Here's One Promise Obama Kept

80,000 coal jobs lost, eh?

Gee, that's a fair trade.

In fact, due in large part to the oil and natural gas industry, theTexas Comptroller estimates that Texas has recovered 100 percent of the jobs lost during the Great Recession and has added 597,000 above the previous peak in August 2008.

And that's just Texas!

How many jobs has the oil and natural gas industry created?

All of those jobs were created by private enterprise in spite of the road blocks and regulations Obama put in place to try to kill them
So a tard tried to blame Obama for lost jobs. And now they try to deny him creidt for creating jobs.

You rubes are as transparent as the vodka you imbibe in mass quantities.

A tard is someone who tries to give Obama credit for something he was adamantly opposed too.

And yet you didn't say anything about a tard who tried to blame Obama for lost jobs which Obama had nothing to do with going away.

Thus my point about your hypocrisy stands.

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