Here are 6 Funerals Obama Did Attend

My guess is that after the judge's recent comment about blacks and colleges, Obama felt it would be hypocritical to attend. If that's the case then I respect him for not bringing it up at this time.
My guess is that after the judge's recent comment about blacks and colleges, Obama felt it would be hypocritical to attend. If that's the case then I respect him for not bringing it up at this time.

So, you're saying that maybe Obama thinks he can perform better at a traditionally black funeral?
what about that beaver (the one who gives us the winter forecast in February)? didnt he die a few years ago? who killed him?
just a side bar....

did you know the guy in black attire with top hat in groundhog day, the movie with bill murry and in real life, that holds up Punxsutawny Phil, is actually Bill Murry's brother?
what about that beaver (the one who gives us the winter forecast in February)? didnt he die a few years ago? who killed him?
just a side bar....

did you know the guy in black attire with top hat in groundhog day, the movie with bill murry and in real life, that holds up Punxsutawny Phil, is actually Bill Murry's brother?
no,,,,but i heard that someone dropped the previous giant rodent,,and later he died
what about that beaver (the one who gives us the winter forecast in February)? didnt he die a few years ago? who killed him?
just a side bar....

did you know the guy in black attire with top hat in groundhog day, the movie with bill murry and in real life, that holds up Punxsutawny Phil, is actually Bill Murry's brother?
no,,,i actually dont know whos been doing the event all these years, but did know Bill Murray has been there, i also heard that someone dropped the rodent years back and he died. am i right?
what about that beaver (the one who gives us the winter forecast in February)? didnt he die a few years ago? who killed him?
just a side bar....

did you know the guy in black attire with top hat in groundhog day, the movie with bill murry and in real life, that holds up Punxsutawny Phil, is actually Bill Murry's brother?
no,,,,but i heard that someone dropped the previous giant rodent,,and later he died
what about that beaver (the one who gives us the winter forecast in February)? didnt he die a few years ago? who killed him?
just a side bar....

did you know the guy in black attire with top hat in groundhog day, the movie with bill murry and in real life, that holds up Punxsutawny Phil, is actually Bill Murry's brother?
no,,,i actually dont know whos been doing the event all these years, but did know Bill Murray has been there, i also heard that someone dropped the rodent years back and he died. am i right?
i don't know about that....i vaguely remember something happened.... it would have been bill murry's brother that dropped him, if it did happen! :eek:
Senator Daniel Inouye (D-HI) Less than two months before the 2012 election, both Obamas took time out of their schedule to attend the funeral of Senator Inouye. President Obama openly wept over the liberal senator.

Hadiya Pendleton Three days before his 2013 State of the Union address, President Obama sent Michelle on his behalf to the funeral of 15 year-old shooting victim Hadiya Pendleton. Obama’s decision to send Michelle to the Chicago teen’s funeral set the stage for his SOTU address, in which he called for further gun control restrictions.

Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) Despite Robert Byrd’s well-known ties to the Ku Klux Klan, President Obama attended the Democratic senator’s funeral. Obama gave a speech at the ceremony and called the late senator his friend.

Reverend Clementa Pinckney Reverend Pinckney, who also served as a South Carolina state senator, was one of the nine people killed in the Charleston shooting last summer. Despite never having met Pinckney, President Obama delivered his eulogy.

Former Democratic House Speaker Tom Foley Just six months after snubbing the funeral of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, President Obama attended the funeral of former Democratic Speaker of the House Tom Foley. As he tends to do when actually attending funerals, Obama delivered a speech.

Walter Cronkite When the legendary newscaster passed away in September 2009, President Obama found room in his schedule to travel to New York for the memorial service. Once again, Obama gave a speech at the service. He had openly admitted that he never met Cronkite.

But, he can't find time to attend the funeral of an associate justice of the United States.

Read more: Six Funerals The Obamas DID Attend
He skipped Thatchers funeral because she and Ronnie brought down Obama's utopian Soviet Empire. Buts that's OK, he is not fit to be in the same room with her, even when she is dead.
I'm really surprised that Obama did not attend this funeral. Isn't it normally what presidents do? He has made a lot of moves that I would consider to be faux pas.
Damned if you do....damned if you don't

Republicans would be running a tab on how much it cost for him to attend
why would you want obama to go to scalia's funeral? let the man be remembered by his friends...

scalia wouldn't want obama there... this is just stupid.

Scalia was a leading member of the judicial branch of government and it is tradition that the Chief Executive of the United States pays respect to such.

Only a low life would not.
why would you want obama to go to scalia's funeral? let the man be remembered by his friends...

scalia wouldn't want obama there... this is just stupid.

Scalia was a leading member of the judicial branch of government and it is tradition that the Chief Executive of the United States pays respect to such.

Only a low life would not.

Vice President is there as other Vice Presidents have been....or not at all

Ted Cruz.....our constitutional God...will not even attend
campaigning is more important

Ted Cruz attended Kim Davis getting out of jail and he can't attend Scalias funeral?
I recommend attending Groundhog Day at least once. Who doesn't love getting shit-faced at 7 am to hear a rodent predict the future? lol

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