Hillary Clinton Benghazi Testimony

oh. so conservatives are still upset about the blow job?

no wonder you guys are literally dying off.

No, conservatives aren’t upset about BJs in the Oral Office, they’re upset that they failed to contrive that into ‘evidence’ to warrant Bill Clinton’s conviction in the Senate, that they couldn’t thwart the will of the voters and ‘get rid’ of Clinton.

And we’re seeing the same frustration today, where the partisan right has failed to contrive Benghazi into some sort of controversy to warrant ‘impeachment’ of the president, that they can’t thwart the will of the voters and ‘get rid’ of Obama.


i've been saying for quite some time now that i see a lot of similarities between '96 and 2012. sycophantic, cocky, right-wing doucherockets.
Well except for that whole perjury thing...and you know....losing his law license over it.

oh. so conservatives Well except for that whole perjury thing...and you know....losing his law license over it.
are still upset about the blow job?

no wonder you guys are literally dying off.

No, conservatives aren’t upset about BJs in the Oral Office, they’re upset that they failed to contrive that into ‘evidence’ to warrant Bill Clinton’s conviction in the Senate, that they couldn’t thwart the will of the voters and ‘get rid’ of Clinton.

And we’re seeing the same frustration today, where the partisan right has failed to contrive Benghazi into some sort of controversy to warrant ‘impeachment’ of the president, that they can’t thwart the will of the voters and ‘get rid’ of Obama.
oh. so conservatives are still upset about the blow job?

no wonder you guys are literally dying off.

No, conservatives aren’t upset about BJs in the Oral Office, they’re upset that they failed to contrive that into ‘evidence’ to warrant Bill Clinton’s conviction in the Senate, that they couldn’t thwart the will of the voters and ‘get rid’ of Clinton.

And we’re seeing the same frustration today, where the partisan right has failed to contrive Benghazi into some sort of controversy to warrant ‘impeachment’ of the president, that they can’t thwart the will of the voters and ‘get rid’ of Obama.


i've been saying for quite some time now that i see a lot of similarities between '96 and 2012. sycophantic, cocky, right-wing doucherockets.

And you’ll likely see the exact same thing with the next democratic president, petulant republicans attempting to contrive non-issues into some sort of perceived political weapon.
Hillary has real mental issues , What woman in her right mind would stay with a man who has cheated on her time after time after time? Of course she will lie, because she has lied to herself saying billy will not cheat again.

You know nothing about that, you pompous ass!!! Let's talk about you.

Not only are you a bat crap crazy lunatic, but you're a punk as well. Only punks send neg reps to begin with. But when they choose not to receive mail on top of it, they are major punks!!! That's you.

You know what you can do with your neg rep, little boy. Shove it.

Bull shit hillary has mental issues. She has even went to the extent of covering for bill's cheating. What sane woman would do that and stay with her cheating man?

:clap2: The kind that only want money and fame.....she's stupid!
oh. so conservatives are still upset about the blow job?

no wonder you guys are literally dying off.

The blow jobs weren't the problem, the lying under oath by a sitting President was what was the problem.

IMO, Bill Clinton is the most accomplished confidence man, read liar, on the planet. And, he got a lot of his advice on what lies to tell from Hillary.
The FBI investigations continue, and no one wants the truth more than Secretary Clinton.

Jesus. Who are you kidding. She knows the truth. She was involved in it from the get go.

I watched a replay of parts of her interview last night. Hilary had her shit together. She obviously practiced her answers. Had it together big time. The idiots on the panel didn't. Hell. The questions were pretty dumb in my book.

Someone should have asked her why she instead of Rice wasn't the one appearing on the morning talk shows.

Someone should have asked her that if cost was the problem why the hell was a spokesperson out there saying it had nothing to do with cost. There was plenty of money.

She as a Secretary could have gotten that extra security. Someone should have asked her why she didn't.

Hilary was the winner in that interview. She obviously was well versed.

I agree that Hillary was the winner and the American people were the losers.

On August 7, 1998, between 10:30 am and 10:40 am local time (3:30–3:40 am Washington time), suicide bombers in trucks laden with explosives parked outside the embassies in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi, and almost simultaneously detonated. In Nairobi, approximately 212 people were killed, and an estimated 4,000 wounded; in Dar es Salaam, the attack killed at least 11 and wounded 85.

And that was just ONE attack on Clinton's watch.
Your guy let us be Hit on our own soil in his watch

So tell me....if Bush knew about a possible attack, but didn't know WHEN or WHERE it was going to happen, how in hell would he know how to STOP IT??? Please explain that to me....i'll wait ( i know you won't)

Hillary ignored requests from a specific embassy for more security....so she knew ahead of time WHERE a possible attack was going to happen. If she'd put the security in place when they'd asked for it, those 4 americans would still be alive. She didn't do her job so she's responsible for those deaths.

Secretary Clinton and her office in State never ignored any requests.'

Security was handled at the Asst Sec level :lol: get yer facts straight....'

try understanding the the ARB and Clinton's Congressional testimony where not one GOP show boater disputed that Secretary Clinton's office never ignored a thing



The ARB you and Hillary quote so often

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton convened an Accountability Review Board (ARB) for Benghazi to examine the facts and circumstances surrounding the September 11-12, 2012, killings of four U.S. government personnel, including the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, John Christopher Stevens, in Benghazi, Libya.

Four Board members were selected by the Secretary of State and one member from the intelligence community (IC) was selected by the Director for National Intelligence. Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering served as Chairman, with Admiral Michael Mullen as Vice Chairman. Additional members were Catherine Bertini, Richard Shinnick, and Hugh Turner, who represented the IC.

What conclusions would you expect from those hand picked by Hillary?
I bet the families of the four dead care. What a coward.

Oh please, :blahblah: it is terrible to see what looks like you hiding behind these deaths and the families in order to score cheap political points

No, it's you asshole liberals who constantly attempt to score political points using anything you can......e.g., kids being killed in school shootings and then screaming about "gun control". Wow....can you people be any more pathetic than that?????
The FBI investigations continue, and no one wants the truth more than Secretary Clinton.

Jesus. Who are you kidding. She knows the truth. She was involved in it from the get go.

I watched a replay of parts of her interview last night. Hilary had her shit together. She obviously practiced her answers. Had it together big time. The idiots on the panel didn't. Hell. The questions were pretty dumb in my book.

Someone should have asked her why she instead of Rice wasn't the one appearing on the morning talk shows.

Someone should have asked her that if cost was the problem why the hell was a spokesperson out there saying it had nothing to do with cost. There was plenty of money.

She as a Secretary could have gotten that extra security. Someone should have asked her why she didn't.

Hilary was the winner in that interview. She obviously was well versed.

This :clap2: Hillary knows how to dodge a bullet, throw grenades, lie like a trooper, and put on a performance as good as an Oscar winner. She had approx 4 months to prepare her lines, perfect her story, and surmise whatever questions the repubs would ask her. The dems on the questioning committee covered for her and provided various escape routes, leaving her lots of room to spew all kinds of bullshit. The repubs on the questioning committee were piss poor in their questioning......they could have easily put her on the spot numerous times, challenged her on some very obvious lies, cornered her about security issues, and forced her to come clean about who knew what and when. The repubs chose NOT to do any of those things. Hillary is very good, but she's not that good. The liberals and the conservatives are colluding with one another on Benghazi.
Hillary has real mental issues , What woman in her right mind would stay with a man who has cheated on her time after time after time? Of course she will lie, because she has lied to herself saying billy will not cheat again.

You know nothing about that, you pompous ass!!! Let's talk about you.

Not only are you a bat crap crazy lunatic, but you're a punk as well. Only punks send neg reps to begin with. But when they choose not to receive mail on top of it, they are major punks!!! That's you.

You know what you can do with your neg rep, little boy. Shove it.

Bull shit hillary has mental issues. She has even went to the extent of covering for bill's cheating. What sane woman would do that and stay with her cheating man?

Oh, shut up!!! You have no idea what you're talking about.
the ARB .., read the ARB

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton revealed the names of the five board members in a letter to Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) on Oct. 2. In addition to former Under Secretary of State Thomas Pickering, who will lead the board, the other members will be former Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen (ret.), Catherine Bertini, Hugh Turner, and Richard Shinnick.



More fucking morons:

"Comparing FY 2011 actual funding versus the FY 2012 estimate, there appears to be a reduction in Worldwide Security Protection and Embassy Security, Construction and Maintenance. But that reduction does not account for additional funding in FY 2012 from Overseas Contingency Operations funds amounting to $236 million for Worldwide Security Protection (p. 63) and $33 million for Embassy Security, Construction and Maintenance (p. 467). As a result, total funds for Worldwide Security Protection for FY 2012 are estimated to be $94 million higher than in FY 2011, while Embassy Security, Construction and Maintenance is estimated to be $61 million less than FY 2011. Together, there is a net increase."

Libya Security Lapse: The Budget for Embassy Security Is Not Responsible

And, they give you the page numbers in this to check: http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/181061.pdf

:lol: Spinning numbers at Heritage Blog? :eek:

ARB http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/202446.pdf

For many years the State Department has been engaged in a struggle to obtain the resources necessary to carry out its work, with varying degrees of success. This has brought about a deep sense of the importance of husbanding resources to meet the highest priorities, laudable in the extreme in any government department. But it has also had the effect of conditioning a few State Department managers to favor restricting the use of resources as a general orientation.

There is no easy way to cut through this Gordian knot, all the more so as budgetary austerity looms large ahead. At the same time, it is imperative for the State Department to be mission-driven, rather than resource-constrained – particularly when being present in increasingly risky areas of the world is integral to U.S. national security.

The recommendations in this report attempt to grapple with these issues and err on the side of increased attention to prioritization and to fuller support for people and facilities engaged in working in high risk, high threat areas. The solution requires a more serious and sustained commitment from Congress to support State Department needs, which, in total, constitute a small percentage both of the full national budget and that spent for national security.

One overall conclusion in this report is that Congress must do its part to meet this challenge and provide necessary resources to the State Department to address security risks and meet mission imperatives.

Mindful of these considerations, the ARB has examined the terrorist attacks in Benghazi with an eye towards how we can better advance American interests and protect our personnel in an increasingly complex and dangerous world.
This Board presents its findings and recommendations with the unanimous conclusion that while the United States cannot retreat in the face of such challenges, we must work more rigorously and adeptly to address them, and that American diplomats and security professionals, like their military colleagues, serve the nation in an inherently risky profession.

Risk mitigation involves two imperatives – engagement and security – which require wise leadership, good intelligence and evaluation, proper defense and strong preparedness and, at times, downsizing, indirect access and even withdrawal. There is no one paradigm. Experienced leadership, close coordination and agility, timely informed decision making, and adequate funding and personnel resources are essential.

The selfless courage of the four Americans who died in the line of duty in Benghazi on September 11-12, 2012, as well as those who were injured and all those who valiantly fought to save their colleagues, inspires all of us as we seek to draw the right lessons from that tragic night.
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