Herschel walker. Paying for an abortion “nothing to be ashamed of”

Yeah, Walker just puts a gun to his women's heads and beats them. And he claims to have ten personalities, all of them violent.

That's the best Republican they could find in Georgia.
We're just gonna put "Reverend" in front of his name and everything will be fine.
Walker has Dissociative Identity Disorder. He claims to have ten personalities. He freely admits to getting violent with women.

You cucks only see what you want to see.

And what is Trump's opinion about such people? Let's ask him:

He said that he’s pathological and that he’s got basically a pathological disease. Now he wrote this I guess before he was running for office or thought that he was running for office. And I don’t want a person that’s got pathological disease. I don’t want it. I’m not saying he’s got it, he said it.

This isn’t something that I’m saying, like “Oh, he’s pathological liar.” I’m not saying it! He said he’s got pathological disease. He actually said pathological temper.

And then he defined it as disease. So he said he has pathological disease.

Now. If you’re pathological, there’s no cure for that, folks.

Okay, there’s no cure for that. And I did one of the shows today. And I don’t want to say what I said. But I’ll tell you anyway. I said that if you’re a child molester, a sick puppy, you’re a child molester, there’s no cure for that. There’s only one cure—we don’t want to talk about that cure. That’s the ultimate cure. Well, there’s two, there’s death, and the other thing.

That's what Trump said about Ben Carson in 2016.

Yet Trump had no hesitation about endorsing an even sicker and more violent person, Herschel Walker.

It's all about having a good house negro working for you.

In Trump's mind, black men like Walker and Carson are no different than child molesters.
Walker has Dissociative Identity Disorder. He claims to have ten personalities. He freely admits to getting violent with women.

You cucks only see what you want to see.

And what is Trump's opinion about such people? Let's ask him:

He said that he’s pathological and that he’s got basically a pathological disease. Now he wrote this I guess before he was running for office or thought that he was running for office. And I don’t want a person that’s got pathological disease. I don’t want it. I’m not saying he’s got it, he said it.

This isn’t something that I’m saying, like “Oh, he’s pathological liar.” I’m not saying it! He said he’s got pathological disease. He actually said pathological temper.

And then he defined it as disease. So he said he has pathological disease.

Now. If you’re pathological, there’s no cure for that, folks.

Okay, there’s no cure for that. And I did one of the shows today. And I don’t want to say what I said. But I’ll tell you anyway. I said that if you’re a child molester, a sick puppy, you’re a child molester, there’s no cure for that. There’s only one cure—we don’t want to talk about that cure. That’s the ultimate cure. Well, there’s two, there’s death, and the other thing.

That's what Trump said about Ben Carson in 2016.

Yet Trump had no hesitation about endorsing an even sicker and more violent person, Herschel Walker.

It's all about having a good house negro working for you.

In Trump's mind, black men like Walker and Carson are no different than child molesters.
Yeah, but Trump's a liar, so it means nothing.
"B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Democrats!"

The age-old fallback dodge for tards who cannot explain why they could not find a better Republican than some piece of shit like Walker.
"B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Democrats!"

The age-old fallback dodge for tards who cannot explain why they could not find a better Republican than some piece of shit like Walker.
Why would you want your opponent to find a better candidate? Don't you want to win?
Why would you want your opponent to find a better candidate? Don't you want to win?
I was a lifelong Republican until Trump was elected, idiot. If Trump lives to be 100, I will still have been a Republican longer than him.

I quit the party precisely because it has been hijacked by hypocrites, bigots, thieves, liars, and psychopaths.

I have far more antipathy toward the people fucking up the organization formerly known as the Republican Party than I do toward the fucktards in the Democratic Party.
Is this accusing woman still anonymous?

or does she have a name and a face??
She has come forward as the mother of one of Walker's three children he abandoned which he denied even existed.

This is the best person the GOP could find in Georgia.

So what exactly does the GOP stand for if they are defending a deadbeat absentee father who paid for an abortion and who has a violent past with ten personalities and who is as dumb as a bag of hammers?

I think the question answers itself, don't you? They stand for POWER over principles or country.

That have sold their souls to Satan for worldly power.
She has come forward as the mother of one of Walker's three children he abandoned which he denied even existed.

This is the best person the GOP could find in Georgia.

So what exactly does the GOP stand for if they are defending a deadbeat absentee father who paid for an abortion and who has a violent past with ten personalities and who is as dumb as a bag of hammers?

I think the question answers itself, don't you? They stand for POWER over principles or country.

That have sold their souls to Satan for worldly power.

What's her name?
Can you show her face?
I was a lifelong Republican until Trump was elected, idiot. If Trump lives to be 100, I will still have been a Republican longer than him.

I quit the party precisely because it has been hijacked by hypocrites, bigots, thieves, liars, and psychopaths.

I have far more antipathy toward the people fucking up the organization formerly known as the Republican Party than I do toward the fucktards in the Democratic Party.
So which personality is this?
Your post would make some sense if I didn't criticize the Left.

You wingers think that everyone is tribal like you. You're just wrong about that.

Thank goodness I'm not like you.

Your baggage of denial is so heavy, you've been reduced to the ex-snarky crazy Rightwinger!

I knew it would happen soon enough if you kept posting long enough.

Congrats!! :mm:
Your baggage of denial is so heavy, you've been reduced to the ex-snarky crazy Rightwinger!

I knew it would happen soon enough if you kept posting long enough.

Congrats!! :mm:
Here we go again.

You're free to list out any issues, and I'll provide corresponding quotes of posts I've made.

But we don't know you don't have the balls to do that. You guys never do.

So you are saying Herschel Walker was the best (least evil) Republican they could find in Georgia?

Or did Donald Trump pick him because he knew Walker would be a good little house negro and do as he is told?


Trump has a simplistic view of politics
They elected him as a Reality TV Host

If they were dumb enough to do that…..why not nominate a Football star in Georgia and a TV Doctor in Pennsylvania

No experience required
Here we go again.

You're free to list out any issues, and I'll provide corresponding quotes of posts I've made.

But we don't know you don't have the balls to do that. You guys never do.


Start with your post #73.
You criticize the left vastly less than Bill Maher.
And Maher would suck Sippy Cup's popsicle down to the stick!!

So then, there is this.

P.S. You really do need to drop the word 'tribe' from your vocabulary, as it is a false and irritating feint on your behalf, goblin.
Trump has a simplistic view of politics
They elected him as a Reality TV Host

If they were dumb enough to do that…..why not nominate a Football star in Georgia and a TV Doctor in Pennsylvania

No experience required
Yeah, democrats have never nominated an athlete or entertainment celebrity, huh. You're an idiot.
But it’s OK if it’s proven because it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Right?
What 's her name?... she won't even tell what her name is... at least with the Kavanaugh hoax the chick had the guts to let her name out....

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