhaps you missed she said ALL of her grandparents immigrated here? They didn't, she lied and got cuaght, deal with the fact she lies constantly and she's going to get called out
Ted Cruz getting the vast bulk of his financial contributions from uber rich multi millionaires and even a tax cheating billionaire is getting more attention than this grandma wasn't a genuine immigrant story because she was born a short time after the great grand parents got here nonsense. But you ignore the real scandal about your guy being bought off and concentrate on someone getting their 135 year old family history wrong and off by a few months about grandma's exact date of birth. or qualifications as an immigrant.
Hey Sharpton isn't contributing to the republicans. He is Obama's right hand man, and one of the biggest tax cheats. You support.
I don't support Sharpton or Clinton. I'm hoping Kasich will get activated and knock out all the clowns in the clown car. Wouldn't mind Jim Webb getting some attention either.
According to pro life beliefs, grandma was an immigrant. She was apparently a child inside her mothers womb.
Just thought I'd add something to the silly circle masterbation party going on here.

Awwww you mad, bro? Your precious fraud got caught in a whopper and if it were a republican you would be all over it...and you know it
It isn't a whopper. People understand that when your parents are immigrants and a couple of your older siblings are immigrants the community will treat you like an immigrant because that is how your family acts. They act like immigrants. This is just another useless lame fake scandal that has less legs than the previous ones. No one really cares and it just makes the right wing haters look desperate and stupid.

The only ones that look desperate and stupid are those that believe a lie.
Ted Cruz getting the vast bulk of his financial contributions from uber rich multi millionaires and even a tax cheating billionaire is getting more attention than this grandma wasn't a genuine immigrant story because she was born a short time after the great grand parents got here nonsense. But you ignore the real scandal about your guy being bought off and concentrate on someone getting their 135 year old family history wrong and off by a few months about grandma's exact date of birth. or qualifications as an immigrant.

We're talking about Hillary here.
According to pro life beliefs, grandma was an immigrant. She was apparently a child inside her mothers womb.
Just thought I'd add something to the silly circle masterbation party going on here.
Ah, so she was smuggled in in a woman's womb. Verrrrry clever!
No, now that would be considered a fetus. Therefore it doesn't count. A fetus isn't a baby. Liberal rule #1.
I mentioned pro lifers. Pro life folks consider a fetus as a baby.

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