Hey, What Happened To All Those Women


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
who accused Trump of grabbing their pussy?

Cuz I really wanna know! They disappeared so quickly following the election. :laugh2:
who accused Trump of grabbing their pussy?

Cuz I really wanna know! They disappeared so quickly following the election. :laugh2:
I think they're out having a drink with the shady ladies Trump brought to the debates to shake up Hillary..or was it to cover his own butt by making Bubba look worse? Whatever. They'll be back, just wait for it.
who accused Trump of grabbing their pussy?

Cuz I really wanna know! They disappeared so quickly following the election. :laugh2:
I think they're out having a drink with the shady ladies Trump brought to the debates to shake up Hillary..or was it to cover his own butt by making Bubba look worse? Whatever. They'll be back, just wait for it.

It's over...deal
who accused Trump of grabbing their pussy?

Cuz I really wanna know! They disappeared so quickly following the election. :laugh2:
I think they're out having a drink with the shady ladies Trump brought to the debates to shake up Hillary..or was it to cover his own butt by making Bubba look worse? Whatever. They'll be back, just wait for it.


No, they won't.

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