Hey Islam......is your God really that weak?

Well........to tell you the truth, because there are several branches of Islam (Sunni, Shia, etc.), I find it kind of strange that all branches use the same book (Quaran), yet each sect thinks that theirs is the only "true" one, and they want to force all the others to believe as they do.

It would kinda be like Christians trying to say that one of their beliefs (Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, etc.) is the only right one and killing off everyone else who doesn't join their sect.

But...............Christians don't do that, nor do they get all murder happy when someone is disrespectful of Jesus (the Piss Christ art exhibit comes to mind).

Like I said in the OP, if your tin god is so fragile that it can't stand up to satire or criticism, then you should probably find another religion that you can actually believe in.

And.............instead of forcing people to convert at the point of a gun, a good religion would be one that attracts you rather than forces you.


You know............Muslims are always talking about how great Allah is, but my question is this.............if Allah is so great and merciful, then why is it that followers of that religion seem to think they have to defend Mohammed and Allah from any insult of any kind by murdering those who poke fun at their religion?

I mean...............people can make fun of me (and have), yet I'm a big enough person to be able to shine it on and go on about my day without resorting to violence. Now, since I can do that, does that make me greater than Allah or Mohammed who cannot have any criticism thrown their way?

If your faith in your deity and prophet is so fragile that satire can shake your faith, shouldn't you find a religion that you can truly believe in?

Sad to see that the faith of a few radicals can be shaken by something as simple as a cartoon.

Speaking of weak gods, the all powerful bible god was a real weak sister according to the bible

Judges 1:19King James Version (KJV)
" And the Lord was with Judah; and he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron." :ack-1:
Muslims are amazed that Christians allow their deity Jesus to be degraded and slandered by atheistic heathens.

And then told by secular authorities it must be accept in the name of free speech as modern art.

No wonder Christianity has become a milquetoast religion with half empty churches. ..... :cool:

"No wonder Christianity has become a milquetoast religion with half empty churches. ..... :cool:"

....as opposed to a politico-religious ideology that is little more than a collection of idol worshipping cults that wantonly murders its own adherents. ..... :cool:
Do you wipe your own ass with your hand and then use sand and dirt to wash your hands with?
Why are you gays always fixated on another man's stool habits and fecal material? ..... :dunno:

I'm fixated on your prolific claim to be a devout Muslim. I just want to know if you're full of shit.....

....which you pass and then wipe with your hand and clean your hands with dirt like Muhammad (piss be upon him) who is the model of the perfect man, instructed his followers to do.

I also want to know if you dry the tip of your penis with a pebble after urinating. Just how Muslim are you?
Well........to tell you the truth, because there are several branches of Islam (Sunni, Shia, etc.), I find it kind of strange that all branches use the same book (Quaran), yet each sect thinks that theirs is the only "true" one, and they want to force all the others to believe as they do.

It would kinda be like Christians trying to say that one of their beliefs (Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, etc.) is the only right one and killing off everyone else who doesn't join their sect.

But...............Christians don't do that, nor do they get all murder happy when someone is disrespectful of Jesus (the Piss Christ art exhibit comes to mind).

Like I said in the OP, if your tin god is so fragile that it can't stand up to satire or criticism, then you should probably find another religion that you can actually believe in.

And.............instead of forcing people to convert at the point of a gun, a good religion would be one that attracts you rather than forces you.



I see images like that and strangely I'm not charged with homicidal rage and an unspoken mandate to defend Christ's honor by killing whoever made this picture.
I also want to know if you dry the tip of your penis with a pebble after urinating.
There is no doubt that you are a flaming homo.

Because no straight man would be asking another man about his penis. ....... :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:

I could say the same about you. I think the most zealous Muslims, like yourself, are just closet homosexuals channeling their sexual frustration into jihad and violence. But since I don't know you, I'm not going to be so stupid as to say you're homosexual. I'll leave that stupidity up to you.
I could say the same about you. I think the most zealous Muslims, like yourself, are just closet homosexuals channeling their sexual frustration into jihad and violence. But since I don't know you, I'm not going to be so stupid as to say you're homosexual. .
I am absolutely certain that you are a flaming fudge packer.

Because only a queer would be asking about another man's toilet habits and penis. ..... :eek-52:
I could say the same about you. I think the most zealous Muslims, like yourself, are just closet homosexuals channeling their sexual frustration into jihad and violence. But since I don't know you, I'm not going to be so stupid as to say you're homosexual. .
I am absolutely certain that you are a flaming fudge packer.

Because only a queer would be asking about another man's toilet habits and penis. ..... :eek-52:

Ok moron. Done talking to you.
Hey Sunni.............can you explain to the rest of us why you consider Mohammed to be so fragile that he can't be depicted?

And..........if American cartoonists can make fun of other religions like Catholic and Jewish, and they don't get all bent out of shape (matter of fact, the comic strip Non Seqitur had a good strip today, 17 Jan 2015, about the pope), why is it that Islam gets so violent about Mohammed?

Is Mohammed really that fragile?
Islam was written well after Judaism or Christianity existed. I am no religious scholar, but Islam wants to rewrite history as if it predated them and is morally superior. Islam is, in effect, a poor second hand plagiarism of Judaic-Christianity. And weak it is.

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