Hillary was never a good candidate. Why did the Democrats pick her?

I'm not saying the Republicans are much better, but at least they TRIED to stop Trump. Now they have almost all abandoned their principles and fallen in behind him. And the Democrats cannot criticize, because they did not even TRY. Instead, they nominated Hillary, who was guaranteed to lose no matter who the Republican was who ran against her.

I can agree with most of your post. Hillary would lose against almost all the 16 candidates that started out the run for president. However, I'm pretty sure she can beat Trump, only because he's even worse than Hillary. That's how bad Trump is.
His policy statements either lack substance or just plain don't make sense, either by showing ignorance of the subject or they are laced with contradiction within the topic line.
Plus, his childish insults/behavior may have carried him to the nomination but now he is to dealing with the general voting public which is a totally different crowd than the demographic which has supported him. .
I believed all that too. In February, I never forsaw that Trump would win primary after primary, caucus after caucus, while the other candidates dropped out one at a time. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, for people to finally wake up and realize how insane it was to vote for Trump, but that never happened. And every time Trump said something stupid, obnoxious, or outrageous, it did not hurt him, it made him MORE POPULAR.

And Hillary is a weaker candidate than all of the Republicans that Trump has already defeated, for any of them could have beat her. She has a negative personality, an annoying presence, a harsh voice, a grating arrogance, and she is completely and utterly corrupt, without even the slightest shred of morals or scruples. All Trump has to do is talk about her past, and Bill's past, and he is guaranteed to win. Or he can talk about her failures as Secretary of State, including Benghazi and the emails, or he can talk about the slushfund known as the Clinton Foundation, a piggy bank for Wall Street Banks, foreign governments, millionaires and billionaires, and even the terror-sponsoring state Saudi Arabia.

Trump was the benefactor of way too many candidates in this race. Many of whom did not drop out in time. In fact it was Scott Walker, and Rick Perry who told candidates to start dropping out immediately to stop Trump. As we witnessed votes were being split between 16 candidates, and unfortunately the crap rose to the top. It was clear that 60% of the Republican party was voting against Trump. Had this primary season been the average 4 or 5 candidates, Trump would have never been the nominee of the Republican party.

But the biggest failure was that the Republican party depended on polling data, to set up stage 1 and 2 during the debates. In fact, they were warned by pollsters themselves not to do this. Why? Because Trump has 100% name recognition, so when people answered the phone that knew nothing about politics or any of the candidates, they would push the #2 button when they heard Trump's name mentioned. This kept him front and center throughout the debates no matter how high his unfavorable ratings went.
Pollsters: Don't trust us to winnow GOP field

The Republican party is now stuck with Donald Trump. And after he gets creamed by Hillary Clinton, it wouldn't surprise me to see the party add in some Republican Super Delegates of their own.
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QUOTE="Blackrook, post: 14363026, member: 49643"]It just seems that if Hillary is really the best candidate the Democrats can come up with, then the entire party is a failure. This is a failure of energy, a failure of imagination, a failure of vision, a failure of hope, and a failure of a desire for a better tomorrow.

Hillary is the anti-JFK. He represented youth, vigor, idealism, courage, and strength of conviction. Hillary is the opposite of all these things: she is old, sick, cynical, cowardly, and totally lacking in any convictions at all.

JFK represented a bright new future for America. Hillary represents a dark, ugly past, a hearkening back to the most corrupt administration in the history of the United States, her husband Bill, one of only two Presidents to be impeached, a President who ended his term with a flurry of pardons for his corrupt co-conspirators, and plea bargains for himself, and he was disbarred and disgraced for telling lies under oath.

She is literally the worst candidate that has ever been this close to nomination, and if she is nominated, it will be an unmitigated disaster for the United States, because it will mean the BOTH PARTIES have failed to nominate reasonable candidates who would make reasonably competent and ethical Presidents.[/QUOTE]
It just seems that if Hillary is really the best candidate the Democrats can come up with, then the entire party is a failure. This is a failure of energy, a failure of imagination, a failure of vision, a failure of hope, and a failure of a desire for a better tomorrow.

Hillary is the anti-JFK. He represented youth, vigor, idealism, courage, and strength of conviction. Hillary is the opposite of all these things: she is old, sick, cynical, cowardly, and totally lacking in any convictions at all.

JFK represented a bright new future for America. Hillary represents a dark, ugly past, a hearkening back to the most corrupt administration in the history of the United States, her husband Bill, one of only two Presidents to be impeached, a President who ended his term with a flurry of pardons for his corrupt co-conspirators, and plea bargains for himself, and he was disbarred and disgraced for telling lies under oath.

She is literally the worst candidate that has ever been this close to nomination, and if she is nominated, it will be an unmitigated disaster for the United States, because it will mean the BOTH PARTIES have failed to nominate reasonable candidates who would make reasonably competent and ethical Presidents.

I think you pretty much nailed it:"a failure of hope, and a failure of a desire for a better tomorrow"

The media has treated the American political endeavor like a reality game show. The average American voter is way past apathetic about it. Only a handful of people really care and they act like they have won a round on the Price is Right when their candidate is victorious. Or is it that the Candidates act like they won a round on a popular game show? The guy with the most clever sound bite wins...Yawn... Many would rather have a guy that nobody knows how he will handle the pressures of the executive office just because he managed to pile up a lot of personal wealth. The fact that he has been getting his way without needing to compromise EVER doesn't seem to bother many Americans. Like he will magically just know the ropes. Yikes! Some would prefer to elect a candidate with a very strong political name recognition value. Many of these people are voting for her because she isn't affiliated with the Neo Con Christian Fascists that have held up any meaningful business in Congress over the last 7 and a half years. For some reason they think Mrs Clinton has enough political savy to break the logjam. My opinion is that Congress will bend to neither of the wills of Trump or Clinton. We are headed into another 8 year clusterfuck where heels will dig in.

SO yes you are correct we are without hope and a belief in a better tomorrow.. Maybe we should realistically be thinking of a better day after tomorrow. Tomorrow will suck.
QUOTE="Blackrook, post: 14363026, member: 49643"]It just seems that if Hillary is really the best candidate the Democrats can come up with, then the entire party is a failure. This is a failure of energy, a failure of imagination, a failure of vision, a failure of hope, and a failure of a desire for a better tomorrow.

Hillary is the anti-JFK. He represented youth, vigor, idealism, courage, and strength of conviction. Hillary is the opposite of all these things: she is old, sick, cynical, cowardly, and totally lacking in any convictions at all.

JFK represented a bright new future for America. Hillary represents a dark, ugly past, a hearkening back to the most corrupt administration in the history of the United States, her husband Bill, one of only two Presidents to be impeached, a President who ended his term with a flurry of pardons for his corrupt co-conspirators, and plea bargains for himself, and he was disbarred and disgraced for telling lies under oath.

She is literally the worst candidate that has ever been this close to nomination, and if she is nominated, it will be an unmitigated disaster for the United States, because it will mean the BOTH PARTIES have failed to nominate reasonable candidates who would make reasonably competent and ethical Presidents.


You millennials really would not have cared for JFK. He was the one who stated "do not ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." So free college education would have been off of the table with him. He was also a capitalist, he believed in free enterprise, and wasn't anywhere close to a socialist/communist ideology that Bernie Sanders represents.

In fact, if JFK were in the White House when Bernie Sanders praised Fidel Castro, he would have had him arrested and immediately in front of a congressional hearing regarding his loyalty to this country.

JFK was a hawk, not a sissy. He also gave the largest tax break in this nations history, prior to Ronald Reagan to stimulate the economy. JFK was the original trickle down economics President. Do not confuse JFK with his brother Ted Kennedy. He was not anywhere as far left as Ted Kennedy. He was center, and leaned to the right. Hillary Clinton is much closer to JFK. JFK would have booted Bernie Sanders to Mars.

We're you people born yesterday?--I guess so.
Hillary is not going to win, it's not even going to be close. Pollsters using normal patterns of voting will find that Trump breaks all the rules. People who are saying they would NEVER vote for Trump when they talk to pollsters will end up voting for Trump. And that's because a lot of people secretly support Trump, but are ashamed to admit it in public. But in the privacy of the polling station, they will vote for Trump.

Does Hillary have the women's vote locked up? Only if you assume that all women are pro-abortion feminists, which isn't true. Also, Trump has already made major progress turning women off Hillary by talking about Bill's many sexual assault victims, and Hillary's role in vilifying and attacking them in public.

When Hillary brags she will be the "first woman President" Trump has already neutralized that approach when he said she is "playing the woman card." Just saying that makes people realize that voting for Hillary simply because she is a woman is pretty damn stupid.

Hispanics? I think Hispanics who are U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents are smart enough to realize that Trump is not hostile to them, he is hostile to people who are in the country illegally and illegallly robbing Americans of jobs (including THEIR jobs). Also, it is only a stereotype that illegal immigration is strictly a Hispanic issue, there are illegal aliens from all over the world, including Canada, Australia, China, Africa, Europe and the Middle East.

Hillary has nothing but more of the same to offer blacks. I think Trump's pro-worker ideas might win some blacks over, especially if they have suffered from America's deindustrialization caused by NAFTA and other free trade agreements. Remember that Hillary's husband Bill started the free trade juggernaut, so she may be fairly blamed for all those millions of lost industrial jobs. Blacks who want to live off welfare may favor Hillary, but blacks who want to WORK will favor Trump.

So I think you can't rely on all the old stereotypes in this election. Trump is something new, and so far, he has broken all the rules. He has defeated candidates who were all more qualified and experienced than he was, because he appealed to emotions that Americans have had bottled up ever since things began to go wrong in the 1960's.
I'd wonder about the sanity and intelligence of people that think Trump would be a decent President! If Hillary isn't qualified, who the HELL is; 2 term Senator FOTUS, & Secretary Of State? Trump has failed businesses and is being sued all over the world! ;-/
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Hillary was never a good candidate. Why did the Democrats pick her?

I think it wasn't that they picked her, it's that they all just gave up and let her take the nomination without putting up a fight.

And by allowing Hillary to take the nomination, they almost certainly have lost the White House for four years, and maybe even eight.

Why did not a single decent Democratic politician rise up to oppose her?

I'm not talking about Bernie Sanders, who is a leftist extremist who would never stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected in the general.

Why didn't a moderate Democrat, a governor perhaps of a western or mid-western state, or a southern state, run for President?

Was it impossible to build a party consensus around a moderate, reasonable candidate in the face of the screaming juggernaut that is Hillary?

Did she just buy everyone off? Did she just scare everyone away? Did she just take it by fear and force?

I do not see why the Democrats allowed this to happen, and now we will have Trump as President, because the Democrats did not give us a reasonable alternative to Trump.

LOL- this isn't a parody is it? Where you use this to show how stupid the Republicans are for nominating Trump?

The facts are that lots of us like Clinton. She has a strong resume of experience, and she is smart and can play with the boys.

She has her faults- she doesn't work crowds well, but in smaller venues she kills ; Her biggest fault is hubris- and Trump has 20 times more hubris than Clinton

I will vote for her because I think she could nominate a decent Justice....
I'd wonder about the sanity and intelligence that think Trump would be a decent President! If Hillary isn't qualified, who the HELL is; 2 term Senator FOTUS, & Secretary Of State? Trump has failed businesses and is being sued all over the world! ;-/
She didn't do shit as a Senator, First Lady isn't a qualification, and the only thing she accomplished as SOS is to get 4 Americans killed in Benghazi and compromise national security with her private server. What was your point again?
Support for Hillary is all based on cynicism and Machiavellian calculation. I don't think anyone, in their heart, really WANTS to see her as President, or BELIEVES that she will bring a better tomorrow for our nation.

Trump, on the other hand, is supported enthusiastically by millions of Americans, and Trumpism is spreading like wildfire as more people get familiar with him. He has the jaunty charisma of the "bad boy" who every boy wants to be like, and every girl wants to sleep with. And the more outrageous he gets, the more the "bad boy" image gets out. With every crazy thing he says, he gets more popular with the American people. The elites will never support him, but Trump will win without the elites.

And when I say "elites" I mean people like me. I have 17 years of formal education, a law degree, a sophisticated understanding of law, history, and government, and I see the coming of Trump as a possible end to our Constitutional form of government. Trump is a modern-day Caesar, and if elected, he will use all the power Obama grabbed for himself, and then expand on it, and make the Presidency an imperial position, accountable to no one.

So, I will not be voting for Trump. However, I do understand why he is winning, and I believe he will crush Hillary, and may even take every state.
And it is possible that Trump will push things to the point where people get desperate, and attempt to overthrow him. And then the damage will really be done, because we will have become a third-world country.
I'd wonder about the sanity and intelligence that think Trump would be a decent President! If Hillary isn't qualified, who the HELL is; 2 term Senator FOTUS, & Secretary Of State? Trump has failed businesses and is being sued all over the world! ;-/
She didn't do shit as a Senator, First Lady isn't a qualification, and the only thing she accomplished as SOS is to get 4 Americans killed in Benghazi and compromise national security with her private server. What was your point again?

Obama did even less and wound up better than "W!" The country recovered after the incompetence of that admin.! :anj_stfu: :cuckoo:
QUOTE="Blackrook, post: 14363026, member: 49643"]It just seems that if Hillary is really the best candidate the Democrats can come up with, then the entire party is a failure. This is a failure of energy, a failure of imagination, a failure of vision, a failure of hope, and a failure of a desire for a better tomorrow.

Hillary is the anti-JFK. He represented youth, vigor, idealism, courage, and strength of conviction. Hillary is the opposite of all these things: she is old, sick, cynical, cowardly, and totally lacking in any convictions at all.

JFK represented a bright new future for America. Hillary represents a dark, ugly past, a hearkening back to the most corrupt administration in the history of the United States, her husband Bill, one of only two Presidents to be impeached, a President who ended his term with a flurry of pardons for his corrupt co-conspirators, and plea bargains for himself, and he was disbarred and disgraced for telling lies under oath.

She is literally the worst candidate that has ever been this close to nomination, and if she is nominated, it will be an unmitigated disaster for the United States, because it will mean the BOTH PARTIES have failed to nominate reasonable candidates who would make reasonably competent and ethical Presidents.


You millennials really would not have cared for JFK. He was the one who stated "do not ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." So free college education would have been off of the table with him. He was also a capitalist, he believed in free enterprise, and wasn't anywhere close to a socialist/communist ideology that Bernie Sanders represents.

In fact, if JFK were in the White House when Bernie Sanders praised Fidel Castro, he would have had him arrested and immediately in front of a congressional hearing regarding his loyalty to this country.

JFK was a hawk, not a sissy. He also gave the largest tax break in this nations history, prior to Ronald Reagan to stimulate the economy. JFK was the original trickle down economics President. Do not confuse JFK with his brother Ted Kennedy. He was not anywhere as far left as Ted Kennedy. He was center, and leaned to the right. Hillary Clinton is much closer to JFK. JFK would have booted Bernie Sanders to Mars.

We're you people born yesterday?--I guess so.[/QUOTE]
I'm not a millenial, and I know all about JFK. His administration represented the highest height the Democrat party ever achieved, and his assassination, along with the assassination of Bobby Kennedy and MLK, caused the Democrat party to descend into madness, where it remains today.
Hillary was never a good candidate. Why did the Democrats pick her?

I think it wasn't that they picked her, it's that they all just gave up and let her take the nomination without putting up a fight.

And by allowing Hillary to take the nomination, they almost certainly have lost the White House for four years, and maybe even eight.

Why did not a single decent Democratic politician rise up to oppose her?

I'm not talking about Bernie Sanders, who is a leftist extremist who would never stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected in the general.

Why didn't a moderate Democrat, a governor perhaps of a western or mid-western state, or a southern state, run for President?

Was it impossible to build a party consensus around a moderate, reasonable candidate in the face of the screaming juggernaut that is Hillary?

Did she just buy everyone off? Did she just scare everyone away? Did she just take it by fear and force?

I do not see why the Democrats allowed this to happen, and now we will have Trump as President, because the Democrats did not give us a reasonable alternative to Trump.

Insert "Democrat/Republican", apply to any year in the last dozen or two elections.
I'm not a millenial, and I know all about JFK. His administration represented the highest height the Democrat party ever achieved, and his assassination, along with the assassination of Bobby Kennedy and MLK, caused the Democrat party to descend into madness, where it remains today.

First of all there's no such thing as the "Democrat Party". Whoever's feeding you that malaprop has probably poisoned your whole knowledge of history.
Yes the Dems are in quite a pickle with Hillary having to fight a 3 front war between Trump, Sanders and her criminal investigations. If she loses California, that's going to make for one doozy of a convention. Remember when the Dems were salivating over a GOP contested convention?
One dumb Democrat after another, god, I cant take it! we just had dumb and dumber. and here we go again! and now we have a dumb one who barks and cant debate 20 minutes without peeing or lying
What makes the dem race even more incredible is that most democrats hate the Clintons, Obama hates the Clintons, the DNC hates the Clintons. But none of that matters because its her turn and the Clintons know where the skeletons are buried in every democrat's back yard.

The party of Kennedy and Truman no longer exists, it has been destroyed by the Clintons and Obama. Kind of sad really.
Yes the Dems are in quite a pickle with Hillary having to fight a 3 front war between Trump, Sanders and her criminal investigations. If she loses California, that's going to make for one doozy of a convention. Remember when the Dems were salivating over a GOP contested convention?

Sanders could get every single vote in California, and still lose the nomination.

Hillary Clinton will win & secure the nomination on June 7th, before California comes in. New Jersey with 142 delegates, and New Mexico with 43 will be reporting. Prior to June 7th Puerto Rico will be voting, and I imagine Hillary Clinton will do very well there as they are Hispanic.

Hillary Clinton needs 73 more delegates
Bernie Sanders needs 841 more delegates.

Primary schedule

Jun 4 Virgin Islands Caucus 12
Jun 5 Puerto Rico Primary 67
Jun 7 California 546
Jun 7 Montana 27
Jun 7 New Jersey 142
Jun 7 New Mexico 43
Jun 7 North Dakota Caucus 23
Jun 7 South Dakota 25
Jun 14 District of Columbia 46
total delegates left 913

Now you can understand why everyone is scratching their heads as to why Bernie Sanders hasn't dropped out of this race.
".......Hillary Clinton needs 73 more delegates and a pardon........" Fixed it for ya.
Yes the Dems are in quite a pickle with Hillary having to fight a 3 front war between Trump, Sanders and her criminal investigations. If she loses California, that's going to make for one doozy of a convention. Remember when the Dems were salivating over a GOP contested convention?

Sanders could get every single vote in California, and still lose the nomination.

Hillary Clinton will win & secure the nomination on June 7th, before California comes in. New Jersey with 142 delegates, and New Mexico with 43 will be reporting. Prior to June 7th Puerto Rico will be voting, and I imagine Hillary Clinton will do very well there as they are Hispanic.

Hillary Clinton needs 73 more delegates
Bernie Sanders needs 841 more delegates.

Primary schedule

Jun 4 Virgin Islands Caucus 12
Jun 5 Puerto Rico Primary 67
Jun 7 California 546
Jun 7 Montana 27
Jun 7 New Jersey 142
Jun 7 New Mexico 43
Jun 7 North Dakota Caucus 23
Jun 7 South Dakota 25
Jun 14 District of Columbia 46
total delegates left 913

Now you can understand why everyone is scratching their heads as to why Bernie Sanders hasn't dropped out of this race.
".......Hillary Clinton needs 73 more delegates and a pardon........" Fixed it for ya.
why not make "Throw Mama Off The Train" part two, and call it,,,"Throw The Beast From The Train" Starring Hilary
Yes the Dems are in quite a pickle with Hillary having to fight a 3 front war between Trump, Sanders and her criminal investigations. If she loses California, that's going to make for one doozy of a convention. Remember when the Dems were salivating over a GOP contested convention?

Sanders could get every single vote in California, and still lose the nomination.

Hillary Clinton will win & secure the nomination on June 7th, before California comes in. New Jersey with 142 delegates, and New Mexico with 43 will be reporting. Prior to June 7th Puerto Rico will be voting, and I imagine Hillary Clinton will do very well there as they are Hispanic.

Hillary Clinton needs 73 more delegates
Bernie Sanders needs 841 more delegates.

Primary schedule

Jun 4 Virgin Islands Caucus 12
Jun 5 Puerto Rico Primary 67
Jun 7 California 546
Jun 7 Montana 27
Jun 7 New Jersey 142
Jun 7 New Mexico 43
Jun 7 North Dakota Caucus 23
Jun 7 South Dakota 25
Jun 14 District of Columbia 46
total delegates left 913

Now you can understand why everyone is scratching their heads as to why Bernie Sanders hasn't dropped out of this race.
".......Hillary Clinton needs 73 more delegates and a pardon........" Fixed it for ya.

She's already been pardoned, dumb ass.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Look there has never been a "let's coddle" the YOU TH period in this country. The youth in this country has always been expected to get off their lazy ass's and get a job. That means you'll have to turn off your gaming devices and go look for a J.O.B.

Now your favorite, Bernie Sanders--never did get off his ass and get a job until he was 40 years old. And that's why you're attracted to him.
Bernie Sanders, The Bum Who Wants Your Money


In the last 40 years, there's only TWO candidates that have REFUSED to release their income tax returns, they are none other than Bernie Sanders & Donald Trump, and there's a reason for that.
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