Help the Black community

So provide specific details of one?

You made the allegation, back it up.

Calm down Paul. Sometimes I actually go outside instead of being tied to the computer. Dont be confused Paul. By "you" I meant members of white society. I should have been more clear. I pretty much thought you could understand because i was talking about white acts of racism in general prior to that.
" you " is not a general it is specific.
So these scores of race crimes, show them!!
The only real racism of note in the USA today is black on white.
The last racist murder of a black in the USA happened close to 50 years ago.
The last racist murder of a white happened in the past few days .

I would still like to know why anyone would think that slavery as practiced in the US was different than that practiced elsewhere throughout history.

Go take a look for yourself. Slavery in the US was founded on destroying the black family dynamic in order to completely render the slaves into animal like status. Slavery elsewhere was more like indentured servitude.

I think you better take a closer look at actual history. I don't know of any culture anywhere that made buying and selling family units of slaves a priority. Family units were often not allowed to be formed in the first place and when they were they did not overrule the master's right to sell, trade or keep any of them on an individual basis.
Roman rule was based on slavery for centuries. I don't think I ever heard of gladiators fighting in the arena in family units.

There have been slaves and masters of all races and they are not normally treated differently because of race.

I think you better do as I suggested and look at the differences. Name me 1 other instance of slavery that took that amount of people from one continent and moved them to an entirely different continent, employed laws to change their religion and used that religion to reinforce compliance, deprived them of knowledge of their history by lying, made a practice of separating the father from the family, raped the women in front of the man, beat pregnant women in front of the man, for the length of time slavery went on here....well when you can find one other place that did those things let me know. my guess is you'll be dead and in the grave before you do.
So provide specific details of one?

You made the allegation, back it up.

Calm down Paul. Sometimes I actually go outside instead of being tied to the computer. Dont be confused Paul. By "you" I meant members of white society. I should have been more clear. I pretty much thought you could understand because i was talking about white acts of racism in general prior to that.
" you " is not a general it is specific.
So these scores of race crimes, show them!!
The only real racism of note in the USA today is black on white.
The last racist murder of a black in the USA happened close to 50 years ago.
The last racist murder of a white happened in the past few days .

I dont think you would recognize racism unless it was blatantly slapping you in the head Paul.

You keep saying the last racist murder. How do you know this? Are you a mind reader?
Calm down Paul. Sometimes I actually go outside instead of being tied to the computer. Dont be confused Paul. By "you" I meant members of white society. I should have been more clear. I pretty much thought you could understand because i was talking about white acts of racism in general prior to that.
" you " is not a general it is specific.
So these scores of race crimes, show them!!
The only real racism of note in the USA today is black on white.
The last racist murder of a black in the USA happened close to 50 years ago.
The last racist murder of a white happened in the past few days .

I dont think you would recognize racism unless it was blatantly slapping you in the head Paul.

You keep saying the last racist murder. How do you know this? Are you a mind reader?

Are you?
Your assumption that whites are routinely subjected to race crimes on a daily basis. No race crimes are committed against blacks.
Blacks are committing them.
Yesterday a crazed black blew a red light narrowly missing my infant in his stroller.
I looked him in the eye, shook my head and continued walking.
He began shouting " you need to calm the fuck down "
So I calmly advised him that he needed to learn to drive.
I needed to calm down? He driving aggressively and disobeying the rules of the road!!
I continued walking.
He began then ranting about me being an Irish assed redneck.
So I repeated he needed to learn to drive and I helpfully pointed out that I was not Irish.
He continued with the racist rants and insisting I was Irish.
He should have known by my standard of dress that I could not be Irish, you can't fix stupid mind.
He followed me into the Copley sq mall ranting now that he fucked my mother( he called her white trash.
At this point I stopped and asked him if he was making a confession.
He became very confused.
So I told him that eleven years ago my poor mother was raped and murdered by a crazed negro savage, I turned to a detail cop outside and called to him " sir this man wants to confess to a rape and murder from a decade ago"!
At this point the racist retard became apologetic.

Who in your mind was wronged in this exchange ?
I was subjected to a verbal assault and threats.
Because I was white.
He nearly murdered my child because he is white.

But you would probably excuse all that and call me out for responding to him in kind.
The black can do no wrong.
The white can do no right.
Such is your hate.
" you " is not a general it is specific.
So these scores of race crimes, show them!!
The only real racism of note in the USA today is black on white.
The last racist murder of a black in the USA happened close to 50 years ago.
The last racist murder of a white happened in the past few days .

I dont think you would recognize racism unless it was blatantly slapping you in the head Paul.

You keep saying the last racist murder. How do you know this? Are you a mind reader?

Are you?
Your assumption that whites are routinely subjected to race crimes on a daily basis. No race crimes are committed against blacks.
Blacks are committing them.
Yesterday a crazed black blew a red light narrowly missing my infant in his stroller.
I looked him in the eye, shook my head and continued walking.
He began shouting " you need to calm the fuck down "
So I calmly advised him that he needed to learn to drive.
I needed to calm down? He driving aggressively and disobeying the rules of the road!!
I continued walking.
He began then ranting about me being an Irish assed redneck.
So I repeated he needed to learn to drive and I helpfully pointed out that I was not Irish.
He continued with the racist rants and insisting I was Irish.
He should have known by my standard of dress that I could not be Irish, you can't fix stupid mind.
He followed me into the Copley sq mall ranting now that he fucked my mother( he called her white trash.
At this point I stopped and asked him if he was making a confession.
He became very confused.
So I told him that eleven years ago my poor mother was raped and murdered by a crazed negro savage, I turned to a detail cop outside and called to him " sir this man wants to confess to a rape and murder from a decade ago"!
At this point the racist retard became apologetic.

Who in your mind was wronged in this exchange ?
I was subjected to a verbal assault and threats.
Because I was white.
He nearly murdered my child because he is white.

But you would probably excuse all that and call me out for responding to him in kind.
The black can do no wrong.
The white can do no right.
Such is your hate.

No i'm not a mind reader but I do know how to read. Here is a 2 fer 1 i found with no trouble at all. So your 50 year stance is wrong.

On the night of June 7, 1998, three white men chained Byrd to their pickup by his ankles and dragged him three miles along a remote country road to his death, decapitating him and scattering pieces of his body in over 75 locations. The men, two of whom were known white supremacists, were convicted in the murder and, in 2011, one of them was executed. Another remains on death row, pending continuing appeals, and the third is serving a life term.

New Racial Incident Hits Texas Town, Site of Truck-Dragging Murder | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law Center

and this in the same town almost 15 years later.

[ame=]CCTV Video captures Jasper, Texas, police officers beating woman brutally - YouTube[/ame]

I feel bad for your experience but dude you really need to go see a shrink. Now I see why you appear so emotional. He didn't do all that because you were white, he did it because you said something to him that forced him to confront the fact that he was wrong and he was an asshole to boot. The fact you were white may have spurned him on to use bigoted language in attacking you but you cant say if that was the motivating factor in the beginning. Ive seen situations happen like that between 2 black people so your racism argument is at best conjecture. Until you can read minds please refrain from the racism stance.
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I dont think you would recognize racism unless it was blatantly slapping you in the head Paul.

You keep saying the last racist murder. How do you know this? Are you a mind reader?

Are you?
Your assumption that whites are routinely subjected to race crimes on a daily basis. No race crimes are committed against blacks.
Blacks are committing them.
Yesterday a crazed black blew a red light narrowly missing my infant in his stroller.
I looked him in the eye, shook my head and continued walking.
He began shouting " you need to calm the fuck down "
So I calmly advised him that he needed to learn to drive.
I needed to calm down? He driving aggressively and disobeying the rules of the road!!
I continued walking.
He began then ranting about me being an Irish assed redneck.
So I repeated he needed to learn to drive and I helpfully pointed out that I was not Irish.
He continued with the racist rants and insisting I was Irish.
He should have known by my standard of dress that I could not be Irish, you can't fix stupid mind.
He followed me into the Copley sq mall ranting now that he fucked my mother( he called her white trash.
At this point I stopped and asked him if he was making a confession.
He became very confused.
So I told him that eleven years ago my poor mother was raped and murdered by a crazed negro savage, I turned to a detail cop outside and called to him " sir this man wants to confess to a rape and murder from a decade ago"!
At this point the racist retard became apologetic.

Who in your mind was wronged in this exchange ?
I was subjected to a verbal assault and threats.
Because I was white.
He nearly murdered my child because he is white.

But you would probably excuse all that and call me out for responding to him in kind.
The black can do no wrong.
The white can do no right.
Such is your hate.

No i'm not a mind reader but I do know how to read.

On the night of June 7, 1998, three white men chained Byrd to their pickup by his ankles and dragged him three miles along a remote country road to his death, decapitating him and scattering pieces of his body in over 75 locations. The men, two of whom were known white supremacists, were convicted in the murder and, in 2011, one of them was executed. Another remains on death row, pending continuing appeals, and the third is serving a life term.

New Racial Incident Hits Texas Town, Site of Truck-Dragging Murder | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law Center

and this in the same town almost 15 years later.

[ame=]CCTV Video captures Jasper, Texas, police officers beating woman brutally - YouTube[/ame]

I feel bad for your experience but dude you really need to go see a shrink. Now I see why you appear so emotional. He didn't do all that because you were white, he did it because you said something to him that forced him to confront the fact that he was wrong and he was an asshole to boot. The fact you were white may have spurned him on to use bigoted language in attacking you but you cant say if that was the motivating factor in the beginning. Ive seen situations happen like that between 2 black people so your racism argument is at best conjecture. Until you can read minds please refrain from the racism stance.

A car accident is racist when a white runs over a black.
So when a black tries to run over my 5 month old in a stroller, how isn't that racist?
I said nothing to initiate the murderous hater.

As for your bullshit link, 2 car accidents are not racist murders , they are car accidents.
Known white supremacists?
Isn't that black liberal speak for subhumans who do not view Obama as the messiah?
Are you?
Your assumption that whites are routinely subjected to race crimes on a daily basis. No race crimes are committed against blacks.
Blacks are committing them.
Yesterday a crazed black blew a red light narrowly missing my infant in his stroller.
I looked him in the eye, shook my head and continued walking.
He began shouting " you need to calm the fuck down "
So I calmly advised him that he needed to learn to drive.
I needed to calm down? He driving aggressively and disobeying the rules of the road!!
I continued walking.
He began then ranting about me being an Irish assed redneck.
So I repeated he needed to learn to drive and I helpfully pointed out that I was not Irish.
He continued with the racist rants and insisting I was Irish.
He should have known by my standard of dress that I could not be Irish, you can't fix stupid mind.
He followed me into the Copley sq mall ranting now that he fucked my mother( he called her white trash.
At this point I stopped and asked him if he was making a confession.
He became very confused.
So I told him that eleven years ago my poor mother was raped and murdered by a crazed negro savage, I turned to a detail cop outside and called to him " sir this man wants to confess to a rape and murder from a decade ago"!
At this point the racist retard became apologetic.

Who in your mind was wronged in this exchange ?
I was subjected to a verbal assault and threats.
Because I was white.
He nearly murdered my child because he is white.

But you would probably excuse all that and call me out for responding to him in kind.
The black can do no wrong.
The white can do no right.
Such is your hate.

No i'm not a mind reader but I do know how to read.

On the night of June 7, 1998, three white men chained Byrd to their pickup by his ankles and dragged him three miles along a remote country road to his death, decapitating him and scattering pieces of his body in over 75 locations. The men, two of whom were known white supremacists, were convicted in the murder and, in 2011, one of them was executed. Another remains on death row, pending continuing appeals, and the third is serving a life term.

New Racial Incident Hits Texas Town, Site of Truck-Dragging Murder | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law Center

and this in the same town almost 15 years later.

[ame=]CCTV Video captures Jasper, Texas, police officers beating woman brutally - YouTube[/ame]

I feel bad for your experience but dude you really need to go see a shrink. Now I see why you appear so emotional. He didn't do all that because you were white, he did it because you said something to him that forced him to confront the fact that he was wrong and he was an asshole to boot. The fact you were white may have spurned him on to use bigoted language in attacking you but you cant say if that was the motivating factor in the beginning. Ive seen situations happen like that between 2 black people so your racism argument is at best conjecture. Until you can read minds please refrain from the racism stance.

A car accident is racist when a white runs over a black.
So when a black tries to run over my 5 month old in a stroller, how isn't that racist?
I said nothing to initiate the murderous hater.

As for your bullshit link, 2 car accidents are not racist murders , they are car accidents.
Known white supremacists?
Isn't that black liberal speak for subhumans who do not view Obama as the messiah?

OK Paul it looks like we are probably done arguing this point. Neither were accidents. 1 was a murder and another a case of police brutality. If you cant acknowledge those crimes where examples of white racism then there is no hope for you.
It was a car accident !!!
The driver was white , the pedestrian black.
If that's the criteria for a race crime then thousands of anti white race crimes are committed every day!!!
The black waitress at lunch today shortchanged me because I am white.
Black cabbies drive me to my destination via the longest route because I am white!
Tens of thousands of race crimes against whites every day!!
Hundreds of thousands.

But your Eric Holder is hostile to the idea that whites are human.
Keep whining about 200 years ago.
I'm talking about today!!!
Blacks are more easiest than whites, a recent poll of blacks showed that.
Go take a look for yourself. Slavery in the US was founded on destroying the black family dynamic in order to completely render the slaves into animal like status. Slavery elsewhere was more like indentured servitude.

I think you better take a closer look at actual history. I don't know of any culture anywhere that made buying and selling family units of slaves a priority. Family units were often not allowed to be formed in the first place and when they were they did not overrule the master's right to sell, trade or keep any of them on an individual basis.
Roman rule was based on slavery for centuries. I don't think I ever heard of gladiators fighting in the arena in family units.

There have been slaves and masters of all races and they are not normally treated differently because of race.

I think you better do as I suggested and look at the differences. Name me 1 other instance of slavery that took that amount of people from one continent and moved them to an entirely different continent, employed laws to change their religion and used that religion to reinforce compliance, deprived them of knowledge of their history by lying, made a practice of separating the father from the family, raped the women in front of the man, beat pregnant women in front of the man, for the length of time slavery went on here....well when you can find one other place that did those things let me know. my guess is you'll be dead and in the grave before you do.

Do you have any reason to believe any of those things happened more here than anywhere else that had slaves? I don't know of any reason to believe that.
I think you better take a closer look at actual history. I don't know of any culture anywhere that made buying and selling family units of slaves a priority. Family units were often not allowed to be formed in the first place and when they were they did not overrule the master's right to sell, trade or keep any of them on an individual basis.
Roman rule was based on slavery for centuries. I don't think I ever heard of gladiators fighting in the arena in family units.

There have been slaves and masters of all races and they are not normally treated differently because of race.

I think you better do as I suggested and look at the differences. Name me 1 other instance of slavery that took that amount of people from one continent and moved them to an entirely different continent, employed laws to change their religion and used that religion to reinforce compliance, deprived them of knowledge of their history by lying, made a practice of separating the father from the family, raped the women in front of the man, beat pregnant women in front of the man, for the length of time slavery went on here....well when you can find one other place that did those things let me know. my guess is you'll be dead and in the grave before you do.

Do you have any reason to believe any of those things happened more here than anywhere else that had slaves? I don't know of any reason to believe that.

Yes I have multiple reasons. I have researched the issue. Theres even more stuff I didnt list. Do you have even 1 reason those things did not occur other than you just don't want to believe it?
I think you better do as I suggested and look at the differences. Name me 1 other instance of slavery that took that amount of people from one continent and moved them to an entirely different continent, employed laws to change their religion and used that religion to reinforce compliance, deprived them of knowledge of their history by lying, made a practice of separating the father from the family, raped the women in front of the man, beat pregnant women in front of the man, for the length of time slavery went on here....well when you can find one other place that did those things let me know. my guess is you'll be dead and in the grave before you do.

Do you have any reason to believe any of those things happened more here than anywhere else that had slaves? I don't know of any reason to believe that.

Yes I have multiple reasons. I have researched the issue. Theres even more stuff I didnt list. Do you have even 1 reason those things did not occur other than you just don't want to believe it?

I don't doubt that those things have occurred. I doubt that they have occurred here more than anywhere else. You have some reason to keep your source of information secret?
Do you have any reason to believe any of those things happened more here than anywhere else that had slaves? I don't know of any reason to believe that.

Yes I have multiple reasons. I have researched the issue. Theres even more stuff I didnt list. Do you have even 1 reason those things did not occur other than you just don't want to believe it?

I don't doubt that those things have occurred. I doubt that they have occurred here more than anywhere else. You have some reason to keep your source of information secret?

Thats besides the point. All the factors I listed occurred and occurred frequently enough for people to note it. All those factors occurred here in the US. No other instance of slavery had all those factors. Lets stay on point and not move the goal posts.

Some of it is information in the form of journals handed down to me by my ancestors. The rest of it is freely available on the internet, library of congress, and books. For starters google "slave seasoning camps"
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And slavery is history, you were never a slave, I never owned a slave.
What's your beef?
Plain old hate for whitey !!
1- Encourage fathers to be dad's
2- Build more prisons
3- Pass Constitutional carry
4- Pay teachers more
5- Caps on welfare
6- Eliminate project housings
7- Impeach Obama
8- Legalize specific drugs
9- Tougher sentences for identified laws
10- Eliminate affirmative action
I think the government should step in and help a lot more.

It worked out so well with the American Indians.
I think you better do as I suggested and look at the differences. Name me 1 other instance of slavery that took that amount of people from one continent and moved them to an entirely different continent, employed laws to change their religion and used that religion to reinforce compliance, deprived them of knowledge of their history by lying, made a practice of separating the father from the family, raped the women in front of the man, beat pregnant women in front of the man, for the length of time slavery went on here....well when you can find one other place that did those things let me know. my guess is you'll be dead and in the grave before you do.

Do you have any reason to believe any of those things happened more here than anywhere else that had slaves? I don't know of any reason to believe that.

Yes I have multiple reasons. I have researched the issue. Theres even more stuff I didnt list. Do you have even 1 reason those things did not occur other than you just don't want to believe it?

I am not going to argue racism doesn't exist because I think it does. I think people are inherently racist.. Our minds are built to see things and make generalizations. It was how we survived many years back and could quickly identify possible threats and how those threats might behave whether they were flora or fauna.

But I do have a question I have always wondered and perhaps you can provide an answer. Why do you see so many professional, engaging, black men with fat and ugly white women? In my mind the guys are 8 or 9's and the women are 2's or 3's that I would not spend a one night stand with much less marry. Surely these men could do better. Do they value whiteness so much they would pick a fat, ugly white women over an in shape intelligent black women? If anything seems to put a value judgement on the races it would be the actions of these men.

I am hoping for an honest answer here?
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