Help the Black community

Do you have any reason to believe any of those things happened more here than anywhere else that had slaves? I don't know of any reason to believe that.

Yes I have multiple reasons. I have researched the issue. Theres even more stuff I didnt list. Do you have even 1 reason those things did not occur other than you just don't want to believe it?

I am not going to argue racism doesn't exist because I think it does. I think people are inherently racist.. Our minds are built to see things and make generalizations. It was how we survived many years back and could quickly identify possible threats and how those threats might behave whether they were flora or fauna.

But I do have a question I have always wondered and perhaps you can provide an answer. Why do you see so many professional, engaging, black men with fat and ugly white women? In my mind the guys are 8 or 9's and the women are 2's or 3's that I would not spend a one night stand with much less marry. Surely these men could do better. Do they value whiteness so much they would pick a fat, ugly white women over an in shape intelligent black women? If anything seems to put a value judgement on the races it would be the actions of these men.

I am hoping for an honest answer here?

You are correct that people instinctually see differences. However, those differences need not be ethnicity. Thats why children can play together from different ethnicities and not have a problem until they are taught to make it a difference.

Your question is one that baffled me for a long time as well. :lol: I then realized it was partly my fault for intentionally looking for that dynamic. You see more of what you are actually looking for. Just like you notice everyone seems to be driving the same type of car you just bought. I know a couple of guys that fit that dynamic and they all swear that the girl was very nice looking when they met her. Some guys undoubtedly have self esteem issues and want to distance themselves from everything they associate negatively with being black. I had one guy tell me that "the only thing a black woman was good for was driving me down the street to a white woman's house". I pointed out his mother was Black and he got quiet. I directly correlate this to the constant stream of propaganda of white superiority directed at the public in general, old values passed on where white or light skinned beauty is the standard, and the feeling you haven't arrived until you have a white woman on your arm. Why they pick ugly fat ones I really don't know! I made a promise to myself when i was a teenager that if I dated a woman that was not Black she would have to be exceptionally good looking. I personally havent seen women more beautiful than Black women.
Yes I have multiple reasons. I have researched the issue. Theres even more stuff I didnt list. Do you have even 1 reason those things did not occur other than you just don't want to believe it?

I am not going to argue racism doesn't exist because I think it does. I think people are inherently racist.. Our minds are built to see things and make generalizations. It was how we survived many years back and could quickly identify possible threats and how those threats might behave whether they were flora or fauna.

But I do have a question I have always wondered and perhaps you can provide an answer. Why do you see so many professional, engaging, black men with fat and ugly white women? In my mind the guys are 8 or 9's and the women are 2's or 3's that I would not spend a one night stand with much less marry. Surely these men could do better. Do they value whiteness so much they would pick a fat, ugly white women over an in shape intelligent black women? If anything seems to put a value judgement on the races it would be the actions of these men.

I am hoping for an honest answer here?

You are correct that people instinctually see differences. However, those differences need not be ethnicity. Thats why children can play together from different ethnicities and not have a problem until they are taught to make it a difference.

Your question is one that baffled me for a long time as well. :lol: I then realized it was partly my fault for intentionally looking for that dynamic. You see more of what you are actually looking for. Just like you notice everyone seems to be driving the same type of car you just bought. I know a couple of guys that fit that dynamic and they all swear that the girl was very nice looking when they met her. Some guys undoubtedly have self esteem issues and want to distance themselves from everything they associate negatively with being black. I had one guy tell me that "the only thing a black woman was good for was driving me down the street to a white woman's house". I pointed out his mother was Black and he got quiet. I directly correlate this to the constant stream of propaganda of white superiority directed at the public in general, old values passed on where white or light skinned beauty is the standard, and the feeling you haven't arrived until you have a white woman on your arm. Why they pick ugly fat ones I really don't know! I made a promise to myself when i was a teenager that if I dated a woman that was not Black she would have to be exceptionally good looking. I personally havent seen women more beautiful than Black women.

Maybe it's just me, but when I look at a woman, the color of her skin is at the very bottom of my priority list.
I believe that blacks are capable of helping themselves.
Capable yes, but have they taken advantage of their opportunities in the fullest, and in the best ways possible, and this I mean by fully seeking assimilation in it all, and to create lasting friendships in life among all races who accept them as equals and potential friends (or) are they using their opportunities given them over these years, to seek conquest or to take over someday ? Is this maybe what some are thinking, in which could be their main & ultimate goals in life when one gets right down into the depth's of it all ?

The rhetoric or slipping of the tongue that is coming out of some mouths who see themselves as gaining power in high places finally, makes one wonder what the goals are in many of these peoples minds who are black and gaining power now a days, and for whom in some of these people they can't seem to let go of the past no matter what conssessions have been made over the years to accomodate them & their families (make things right ), and to give them the fullest in opportunity in potential achievement and access for such achievement to be accomplished without resistance of (protected under the new laws), and accepted in many sectors.

Another interesting things is how white people have shunned and/or cut off a large part of their own race over all of this mess, where as it appears that the prospect of a devide and conquer strategy could be working quite well if looking at it in this way. Now was this a strategy played out over time in order to weaken the white race, and was this in order to stamp out racism within the white race ? But what about the evil that lurks within the black race or in any race for that matter, why has the black race gotten a pass in all of this one wonders, otherwise when it comes to them outting the bad that are amongst themselves as the white race does also ? It should be expected that all races in America do their own seperating in light of the good and evil in which exist amongst themselves, and this in order to make sure it does not hinder the process of bettering oneself or the entire group if sometimes this is standing between anyone just being great Americans in life. I think they have given themselves a pass on this, because the numbers have to remain strong in order to achieve the over all goal to someday bring the white numbers in check with their numbers (i.e. to bring the powerful who are white in numbers down, and to then increase the less powerful in white numbers as so to deal much better with such numbers or the equasion in this way).

The seperation of the white race through seperating the racist from the non-racist in the group, was crucial to over coming the culture that had been teaching and learned that being racist was OK, and that had also learned somehow that being racist was needed to protect the white culture against the tribal culture, and the cultural engrained nature of the black people who had come here from Africa. Now in this the white race here had figured that it should use racism or other such tactics to keep an African race from infiltrating the white race to the point of confusion, and also to avoid a huge culture clash that would come as a result of the infiltration over time, or at least to hold them back to a level that would not threaten the white culture in a dominate white society back when racism was big and being used for this purpose to supress this cultural intermingling of the black race and the white race, and so racism was being used or based upon the premise of limiting the affects of another culture and it's ways or beliefs upon another, in which would then be thrusted upon the other culture who dominated within this nation as it had once stood in this nation back when the fires were way hotter than they are right now in all of this mess.

Now many conssessions have been made over these years, and many blacks have assimilated as Americans through out time, thus seeing no color at all is what they want mostly, and rather they just want to be Americans fully, and living as Americans in a color blind society is what they want mainly I think, but the black race hustlers and black vengence seekers, along with the white hold out racist in protection of both their cultures won't let either alone. Both fear that their old cultures are at stake in the game, and neither are willing to be wiped out culturally by the other one in which they think eventually will happen, so they fight to gain the hearts and minds in the culture wars constantly (i.e. not a race/skin color war in that respect or as it was confused to be based upon in the past), but it's more so of a culture clash and culture war is what it has been for so long now, and so they (both sides) use every tool available unto them (including racism on both sides), to try and win the war against the others either black or white culture in dominance there of or in equalism there of, and this in order as found in their minds to somehow stop the whole problem someday for one side or the other.

Hec even hollywood is a huge ally to one or the other side at any given time, as well as the media in the game that is played, but who is winning their support in those arena's one wonders ? The government also is led to take sides in the wars at any given time, and one wonders who side it favors the most in these culture wars at any given time ? Now I'm seeing that there is a trend among blacks who are seeking out white women now in order to somehow transform their culture or race in this way (or) rather is it being done in order to win the war against white culture in this way even more so as a tactic maybe ? One wonders will it work, and what exactly is going on here now (just another strategy being used maybe) ? Who knows, but it is mainly about cultures I think, as well as belief systems found in these cultures, and this is what allows the crossings to take place when we see the crossing taking place or the intermingling that takes place, where as it really has never been about the color of ones skin, but instead it is about the numbers found in a people whom think or believe in this way or as found within another people whom think or believe in another way. This is what it is all about when get right down to it I think.

Now I think the bulk of the nation is doing OK, but the culture wars are still raging on in many sectors, and will continue on until somehow it is all ironed out properly between the cultures, and people are able to live in peace without the threat of their own belief system and culture being destroyed in it all.

We have had compatibility through Christ in all of this through out time (as being very helpful unto us), and he was the bedrock that we all stood upon in this nation to get to where we are right now, but as he is stripped also of his power in this nation because of the deviants new culture wars, and this also by opportunist who slip through the cracks and become wedges between the people, it makes us all become vulnerable and confused as to how we can mesh and become one in Christ Jesus again, and also to be just Americans as we all should be, for he is the light and the way always, and he is the only way to keep the peace so think about it America.
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I am not going to argue racism doesn't exist because I think it does. I think people are inherently racist.. Our minds are built to see things and make generalizations. It was how we survived many years back and could quickly identify possible threats and how those threats might behave whether they were flora or fauna.

But I do have a question I have always wondered and perhaps you can provide an answer. Why do you see so many professional, engaging, black men with fat and ugly white women? In my mind the guys are 8 or 9's and the women are 2's or 3's that I would not spend a one night stand with much less marry. Surely these men could do better. Do they value whiteness so much they would pick a fat, ugly white women over an in shape intelligent black women? If anything seems to put a value judgement on the races it would be the actions of these men.

I am hoping for an honest answer here?

You are correct that people instinctually see differences. However, those differences need not be ethnicity. Thats why children can play together from different ethnicities and not have a problem until they are taught to make it a difference.

Your question is one that baffled me for a long time as well. :lol: I then realized it was partly my fault for intentionally looking for that dynamic. You see more of what you are actually looking for. Just like you notice everyone seems to be driving the same type of car you just bought. I know a couple of guys that fit that dynamic and they all swear that the girl was very nice looking when they met her. Some guys undoubtedly have self esteem issues and want to distance themselves from everything they associate negatively with being black. I had one guy tell me that "the only thing a black woman was good for was driving me down the street to a white woman's house". I pointed out his mother was Black and he got quiet. I directly correlate this to the constant stream of propaganda of white superiority directed at the public in general, old values passed on where white or light skinned beauty is the standard, and the feeling you haven't arrived until you have a white woman on your arm. Why they pick ugly fat ones I really don't know! I made a promise to myself when i was a teenager that if I dated a woman that was not Black she would have to be exceptionally good looking. I personally havent seen women more beautiful than Black women.

People make generalizations off of data. Young children don't have enough data to make generalizations. So that argument is bogus. Whether you like it or not some of the stereotypes are the direct result of data and cultural differences and it is up to professionals/leaders like yourself to quit making excuses and to start addressing the issues in the black community by making it clear to young black men their behavior is not acceptable. Too much crap is allowed to slide. Until black professional/leaders but the victim shit behind and act like men and deal with their youth the problems will continue.

In terms of dating, I don't look at color either but it sure seems black men do. Maybe it's time they take ownership of their own racism. Too me it seems the biggest problem we have with racism is within the black community themselves. It is time for them to move past it.
I am not going to argue racism doesn't exist because I think it does. I think people are inherently racist.. Our minds are built to see things and make generalizations. It was how we survived many years back and could quickly identify possible threats and how those threats might behave whether they were flora or fauna.

But I do have a question I have always wondered and perhaps you can provide an answer. Why do you see so many professional, engaging, black men with fat and ugly white women? In my mind the guys are 8 or 9's and the women are 2's or 3's that I would not spend a one night stand with much less marry. Surely these men could do better. Do they value whiteness so much they would pick a fat, ugly white women over an in shape intelligent black women? If anything seems to put a value judgement on the races it would be the actions of these men.

I am hoping for an honest answer here?

You are correct that people instinctually see differences. However, those differences need not be ethnicity. Thats why children can play together from different ethnicities and not have a problem until they are taught to make it a difference.

Your question is one that baffled me for a long time as well. :lol: I then realized it was partly my fault for intentionally looking for that dynamic. You see more of what you are actually looking for. Just like you notice everyone seems to be driving the same type of car you just bought. I know a couple of guys that fit that dynamic and they all swear that the girl was very nice looking when they met her. Some guys undoubtedly have self esteem issues and want to distance themselves from everything they associate negatively with being black. I had one guy tell me that "the only thing a black woman was good for was driving me down the street to a white woman's house". I pointed out his mother was Black and he got quiet. I directly correlate this to the constant stream of propaganda of white superiority directed at the public in general, old values passed on where white or light skinned beauty is the standard, and the feeling you haven't arrived until you have a white woman on your arm. Why they pick ugly fat ones I really don't know! I made a promise to myself when i was a teenager that if I dated a woman that was not Black she would have to be exceptionally good looking. I personally havent seen women more beautiful than Black women.

People make generalizations off of data. Young children don't have enough data to make generalizations. So that argument is bogus. Whether you like it or not some of the stereotypes are the direct result of data and cultural differences and it is up to professionals/leaders like yourself to quit making excuses and to start addressing the issues in the black community by making it clear to young black men their behavior is not acceptable. Too much crap is allowed to slide. Until black professional/leaders but the victim shit behind and act like men and deal with their youth the problems will continue.

In terms of dating, I don't look at color either but it sure seems black men do. Maybe it's time they take ownership of their own racism. Too me it seems the biggest problem we have with racism is within the black community themselves. It is time for them to move past it.

Its true that people make generalizations off of data. However, its how they are taught to interpret that data is what causes problems. Take the test where Black girls are given a choice between a white doll and a black one and most pick the white one. ITs because they have been taught white is right and Black is bad. I have yet to see any Black leader make excuses. I feel like whites want to hear that most Blacks are just screwed up for no reason and anyone with a brain can think for a minute and realize the reason is slavery, the subsequent years of racial oppression, and the continuing neo-racism. Anyone doubting that is either lying to themselves or ignorant of basic human psychology.
You are correct that people instinctually see differences. However, those differences need not be ethnicity. Thats why children can play together from different ethnicities and not have a problem until they are taught to make it a difference.

Your question is one that baffled me for a long time as well. :lol: I then realized it was partly my fault for intentionally looking for that dynamic. You see more of what you are actually looking for. Just like you notice everyone seems to be driving the same type of car you just bought. I know a couple of guys that fit that dynamic and they all swear that the girl was very nice looking when they met her. Some guys undoubtedly have self esteem issues and want to distance themselves from everything they associate negatively with being black. I had one guy tell me that "the only thing a black woman was good for was driving me down the street to a white woman's house". I pointed out his mother was Black and he got quiet. I directly correlate this to the constant stream of propaganda of white superiority directed at the public in general, old values passed on where white or light skinned beauty is the standard, and the feeling you haven't arrived until you have a white woman on your arm. Why they pick ugly fat ones I really don't know! I made a promise to myself when i was a teenager that if I dated a woman that was not Black she would have to be exceptionally good looking. I personally havent seen women more beautiful than Black women.

People make generalizations off of data. Young children don't have enough data to make generalizations. So that argument is bogus. Whether you like it or not some of the stereotypes are the direct result of data and cultural differences and it is up to professionals/leaders like yourself to quit making excuses and to start addressing the issues in the black community by making it clear to young black men their behavior is not acceptable. Too much crap is allowed to slide. Until black professional/leaders but the victim shit behind and act like men and deal with their youth the problems will continue.

In terms of dating, I don't look at color either but it sure seems black men do. Maybe it's time they take ownership of their own racism. Too me it seems the biggest problem we have with racism is within the black community themselves. It is time for them to move past it.

Its true that people make generalizations off of data. However, its how they are taught to interpret that data is what causes problems. Take the test where Black girls are given a choice between a white doll and a black one and most pick the white one. ITs because they have been taught white is right and Black is bad. I have yet to see any Black leader make excuses. I feel like whites want to hear that most Blacks are just screwed up for no reason and anyone with a brain can think for a minute and realize the reason is slavery, the subsequent years of racial oppression, and the continuing neo-racism. Anyone doubting that is either lying to themselves or ignorant of basic human psychology.
And so what is your final answer in it all ? What do you propose is the best solution or are you afraid to let your true feelings be known here about it all ? You want to tell us how you know the past so well, so then tell us what is in the future or what it is that you wish was in the future in it all ?

I know, I know you want an end to all racism of course, but what is left standing at the end of that thought in your world of thinking ?
People make generalizations off of data. Young children don't have enough data to make generalizations. So that argument is bogus. Whether you like it or not some of the stereotypes are the direct result of data and cultural differences and it is up to professionals/leaders like yourself to quit making excuses and to start addressing the issues in the black community by making it clear to young black men their behavior is not acceptable. Too much crap is allowed to slide. Until black professional/leaders but the victim shit behind and act like men and deal with their youth the problems will continue.

In terms of dating, I don't look at color either but it sure seems black men do. Maybe it's time they take ownership of their own racism. Too me it seems the biggest problem we have with racism is within the black community themselves. It is time for them to move past it.

Its true that people make generalizations off of data. However, its how they are taught to interpret that data is what causes problems. Take the test where Black girls are given a choice between a white doll and a black one and most pick the white one. ITs because they have been taught white is right and Black is bad. I have yet to see any Black leader make excuses. I feel like whites want to hear that most Blacks are just screwed up for no reason and anyone with a brain can think for a minute and realize the reason is slavery, the subsequent years of racial oppression, and the continuing neo-racism. Anyone doubting that is either lying to themselves or ignorant of basic human psychology.
And so what is your final answer in it all ? What do you propose is the best solution or are you afraid to let your true feelings be known here about it all ? You want to tell us how you know the past so well, so then tell us what is in the future or what it is that you wish was in the future in it all ?

I know, I know you want an end to all racism of course, but what is left standing at the end of that thought in your world of thinking ?

I think it will eventually get better as more people wake up. My children have had less issues than I did with racism so far. All I know is that the more my children know about their lineage and what their ancestors have accomplished the more they seem to live up to that standard. I believe if Black children are taught the genius of their Black ethnicity they will realize that they are not inferior no matter what society attempts to tell them. Once Black people can come to the table with an attitude that demands respect instead of begging to be included other peoples latent racist attitudes will disappear. The end game in all this is an advanced, intelligent, multi-cultural society where everyone contributes equally and knowledge is prized. Once all that other crap falls by the way side everyone can be walk tall without guilt, anger, or shame.
Slavery has nothing to do with black failure, just look at the blacks who don't live in America
You are correct that people instinctually see differences. However, those differences need not be ethnicity. Thats why children can play together from different ethnicities and not have a problem until they are taught to make it a difference.

Your question is one that baffled me for a long time as well. :lol: I then realized it was partly my fault for intentionally looking for that dynamic. You see more of what you are actually looking for. Just like you notice everyone seems to be driving the same type of car you just bought. I know a couple of guys that fit that dynamic and they all swear that the girl was very nice looking when they met her. Some guys undoubtedly have self esteem issues and want to distance themselves from everything they associate negatively with being black. I had one guy tell me that "the only thing a black woman was good for was driving me down the street to a white woman's house". I pointed out his mother was Black and he got quiet. I directly correlate this to the constant stream of propaganda of white superiority directed at the public in general, old values passed on where white or light skinned beauty is the standard, and the feeling you haven't arrived until you have a white woman on your arm. Why they pick ugly fat ones I really don't know! I made a promise to myself when i was a teenager that if I dated a woman that was not Black she would have to be exceptionally good looking. I personally havent seen women more beautiful than Black women.

People make generalizations off of data. Young children don't have enough data to make generalizations. So that argument is bogus. Whether you like it or not some of the stereotypes are the direct result of data and cultural differences and it is up to professionals/leaders like yourself to quit making excuses and to start addressing the issues in the black community by making it clear to young black men their behavior is not acceptable. Too much crap is allowed to slide. Until black professional/leaders but the victim shit behind and act like men and deal with their youth the problems will continue.

In terms of dating, I don't look at color either but it sure seems black men do. Maybe it's time they take ownership of their own racism. Too me it seems the biggest problem we have with racism is within the black community themselves. It is time for them to move past it.

Its true that people make generalizations off of data. However, its how they are taught to interpret that data is what causes problems. Take the test where Black girls are given a choice between a white doll and a black one and most pick the white one. ITs because they have been taught white is right and Black is bad. I have yet to see any Black leader make excuses. I feel like whites want to hear that most Blacks are just screwed up for no reason and anyone with a brain can think for a minute and realize the reason is slavery, the subsequent years of racial oppression, and the continuing neo-racism. Anyone doubting that is either lying to themselves or ignorant of basic human psychology.

Everyone has issues they have to overcome and the biggest issue black men have is people like you who do nothing but make excuses. When the majority of black men start acting like fathers instead of whiny behavior you are exhibiting blacks would be much better off. If you were my son, I would make you run a couple miles everytime you started whining about the crap you are exhibiting on this board. If you want to cry I would give you something to cry about.
Its true that people make generalizations off of data. However, its how they are taught to interpret that data is what causes problems. Take the test where Black girls are given a choice between a white doll and a black one and most pick the white one. ITs because they have been taught white is right and Black is bad. I have yet to see any Black leader make excuses. I feel like whites want to hear that most Blacks are just screwed up for no reason and anyone with a brain can think for a minute and realize the reason is slavery, the subsequent years of racial oppression, and the continuing neo-racism. Anyone doubting that is either lying to themselves or ignorant of basic human psychology.
And so what is your final answer in it all ? What do you propose is the best solution or are you afraid to let your true feelings be known here about it all ? You want to tell us how you know the past so well, so then tell us what is in the future or what it is that you wish was in the future in it all ?

I know, I know you want an end to all racism of course, but what is left standing at the end of that thought in your world of thinking ?

I think it will eventually get better as more people wake up. My children have had less issues than I did with racism so far. All I know is that the more my children know about their lineage and what their ancestors have accomplished the more they seem to live up to that standard. I believe if Black children are taught the genius of their Black ethnicity they will realize that they are not inferior no matter what society attempts to tell them. Once Black people can come to the table with an attitude that demands respect instead of begging to be included other peoples latent racist attitudes will disappear. The end game in all this is an advanced, intelligent, multi-cultural society where everyone contributes equally and knowledge is prized. Once all that other crap falls by the way side everyone can be walk tall without guilt, anger, or shame.

how do you force everyone to contribute equally?

You may be confusing equal opportunity and equal outcomes.
You are correct that people instinctually see differences. However, those differences need not be ethnicity. Thats why children can play together from different ethnicities and not have a problem until they are taught to make it a difference.

Your question is one that baffled me for a long time as well. :lol: I then realized it was partly my fault for intentionally looking for that dynamic. You see more of what you are actually looking for. Just like you notice everyone seems to be driving the same type of car you just bought. I know a couple of guys that fit that dynamic and they all swear that the girl was very nice looking when they met her. Some guys undoubtedly have self esteem issues and want to distance themselves from everything they associate negatively with being black. I had one guy tell me that "the only thing a black woman was good for was driving me down the street to a white woman's house". I pointed out his mother was Black and he got quiet. I directly correlate this to the constant stream of propaganda of white superiority directed at the public in general, old values passed on where white or light skinned beauty is the standard, and the feeling you haven't arrived until you have a white woman on your arm. Why they pick ugly fat ones I really don't know! I made a promise to myself when i was a teenager that if I dated a woman that was not Black she would have to be exceptionally good looking. I personally havent seen women more beautiful than Black women.

People make generalizations off of data. Young children don't have enough data to make generalizations. So that argument is bogus. Whether you like it or not some of the stereotypes are the direct result of data and cultural differences and it is up to professionals/leaders like yourself to quit making excuses and to start addressing the issues in the black community by making it clear to young black men their behavior is not acceptable. Too much crap is allowed to slide. Until black professional/leaders but the victim shit behind and act like men and deal with their youth the problems will continue.

In terms of dating, I don't look at color either but it sure seems black men do. Maybe it's time they take ownership of their own racism. Too me it seems the biggest problem we have with racism is within the black community themselves. It is time for them to move past it.

Its true that people make generalizations off of data. However, its how they are taught to interpret that data is what causes problems. Take the test where Black girls are given a choice between a white doll and a black one and most pick the white one. ITs because they have been taught white is right and Black is bad. I have yet to see any Black leader make excuses. I feel like whites want to hear that most Blacks are just screwed up for no reason and anyone with a brain can think for a minute and realize the reason is slavery, the subsequent years of racial oppression, and the continuing neo-racism. Anyone doubting that is either lying to themselves or ignorant of basic human psychology.

Its true that people make generalizations off of data. However, its how they are taught to interpret that data is what causes problems. Take the test where Black girls are given a choice between a white doll and a black one and most pick the white one. ITs because they have been taught white is right and Black is bad. I have yet to see any Black leader make excuses. I feel like whites want to hear that most Blacks are just screwed up for no reason and anyone with a brain can think for a minute and realize the reason is slavery, the subsequent years of racial oppression, and the continuing neo-racism. Anyone doubting that is either lying to themselves or ignorant of basic human psychology.
And so what is your final answer in it all ? What do you propose is the best solution or are you afraid to let your true feelings be known here about it all ? You want to tell us how you know the past so well, so then tell us what is in the future or what it is that you wish was in the future in it all ?

I know, I know you want an end to all racism of course, but what is left standing at the end of that thought in your world of thinking ?

I think it will eventually get better as more people wake up. My children have had less issues than I did with racism so far. All I know is that the more my children know about their lineage and what their ancestors have accomplished the more they seem to live up to that standard. I believe if Black children are taught the genius of their Black ethnicity they will realize that they are not inferior no matter what society attempts to tell them. Once Black people can come to the table with an attitude that demands respect instead of begging to be included other peoples latent racist attitudes will disappear. The end game in all this is an advanced, intelligent, multi-cultural society where everyone contributes equally and knowledge is prized. Once all that other crap falls by the way side everyone can be walk tall without guilt, anger, or shame.

Sadly your children are going to come to the table with an unattractive chip on their shoulder. They will approach people with the expectation that people are out to get them instead of out to help them reach their potential. They will take coaching as a racial insult instead of an effort to help them improve as person/professional. They will never reach their potential and you will be the reason. That is sad for them and for society because with the right attitude perhaps they could have created a cure for cancer or be the President of the United States.

They deserve a better father try to grow up.
People make generalizations off of data. Young children don't have enough data to make generalizations. So that argument is bogus. Whether you like it or not some of the stereotypes are the direct result of data and cultural differences and it is up to professionals/leaders like yourself to quit making excuses and to start addressing the issues in the black community by making it clear to young black men their behavior is not acceptable. Too much crap is allowed to slide. Until black professional/leaders but the victim shit behind and act like men and deal with their youth the problems will continue.

In terms of dating, I don't look at color either but it sure seems black men do. Maybe it's time they take ownership of their own racism. Too me it seems the biggest problem we have with racism is within the black community themselves. It is time for them to move past it.

Its true that people make generalizations off of data. However, its how they are taught to interpret that data is what causes problems. Take the test where Black girls are given a choice between a white doll and a black one and most pick the white one. ITs because they have been taught white is right and Black is bad. I have yet to see any Black leader make excuses. I feel like whites want to hear that most Blacks are just screwed up for no reason and anyone with a brain can think for a minute and realize the reason is slavery, the subsequent years of racial oppression, and the continuing neo-racism. Anyone doubting that is either lying to themselves or ignorant of basic human psychology.

Everyone has issues they have to overcome and the biggest issue black men have is people like you who do nothing but make excuses. When the majority of black men start acting like fathers instead of whiny behavior you are exhibiting blacks would be much better off. If you were my son, I would make you run a couple miles everytime you started whining about the crap you are exhibiting on this board. If you want to cry I would give you something to cry about.

Everyone has issues but not everyone has generational issues on top of societal issues. I dont make excuses. I call it like it is then go through all the obstacles and thats how I got where I am today. Too bad that makes you feel weird. If I were your son it sounds like I would be a clueless uncle tom.
And so what is your final answer in it all ? What do you propose is the best solution or are you afraid to let your true feelings be known here about it all ? You want to tell us how you know the past so well, so then tell us what is in the future or what it is that you wish was in the future in it all ?

I know, I know you want an end to all racism of course, but what is left standing at the end of that thought in your world of thinking ?

I think it will eventually get better as more people wake up. My children have had less issues than I did with racism so far. All I know is that the more my children know about their lineage and what their ancestors have accomplished the more they seem to live up to that standard. I believe if Black children are taught the genius of their Black ethnicity they will realize that they are not inferior no matter what society attempts to tell them. Once Black people can come to the table with an attitude that demands respect instead of begging to be included other peoples latent racist attitudes will disappear. The end game in all this is an advanced, intelligent, multi-cultural society where everyone contributes equally and knowledge is prized. Once all that other crap falls by the way side everyone can be walk tall without guilt, anger, or shame.

how do you force everyone to contribute equally?

You may be confusing equal opportunity and equal outcomes.

You wont have to force anyone to do anything. It will become a social norm. I've seen what kind of environment a group of intelligent, positive, like minded people can produce.
People make generalizations off of data. Young children don't have enough data to make generalizations. So that argument is bogus. Whether you like it or not some of the stereotypes are the direct result of data and cultural differences and it is up to professionals/leaders like yourself to quit making excuses and to start addressing the issues in the black community by making it clear to young black men their behavior is not acceptable. Too much crap is allowed to slide. Until black professional/leaders but the victim shit behind and act like men and deal with their youth the problems will continue.

In terms of dating, I don't look at color either but it sure seems black men do. Maybe it's time they take ownership of their own racism. Too me it seems the biggest problem we have with racism is within the black community themselves. It is time for them to move past it.

Its true that people make generalizations off of data. However, its how they are taught to interpret that data is what causes problems. Take the test where Black girls are given a choice between a white doll and a black one and most pick the white one. ITs because they have been taught white is right and Black is bad. I have yet to see any Black leader make excuses. I feel like whites want to hear that most Blacks are just screwed up for no reason and anyone with a brain can think for a minute and realize the reason is slavery, the subsequent years of racial oppression, and the continuing neo-racism. Anyone doubting that is either lying to themselves or ignorant of basic human psychology.

And so what is your final answer in it all ? What do you propose is the best solution or are you afraid to let your true feelings be known here about it all ? You want to tell us how you know the past so well, so then tell us what is in the future or what it is that you wish was in the future in it all ?

I know, I know you want an end to all racism of course, but what is left standing at the end of that thought in your world of thinking ?

I think it will eventually get better as more people wake up. My children have had less issues than I did with racism so far. All I know is that the more my children know about their lineage and what their ancestors have accomplished the more they seem to live up to that standard. I believe if Black children are taught the genius of their Black ethnicity they will realize that they are not inferior no matter what society attempts to tell them. Once Black people can come to the table with an attitude that demands respect instead of begging to be included other peoples latent racist attitudes will disappear. The end game in all this is an advanced, intelligent, multi-cultural society where everyone contributes equally and knowledge is prized. Once all that other crap falls by the way side everyone can be walk tall without guilt, anger, or shame.

Sadly your children are going to come to the table with an unattractive chip on their shoulder. They will approach people with the expectation that people are out to get them instead of out to help them reach their potential. They will take coaching as a racial insult instead of an effort to help them improve as person/professional. They will never reach their potential and you will be the reason. That is sad for them and for society because with the right attitude perhaps they could have created a cure for cancer or be the President of the United States.

They deserve a better father try to grow up.

I am sorry if I sound harsh but everyone has issues. My sister has a adopted Chinese orphan with a cleft pallet. He is probably going to be maybe 5'4" and despite many surgeries he will have scars. He has real challenges but we don't let him make excuses. We encourage him into sports where he can excel like wrestling. We support him in his intellectual pursuits which he is amazing. We tell him how smart and successful he will be and we compliment him on his interpersonal skills.

All children need to grow up feeling that they are valuable and that people will help them along the way if they approach them in a positive manner and are open to learning and always getting better. To hear how you talk and the negative attitudes you are infusing into your children is emotionally painful and makes me angry. They deserve better and you simply must do better.
Its true that people make generalizations off of data. However, its how they are taught to interpret that data is what causes problems. Take the test where Black girls are given a choice between a white doll and a black one and most pick the white one. ITs because they have been taught white is right and Black is bad. I have yet to see any Black leader make excuses. I feel like whites want to hear that most Blacks are just screwed up for no reason and anyone with a brain can think for a minute and realize the reason is slavery, the subsequent years of racial oppression, and the continuing neo-racism. Anyone doubting that is either lying to themselves or ignorant of basic human psychology.
And so what is your final answer in it all ? What do you propose is the best solution or are you afraid to let your true feelings be known here about it all ? You want to tell us how you know the past so well, so then tell us what is in the future or what it is that you wish was in the future in it all ?

I know, I know you want an end to all racism of course, but what is left standing at the end of that thought in your world of thinking ?

I think it will eventually get better as more people wake up. My children have had less issues than I did with racism so far. All I know is that the more my children know about their lineage and what their ancestors have accomplished the more they seem to live up to that standard. I believe if Black children are taught the genius of their Black ethnicity they will realize that they are not inferior no matter what society attempts to tell them. Once Black people can come to the table with an attitude that demands respect instead of begging to be included other peoples latent racist attitudes will disappear. The end game in all this is an advanced, intelligent, multi-cultural society where everyone contributes equally and knowledge is prized. Once all that other crap falls by the way side everyone can be walk tall without guilt, anger, or shame.
But what about when Bill Cosby leads the way as a good role model, and then he easily breaks the barriers down with his brilliance, but then he is looked at as an uncle Tom in life because of his role playing in this way in life ?
You wont have to force anyone to do anything. It will become a social norm. I've seen what kind of environment a group of intelligent, positive, like minded people can produce.
[ame=]Chicago Riots EBT LInk Card Shut Down - YouTube[/ame]
I think it will eventually get better as more people wake up. My children have had less issues than I did with racism so far. All I know is that the more my children know about their lineage and what their ancestors have accomplished the more they seem to live up to that standard. I believe if Black children are taught the genius of their Black ethnicity they will realize that they are not inferior no matter what society attempts to tell them. Once Black people can come to the table with an attitude that demands respect instead of begging to be included other peoples latent racist attitudes will disappear. The end game in all this is an advanced, intelligent, multi-cultural society where everyone contributes equally and knowledge is prized. Once all that other crap falls by the way side everyone can be walk tall without guilt, anger, or shame.

how do you force everyone to contribute equally?

You may be confusing equal opportunity and equal outcomes.

You wont have to force anyone to do anything. It will become a social norm. I've seen what kind of environment a group of intelligent, positive, like minded people can produce.

As in socialized norm ? Are you a socialist ?
People make generalizations off of data. Young children don't have enough data to make generalizations. So that argument is bogus. Whether you like it or not some of the stereotypes are the direct result of data and cultural differences and it is up to professionals/leaders like yourself to quit making excuses and to start addressing the issues in the black community by making it clear to young black men their behavior is not acceptable. Too much crap is allowed to slide. Until black professional/leaders but the victim shit behind and act like men and deal with their youth the problems will continue.

In terms of dating, I don't look at color either but it sure seems black men do. Maybe it's time they take ownership of their own racism. Too me it seems the biggest problem we have with racism is within the black community themselves. It is time for them to move past it.

Its true that people make generalizations off of data. However, its how they are taught to interpret that data is what causes problems. Take the test where Black girls are given a choice between a white doll and a black one and most pick the white one. ITs because they have been taught white is right and Black is bad. I have yet to see any Black leader make excuses. I feel like whites want to hear that most Blacks are just screwed up for no reason and anyone with a brain can think for a minute and realize the reason is slavery, the subsequent years of racial oppression, and the continuing neo-racism. Anyone doubting that is either lying to themselves or ignorant of basic human psychology.

And so what is your final answer in it all ? What do you propose is the best solution or are you afraid to let your true feelings be known here about it all ? You want to tell us how you know the past so well, so then tell us what is in the future or what it is that you wish was in the future in it all ?

I know, I know you want an end to all racism of course, but what is left standing at the end of that thought in your world of thinking ?

I think it will eventually get better as more people wake up. My children have had less issues than I did with racism so far. All I know is that the more my children know about their lineage and what their ancestors have accomplished the more they seem to live up to that standard. I believe if Black children are taught the genius of their Black ethnicity they will realize that they are not inferior no matter what society attempts to tell them. Once Black people can come to the table with an attitude that demands respect instead of begging to be included other peoples latent racist attitudes will disappear. The end game in all this is an advanced, intelligent, multi-cultural society where everyone contributes equally and knowledge is prized. Once all that other crap falls by the way side everyone can be walk tall without guilt, anger, or shame.

Sadly your children are going to come to the table with an unattractive chip on their shoulder. They will approach people with the expectation that people are out to get them instead of out to help them reach their potential. They will take coaching as a racial insult instead of an effort to help them improve as person/professional. They will never reach their potential and you will be the reason. That is sad for them and for society because with the right attitude perhaps they could have created a cure for cancer or be the President of the United States.

They deserve a better father try to grow up.

You must be thoroughly confused. My children are leaders. The 2 youngest tutor other children and are required to donate time helping people less fortunate. Their self esteem is so high there is not much that bothers them. They play sports as well and their coaches continually praise me and my wife with what we put in them. I wont be surprised if my youngest indeed creates a cure for cancer. My middle one has her sights set on being an astronaut and my oldest is already working on her masters. They are all extremely brilliant. So unless they take a drastic turn for the worse I am pretty sure you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.
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I think it will eventually get better as more people wake up. My children have had less issues than I did with racism so far. All I know is that the more my children know about their lineage and what their ancestors have accomplished the more they seem to live up to that standard. I believe if Black children are taught the genius of their Black ethnicity they will realize that they are not inferior no matter what society attempts to tell them. Once Black people can come to the table with an attitude that demands respect instead of begging to be included other peoples latent racist attitudes will disappear. The end game in all this is an advanced, intelligent, multi-cultural society where everyone contributes equally and knowledge is prized. Once all that other crap falls by the way side everyone can be walk tall without guilt, anger, or shame.

how do you force everyone to contribute equally?

You may be confusing equal opportunity and equal outcomes.

You wont have to force anyone to do anything. It will become a social norm. I've seen what kind of environment a group of intelligent, positive, like minded people can produce.

No worker left behind? If someone does to much work we stop them? If an artist creates to many works we burn them? You say your kid will cure cancer.. what about all the other kids, why can't they do it first? nudge
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