Here's Where the Democrats Will Screw It Up


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.

I don't think we should put one more penny into the Middle East...ever. But, somehow, I figure the Democrats will find a way to send some of our money over there. The sad thing is that after a jillion elections and probably as many polls telling them that this is a political loser; I firmly believe some liberal in Congress will speak to how we're supposed to help the nation we've given up on (and gave up on for good reason).

They never learn.
Biggest mistake of dumbassed leaders on the left or right was the belief that we could build a nation that would be a beacon of democracy in the middle east in a country with no national identity, but rather tribal factions that despise each other.

The mission was supposed to be kill the Taliban, then we should have got the hell out.
Just there? LOL Guess we shouldnt discuss how the democrats have been screwing it up.
Hopefully democrats don't do that. But when we just look at Afghanistan alone, that was a republican decision. So when people start talking about how democrats screw up as if republicans are perfect and their ideas are the panacea, it's best they talking about something else.

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