The following is not what Ann Coulter would consider being a republican apologist.......just the truth.
First off, I would like to say, THANK JOSS! It took me over a month of searching to find a republican chat site. From the looks of the board, I am so glad I found my way, here.
I am a vegetarian, atheist-unless you count The Jossverse, indie rock/pop songwriter-musician, Jesse Helms-hating, NPR-listening, and am semi-pro gay marriage- or at least civil unions.
Why do I tell you this? Because I love the way that the LMM [liberal mass media] paints all of us in one broad stroke, coloring us as religious zealots, hatemongers, gay bashers, misogynists, militia members, or backwards and/or rich snobs. Well, I am evidence that they are wrong, twisted, and that our party is far broader than they would ever admit.
That said, BE WARNED: I am NOT a "liberal" republican, at least not the kind who votes with the Dems or are traitors to the party.
(Cough! Cough! McCain...Cough! Cough!)
No, I am proof that we, unlike reactionary liberals, are NOT mindless, knee-jerk sheep. If anything, I consider myself a rogue Republican.
So, now for the hope I have for liberals.
How do I know that liberals are sheep? Great question, so glad I asked it.
In 1992, I was a dedicated liberal Democrat, dating a radical feminist, and President of the North Carolina chapter of the Draft Mario Cuomo for President campaign. Even though I was a Cuomo-liberal, I knew from being behind the scenes just what a scumbag Bill Clinton was. Still, that was not enough to make me question my liberal dogma. Well, a strange thing happened: I turned on Rush. At first, I just laughed at him, thinking to myself about what a nut he was. Then, I started hating him because of how wrong he was on the issues. Then, my world started to crumble as he started to rip apart my belief in liberalism, thus making me hate him that much more, even wishing death upon him.
Then, seemingly out of the blue, HE BROKE ME! I threw up my hands & surrendered to him, throwing my liberalism out the proverbial window.
I started listening every day, all 3 hours- plus repeats at night. I started reading- liberals: That means cracking open a book & looking at all the pretty words- authors such as George Will--the single most intelligent human on earth, William F. Buckley jr., & P.J. O'Rourke. To cement the deal, I started to become enchanted with my now-political hero: Newt Gingrich. On the very day I heard a republican victory in 1994 would mean Newt would become Speaker of the House, I went down to our board of elections & changed my party affiliation.......and I never looked back.
Now, we stand on the precipice of the most crucial election since Reagan/Carter. Yeah, I have issues with Bush-- illegal immigration, just to name one-- and would love to have Newt Gingrich as our "fascist" leader for the next 15 to 20 years, but I am SOOOOOOOO proud of the job that President Bush has done in this age of danger & tumult.
Liberalism & Political Correctness are the greatest threat to America, just behind terrorism. Actually, I believe there to be a symbiotic relationship between the two. If both groups have their respective ways, America will be brought to its knees in defeat & humiliation. THAT is how important this election is.
Even liberals will admit, nobody really likes Kerry. Now, Dean was a totally different story. The was a real movement of passion-however twisted- and true belief for Dean. Kerry? simply the last man standing. Liberals hate President Bush so much- which is a strong sign of how great he has been for this nation- they would back Britney Spears is they thought she could beat W. Still, Kerry will have all the wackos out in force for him: MoveOn.org, the Hollywood losers-- I'll put Dennis Miller against any of those elitist sheep, foreign leaders- like Kim Jong Il, and, of course, the liberal mass media.
Poor lil' Kerry is already whining about Florida. Ya know, the state that the Democraps attempted to still in 2000? There were three major recounts done by the media, and they all begrudgingly came to the exact same conclusion: Bush won. This, despite the fact that the major networks committed voter fraud & election rigging by calling the state for Gore with an hour left to go to the polls, which many Republicans failed to do believing the state had gone into Gore's column.
Kerry calls Republicans crooked liars and part of an attack squad. I love it! We are a hit squad, an attack squad, yet Hamas terrorists, according to some Dems, are "soldiers."
Kerry & his band of thugs like Dean, Ted "The Killer" Kennedy, Patsy Ireland, Hillary Clinton, Al Frankenstein, & Michael Moore call Bush a felon, a deserter, a mass murderer, a destroyer of this country, yet THEY are the ones whining about being attacked. Hey, if I had Kerry's voting record, I would feel attacked when it was brought up, TOO!
Trust me, if Kerry were to win- ROTFLMFAO- we would go right back to the Clinton years of treating terrorism as a law enforcement problem, one handled through indictments & diplomacy. As for the economy, Clinton was not responsible for the halcyon days of the 90s, it was Newt Gingrich holding The Congress's & Clinton's feet to the fire, even shutting down the government....TWICE!
Yeah, vote for Kerry:
Higher taxes- Yeah, they say only on the "greedy rich" who make over $200,000 a year. Yeah, they also are known as investors & JOB CREATORS! Bush has done a great job getting us out of the Clinton recession, over the tech bubble burst, over the nearly TRILLION-dollar damage done by 9/11, and through two wars. You don't tax your way out of debt, you GROW yourself out of debt.
A weak & impotant foreign policy-
Ah, Secretary of State Howard Dean. Secretary of Defense Ted Kennedy. Secretary of the Treasury Gray Davis.
Yeah, we would be prisoners of the U.N. The same body which put Libya in charge of the commission on human rights violations. Put Saddam's Iraq in charge of the commission on WMD's. The same body which allowed France, Germany, & Russia to get kick-backs from the extremely corrupt "Oil-for-food" program. Yeah, bring on the blue helmets.
btw- Libya's recent decision to open their doors is proof that "Peace Through Strength" works.
Basically, we would be screwed...AGAIN!
If you want to see how insane these people are, go to the Dean blog.
It started with Bush not caring about 9/11. Then, he had some 411 that it would happen. Then, Bush truly knew it was going to happen. Now, biting their own feet in a fit of rabid hatred & delusions, Bush planned it WITH Bin Laden AND he helped finance it.
If it weren't so scary, it would be fu*king hilarious. I mean, for the love of Joss, that's crazy than ANYTHING I have EVER heard on Art Bell. ROTFLMFAO
Unfortunately, we cannot laugh. We have been & will continue to be attacked from EVERY angle. If we forget this, it could end in disaster for this country. Oh, you ask, "But aren't liberals Americans, too?" Well, yes & no. Now, I am not really talking about the 90% of people who call themselves liberals, people whom if I could get in a room for an hour & talk to them would change, no, I am talking about the die-hard, protesting, human shield, flag-burning freaks. These people, while they might not admit it, got some satisfaction when we got hit on 9/11. "Yeah, they [See? They rarely say 'We.'] finally got what they deserved. The Great Satan has been knocked down a few pegs!"
See, when they talk about taking back their country, they are not referring to this America. They are dreaming of turing America back into the vomit pool which they created for a few moments in time back in the 60s. Well, wake up, pinko commie libs, you are NEVER GETTING THIS COUNTRY BACK! WE WILL DIE BEFORE WE RELINQUISH CONTROL TO YOU & YOUR SCUMMY, COMMUNIST-LOVING, TERRORIST-SYMPATHIZING ILK!
Other than that, I really like liberals.
Well, in the words of The First Evil: "The next few months are going to be quite a ride!"
Take care, stay safe, & let's get ready to loose the dogs of war on these traitors & America haters!
The Bastard Son of Newt Gingrich,
First off, I would like to say, THANK JOSS! It took me over a month of searching to find a republican chat site. From the looks of the board, I am so glad I found my way, here.
I am a vegetarian, atheist-unless you count The Jossverse, indie rock/pop songwriter-musician, Jesse Helms-hating, NPR-listening, and am semi-pro gay marriage- or at least civil unions.
Why do I tell you this? Because I love the way that the LMM [liberal mass media] paints all of us in one broad stroke, coloring us as religious zealots, hatemongers, gay bashers, misogynists, militia members, or backwards and/or rich snobs. Well, I am evidence that they are wrong, twisted, and that our party is far broader than they would ever admit.
That said, BE WARNED: I am NOT a "liberal" republican, at least not the kind who votes with the Dems or are traitors to the party.
(Cough! Cough! McCain...Cough! Cough!)
No, I am proof that we, unlike reactionary liberals, are NOT mindless, knee-jerk sheep. If anything, I consider myself a rogue Republican.
So, now for the hope I have for liberals.
How do I know that liberals are sheep? Great question, so glad I asked it.
In 1992, I was a dedicated liberal Democrat, dating a radical feminist, and President of the North Carolina chapter of the Draft Mario Cuomo for President campaign. Even though I was a Cuomo-liberal, I knew from being behind the scenes just what a scumbag Bill Clinton was. Still, that was not enough to make me question my liberal dogma. Well, a strange thing happened: I turned on Rush. At first, I just laughed at him, thinking to myself about what a nut he was. Then, I started hating him because of how wrong he was on the issues. Then, my world started to crumble as he started to rip apart my belief in liberalism, thus making me hate him that much more, even wishing death upon him.
Then, seemingly out of the blue, HE BROKE ME! I threw up my hands & surrendered to him, throwing my liberalism out the proverbial window.
I started listening every day, all 3 hours- plus repeats at night. I started reading- liberals: That means cracking open a book & looking at all the pretty words- authors such as George Will--the single most intelligent human on earth, William F. Buckley jr., & P.J. O'Rourke. To cement the deal, I started to become enchanted with my now-political hero: Newt Gingrich. On the very day I heard a republican victory in 1994 would mean Newt would become Speaker of the House, I went down to our board of elections & changed my party affiliation.......and I never looked back.
Now, we stand on the precipice of the most crucial election since Reagan/Carter. Yeah, I have issues with Bush-- illegal immigration, just to name one-- and would love to have Newt Gingrich as our "fascist" leader for the next 15 to 20 years, but I am SOOOOOOOO proud of the job that President Bush has done in this age of danger & tumult.
Liberalism & Political Correctness are the greatest threat to America, just behind terrorism. Actually, I believe there to be a symbiotic relationship between the two. If both groups have their respective ways, America will be brought to its knees in defeat & humiliation. THAT is how important this election is.
Even liberals will admit, nobody really likes Kerry. Now, Dean was a totally different story. The was a real movement of passion-however twisted- and true belief for Dean. Kerry? simply the last man standing. Liberals hate President Bush so much- which is a strong sign of how great he has been for this nation- they would back Britney Spears is they thought she could beat W. Still, Kerry will have all the wackos out in force for him: MoveOn.org, the Hollywood losers-- I'll put Dennis Miller against any of those elitist sheep, foreign leaders- like Kim Jong Il, and, of course, the liberal mass media.
Poor lil' Kerry is already whining about Florida. Ya know, the state that the Democraps attempted to still in 2000? There were three major recounts done by the media, and they all begrudgingly came to the exact same conclusion: Bush won. This, despite the fact that the major networks committed voter fraud & election rigging by calling the state for Gore with an hour left to go to the polls, which many Republicans failed to do believing the state had gone into Gore's column.
Kerry calls Republicans crooked liars and part of an attack squad. I love it! We are a hit squad, an attack squad, yet Hamas terrorists, according to some Dems, are "soldiers."
Kerry & his band of thugs like Dean, Ted "The Killer" Kennedy, Patsy Ireland, Hillary Clinton, Al Frankenstein, & Michael Moore call Bush a felon, a deserter, a mass murderer, a destroyer of this country, yet THEY are the ones whining about being attacked. Hey, if I had Kerry's voting record, I would feel attacked when it was brought up, TOO!
Trust me, if Kerry were to win- ROTFLMFAO- we would go right back to the Clinton years of treating terrorism as a law enforcement problem, one handled through indictments & diplomacy. As for the economy, Clinton was not responsible for the halcyon days of the 90s, it was Newt Gingrich holding The Congress's & Clinton's feet to the fire, even shutting down the government....TWICE!
Yeah, vote for Kerry:
Higher taxes- Yeah, they say only on the "greedy rich" who make over $200,000 a year. Yeah, they also are known as investors & JOB CREATORS! Bush has done a great job getting us out of the Clinton recession, over the tech bubble burst, over the nearly TRILLION-dollar damage done by 9/11, and through two wars. You don't tax your way out of debt, you GROW yourself out of debt.
A weak & impotant foreign policy-
Ah, Secretary of State Howard Dean. Secretary of Defense Ted Kennedy. Secretary of the Treasury Gray Davis.
Yeah, we would be prisoners of the U.N. The same body which put Libya in charge of the commission on human rights violations. Put Saddam's Iraq in charge of the commission on WMD's. The same body which allowed France, Germany, & Russia to get kick-backs from the extremely corrupt "Oil-for-food" program. Yeah, bring on the blue helmets.
btw- Libya's recent decision to open their doors is proof that "Peace Through Strength" works.
Basically, we would be screwed...AGAIN!
If you want to see how insane these people are, go to the Dean blog.
It started with Bush not caring about 9/11. Then, he had some 411 that it would happen. Then, Bush truly knew it was going to happen. Now, biting their own feet in a fit of rabid hatred & delusions, Bush planned it WITH Bin Laden AND he helped finance it.
If it weren't so scary, it would be fu*king hilarious. I mean, for the love of Joss, that's crazy than ANYTHING I have EVER heard on Art Bell. ROTFLMFAO
Unfortunately, we cannot laugh. We have been & will continue to be attacked from EVERY angle. If we forget this, it could end in disaster for this country. Oh, you ask, "But aren't liberals Americans, too?" Well, yes & no. Now, I am not really talking about the 90% of people who call themselves liberals, people whom if I could get in a room for an hour & talk to them would change, no, I am talking about the die-hard, protesting, human shield, flag-burning freaks. These people, while they might not admit it, got some satisfaction when we got hit on 9/11. "Yeah, they [See? They rarely say 'We.'] finally got what they deserved. The Great Satan has been knocked down a few pegs!"
See, when they talk about taking back their country, they are not referring to this America. They are dreaming of turing America back into the vomit pool which they created for a few moments in time back in the 60s. Well, wake up, pinko commie libs, you are NEVER GETTING THIS COUNTRY BACK! WE WILL DIE BEFORE WE RELINQUISH CONTROL TO YOU & YOUR SCUMMY, COMMUNIST-LOVING, TERRORIST-SYMPATHIZING ILK!
Other than that, I really like liberals.
Well, in the words of The First Evil: "The next few months are going to be quite a ride!"
Take care, stay safe, & let's get ready to loose the dogs of war on these traitors & America haters!
The Bastard Son of Newt Gingrich,