Herschel walker. Paying for an abortion “nothing to be ashamed of”

Gone is the false pretense that Americans actually care about abortions.

It's always been just about their fascist ideals of taking down rights and freedoms that benefit others.

America used to be 54th. in the world on rights and freedoms but will no doubt slide to become much worse.

The extreme right fascist element is already celebrating it!
Get off you dumb ass and look it up yourself. Or are you afraid too? Harry Reid is a typical DEMONRAT POS who proudly said what I quoted in a public interview when questioned.


First sign you are bluffing is when you insist others prove your statement

First sign you are bluffing is when you insist others prove your statement
Read it and weep, jerk.

I expect your humble apology, immediately.
The former governor of Virginia, democrat Northam, gave a rambling speech that apparently recommended killing newborn babies after birth but hypocrite racist democrats didn't mind because he was white and a democrat. They didn't even mind when a yearbook photo showed him parading in KKK garb. The system puts republicans (especially black republicans) on the defensive for acts that democrats freely engage in and recommend.
You are a two faced jerk. Look up Harry Reid and his statement regarding his lying and cheating---"We won, didn't we"?
the actual quote is “Romney didn’t win, did he?”.

from the context of Harry Reid accusing Romney of not paying any taxes for 10 years. It was a challenge to Romney, because Romney only released two years of tax returns. Release the rest to prove Reid wrong; thats the challenge.
When voting sometimes people are left to vote for the less evil.
So you are saying Herschel Walker was the best (least evil) Republican they could find in Georgia?

Or did Donald Trump pick him because he knew Walker would be a good little house negro and do as he is told?

Sure it's nothing to be ashamed of when you have no shame.

If this is true, and the GQP continues to defend him, they can toss what little is left of their "morality" schtick down the toilet.

They don't care. Party over country.
Your double standard is so bright that it's blinding you to your hypocrisy.
So you are saying Herschel Walker was the best (least evil) Republican they could find in Georgia?

Or did Donald Trump pick him because he knew Walker would be a good little house negro and do as he is told?

He was picked because he didn't run over his wife like Warnock did.
He was picked because he didn't run over his wife like Warnock did.
Yeah, Walker just puts a gun to his women's heads and beats them. And he claims to have ten personalities, all of them violent.

That's the best Republican they could find in Georgia.

Herschel walker. Paying for an abortion “nothing to be ashamed of”​

The one thing about Walker is he is too dumb to not know the New Republicans are not supposed to admit they have no shame.

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