Hillary did not concede immediately

Fifteen women have now gone on record to say that Donald Trump sexually assaulted them.
Did Trump pay her off or go after her?

Fifteen women have now gone on record to say that Donald Trump sexually assaulted them. Out of all of their stories, one is the most explosive and bizarre — a woman who says Trump violently raped her at an orgy when she was just 13 years old. But the horrific details of her accusation have gotten the least attention.
It seemed like that was all going to change Wednesday, when the woman, who has gone by the pseudonyms “Katie Johnson” and “Jane Doe,” was set to appear at a press conference at the law offices of Lisa Bloom, a high-profile civil rights attorney and TV commentator. But the woman didn’t come to the press conference. Bloom told a room full of waiting reporters that Johnson was afraid to show her face after receiving multiple death threats, and that they would have to reschedule.
Then on Friday, Bloom announced that Johnson had dropped her lawsuit:

It’s not uncommon for victims of sexual assault to want to preserve their anonymity, and dropping a lawsuit doesn’t mean admitting that the case had no merit. Jill Harth, who sued Trump for sexual assault in 1997, still stands by her claims even though she dropped the lawsuit. And it would indeed have been an intense couple of days for Johnson — Bloom said that her firm’s website was hacked, that Anonymous had claimed responsibility, and that death threats and a bomb threat came in afterwards.
Try to condense your incoherent Trump rant. Alternatively take your meds and lay down. :itsok:
Hillary went to bed instead of Conceding. Video proof follows.

Hillary Clinton, in an interview that aired Monday on NPR, said she “would not” rule out questioning the legitimacy of the 2016 election if Russian interference is deeper than currently known.


National Review

Hillary Clinton Maintains 2016 Election ‘Was Not On the Level’: ‘We Still Don’t Know What Really Happened’​

Mairead McArdle
October 9, 2020

Hillary went to bed instead of Conceding. Video proof follows.
Jesus. This AGAIN?

Hillary did concede the next day.

She did not foment a coup.

She did not create illegal fake electors in seven states.

She did not invite thousands of terrorists to storm the Capitol.

Whining about losing is one thing. Actually trying to overthrow our democracy like Trump did is an entirely different matter.

We had a peaceful transition of power in January 2017, as we had for CENTURIES.

For the first time in our history, we did not in 2021.

And Trump has STILL not given his concession speech.

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Hillary still showed class and conceded
Just keep spewing the Dem talking points sheeple. Baaahhhhh

If Trump and his illegal fake electors had succeeded, who needs to take on the military?

His terrorists at the Capitol nearly succeeded in achieving that aim in their attempt to stop the certification.

If the certification was halted, Trump's useful idiots would have crumbled and given him the election. Several of them rose to do so as it was. Ted Cruz, the biggest submissive cuck of them all, was the first to rise.

All caught up now, moron?
Another deluded tard chimes in.
Just keep spewing the Dem talking points sheeple. Baaahhhhh

If Trump and his illegal fake electors had succeeded, who needs to take on the military?

His terrorists at the Capitol nearly succeeded in achieving that aim in their attempt to stop the certification.

If the certification was halted, Trump's useful idiots would have crumbled and given him the election. Several of them rose to do so as it was. Ted Cruz, the biggest submissive cuck of them all, was the first.

All caught up now, moron?
Baaaaahhhh baaaahhhhh, I summarized your post.

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