Hillary Clinton has never succeeded in anything she ever tried to do


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
She failed to pass HillaryCare, because she refused to bring in the health insurance companies and the Republicans to help build it into something everyone could agree on.

She is responsible for the death of an American ambassador in Libya, and then she framed a movie maker and threw him in jail.

She has no concept of right or wrong.

She is completely negligent in matters of national security.

She does not have a pleasing personality. Very soon, both Democrats AND Republicans in Congress would refuse to listen to her.

She has a husband who is a rapist and he would keep it up while acting as "First Gentleman".

She has used a so-called charity to enrich her and her husband.

She is owned by everyone who donated to her charity.
Extremely successful. Very competent and effective. Would make a very good prez.

That's why RWs write ^^ crap like ^^ that.

But, congrats on managing to get it in the right forum.
I vote Bernie Sanders! He seems like the only candidate out there that pays attention and cares for the middle class and poor.
This is why we need Biden or Sanders.
Biden the Joker and the Honest Socialist..................


Hillary may still need a good lawyer.

Well, most people want a higher minimum wage, the rich to pay more and free college. ;) Believe it or not,,,this would do a lot to get our own people educated and to build the middle class.

fuck the tiny .1% super rich. Go live in china and eat some dog crap in the river.
The time that our country was strongest, was when Dad could have a good paying job that would provide a home and a car for Mom and the 2 kids, with enough left over to save for the kid's college.

Now? Not so much.
This is why we need Biden or Sanders.
Biden the Joker and the Honest Socialist..................


Hillary may still need a good lawyer.

Well, most people want a higher minimum wage, the rich to pay more and free college. ;) Believe it or not,,,this would do a lot to get our own people educated and to build the middle class.

fuck the tiny .1% super rich. Go live in china and eat some dog crap in the river.
aka Offer the MOB FREE SHIT and they will vote for that person...............

As Rome burned........................how we gonna pay for it, when we can't pay the bills now................

CHARGE IT............WHAT'S IN YOUR WALLET.............................
This is why we need Biden or Sanders.
Biden the Joker and the Honest Socialist..................


Hillary may still need a good lawyer.

Well, most people want a higher minimum wage, the rich to pay more and free college. ;) Believe it or not,,,this would do a lot to get our own people educated and to build the middle class.

fuck the tiny .1% super rich. Go live in china and eat some dog crap in the river.
aka Offer the MOB FREE SHIT and they will vote for that person...............

As Rome burned........................how we gonna pay for it, when we can't pay the bills now................

CHARGE IT............WHAT'S IN YOUR WALLET.............................

Sounds like the Donald the Chump tax plan that would leave a 12 TRILLION dollar deficit after 10 years.

Sorry, but you can't run the government for free.

My suggestion? Return to the Clinton era tax code. We all had more money when he was President, and, he left office with this country in the black.
If you want claim this list "isn't enough!", it will help your credibility if you describe any current Republican candidate with a better resume. Or heck, describe any recent presidential candidate with a better resume.

Here’s A List Of Hillary Clinton’s Accomplishments, So Quit Saying She Doesn’t Have Any
These are not all of her accomplishments. Her activism on behalf of women a children across the world is renowned. Her activism for raising the minimum wage and combating climate change is stellar.

She failed to pass HillaryCare, because she refused to bring in the health insurance companies and the Republicans to help build it into something everyone could agree on.

She is responsible for the death of an American ambassador in Libya, and then she framed a movie maker and threw him in jail.

She has no concept of right or wrong.

She is completely negligent in matters of national security.

She does not have a pleasing personality. Very soon, both Democrats AND Republicans in Congress would refuse to listen to her.

She has a husband who is a rapist and he would keep it up while acting as "First Gentleman".

She has used a so-called charity to enrich her and her husband.

She is owned by everyone who donated to her charity.

We get it; you hate Hillary. Saying things over and over again doesn't make them true.
If you want claim this list "isn't enough!", it will help your credibility if you describe any current Republican candidate with a better resume. Or heck, describe any recent presidential candidate with a better resume.

Here’s A List Of Hillary Clinton’s Accomplishments, So Quit Saying She Doesn’t Have Any
These are not all of her accomplishments. Her activism on behalf of women a children across the world is renowned. Her activism for raising the minimum wage and combating climate change is stellar.


Hillary is by far the most qualified to become president. All I can do is laugh at cons who try to convince us differently. I do like Biden also, but I will continue to support Hillary even if he gets into the race.
To tell you the truth, Hillary has more experience with presidential things than any other person in the race. She's been First Lady (and you can't tell me that Bill didn't talk with Hillary while he was President), as well as a very successful Secretary of State.

She's got more quals than anyone running.
Mammoth is so clintonesque. Just suggest that Clinton had some association with something to pad her resume. Words like instrumental and leading role are just bs, they don't confer any measurable involvement or contribution. Many of these things probably came from the New York delegation and she just signed her name to it. Like Carly said, travel is not an accomplishment. In the real world the epic failure of,the reset with Russia, awol in Benghazi, as well as failing to push back against obamas feckless and reckless foreign policy disqualify her on the international front.

400 million people and 180 countries. Please. Do,we,have any independent confirmation of this? Many sources claim only ten percent of the money goes to charity. This article tells more of the truth.

Is the Clinton Foundation Really a Charity?

Hilary will be indicted soon, and the list of sheep on usmb who worshipped at her altar and supported a criminal not only as presidential material but as better than any other candidates will finally be wholly discredited.
If you want claim this list "isn't enough!", it will help your credibility if you describe any current Republican candidate with a better resume. Or heck, describe any recent presidential candidate with a better resume.

Here’s A List Of Hillary Clinton’s Accomplishments, So Quit Saying She Doesn’t Have Any
These are not all of her accomplishments. Her activism on behalf of women a children across the world is renowned. Her activism for raising the minimum wage and combating climate change is stellar.



The nonsense that you like to call accomplishments.

Flying all over the world on glorified vacations on the taxpayers' dime is an accomplishment!
Hillary Clinton was actually pretty good at laundering money for drug dealers. I'd say great, but let's be honest; we wouldn't know all about it if she were; and she was pretty sloppy, tbh.

Absolutely no proof to that money laundering accusation I say. You people are the losers, having to make up stuff up all the time.

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