Hillary Clinton Watches The Oncoming Bus

Yeah, she won the popular vote alright. . .

Too fucking bad that most of those 3 million votes were from dead and illegal voters in a select few libtarded major cities.


haha, you guys have to make up ridiculous shit even still....

"Face it, Trump won!"... I see you say this to others, maybe you should find a mirror and scream it a few times...

But, I don't want you to face the fact that trump won and Hitlary lost.

I have learned to LOVE the sights and sounds of butthurting leftardz every time I log in.

Well, that's special. Totally normal behavior for a grown man. No, really.

I think you'll find that the failure that is Trump transcends all of this liberal/conservative cockfighting, whether you come along for the ride or not.
The Left’s Version Of Winning!

Speaking of winning, when does that start for the angry orange?
After President Trump puts another couple of strict constitutionalists on the SC bench, including TED CRUZ!!!!!!! let's see what you are posting.......LOSER!!!!!!
That's a the heart of the frantic attempt to get rid of Trump.
You fucking fools don't know how lucky you are. Close your eyes and picture President Pence sitting in the Oval Office.
The country's schools would be taking Bible Classes every day!
I agree completely Ted Cruz would make a great SC justice. He is smart, is an expert, and he was willing to take his wife and daughters to dinner with President Trump despite the fact she is not very attractive. With his wife by his side, Ted Cruz showed his respect to the President by apologizing for saying his wife was as attractive as Melania Trump. It was a very touching moment. It was educational that his daughters could see for themselves that their father was a great man, pledging his undying loyalty to President Trump. Such a man should be on the SC, we want someone who will listen to President Trump's tweets and know what to do.

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