Hillary- Obamacare Problem- Rates Increase ~16%

Whatever we did or whatever we do it still leaves some questions.

What do we do with the population who can't pay for medical insurance much less health care at any price?

What do we do with costs of medical care increasing at a rate higher than inflation? Much higher? I am not talking about the cut that the health care insurance company takes, I am talking about the escalation in the cost of the actual care.

So while we all agree Obamacare could have been done much better I don't see where it is causing the rates to increase, except for the FACT that more people ARE covered who HAD previous conditions that prevented them from being able to buy healthcare insurance at pretty much any price.

So alternatives need to be investigated and proposed.
are you for real??? really are you????

answer to your first question is the easiest one of all ... if your state takes the ACA to their state, those who can't afford it go on Medicaid and are covered 100% thats the way its set up ... I realize you never really looked at the ACA plan cause this is the stupidest question you've asked ...

Actually this is the second stupidest question you have asked ... heres how we stop the cost going up ... all states that hasn't accepted the ACA plan, cause their republican governor refuses to accept it, is forced to accept it ... mcost goes down ... next stupid question???

yes I agree Obama care could have been done much better ... the fact that they allowed states to opt out of the ACA was their biggest mistake in the ACA ...so the first thing they could do is stop republican governors from opting out of the ACA ... problems solved ...

State Governors aren't accepting it because they don't want to be saddled with the bill for it once the REAL costs kick in...you know the costs that Barry, Harry and Nancy lied about to get this mess passed in the first place?

But they do swallow the cost in the end.....every single time a uninsured person shows up in the emergency room, the maternity ward, clinics or what ever, guess who pays for the shit, you stupid fuck head.....the states!!!! OR they go beggin all tax payers to foot the bill, but in the end you fuck nut, somebody pays and it sure as hell isn't the uninsured.

Since you claim to care for people, shouldn't YOU be paying the bills when they can't?
And I do...every time an illegal shows up to pop out a bean taco kid or some nigga gets shot and is sent to the emergency room, my local and state taxes which is high as fuck, foots the fuckin bill....next stupid whine?

So you didn't read how I said you could do it. Pay attention. I'll put it in ebonics if it will help you.
Whatever we did or whatever we do it still leaves some questions.

What do we do with the population who can't pay for medical insurance much less health care at any price?

What do we do with costs of medical care increasing at a rate higher than inflation? Much higher? I am not talking about the cut that the health care insurance company takes, I am talking about the escalation in the cost of the actual care.

So while we all agree Obamacare could have been done much better I don't see where it is causing the rates to increase, except for the FACT that more people ARE covered who HAD previous conditions that prevented them from being able to buy healthcare insurance at pretty much any price.

So alternatives need to be investigated and proposed.
are you for real??? really are you????

answer to your first question is the easiest one of all ... if your state takes the ACA to their state, those who can't afford it go on Medicaid and are covered 100% thats the way its set up ... I realize you never really looked at the ACA plan cause this is the stupidest question you've asked ...

Actually this is the second stupidest question you have asked ... heres how we stop the cost going up ... all states that hasn't accepted the ACA plan, cause their republican governor refuses to accept it, is forced to accept it ... mcost goes down ... next stupid question???

yes I agree Obama care could have been done much better ... the fact that they allowed states to opt out of the ACA was their biggest mistake in the ACA ...so the first thing they could do is stop republican governors from opting out of the ACA ... problems solved ...

State Governors aren't accepting it because they don't want to be saddled with the bill for it once the REAL costs kick in...you know the costs that Barry, Harry and Nancy lied about to get this mess passed in the first place?
the reason governors won't accept it, it will could cause it to fail .. as soon as you get a democrat for governor he will accept it ... then your problem is that you will have, is you will see how much better it is and how much cheaper it is and they don't want that ...

The state of Ky....was a model for the ACA because so many signed up for it and the state actually lowered its cost of healthcare....but white people so stupid, so hatin on the black guy in the white house, voted for a Tea Party nut and now these sorry fucks are all running around with their fingers stuck up their ass cause dude is forcing the out.....why? Because the dumb hicks, thought Obamacare and ACA were two different things...that's how stupid white people are in this country and how blind they are to FACTS!!

Yeah, sure Tiger! Good thing all you brilliant black folks are here to take care of things for us ignorant white folks!
are you for real??? really are you????

answer to your first question is the easiest one of all ... if your state takes the ACA to their state, those who can't afford it go on Medicaid and are covered 100% thats the way its set up ... I realize you never really looked at the ACA plan cause this is the stupidest question you've asked ...

Actually this is the second stupidest question you have asked ... heres how we stop the cost going up ... all states that hasn't accepted the ACA plan, cause their republican governor refuses to accept it, is forced to accept it ... mcost goes down ... next stupid question???

yes I agree Obama care could have been done much better ... the fact that they allowed states to opt out of the ACA was their biggest mistake in the ACA ...so the first thing they could do is stop republican governors from opting out of the ACA ... problems solved ...

The only opt out I know of is in setting up exchanges. ACA is the law of the land the SCOTUS proved that.

What accepting the exchanges means is that the states also have to expand Medicaid. Which states decided not to do. Because it puts more of an unfunded burden on the states. And no, Obamacare does not and can not reduce cost. My whole point was that costs were escalating before Obamacare and Obamacare didn't stop the rise, IT CAN'T. Only competition or direct government intervention in cost can do that. So, if a person is on Medicaid or medicare or the VA medical system, they are pretty immune to cost increases, everyone else, sorry.

And for the record, insurance costs has been going up for years, for years....long before Obama came along. Today they've found a easier way to gauge the public and its through these enormous deductibles that have to be met before they spend a pity out of pocket.....just another way to fuck the american public, something the GOP has co signed onto and don't give a shit about. And for those still pointing fingers at ACA....well, the republican party had a chance back in the day to add their imput, their signature, there part in all this and they did nothing, but offer a 5000 dollar voucher and endless court hearings on getting rid of it.

What is offered does not sustain itself

Again, I was better off all the way around prior to ACA.


And so was I.....but guess what, US companies shop for cheap insurance for their employers.....in order to garner more profit for themselves...something I don't blame ACA for, but corporate america's greed...finger pointing time again!!
yes us companies will shop for cheeper plans there is no question their but the ACA says you have to have a certain amount of insurance to the plan that the Federal government will accept so your point here is pointless

Listen, if you do anything going forward, please for the sake of God educated yourself. ACA provides the following...free mamogram, pap smear, birth control and yearly testing.....when you have these high cost procedures tackled from the onset, you prevent things from happening, like unwanted pregnancies, breast cancer and ovarian cancers....especially among a younger generation. Learn and stop the bitching.
are you for real??? really are you????

answer to your first question is the easiest one of all ... if your state takes the ACA to their state, those who can't afford it go on Medicaid and are covered 100% thats the way its set up ... I realize you never really looked at the ACA plan cause this is the stupidest question you've asked ...

Actually this is the second stupidest question you have asked ... heres how we stop the cost going up ... all states that hasn't accepted the ACA plan, cause their republican governor refuses to accept it, is forced to accept it ... mcost goes down ... next stupid question???

yes I agree Obama care could have been done much better ... the fact that they allowed states to opt out of the ACA was their biggest mistake in the ACA ...so the first thing they could do is stop republican governors from opting out of the ACA ... problems solved ...

State Governors aren't accepting it because they don't want to be saddled with the bill for it once the REAL costs kick in...you know the costs that Barry, Harry and Nancy lied about to get this mess passed in the first place?

But they do swallow the cost in the end.....every single time a uninsured person shows up in the emergency room, the maternity ward, clinics or what ever, guess who pays for the shit, you stupid fuck head.....the states!!!! OR they go beggin all tax payers to foot the bill, but in the end you fuck nut, somebody pays and it sure as hell isn't the uninsured.

Since you claim to care for people, shouldn't YOU be paying the bills when they can't?
And I do...every time an illegal shows up to pop out a bean taco kid or some nigga gets shot and is sent to the emergency room, my local and state taxes which is high as fuck, foots the fuckin bill....next stupid whine?

So you didn't read how I said you could do it. Pay attention. I'll put it in ebonics if it will help you.

Huh? You talking to me?
Whatever we did or whatever we do it still leaves some questions.

What do we do with the population who can't pay for medical insurance much less health care at any price?

What do we do with costs of medical care increasing at a rate higher than inflation? Much higher? I am not talking about the cut that the health care insurance company takes, I am talking about the escalation in the cost of the actual care.

So while we all agree Obamacare could have been done much better I don't see where it is causing the rates to increase, except for the FACT that more people ARE covered who HAD previous conditions that prevented them from being able to buy healthcare insurance at pretty much any price.

So alternatives need to be investigated and proposed.
are you for real??? really are you????

answer to your first question is the easiest one of all ... if your state takes the ACA to their state, those who can't afford it go on Medicaid and are covered 100% thats the way its set up ... I realize you never really looked at the ACA plan cause this is the stupidest question you've asked ...

Actually this is the second stupidest question you have asked ... heres how we stop the cost going up ... all states that hasn't accepted the ACA plan, cause their republican governor refuses to accept it, is forced to accept it ... mcost goes down ... next stupid question???

yes I agree Obama care could have been done much better ... the fact that they allowed states to opt out of the ACA was their biggest mistake in the ACA ...so the first thing they could do is stop republican governors from opting out of the ACA ... problems solved ...

State Governors aren't accepting it because they don't want to be saddled with the bill for it once the REAL costs kick in...you know the costs that Barry, Harry and Nancy lied about to get this mess passed in the first place?
the reason governors won't accept it, it will could cause it to fail .. as soon as you get a democrat for governor he will accept it ... then your problem is that you will have, is you will see how much better it is and how much cheaper it is and they don't want that ...

The state of Ky....was a model for the ACA because so many signed up for it and the state actually lowered its cost of healthcare....but white people so stupid, so hatin on the black guy in the white house, voted for a Tea Party nut and now these sorry fucks are all running around with their fingers stuck up their ass cause dude is forcing the out.....why? Because the dumb hicks, thought Obamacare and ACA were two different things...that's how stupid white people are in this country and how blind they are to FACTS!!
the other day I saw a white woman at a trump rally, this is a little of subject, with a souther accent ... she said when trump is elected he will throw out those people in congress to get work done ...I just shook my head
What is the GOP-igs solution? On average, my premiums went up every single enrollment period at my job, every other year, my premiums would go up....why do you fuck heads now blame ACA for something INSURANCE COMPANIES HAVE BEEN DOING FOR FUCKIN YEARS???? Better still, where is the outrage at the Insurance industry, that pays pennies on the dollar until deductibles are met? Where is the outrage of insurance companies denying needed procedures because their bottom line is effected...yet continue to take your premium money? Where is the outrage from the insurance industry who got millions of new clients in their clutches? I'll tell you, there is NONE and finally where is the outrage from idiots like you, who whined like bitches paying for the uninsured, who whined like little whores when CEO's were getting million dollar perks for saving the industry money, while people died?

Stop finding excuses to protect a industry that's built on profits instead of human care. I'm sick of you people and if you have a better solution, find a fuckin suggestion box and stuff it there or shut the fuck up!!

Try to get this through your head. Insurance companies are not responsible for the increase in healthcare costs. They are about 5 percent of the cost so eliminating them would not be a huge effect. The cost of healthcare, you know seeing the doctor, x-rays and such is what is increasing. Along with the drug companies gouging which Obama didn't do a thing about or even try. After all he wanted the drug companies support for Obamacare. We were sold out.
Oh, but they are...they are the beneficiaries of healthcare increases. Most hospitals agree to pay a certain amount based on agreements with insurers, the rest is paid by the insurer. Surely you must know this? If we had a single payer system, not only would hospital cost go down, but everyone would benefit from this. Yet its time, this country horn in 20 bucks for a tylonel and these huge profits hospitals impose just to have the newest bs equiptment that nobody can afford to use.

Interesting, that in the first part you seem to disagree and in the second party you agree. How does single payer reduce the cost of the actual health care? How does Obamacare address hospitals buying "BS equipment" they don't need?

You do realize that the states setting up exchanges and the federal marketplace only matters if you get a subsidy? The choices of healthcare insurance are exactly the same whether bought on the exchanges or just bought from the company themselves. so single payer isn't going to reduce costs it can't as can't Obamacare, except for those who get subsidized.

First off, theres not one hospital where I live, that' isn't under construction, not one. There's not one doctor that I'm aware of who's thrown in the towel and works at McDonalds today. Dr's are overpaid, over worked and do quite well in this country...few need a bake sale or a food drive to live. And I have yet to see any hospital go out of business due to ACA or any type of funding denied, same with clinics...so somebody is making profit. As for single payer.....when you take out profit, you have a system based solely on heathcare....one more time, when you take out the middle man, those expecting profit, you have more financial resources at your disposal.

God you are ignorant about the healthcare industry. Pretty much everything you said is wrong.
To educate one's self, one need only to google to find facts and fiction and bullshit...I stand by my assessment and if you happen to disagree....well, guess what the world does not end, eh?
The only opt out I know of is in setting up exchanges. ACA is the law of the land the SCOTUS proved that.

What accepting the exchanges means is that the states also have to expand Medicaid. Which states decided not to do. Because it puts more of an unfunded burden on the states. And no, Obamacare does not and can not reduce cost. My whole point was that costs were escalating before Obamacare and Obamacare didn't stop the rise, IT CAN'T. Only competition or direct government intervention in cost can do that. So, if a person is on Medicaid or medicare or the VA medical system, they are pretty immune to cost increases, everyone else, sorry.

And for the record, insurance costs has been going up for years, for years....long before Obama came along. Today they've found a easier way to gauge the public and its through these enormous deductibles that have to be met before they spend a pity out of pocket.....just another way to fuck the american public, something the GOP has co signed onto and don't give a shit about. And for those still pointing fingers at ACA....well, the republican party had a chance back in the day to add their imput, their signature, there part in all this and they did nothing, but offer a 5000 dollar voucher and endless court hearings on getting rid of it.

What is offered does not sustain itself

Again, I was better off all the way around prior to ACA.


And so was I.....but guess what, US companies shop for cheap insurance for their employers.....in order to garner more profit for themselves...something I don't blame ACA for, but corporate america's greed...finger pointing time again!!
yes us companies will shop for cheeper plans there is no question their but the ACA says you have to have a certain amount of insurance to the plan that the Federal government will accept so your point here is pointless

Listen, if you do anything going forward, please for the sake of God educated yourself. ACA provides the following...free mamogram, pap smear, birth control and yearly testing.....when you have these high cost procedures tackled from the onset, you prevent things from happening, like unwanted pregnancies, breast cancer and ovarian cancers....especially among a younger generation. Learn and stop the bitching.
ahhhh are you speaking to me??? it seems you didn't read the whole post .... freewill was talking about companies shopping around ...My response to him/her was thats fine, but the all have to live up to the ACA requirements ... meaning the have to have free mamogram, pap smear, birth control and yearly testing, unwanted pregnancies, breast cancer and ovarian cancers ... this I agree with you on ... all accept one word ... you say its free ... thats a bad misguided word to republicans ... yes it free to the patient but the insurance company pays for the hospital isn't out of they expense, they get paid lets make that clear...
Whatever we did or whatever we do it still leaves some questions.

What do we do with the population who can't pay for medical insurance much less health care at any price?

What do we do with costs of medical care increasing at a rate higher than inflation? Much higher? I am not talking about the cut that the health care insurance company takes, I am talking about the escalation in the cost of the actual care.

So while we all agree Obamacare could have been done much better I don't see where it is causing the rates to increase, except for the FACT that more people ARE covered who HAD previous conditions that prevented them from being able to buy healthcare insurance at pretty much any price.

So alternatives need to be investigated and proposed.
are you for real??? really are you????

answer to your first question is the easiest one of all ... if your state takes the ACA to their state, those who can't afford it go on Medicaid and are covered 100% thats the way its set up ... I realize you never really looked at the ACA plan cause this is the stupidest question you've asked ...

Actually this is the second stupidest question you have asked ... heres how we stop the cost going up ... all states that hasn't accepted the ACA plan, cause their republican governor refuses to accept it, is forced to accept it ... mcost goes down ... next stupid question???

yes I agree Obama care could have been done much better ... the fact that they allowed states to opt out of the ACA was their biggest mistake in the ACA ...so the first thing they could do is stop republican governors from opting out of the ACA ... problems solved ...

State Governors aren't accepting it because they don't want to be saddled with the bill for it once the REAL costs kick in...you know the costs that Barry, Harry and Nancy lied about to get this mess passed in the first place?
the reason governors won't accept it, it will could cause it to fail .. as soon as you get a democrat for governor he will accept it ... then your problem is that you will have, is you will see how much better it is and how much cheaper it is and they don't want that ...

The state of Ky....was a model for the ACA because so many signed up for it and the state actually lowered its cost of healthcare....but white people so stupid, so hatin on the black guy in the white house, voted for a Tea Party nut and now these sorry fucks are all running around with their fingers stuck up their ass cause dude is forcing the out.....why? Because the dumb hicks, thought Obamacare and ACA were two different things...that's how stupid white people are in this country and how blind they are to FACTS!!
the other day I saw a white woman at a trump rally, this is a little of subject, with a souther accent ... she said when trump is elected he will throw out those people in congress to get work done ...I just shook my head

Oh, you mean ignore Congress...kind of what Barry has been doing since 2010? Yeah, that's a "head shaker" all right, Billy! Can't have that going on! (eye roll)
are you for real??? really are you????

answer to your first question is the easiest one of all ... if your state takes the ACA to their state, those who can't afford it go on Medicaid and are covered 100% thats the way its set up ... I realize you never really looked at the ACA plan cause this is the stupidest question you've asked ...

Actually this is the second stupidest question you have asked ... heres how we stop the cost going up ... all states that hasn't accepted the ACA plan, cause their republican governor refuses to accept it, is forced to accept it ... mcost goes down ... next stupid question???

yes I agree Obama care could have been done much better ... the fact that they allowed states to opt out of the ACA was their biggest mistake in the ACA ...so the first thing they could do is stop republican governors from opting out of the ACA ... problems solved ...

State Governors aren't accepting it because they don't want to be saddled with the bill for it once the REAL costs kick in...you know the costs that Barry, Harry and Nancy lied about to get this mess passed in the first place?
the reason governors won't accept it, it will could cause it to fail .. as soon as you get a democrat for governor he will accept it ... then your problem is that you will have, is you will see how much better it is and how much cheaper it is and they don't want that ...

The state of Ky....was a model for the ACA because so many signed up for it and the state actually lowered its cost of healthcare....but white people so stupid, so hatin on the black guy in the white house, voted for a Tea Party nut and now these sorry fucks are all running around with their fingers stuck up their ass cause dude is forcing the out.....why? Because the dumb hicks, thought Obamacare and ACA were two different things...that's how stupid white people are in this country and how blind they are to FACTS!!
the other day I saw a white woman at a trump rally, this is a little of subject, with a souther accent ... she said when trump is elected he will throw out those people in congress to get work done ...I just shook my head

Oh, you mean ignore Congress...kind of what Barry has been doing since 2010? Yeah, that's a "head shaker" all right, Billy! Can't have that going on! (eye roll)
nothing of the sort ... this was a trump supporter say this you idiot ... by your racist post here so far to others I can see you're not to bright...

The state of Ky....was a model for the ACA because so many signed up for it and the state actually lowered its cost of healthcare....but white people so stupid, so hatin on the black guy in the white house, voted for a Tea Party nut and now these sorry fucks are all running around with their fingers stuck up their ass cause dude is forcing the out.....why? Because the dumb hicks, thought Obamacare and ACA were two different things...that's how stupid white people are in this country and how blind they are to FACTS!!

The ACA was a terrible program to start with. An absolute disaster. Those are the facts.

Government mandating that everybody has to have health care insurance, putting in all kinds of stupid ass Libtard requirements that many people don't want or need and collecting money from the paying customers to subsidize the filthy ass welfare queen's insurance premiums. What could possibly go wrong? Most of the idiotic Democrats that voted for the program didn't even read the damn bill before voting for it so they had no idea what they were doing. The Obama administration even had to lie about the program to get the idiot Moon Bats to support it.

The bill was a terrible premise to start with and the oppressive government should never have the authority to be involved in health care.

Obama will go down in history as the worse President this country ever had and the ACA will be one of his failed legacy items. Negroes, Moon Bats and White Guilt Libtards were really stupid voting for the incompetent affirmative action sonofabitch, weren't they?
are you for real??? really are you????

answer to your first question is the easiest one of all ... if your state takes the ACA to their state, those who can't afford it go on Medicaid and are covered 100% thats the way its set up ... I realize you never really looked at the ACA plan cause this is the stupidest question you've asked ...

Actually this is the second stupidest question you have asked ... heres how we stop the cost going up ... all states that hasn't accepted the ACA plan, cause their republican governor refuses to accept it, is forced to accept it ... mcost goes down ... next stupid question???

yes I agree Obama care could have been done much better ... the fact that they allowed states to opt out of the ACA was their biggest mistake in the ACA ...so the first thing they could do is stop republican governors from opting out of the ACA ... problems solved ...

State Governors aren't accepting it because they don't want to be saddled with the bill for it once the REAL costs kick in...you know the costs that Barry, Harry and Nancy lied about to get this mess passed in the first place?
the reason governors won't accept it, it will could cause it to fail .. as soon as you get a democrat for governor he will accept it ... then your problem is that you will have, is you will see how much better it is and how much cheaper it is and they don't want that ...

The state of Ky....was a model for the ACA because so many signed up for it and the state actually lowered its cost of healthcare....but white people so stupid, so hatin on the black guy in the white house, voted for a Tea Party nut and now these sorry fucks are all running around with their fingers stuck up their ass cause dude is forcing the out.....why? Because the dumb hicks, thought Obamacare and ACA were two different things...that's how stupid white people are in this country and how blind they are to FACTS!!
the other day I saw a white woman at a trump rally, this is a little of subject, with a souther accent ... she said when trump is elected he will throw out those people in congress to get work done ...I just shook my head

Oh, you mean ignore Congress...kind of what Barry has been doing since 2010? Yeah, that's a "head shaker" all right, Billy! Can't have that going on! (eye roll)
as the supreme court has said berry is aloud to do what he feels is right ... the fact that you don't like it tells me he's doing the right thing

1. What factors are the primary contributors to the high cost of healthcare?
2. What factors are the primary contributors to the high rate of cost increase in healthcare?

Easy answer for both questions - stupid government interference.

The state of Ky....was a model for the ACA because so many signed up for it and the state actually lowered its cost of healthcare....but white people so stupid, so hatin on the black guy in the white house, voted for a Tea Party nut and now these sorry fucks are all running around with their fingers stuck up their ass cause dude is forcing the out.....why? Because the dumb hicks, thought Obamacare and ACA were two different things...that's how stupid white people are in this country and how blind they are to FACTS!!

The ACA was a terrible program to start with. An absolute disaster. Those are the facts.

Government mandating that everybody has to have health care insurance, putting in all kinds of stupid ass Libtard requirements that many people don't want or need and collecting money from the paying customers to subsidize the filthy ass welfare queen's insurance premiums. What could possibly go wrong? Most of the idiotic Democrats that voted for the program didn't even read the damn bill before voting for it so they had no idea what they were doing. The Obama administration even had to lie about the program to get the idiot Moon Bats to support it.

The bill was a terrible premise to start with and the oppressive government should never have the authority to be involved in health care.

Obama will go down in history as the worse President this country ever had and the ACA will be one of his failed legacy items. Negroes, Moon Bats and White Guilt Libtards were really stupid voting for the incompetent affirmative action sonofabitch, weren't they?
another fool who hasn't a clue just spews republican mantra ... you must be in a state that doesn't accept the ACA ... thats why your bitching

1. What factors are the primary contributors to the high cost of healthcare?
2. What factors are the primary contributors to the high rate of cost increase in healthcare?

Easy answer for both questions - stupid government interference.
like you would have and actual answer ... talking to clueless people like you who have no Idea what they are talking about well,we really don't look to you for any guidance

1. What factors are the primary contributors to the high cost of healthcare?
2. What factors are the primary contributors to the high rate of cost increase in healthcare?

Easy answer for both questions - stupid government interference.
I agree that government interference in the marketplace is a BIG (perhaps the largest) component of the costs, however I doubt it's the sole contributing factor. I think one also needs to break down the specifics of the government interventions along with the associated costs for each in order to make a compelling case against further intervention (or better yet making the case for rolling back intervention) by government.
State Governors aren't accepting it because they don't want to be saddled with the bill for it once the REAL costs kick in...you know the costs that Barry, Harry and Nancy lied about to get this mess passed in the first place?
the reason governors won't accept it, it will could cause it to fail .. as soon as you get a democrat for governor he will accept it ... then your problem is that you will have, is you will see how much better it is and how much cheaper it is and they don't want that ...

The state of Ky....was a model for the ACA because so many signed up for it and the state actually lowered its cost of healthcare....but white people so stupid, so hatin on the black guy in the white house, voted for a Tea Party nut and now these sorry fucks are all running around with their fingers stuck up their ass cause dude is forcing the out.....why? Because the dumb hicks, thought Obamacare and ACA were two different things...that's how stupid white people are in this country and how blind they are to FACTS!!
the other day I saw a white woman at a trump rally, this is a little of subject, with a souther accent ... she said when trump is elected he will throw out those people in congress to get work done ...I just shook my head

Oh, you mean ignore Congress...kind of what Barry has been doing since 2010? Yeah, that's a "head shaker" all right, Billy! Can't have that going on! (eye roll)
as the supreme court has said berry is aloud to do what he feels is right ... the fact that you don't like it tells me he's doing the right thing

We have a system where there are checks and balances, Billy. The President can't "rule" because Congress and the Supreme Court have powers to curtail the power of the President. THAT is the right thing. What Barack Obama has done is the wrong thing and it will be equally wrong if it's done by a Republican President.
State Governors aren't accepting it because they don't want to be saddled with the bill for it once the REAL costs kick in...you know the costs that Barry, Harry and Nancy lied about to get this mess passed in the first place?
the reason governors won't accept it, it will could cause it to fail .. as soon as you get a democrat for governor he will accept it ... then your problem is that you will have, is you will see how much better it is and how much cheaper it is and they don't want that ...

The state of Ky....was a model for the ACA because so many signed up for it and the state actually lowered its cost of healthcare....but white people so stupid, so hatin on the black guy in the white house, voted for a Tea Party nut and now these sorry fucks are all running around with their fingers stuck up their ass cause dude is forcing the out.....why? Because the dumb hicks, thought Obamacare and ACA were two different things...that's how stupid white people are in this country and how blind they are to FACTS!!
the other day I saw a white woman at a trump rally, this is a little of subject, with a souther accent ... she said when trump is elected he will throw out those people in congress to get work done ...I just shook my head

Oh, you mean ignore Congress...kind of what Barry has been doing since 2010? Yeah, that's a "head shaker" all right, Billy! Can't have that going on! (eye roll)
nothing of the sort ... this was a trump supporter say this you idiot ... by your racist post here so far to others I can see you're not to bright...

Ah, Billy? If you're going to accuse others of not being too bright...you might want to do it with a sentence that doesn't look like it was composed by a fourth grader in crayon...just saying!

another fool who hasn't a clue just spews republican mantra ... you must be in a state that doesn't accept the ACA ... thats why your bitching

I am not a Republican so your pathetic Moon Bat partisan pig hatefest is wasted on me.

The ACA has been a national failure that the stupid Democrats didn't know what they were doing when they voted for the goddamn thing and that the Administration had to lie about it to sell it to the Gruberididots.

The purpose of the ACA was despicable. It was Obama's attempt at slave reparations.

Before Obamacare we had a safety net of state and local health clinics that provided free health care for the welfare queens and illegal aliens. They got better health care in those clinics than most people in the world get.

The purpose of the ACA was to take the welfare queens out of the free clinics and put them into the doctor's offices of the people that could afford their own health care. It was designed to take away the stigma of being on welfare by having an entitlement to the same level of insurance that working people had.

In order to make that happen the filthy ass government and the despicable Obama Administration had to get the paying customers to foot the bill for the welfare queen's subsidies. That is why the cost of health care has sky rocketed with increased premiums, increased deductibles, increased co payments and increased taxes. It is all going to pay the subsidies for those asshole welfare queens that helped to get Barry Muslim elected as President.

It was a terrible program to start with and it is only getting worse.

Anybody that voted for President Shit for Brains was an idiot and his legacy is one of failure at everything he did, including a disastrous government mandated health care monstrosity that is destroying the best health care system in the world.

You Moon Bats that voted for the asshole should be ashamed of yourselves for being duped by the lies of Jonathan Gruber and Obama. What were you idiots thinking?

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