Court Ordered Discovery Into Hillary Clinton Has FINALLY Begun


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
Judicial watch has been on the Clinton scandal like a hound dog on a bone and it looks like many questions will be answered in the weeks to come. This article explains everything Judicial Watch is looking for.

Court Ordered Discovery Into Hillary Clinton Has FINALLY Begun

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton announced that his group has begun court-ordered discovery on Clinton emails/Benghazi scandal. Mrs. Clinton’s lawyer will testify under oath. Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes will have to answer written questions under oath on Benghazi.”

Judicial Watch announced today that United States District Judge Royce C. Lamberth ruled that discovery can begin in Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. Obama administration senior State Department officials, lawyers, and Clinton aides will now be deposed under oath. Senior officials — including Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Jacob Sullivan, and FBI official E.W. Priestap — will now have to answer Judicial Watch’s written questions under oath. The court rejected the DOJ and State Department’s objections to Judicial Watch’s court-ordered discovery plan. (The court, in ordering a discovery plan last month, ruled that the Clinton email system was “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency.”)

Judicial Watch’s discovery will seek answers to:

Whether Clinton intentionally attempted to evade the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by using a non-governmental email system

whether the State Department’s efforts to settle this case beginning in late 2014 amounted to bad faith; and

whether the State Department adequately searched for records responsive to Judicial Watch’s FOIA request.

Court Ordered Discovery Into Hillary Clinton Has FINALLY Begun
God bless Judicial Watch and Fox News. Hannity has been pushing this ever since way before the election. It's about time that old post-menopausal ratbag POS got her comeuppance and we got justice.
Good on Tom Fitton!!!! :thup:

Judicial watch has been on the Clinton scandal like a hound dog on a bone and it looks like many questions will be answered in the weeks to come. This article explains everything Judicial Watch is looking for.

Court Ordered Discovery Into Hillary Clinton Has FINALLY Begun

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton announced that his group has begun court-ordered discovery on Clinton emails/Benghazi scandal. Mrs. Clinton’s lawyer will testify under oath. Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes will have to answer written questions under oath on Benghazi.”

Judicial Watch announced today that United States District Judge Royce C. Lamberth ruled that discovery can begin in Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. Obama administration senior State Department officials, lawyers, and Clinton aides will now be deposed under oath. Senior officials — including Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Jacob Sullivan, and FBI official E.W. Priestap — will now have to answer Judicial Watch’s written questions under oath. The court rejected the DOJ and State Department’s objections to Judicial Watch’s court-ordered discovery plan. (The court, in ordering a discovery plan last month, ruled that the Clinton email system was “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency.”)

Judicial Watch’s discovery will seek answers to:

Whether Clinton intentionally attempted to evade the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by using a non-governmental email system

whether the State Department’s efforts to settle this case beginning in late 2014 amounted to bad faith; and

whether the State Department adequately searched for records responsive to Judicial Watch’s FOIA request.

Court Ordered Discovery Into Hillary Clinton Has FINALLY Begun
All right, cool then. Plenty more where that one was on both sides.
Hey Tom just drop it because the Clintons are untouchable and they know people so save yourself before you disappear

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Judicial watch has been on the Clinton scandal like a hound dog on a bone and it looks like many questions will be answered in the weeks to come. This article explains everything Judicial Watch is looking for.

Court Ordered Discovery Into Hillary Clinton Has FINALLY Begun

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton announced that his group has begun court-ordered discovery on Clinton emails/Benghazi scandal. Mrs. Clinton’s lawyer will testify under oath. Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes will have to answer written questions under oath on Benghazi.”

Judicial Watch announced today that United States District Judge Royce C. Lamberth ruled that discovery can begin in Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. Obama administration senior State Department officials, lawyers, and Clinton aides will now be deposed under oath. Senior officials — including Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Jacob Sullivan, and FBI official E.W. Priestap — will now have to answer Judicial Watch’s written questions under oath. The court rejected the DOJ and State Department’s objections to Judicial Watch’s court-ordered discovery plan. (The court, in ordering a discovery plan last month, ruled that the Clinton email system was “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency.”)

Judicial Watch’s discovery will seek answers to:

Whether Clinton intentionally attempted to evade the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by using a non-governmental email system

whether the State Department’s efforts to settle this case beginning in late 2014 amounted to bad faith; and

whether the State Department adequately searched for records responsive to Judicial Watch’s FOIA request.

Court Ordered Discovery Into Hillary Clinton Has FINALLY Begun
This is so sad that a outside Foundation has to do the job that should have been done year and years ago by the Government it's self. The whole Clinton saga has been overlooked, whitewashed, covered up by the Government that it stinks like a cow barn in July. The list of wrong doing has made the Government look like a bunch of Criminals having a sit down. I look at the Russian Investigation and the first thing I think of is the Nuke deal with Russia, and how Mueller was playing a part in it and yet he is the one working a investigation into the President's dealing with the Russian Government prior to him even getting elected. Yet there sits many cases that needs looking into. I wonder just how the Sessions appointment of the UT Federal Prossucutors investigation is going into the Clinton Foundation abusises. I see and hear nothing about it to this date and it has been about a year.

Hillary Clinton zings Trump, GOP for ripping off her 2016 campaign slogan

Dartunorro Clark
10 hrs ago

Hillary Clinton accused Republicans and President Donald Trump on Tuesday of cribbing her 2016 presidential campaign slogan "Stronger Together."

"Now copy my plan on health care, a fairer tax system, and voting rights," Clinton tweeted.

Her retort was in response to an image of Trump along with the words "we're only getting stronger together" tweeted from the Republican National Committee's Twitter account Monday. Trump also used the phrase at his campaign rally in El Paso, Texas, later that night.

The RNC then shot back at Clinton on Tuesday: "How about this: We'll give you your slogan back if you run again."

Hillary Clinton zings Trump, GOP for ripping off her 2016 campaign slogan

Yeah, I’ve been hearing that since the 90’s. It’s pretty much a pipe dream at this point.
It reminds me of the endless Birther litigation attempts over Obama’s birth certificate.
It should remind everyone of authoritarian dictatorships, where the political opposition is subject to capricious, unwarranted criminal prosecution.

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