Hillary Clinton Benghazi Testimony


what did the previous post have to do with the topic or with reality?


Put it all together
"What difference, [I]at this point[/I], does it make?"[/B] What was Secretary Clinton referring to?

“With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. [B]If it was because of a protest or if it was because guys out for a walk decided to go kill some Americans. What difference [I]at this point[/I] does it make?[/B]

“It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator. Now, honestly, I will do my best to answer my questions about this but the fact is that people were trying in real time to get the best information … but you know, to be clear, it is from my perspective, less important today looking backward as to why these militants decided to do it, as to find them and bring them to justice, and then maybe we’ll figure out what was going on in the meantime.”[/QUOTE]

We all know the Secretary is well respected and that no one with any credibility has accused her of lying because there is no credible reason for her to lie...

But we in America have a conspiracy fringe that is alive and well..

:rofl: :rofl: :laugh2: :rofl: :rofl:


[SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"]The ARB [/COLOR][/SIZE]

In examining the circumstances of these attacks, the Accountability Review Board for Benghazi determined that:

1. The attacks were security related, involving arson, small arms and machine gun fire, and the use of RPGs, grenades, and mortars against U.S. personnel at two separate facilities – the SMC and the Annex – and en route between them. Responsibility for the tragic loss of life, injuries, and damage to U.S. facilities and property rests solely and completely with the terrorists who perpetrated the attacks. The Board concluded that there was no protest prior to the attacks, which were unanticipated in their scale and intensity.

2. Systemic failures and leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels within two bureaus of the State Department (the “Department”) resulted in a Special Mission security posture that was inadequate for Benghazi and grossly inadequate to deal with the attack that took place.

Security in Benghazi was not recognized and implemented as a “shared responsibility” by the bureaus in Washington charged with supporting the post, resulting in stove-piped discussions and decisions on policy and security. That said, Embassy Tripoli did not demonstrate strong and sustained advocacy with Washington for increased security for Special Mission Benghazi.

The short-term, transitory nature of Special Mission Benghazi’s staffing, with talented and committed, but relatively inexperienced, American personnel often on temporary assignments of 40 days or less, resulted in diminished institutional knowledge, continuity, and mission capacity.

Overall, the number of Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS) security staff in Benghazi on the day of the attack and in the months and weeks leading up to it was inadequate, despite repeated requests from Special Mission Benghazi and Embassy Tripoli for additional staffing. Board members found a pervasive realization among personnel who served in Benghazi that the Special Mission was not a high priority for Washington when it came to security-related requests, especially those relating to staffing.

The insufficient Special Mission security platform was at variance with the appropriate Overseas Security Policy Board (OSPB) standards with respect to perimeter and interior security. Benghazi was also severely under-resourced with regard to certain needed security equipment, although DS funded and installed in 2012 a number of physical security upgrades.

These included heightening the outer perimeter wall, safety grills on safe area egress windows, concrete jersey barriers, manual drop-arm vehicle barriers, a steel gate for the Villa C safe area, some locally manufactured steel doors, sandbag fortifications, security cameras, some additional security lighting, guard booths, and an Internal Defense Notification System.

Special Mission Benghazi’s uncertain future after 2012 and its “non-status” as a temporary, residential facility made allocation of resources for security and personnel more difficult, and left responsibility to meet security standards to the working-level in the field, with very limited resources.

In the weeks and months leading up to the attacks, the response from post, Embassy Tripoli, and Washington to a deteriorating security situation was inadequate. At the same time, the SMC’s dependence on the armed but poorly skilled Libyan February 17 Martyrs’ Brigade (February 17) militia members and unarmed, locally contracted Blue Mountain Libya (BML) guards for security support was misplaced.

Although the February 17 militia had proven effective in responding to improvised explosive device (IED) attacks on the Special Mission in April and June 2012, there were some troubling indicators of its reliability in the months and weeks preceding the September attacks. At the time of Ambassador Stevens’ visit, February 17 militia members had stopped accompanying Special Mission vehicle movements in protest over salary and working hours.

Post and the Department were well aware of the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks but at no time were there ever any specific, credible threats against the mission in Benghazi related to the September 11 anniversary. Ambassador Stevens and Benghazi-based DS agents had taken the anniversary into account and decided to hold all meetings on-compound on September 11.

The Board found that Ambassador Stevens made the decision to travel to Benghazi independently of Washington, per standard practice. Timing for his trip was driven in part by commitments in Tripoli, as well as a staffing gap between principal officers in Benghazi. Plans for the Ambassador’s trip provided for minimal close protection security support and were not shared thoroughly with the Embassy’s country team, who were not fully aware of planned movements off compound.

The Ambassador did not see a direct threat of an attack of this nature and scale on the U.S. Mission in the overall negative trendline of security incidents from spring to summer 2012. His status as the leading U.S. government advocate on Libya policy, and his expertise on Benghazi in particular, caused Washington to give unusual deference to his judgments.

[B]Communication, cooperation, and coordination among Washington, Tripoli, and Benghazi functioned collegially at the working-level but were constrained by a lack of transparency, responsiveness, and leadership at the senior levels. Among various Department bureaus and personnel in the field, there appeared to be very real confusion over who, ultimately, was responsible and empowered to make decisions based on both policy and security considerations.[/B]

3. Notwithstanding the proper implementation of security systems and procedures and remarkable heroism shown by American personnel, those systems and the Libyan response fell short in the face of a series of attacks that began with the sudden penetration of the Special Mission compound by dozens of armed attackers.

The Board found the responses by both the BML guards and February 17 to be inadequate. The Board’s inquiry found little evidence that the armed February 17 guards offered any meaningful defense of the SMC, or succeeded in summoning a February 17 militia presence to assist expeditiously.

The Board found the Libyan government’s response to be profoundly lacking on the night of the attacks, reflecting both weak capacity and near absence of central government influence and control in Benghazi. The Libyan government did facilitate assistance from a quasi-governmental militia that supported the evacuation of U.S. government personnel to Benghazi airport. The Libyan government also provided a military C-130 aircraft which was used to evacuate remaining U.S. personnel and the bodies of the deceased from Benghazi to Tripoli on September 12.

The Board determined that U.S. personnel on the ground in Benghazi performed with courage and readiness to risk their lives to protect their colleagues, in a near impossible situation. The Board members believe every possible effort was made to rescue and recover Ambassador Stevens and Sean Smith.

The interagency response was timely and appropriate, but there simply was not enough time for armed U.S. military assets to have made a difference.

4. The Board found that intelligence provided no immediate, specific tactical warning of the September 11 attacks. Known gaps existed in the intelligence community’s understanding of extremist militias in Libya and the potential threat they posed to U.S. interests, although some threats were known to exist.

5. The Board found that certain senior State Department officials within two bureaus demonstrated a lack of proactive leadership and management ability in their responses to security concerns posed by Special Mission Benghazi, given the deteriorating threat environment and the lack of reliable host government protection. However, the Board did not find reasonable cause to determine that any individual U.S. government employee breached his or her duty.[/quote]

I like that. "The Bitch of Benghazi" Wish I had thought of it. Hey liberals! Kerry on with yer tolerance. KNOT.
McCain To Clinton: Your Answers ?Are Not Satisfactory? | John McCain | Fox Nation

the American people deserve to know answers.....and not false answers....

people don't bring mortars and rpgs to demonstrations...that's a fundamental....

Ambassador Chris Stevens expressed numerous warnings about security....

why does the Administration still refuse to provide the full text of the emails....?

why not interview the people who were there....?

why don't we still have the basic information....?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vF2LtLR4l0M]John McCain vs Hillary Clinton On Benghazi: Your Answers 'Are Not Satisfactory' - YouTube[/ame]
Uh idiot...she ran up $25M in debt and "just paid it off." Nice timing....

Hillary Clinton Campaign Debt From 2008 Retired

Rush mentioned yesterday Hillary's politcial campaign debt of $25M was paid off within the week.....how convenient.

She kept her mouth shut about the crimes and conspiracy, so that she could get a $25M payoff...

I noticed no liberal scum have a comment about the $25 MILLION BRIBE TO HILLARY....
Only a DittoNazi is stupid enough to believe anything your MessiahRushie says. She had paid off nearly all of her campaign debt long before Benghazi!!!

You are the perfect example of the "Misinformation Voter."

Hillary Clinton Close to Paying Off 2008 Campaign Debt - ABC News

Jul 19, 2012 10:44am

Hillary Clinton, who has steadily chipped away at the more than $25 million in debt her campaign amassed during her run for president, owes only $100,000, according to Federal Election Commission disclosures for the second quarter of 2012.
Running for president is expensive, and although the subject of campaign debt has usually been synonymous with Newt Gingrich in the past several months, Clinton is among the many former presidential candidates who’ve departed the trail in debt.
She suspended her campaign in June 2008 owing the $25 million but had paid off enough by the end of that year to owe $5.9 million.
Almost four years later, the campaign owes $100,000 to one entity, the firm of Penn, Schoen & Berland for consulting and polling fees.
Your guy let us be Hit on our own soil in his watch

So tell me....if Bush knew about a possible attack, but didn't know WHEN or WHERE it was going to happen, how in hell would he know how to STOP IT??? Please explain that to me....i'll wait ( i know you won't)

Hillary ignored requests from a specific embassy for more security....so she knew ahead of time WHERE a possible attack was going to happen. If she'd put the security in place when they'd asked for it, those 4 americans would still be alive. She didn't do her job so she's responsible for those deaths.
Liberals have been caught in a cover up with their lie of protests and Libya being a peaceful place prior to that "video" pissing off the muslim world.

Now, their excuse is "Who cares.....we need prevent the next attack, not look back at what happened in Libya."

Strange, typically that is not how we handle murder cases, we don't say it doesn't matter who, what and where in the investigation but that we should focus on preventing the next murder. Criminals want the police to forget about it....move on to the next murder.....
Patently idiotic.

Clinton lied through her teeth, she also showed she is simply not presidential material.

It is a sad state of affairs that not one of you morons wants the truth of this administrations sacrificing of American lives.

so you were in benghazi on september 11th, 2012 then? i assume that's how you can speak with such assured tones. i mean, the congressmen who were trying to score political points on hillary have access to classified shit and nothing they said yesterday would lead a rational, non-retard to think she's lying or that the administration is "sacrificing" american lives.

which means if you believe that, you're a fucking retard, in case you were wondering. a full-blown, window-licking retard.
Asshole...you believe some protest happened and turned into an armed attack?

That is what obamination claimed for a few weeks in PUBLIC against the classified CIA assessment.

You believe Hillary didn't know it was a terrorist attack before she sent her black underling out to lie to the world?

Yes.....you are that stupid and a scumbag to follow anything obamination tells you.

Patently idiotic.

Clinton lied through her teeth, she also showed she is simply not presidential material.

It is a sad state of affairs that not one of you morons wants the truth of this administrations sacrificing of American lives.

so you were in benghazi on september 11th, 2012 then? i assume that's how you can speak with such assured tones. i mean, the congressmen who were trying to score political points on hillary have access to classified shit and nothing they said yesterday would lead a rational, non-retard to think she's lying or that the administration is "sacrificing" american lives.

which means if you believe that, you're a fucking retard, in case you were wondering. a full-blown, window-licking retard.
Your guy let us be Hit on our own soil in his watch

So tell me....if Bush knew about a possible attack, but didn't know WHEN or WHERE it was going to happen, how in hell would he know how to STOP IT??? Please explain that to me....i'll wait ( i know you won't)

Hillary ignored requests from a specific embassy for more security....so she knew ahead of time WHERE a possible attack was going to happen. If she'd put the security in place when they'd asked for it, those 4 americans would still be alive. She didn't do her job so she's responsible for those deaths.

Secretary Clinton and her office in State never ignored any requests.'

Security was handled at the Asst Sec level :lol: get yer facts straight....'

try understanding the the ARB and Clinton's Congressional testimony where not one GOP show boater disputed that Secretary Clinton's office never ignored a thing



Rush mentioned yesterday Hillary's politcial campaign debt of $25M was paid off within the week.....how convenient.

She kept her mouth shut about the crimes and conspiracy, so that she could get a $25M payoff...

I noticed no liberal scum have a comment about the $25 MILLION BRIBE TO HILLARY....
Only a DittoNazi is stupid enough to believe anything your MessiahRushie says. She had paid off nearly all of her campaign debt long before Benghazi!!!

You are the perfect example of the "Misinformation Voter."

Hillary Clinton Close to Paying Off 2008 Campaign Debt - ABC News

Jul 19, 2012 10:44am

Hillary Clinton, who has steadily chipped away at the more than $25 million in debt her campaign amassed during her run for president, owes only $100,000, according to Federal Election Commission disclosures for the second quarter of 2012.
Running for president is expensive, and although the subject of campaign debt has usually been synonymous with Newt Gingrich in the past several months, Clinton is among the many former presidential candidates who’ve departed the trail in debt.
She suspended her campaign in June 2008 owing the $25 million but had paid off enough by the end of that year to owe $5.9 million.
Almost four years later, the campaign owes $100,000 to one entity, the firm of Penn, Schoen & Berland for consulting and polling fees.

please, why contribute to the conspiracy hijack of a thread? :confused:

not whet she said in full context .. give it up. She spoke of meeting with the families and the President as the caskets came home.

stop taking tragedy out of context in order to make personal political attacks...it's too shitty

"With all due respect, the fact is that we had four dead Americans," "Was it because of a protest, or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they'd go kill some Americans? What difference, at this point, does it make?" "It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again."

She is saying she the motive doesn't make a difference. It is that exact thinking that has us stuck in this endless war on terrorism. It is that thinking that had a role in 9/11. We never stop to think, gee, why are these people hellbent on killing us? Everyone is fed it is because we are free and have range rovers and because of their religion... it is because we have been killing their family members and fucking off in their neck of the woods for DECADES. Motives matter.



and, of course:


If we had spies and the CIA knew about the attacks then they are really responsible wouldn't you say? Or the spies weren't worth a crap. Is the only defense of the killing of our men is to parade one failed argument after another?

Your fail of a defense might make some sense had the CIA did something proactively, but they didn't. OR they didn't do anything and allowed our men to be attacked, and killed, which is even worse. So which is it?

The left is so lame pretty soon they will be claiming it was Rand Paul's fault.
Last edited:
Uh....:asshole: there was less than $100,000 left, not the $25 million you lied about being a bribe.

From your own link;

Campaign finance reports filed Tuesday show Clinton's campaign made payments of $73,000 on Dec. 31 to a consulting firm run by former adviser and pollster Mark Penn. That accounted for the last part of the debt going back to her primary campaign against Barack Obama.
Uh idiot...she ran up $25M in debt and "just paid it off." Nice timing....

Hillary Clinton Campaign Debt From 2008 Retired

Rush mentioned yesterday Hillary's politcial campaign debt of $25M was paid off within the week.....how convenient.

She kept her mouth shut about the crimes and conspiracy, so that she could get a $25M payoff...

I noticed no liberal scum have a comment about the $25 MILLION BRIBE TO HILLARY....
Only a DittoNazi is stupid enough to believe anything your MessiahRushie says. She had paid off nearly all of her campaign debt long before Benghazi!!!

You are the perfect example of the "Misinformation Voter."

Hillary Clinton Close to Paying Off 2008 Campaign Debt - ABC News

Jul 19, 2012 10:44am

Hillary Clinton, who has steadily chipped away at the more than $25 million in debt her campaign amassed during her run for president, owes only $100,000, according to Federal Election Commission disclosures for the second quarter of 2012.
Running for president is expensive, and although the subject of campaign debt has usually been synonymous with Newt Gingrich in the past several months, Clinton is among the many former presidential candidates who’ve departed the trail in debt.
She suspended her campaign in June 2008 owing the $25 million but had paid off enough by the end of that year to owe $5.9 million.
Almost four years later, the campaign owes $100,000 to one entity, the firm of Penn, Schoen & Berland for consulting and polling fees.

Rush mentioned yesterday Hillary's politcial campaign debt of $25M was paid off within the week.....how convenient.

She kept her mouth shut about the crimes and conspiracy, so that she could get a $25M payoff...

I noticed no liberal scum have a comment about the $25 MILLION BRIBE TO HILLARY....
Only a DittoNazi is stupid enough to believe anything your MessiahRushie says. She had paid off nearly all of her campaign debt long before Benghazi!!!

You are the perfect example of the "Misinformation Voter."

Hillary Clinton Close to Paying Off 2008 Campaign Debt - ABC News

Jul 19, 2012 10:44am

Hillary Clinton, who has steadily chipped away at the more than $25 million in debt her campaign amassed during her run for president, owes only $100,000, according to Federal Election Commission disclosures for the second quarter of 2012.
Running for president is expensive, and although the subject of campaign debt has usually been synonymous with Newt Gingrich in the past several months, Clinton is among the many former presidential candidates who’ve departed the trail in debt.
She suspended her campaign in June 2008 owing the $25 million but had paid off enough by the end of that year to owe $5.9 million.
Almost four years later, the campaign owes $100,000 to one entity, the firm of Penn, Schoen & Berland for consulting and polling fees.

please, why contribute to the conspiracy hijack of a thread? :confused:


Setting motive, for lying.

Rush mentioned yesterday Hillary's politcial campaign debt of $25M was paid off within the week.....how convenient.

She kept her mouth shut about the crimes and conspiracy, so that she could get a $25M payoff...

I noticed no liberal scum have a comment about the $25 MILLION BRIBE TO HILLARY....
Only a DittoNazi is stupid enough to believe anything your MessiahRushie says. She had paid off nearly all of her campaign debt long before Benghazi!!!

You are the perfect example of the "Misinformation Voter."

Hillary Clinton Close to Paying Off 2008 Campaign Debt - ABC News

Jul 19, 2012 10:44am

Hillary Clinton, who has steadily chipped away at the more than $25 million in debt her campaign amassed during her run for president, owes only $100,000, according to Federal Election Commission disclosures for the second quarter of 2012.
Running for president is expensive, and although the subject of campaign debt has usually been synonymous with Newt Gingrich in the past several months, Clinton is among the many former presidential candidates who’ve departed the trail in debt.
She suspended her campaign in June 2008 owing the $25 million but had paid off enough by the end of that year to owe $5.9 million.
Almost four years later, the campaign owes $100,000 to one entity, the firm of Penn, Schoen & Berland for consulting and polling fees.

please, why contribute to the conspiracy hijack of a thread? :confused:

Sorry, it turns out you are right. I didn't want to let the asshole's lie stand unchallenged and thought that I had debunked it so thoroughly that that would end it, but no the asshole just posted his lie again even with a link that proved what I debunked his lie with was true because he was too stupid to know it.

The stupidity of the right-wing "Misinformation Voter" is beyond comprehension.
Sorry again.

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