Hillary Clinton, Chris Steele Allege Boris Johnson Is A Russian Stooge


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
All right wing politicians are Russian assets, as far left politicians such as weak Merkel, build multi-billion dollar oil pipelines directly to Russia.

She's about to run again folks, all of her presence in the media to me was a sign she is just building slowly to give the appearance she is being "thoughtful" about it.

She can then save you from Russia and feed you (and us) to China!

Hillary Clinton, Chris Steele Allege Boris Johnson Is A Russian Stooge

Hillary Clinton is back, and so is Chris Steele, this time in the United Kingdom. They are no less than implying that current Conservative (Tory) Prime Minister Boris Johnson is a Russian plant. And it’s no mistake that these allegations are being made just before a U.K. general election on December 12 that will decide the fate of Brexit.

It started last month, when the U.K.’s leftwing Guardian newspaper reported the existence of a secret report that said the Russians spent five years “cultivating leading Tories including Johnson…” The 50-page “dossier” from the U.K.’s intelligence and security committee is “based on analysis from Britain’s intelligence agencies, as well as third-party experts such as the former MI6 officer Cristopher Steele…”

That’s crazy, because Steele is the same man who claimed the Russians had been“cultivating, supporting, and assisting” Trump “for at least five years.” A sprawling, unlimited-spend, two-year U.S. special counsel investigation found that false.
All right wing politicians are Russian assets, as far left politicians such as weak Merkel, build multi-billion dollar oil pipelines directly to Russia.

She's about to run again folks, all of her presence in the media to me was a sign she is just building slowly to give the appearance she is being "thoughtful" about it.

She can then save you from Russia and feed you (and us) to China!

Hillary Clinton, Chris Steele Allege Boris Johnson Is A Russian Stooge

Hillary Clinton is back, and so is Chris Steele, this time in the United Kingdom. They are no less than implying that current Conservative (Tory) Prime Minister Boris Johnson is a Russian plant. And it’s no mistake that these allegations are being made just before a U.K. general election on December 12 that will decide the fate of Brexit.

It started last month, when the U.K.’s leftwing Guardian newspaper reported the existence of a secret report that said the Russians spent five years “cultivating leading Tories including Johnson…” The 50-page “dossier” from the U.K.’s intelligence and security committee is “based on analysis from Britain’s intelligence agencies, as well as third-party experts such as the former MI6 officer Cristopher Steele…”

That’s crazy, because Steele is the same man who claimed the Russians had been“cultivating, supporting, and assisting” Trump “for at least five years.” A sprawling, unlimited-spend, two-year U.S. special counsel investigation found that false.
It's fairly obvious he's being used the same way tRump is. His control may be more or less direct, but it's the same guy.
He is....

along with Trump...

You all underestimate Russia's PsyOPS and propaganda abilities....they are really really good at this, they've perfected it over the century... and that's the real problem! :eek: :D
All countries try to influence other nation. This backlash against Neo-Liberalism, alt-left liberalism, socialism, whatever you want to name it, is based on economics and sovereignty, NOT Russian influence.

If the West hadn't happily sold their workers out to China and, their borders out to far left socialists whose only objective was to import socialism and cheap labour to their country, you wouldn't have this problem. Global socialist have lost support and they are looking to blame anyone but their own failures and lack of morality.

Merkel literally allows 1 million people into her nation on the basis of a photo (nice excuse). No due diligence, no concern for citizen safety or even vision as to whether it was good for Germany or not.

That is horrible leadership of the worst kind. She will be sending billions of dollars to Russia (so much for global warming, bloody fake she is) via a pipeline and people pretend that Conservatives are Russian stooges? Please
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He is....

along with Trump...

You all underestimate Russia's PsyOPS and propaganda abilities....they are really really good at this, they've perfected it over the century... and that's the real problem! :eek: :D
Putin makes trump look like a 1st grader,,,,but then again most other leaders do too
Everyone is a Russian stooge...Putin is one amazing person!

I'm glad Putin wants Anerica to have energy independence, the best economy on the planet, wage growth, tax cuts, super low unemployment, consumer and small businesses confidence, and a military that loves America and Trump..
All right wing politicians are Russian assets, as far left politicians such as weak Merkel, build multi-billion dollar oil pipelines directly to Russia.

She's about to run again folks, all of her presence in the media to me was a sign she is just building slowly to give the appearance she is being "thoughtful" about it.

She can then save you from Russia and feed you (and us) to China!

Hillary Clinton, Chris Steele Allege Boris Johnson Is A Russian Stooge

Hillary Clinton is back, and so is Chris Steele, this time in the United Kingdom. They are no less than implying that current Conservative (Tory) Prime Minister Boris Johnson is a Russian plant. And it’s no mistake that these allegations are being made just before a U.K. general election on December 12 that will decide the fate of Brexit.

It started last month, when the U.K.’s leftwing Guardian newspaper reported the existence of a secret report that said the Russians spent five years “cultivating leading Tories including Johnson…” The 50-page “dossier” from the U.K.’s intelligence and security committee is “based on analysis from Britain’s intelligence agencies, as well as third-party experts such as the former MI6 officer Cristopher Steele…”

That’s crazy, because Steele is the same man who claimed the Russians had been“cultivating, supporting, and assisting” Trump “for at least five years.” A sprawling, unlimited-spend, two-year U.S. special counsel investigation found that false.
It would serve the Russians' purposes to have a weakened EU. Brexit is right down their alley.
Putin makes trump look like a 1st grader,,,,but then again most other leaders do too

That Putin is really schooling Trump on economic success, isn't he, Einstien?
Only economic success now will be paid for by your children and others who refuse to think for themselves And I'm far from an Einstein but closer than the moron Trump
All right wing politicians are Russian assets, as far left politicians such as weak Merkel, build multi-billion dollar oil pipelines directly to Russia.

She's about to run again folks, all of her presence in the media to me was a sign she is just building slowly to give the appearance she is being "thoughtful" about it.

She can then save you from Russia and feed you (and us) to China!

Hillary Clinton, Chris Steele Allege Boris Johnson Is A Russian Stooge

Hillary Clinton is back, and so is Chris Steele, this time in the United Kingdom. They are no less than implying that current Conservative (Tory) Prime Minister Boris Johnson is a Russian plant. And it’s no mistake that these allegations are being made just before a U.K. general election on December 12 that will decide the fate of Brexit.

It started last month, when the U.K.’s leftwing Guardian newspaper reported the existence of a secret report that said the Russians spent five years “cultivating leading Tories including Johnson…” The 50-page “dossier” from the U.K.’s intelligence and security committee is “based on analysis from Britain’s intelligence agencies, as well as third-party experts such as the former MI6 officer Cristopher Steele…”

That’s crazy, because Steele is the same man who claimed the Russians had been“cultivating, supporting, and assisting” Trump “for at least five years.” A sprawling, unlimited-spend, two-year U.S. special counsel investigation found that false.
Do Leftists hate Jews or Russia more? Is it a tossup. Just because their weak ass minds may be easily manipulated doesn’t mean that holds true for the rest of us. Idiots. Also said Tulsi Gabbard was a Russian Agent. Their view is one giant James Bond movie. Leftists are weak losers.
It would serve the Russians' purposes to have a weakened EU. Brexit is right down their alley.

The EU is weaker than the combined strength of its members.

Russia is served by EU allowing destruction from over immigration by people with polar opposite values.
He is....

along with Trump...

You all underestimate Russia's PsyOPS and propaganda abilities....they are really really good at this, they've perfected it over the century... and that's the real problem! :eek: :D
Yes, we know. Everyone you disagree with is a Russian puppet.

Did you get that from Hillary or the numerous MSM outlets controlling your brain?
Only economic success now will be paid for by your children and others who refuse to think for themselves And I'm far from an Einstein but closer than the moron Trump
You sound angry that I exposed the ignorance of your post.
MAWA wrong I don't anger easily but trump can do it to me , I hate seeing a scumbag in our WH and dolts supporting him ,but that's just me
All right wing politicians are Russian assets, as far left politicians such as weak Merkel, build multi-billion dollar oil pipelines directly to Russia.

She's about to run again folks, all of her presence in the media to me was a sign she is just building slowly to give the appearance she is being "thoughtful" about it.

She can then save you from Russia and feed you (and us) to China!

Hillary Clinton, Chris Steele Allege Boris Johnson Is A Russian Stooge

Hillary Clinton is back, and so is Chris Steele, this time in the United Kingdom. They are no less than implying that current Conservative (Tory) Prime Minister Boris Johnson is a Russian plant. And it’s no mistake that these allegations are being made just before a U.K. general election on December 12 that will decide the fate of Brexit.

It started last month, when the U.K.’s leftwing Guardian newspaper reported the existence of a secret report that said the Russians spent five years “cultivating leading Tories including Johnson…” The 50-page “dossier” from the U.K.’s intelligence and security committee is “based on analysis from Britain’s intelligence agencies, as well as third-party experts such as the former MI6 officer Cristopher Steele…”

That’s crazy, because Steele is the same man who claimed the Russians had been“cultivating, supporting, and assisting” Trump “for at least five years.” A sprawling, unlimited-spend, two-year U.S. special counsel investigation found that false.
And this is why I think the left is full of shit. Pre approved scapegoat for everything. If you believe it, you are pretty much the useful idiot we hear do much about.
All right wing politicians are Russian assets, as far left politicians such as weak Merkel, build multi-billion dollar oil pipelines directly to Russia.

She's about to run again folks, all of her presence in the media to me was a sign she is just building slowly to give the appearance she is being "thoughtful" about it.

She can then save you from Russia and feed you (and us) to China!

Hillary Clinton, Chris Steele Allege Boris Johnson Is A Russian Stooge

Hillary Clinton is back, and so is Chris Steele, this time in the United Kingdom. They are no less than implying that current Conservative (Tory) Prime Minister Boris Johnson is a Russian plant. And it’s no mistake that these allegations are being made just before a U.K. general election on December 12 that will decide the fate of Brexit.

It started last month, when the U.K.’s leftwing Guardian newspaper reported the existence of a secret report that said the Russians spent five years “cultivating leading Tories including Johnson…” The 50-page “dossier” from the U.K.’s intelligence and security committee is “based on analysis from Britain’s intelligence agencies, as well as third-party experts such as the former MI6 officer Cristopher Steele…”

That’s crazy, because Steele is the same man who claimed the Russians had been“cultivating, supporting, and assisting” Trump “for at least five years.” A sprawling, unlimited-spend, two-year U.S. special counsel investigation found that false.
It would serve the Russians' purposes to have a weakened EU. Brexit is right down their alley.
Or maybe THE UK just wants to be on their own.

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