High School Cheerleaders Punished For Supporting President Trump

No, you might mean that. He really thinks that you should not be ALLOWED to speak ill of Trump. Ask him.
You should not be allowed to carry out destructive acts to enforce your hatred of Trump. You should not be allowed to incite violence against Trump supporters. You should not be allowed to blackball people in your profession that support Trump.

So you're not allowed to exercise your first Amendment right to protest the government and seek redress for your grievances?

Trump incites violence against those who don't support him, why should others not be allowed to do the same. He told people to punch protestors in the face and he'd pay for lawyers to defend them. If that's not incitement to violence, I don't know what is. He told DHS workers to break the law and separate families and he'd pardon them.

Donald Trump has been inciting violence against those who oppose his policies from the moment he started running for President.

Anyone who supports the hate and ignorance of Trump's policies is not fit to hold a job, and is not someone I wo
uld hire because he lacks the moral character or the principles which I base my business on.
Trump does not incite violence.
His critics do.
You think that because his opponents are angry about losing an election it gives you the right to ruin people's lives, attack them for wearing a red hat, commit crimes against them because they have it coming to them.

Or print lists of supporters to ask people in Hollywood who support him to not work with others? Come on man.

As long as the President continues to break the law, show contempt for Congress, and generally behave like a menace to society, and flout the Constitution, everyone should hiss at him when he appears in public, until he stops abusing migrant families on the border, and starts treating people decently.

The allegory was made upthread that if you drive drunk with your kids in the car, you will be separated from your children. Yes, you will. You will be put in jail until your bail hearing the next day, and your children will be sent home with relatives. You will not be locked up indefinitely awaiting trial, with a "for-profit" prison company at a cost to the taxpayers of $700 a day, even for the felony of driving drunk.

Locking up refugee claimants and their families in concentration camps on the border is enriching Trump's for-profit prison buddies, who donated so richly to his Inauguration Fund, at the expense of the American taxpayers. This is fiscal insanity.
Regardless of whether or not the president is breaking the law....anyone who takes the law into their own hands deserves whatever they get.
What is with you far right radical extremists?

Why do you think you're so special that rules don't apply to you?

Why are you demanding to make it a felony to apply rules equally to everyone?

Why do you believe that applying rules equally to everyone is hating trump?

And why in the world do you hate America? To demand to make it a felony to hate trump or anyone is so far beyond crazy it's just pathetic.

Funny, you and your fellow far right radical extremists have hated Obama ever since he became president. To this day you all hate him so much you can't let him go and spread the most ridiculous lies about him.

No one demanded to make it a felony to hate Obama.

You are one of the most radical extremist people I've encountered on this message board.

Thank goodness your demand will never happen.
Actually you fuckers decided that criticism of the chosen one was racist and worthy of oppression and legal action.

I'm simply flipping the argument on its head and giving you a dose of your own medicine

I have never called anyone who didn't like Obama a racist. Produce proof of your claim.

There is no proof.

In case you didn't know there's a huge difference between saying someone is a racist and demanding for it to be a felony to hate trump.

Confronting someone as a racist won't put anyone in prison and destroy their lives.

Demanding it be a felon to hate trump comes with prison time. Felony crime puts people in prison. In the case of the president, it puts them in a federal prison. It destroys the person's life and everyone in their life. Including their children.

To compare idiots calling you names to demanding to hang a felony charge on people is so ridiculous that only a far right radical extremist such as you would even try to make that comparison.

Why didn't you answer my questions?

Why do you believe you're so special that rules don't apply to you?

Why do you believe that applying rules equally to everyone is hating trump?

Why do you believe that applying rules equally to everyone should put someone in prison with a felony charge?
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Trump hatred should be illegal ???

Is this a serious position?

What they did to the cheerleaders is clearly a violation of their rights to free speech but what you proposed in your title is even worse.
Clearly you didn't read the OP then.

We did read the OP. It was utter bullshit. You have a problem with people disliking President Trump, while you hated on Obama throughout his entire term. "Not my President" ring any bells?
And you are a fucking liar.
Trump hatred should be illegal ???

Is this a serious position?

What they did to the cheerleaders is clearly a violation of their rights to free speech but what you proposed in your title is even worse.
Clearly you didn't read the OP then.

We did read the OP. It was utter bullshit. You have a problem with people disliking President Trump, while you hated on Obama throughout his entire term. "Not my President" ring any bells?
And you are a fucking liar.

She did not lie about your OP. You clearly said people should be jailed for hating Trump. Not for hating whomever the POTUS is, just Trump
Trump hatred should be illegal ???

Is this a serious position?

What they did to the cheerleaders is clearly a violation of their rights to free speech but what you proposed in your title is even worse.
Clearly you didn't read the OP then.
The title was so ridiculous I didn't feel it necessary.

Be straight forward rather than playing bait & switch games.
It wasn't bait and switch.....but you would know that if you had read the entire OP.
Boring. I think that this subject was already covered on another thread.

High school cheerleaders placed on probation for posing with 'Trump 2020' banner at N.C. football game

No politics on school property or at school events and not while wearing a uniform that identifies the wearer with the school district, which is politically neutral. Off-campus, away from a school-sponsored event, in street-clothes, this would be okay. What is so hard to understand?
Yet the teachers are allowed to spread communist and Islamic propaganda in their class material.
I don't see how that's fair, do you?
Trump hatred should be illegal ???

Is this a serious position?

What they did to the cheerleaders is clearly a violation of their rights to free speech but what you proposed in your title is even worse.
That's why you should read the OP before commenting on the title.
It prevents misunderstandings.
Not posting a RETARDED title would have eliminated the confusion
Trump hatred should be illegal ???

Is this a serious position?

What they did to the cheerleaders is clearly a violation of their rights to free speech but what you proposed in your title is even worse.
Clearly you didn't read the OP then.

We did read the OP. It was utter bullshit. You have a problem with people disliking President Trump, while you hated on Obama throughout his entire term. "Not my President" ring any bells?
And you are a fucking liar.

She did not lie about your OP. You clearly said people should be jailed for hating Trump. Not for hating whomever the POTUS is, just Trump
Gator, I hereby lend support for your right to hate Trump and will protect and defend your right to do so!!!


Trump hatred should be illegal ???

Is this a serious position?

What they did to the cheerleaders is clearly a violation of their rights to free speech but what you proposed in your title is even worse.
Clearly you didn't read the OP then.

We did read the OP. It was utter bullshit. You have a problem with people disliking President Trump, while you hated on Obama throughout his entire term. "Not my President" ring any bells?
And you are a fucking liar.

She did not lie about your OP. You clearly said people should be jailed for hating Trump. Not for hating whomever the POTUS is, just Trump
Gator, I hereby lend support for your right to hate Trump and will protect and defend your right to do so!!!



You know better! Hate takes effort and caring and work. Why would anyone waste the time and effort to hate Trump or Obama or Hillary? What have they ever done to me personally?
I don't live in Venezuela. I've never been to Venezuela.

I think ALL Leftists who think Socialism is good should be forced to go live there for at least one month.

They would never like Socialism again.

Conversely, I think idiots who believe Venezuela is the only example of Socialism should be sent to Germany, Switzerland or the Netherlands to see that you can have robust capitalist economies and still provide healthcare and education to your citizens.
Germany and Switzerland aren't examples of purely socialist states.
Venezuela is.

Venezuela is not a "purely socialist state" either. It's just the latest economic disaster that the right points to when the subject of a reasonable social safety net comes up. The rest of the world points to the USA where "personal freedom" and "rugged individualism" is more important than the common good as examples where people have sacrificed their safety and security some very bizarre and wrong-headed notions of what "freedom" really means.

Private ownership and property is what made this country great. Not some state controlled socialist sewage.
Boring. I think that this subject was already covered on another thread.

High school cheerleaders placed on probation for posing with 'Trump 2020' banner at N.C. football game

No politics on school property or at school events and not while wearing a uniform that identifies the wearer with the school district, which is politically neutral. Off-campus, away from a school-sponsored event, in street-clothes, this would be okay. What is so hard to understand?
Yet the teachers are allowed to spread communist and Islamic propaganda in their class material.
I don't see how that's fair, do you?

What "communist and Islamic propaganda" is being spread by teachers in their class material? Give specific examples. Which teachers? Which schools? Which class material? Which states? Frankly, I think that you are making this up out of your fantasy.

All I said was that these people violated school rules about politicking at school events and posing for political pictures in uniforms that identified them with the school district. Our public institutions are not to be identified with any specific ideology. You didn't read my post very well, did you?
Boring. I think that this subject was already covered on another thread.

High school cheerleaders placed on probation for posing with 'Trump 2020' banner at N.C. football game

No politics on school property or at school events and not while wearing a uniform that identifies the wearer with the school district, which is politically neutral. Off-campus, away from a school-sponsored event, in street-clothes, this would be okay. What is so hard to understand?
Yet the teachers are allowed to spread communist and Islamic propaganda in their class material.
I don't see how that's fair, do you?

Where is there communist and Islamic "propaganda" in their class material. I recall Texas text books which said that "slavery was a form of immigration". That's my definition of "propaganda". Oh yeah, and the Civil War was about "states' rights".

Personally, I think we should just leave the Sunnis, the Shi'tes, and the Israelis to their own devices. If they want to kill one another, have at it. We're done with all of you. They're all guilty of treat one another with vile hatred and no good has ever come in messing in their hatred of one another.
Boring. I think that this subject was already covered on another thread.

High school cheerleaders placed on probation for posing with 'Trump 2020' banner at N.C. football game

No politics on school property or at school events and not while wearing a uniform that identifies the wearer with the school district, which is politically neutral. Off-campus, away from a school-sponsored event, in street-clothes, this would be okay. What is so hard to understand?
Yet the teachers are allowed to spread communist and Islamic propaganda in their class material.
I don't see how that's fair, do you?

What "communist and Islamic propaganda" is being spread by teachers in their class material? Give specific examples. Which teachers? Which schools? Which class material? Which states? Frankly, I think that you are making this up out of your fantasy.

All I said was that these people violated school rules about politicking at school events and posing for political pictures in uniforms that identified them with the school district. Our public institutions are not to be identified with any specific ideology. You didn't read my post very well, did you?
Propaganda is propaganda no matter how it is dispersed. Some of it is straight forward along with craziness. A female prog commentator on msnbc some years ago demanded that all infants be taken from their parent or parents and put into baby warehouses and taught from birth from these places. It is not far fetched with schools and there are complaints at times that we read about. You want your changes, you must get rid of the power fiefdoms. And there are people working in them that are part of your agendas. So make up your minds.

A NC cheerleader squad was suspended from school for committing the ultimate sin.....supporting Donald Trump. All they did was take a picture standing around a Trump for president 2020 sign. This should be against the law and serious fines and jail sentences should be enforced for this oppressive conduct by anyone who thinks they can get away with bigotry and fascism.

Hatred and the divisiveness has spread all over America. This is the future Obama hoped for when he talked of transforming America. He wanted a country filled with bigots who hated whites or anyone who votes for Republicans. Women aren't women anymore if they support the president. Blacks aren't blacks anymore if they support the president. Gays aren't really gay if they support the president. Democrats can get away with murder, but if you're a Trump supporter your enemies will destroy you by any means possible, and this destruction will be cheered by the masses. Mob-rule in a nutshell.


Pious politicians preach to us about the rule of law while at the same instant they're squashing Trump supporter's due process. Who you are matters more than what you did. This isn't America. This is a fascist state ruled by a bunch of maniacal jerks with TDS. The elite in academia and in Hollywood screaming for the names of Trump supporters in their ranks. They want to punish anyone who dares to have an open mind. They want Trump supporters identified and shunned....forced out of the business......and this conduct was encouraged by communists in the Democrat Party no less. At first it seemed harmless, but now it's become deadly.


In the past....when someone said something that was obviously a lie about me or anyone else who knows the difference between right and wrong...I used to laugh about it...or simply ignore it.....but now it's impossible to ignore. The lies are becoming so insane and so ridiculous.....the crap these people say so obviously flies in the face of known facts....the deception....the fabrications....the malicious nature of what they say.....I actually just want to backhand them in the face. This is not right. Why can't we just get along and be allowed to hold our own opinions without being attacked. I can't watch the news for more than a few minutes without changing to a DVD of Modern Family or Big Bang Theory, something funny. The news has become unwatchable. It's no small wonder that people are literally losing their minds and their sense of decency. Peace in America is an impossibility under these conditions. That's why I feel strongly that anyone who spreads this kind of hatred should be indicted and charged with a felony.


If this country is so oppressive to you, you are free to pack your shit and go.
LOL! I see what you did there.
Trump hatred should be illegal ???

Is this a serious position?

What they did to the cheerleaders is clearly a violation of their rights to free speech but what you proposed in your title is even worse.
That's why you should read the OP before commenting on the title.
It prevents misunderstandings.
Not posting a RETARDED title would have eliminated the confusion
Reading an OP would do the same.

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