HELP - Israel vs Palestinians - Educate me

RoccoR said:
The years was 1967. The countries of Israel and Egypt were observing an "Armistice;" an agreement between opposing armies to suspend hostilities which started on 15 May 1948, when the Arab Armies attacked Israel and attempted to prevent the establishment of the Jewish State.

Of course nobody has ever proven that allegation to be true.

What the fuck is wrong with you ? I mean really!!
RoccoR said:
Israel is still in compliance with the Israel-Syria General Armistice Agreement. Withdrawal is contingent on a Peace Treaty. Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 12 September 2005; but, it neither lead to a Treaty or Peace. In June 2007, shortly after HAMAS seized government power in Gaza, both Egypt and Israel put in place a blockade (air, land and sea). HAMAS was a designed terrorist organization. The West Bank falls under the Oslo Accords and the permanent status of negotiation (Article V).

This one always crack me up. Hamas was the elected government in office. Hamas won the 2006 elections and was the majority party in the Palestinian Authority.

Battle of Gaza (2007) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Battle of Gaza, also referred to as Hamas' takeover of Gaza
changes Hamas takes over the Gaza Strip
I was having a discussion with a co-worker about the Israel/Palestinian situation. I was expressing my view that I fully support Israel and their recent ground operations etc that they are taking to protect themselves. I was surprised to some degree with the level of disagreement that I received. I feel like it is common sense that Israel has to take these measures.

Some of the points he made included the following:

  • Israel declared war on Egypt in 1966 and took lands that had not been theirs previously.
  • Does this sound familiar with their more recent annexation of Gaza, West Bank, and The Golan Heights?
  • Israel has repeatedly made promises to withdraw from areas and then continued to occupy and settle them.
  • He said that Israel's stance reminds him of traditional view that cowboys and Europe had the right to conquer because they believed they were right.
  • Putin's view of the world is similar to Israel. He is right and can do what he wants and could care less about truth or facts.

Unfortunately, I am not educated enough to respond to these points. Where can I go to get educated on Israel and the past that is a good source that I can trust?

Thanks in advance.


The documents telling the story are all right here. Historical Documents of Zionism

The astonishing aspect has always been the lack of insight on how people would or should react. Islam is only a third of the problem. The religions that make up other 2/3 of the problem (and they do) could care less about reactions because their moral compass comes from a another mythological book and more importantly they have really fucking big bombs. Homer wrote great material as well.

Sugar coating conquest with a slogan of "God gave it to me" doesn't change the fact its conquest.

"A people which fights against the usurpation of its land will not tire so easily... it is easier for them to continue the war and not get tired than it is for us... The Palestinian Arabs are not alone. The Syrians are coming to help. From our point of view, they are strangers; in the point of law they are foreigners; but to the Arabs, they are not foreigners at all ... The centre of the war is in Palestine, (you know--there's no such thing:eusa_clap:)but its dimensions are much wider. When we say that the Arabs are the aggressors and we defend ourselves — this is only half the truth. As regards our security and life we defend ourselves and our moral and physical position is not bad. We can face the gangs... and were we allowed to mobilize all our forces we would have no doubts about the outcome... But the fighting is only one aspect of the conflict which is in its essence a political one. And politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves.

Militarily, it is we who are on the defensive who have the upper hand but in the political sphere they are superior. The land, the villages, the mountains, the roads are in their hands. The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country, while we are still outside. They defend bases which are theirs, which is easier than conquering new bases... let us not think that the terror is a result of Hitler's or Mussolini's propaganda — this helps but the source of opposition is there among the Arabs."
----David Ben-Gurion Address at the Mapai Political Committee (7 June 1938)
I was having a discussion with a co-worker about the Israel/Palestinian situation. I was expressing my view that I fully support Israel and their recent ground operations etc that they are taking to protect themselves. I was surprised to some degree with the level of disagreement that I received. I feel like it is common sense that Israel has to take these measures.

Some of the points he made included the following:

  • Israel declared war on Egypt in 1966 and took lands that had not been theirs previously.
  • Does this sound familiar with their more recent annexation of Gaza, West Bank, and The Golan Heights?
  • Israel has repeatedly made promises to withdraw from areas and then continued to occupy and settle them.
  • He said that Israel's stance reminds him of traditional view that cowboys and Europe had the right to conquer because they believed they were right.
  • Putin's view of the world is similar to Israel. He is right and can do what he wants and could care less about truth or facts.

Unfortunately, I am not educated enough to respond to these points. Where can I go to get educated on Israel and the past that is a good source that I can trust?

Thanks in advance.


That is the key statement in your post. I would say 'Seeing as neither you or I has ever been to Israel much less anywhere other than Disneyworld, neither of us has any business discussing it'.
More like 20 000 rockets
20,000 rockets in 13 years.

Wow, oh what a danger that is? Unless, of coarse, you happen to see the total death count, as a result of those rockets. Here is ALL the fatalities, from ALL the rockets, from ALL the years they've been fired, into ALL of Israel...

Fatalities from rocket and mortar attacks in Israel from the Gaza Strip

Date of attack Name Age Location Weapon
2004.06.28 Mordechai Yosephov 49 Sderot Qassam
2004.06.28 Afik Ohion Zehavi 4 Sderot Qassam
2004.09.29 Yuval Abebeh 4 Sderot Qassam
2004.09.29 Dorit (Masarat) Benisian 2 Sderot Qassam
2005.01.15 Ayala-Haya Abukasis 17 Sderot Qassam
2005.07.15 Dana Gelkowitz 22 Moshav Nativ Ha‘asara Qassam
2006.03.28 Salam Ziadin* ? Nahal Oz Qassam‡
2006.03.28 Khalid Ziadin* 16 Nahal Oz Qassam‡
2006.11.15 Faina Slutzker 57 Sderot Qassam
2006.11.21 Yaakov Yaakobov 43 Sderot Qassam
2007.05.21 Shirel Friedman 32 Sderot Qassam
2007.05.27 Oshri Oz 36 Sderot Qassam
2008.02.27 Roni Yihye 47 Sderot Qassam
2008.05.09 Jimmy Kedoshim 48 Kibbutz Kfar Aza mortar
2008.05.12 Shuli Katz 70 Moshav Yesha Qassam
2008.06.05 Amnon Rosenberg 51 Kibbutz Nir-Oz mortar
2008.12.27 Beber Vaknin 58 Netivot Qassam
2008.12.29 Lutfi Nasraladin*† 38 IDF base near Nahal Oz mortar
2008.12.29 Irit Sheetrit 39 Ashdod Grad
2008.12.29 Hani al Mahdi* 27 Ashkelon Grad
2010.03.18 Manee Singueanphon* 30 Moshav Nativ Ha‘asara Qassam
2011.08.20 Yossi Shushan 38 Be’er sheva Grad
2011.10.29 Moshe Ami 56 Ashkelon Grad
2012.11.15 Yitzchak Amsalem 24 Kiryat Malachi rocket
2012.11.15 Mira Sharf 25 Kiryat Malachi rocket
2012.11.15 Aharon Smadja 49 Kiryat Malachi rocket
Total fatalities in the history of rocket and mortar attacks
from Gaza into Israel:
Give me a fucking break!

The garbage you people peddle, is ridiculous! Ooh, the "big danger"!

Meanwhile, the “most moral army in the world” from “the only democracy in the Middle East” has:
attacked hospitals, a home for the disabled, a geriatric hospice, demolished five mosques, razed entire neighbourhoods, erased entire families – the youngest – so far – just three days old if you do not count the unborn, as in the case of twenty nine year old Samar Al Hallaq (1) killed with her two sons, aged four and five, other members of her family and carrying her third child. Her husband was critically injured.
And this is ALL Hamas' fault, because they allegedly kidnapped 3 Israeli teens from the Fatah controlled, Israeli supported, West Bank, of which, no evidence as been shown to date, proving this to be true.
More like 20 000 rockets
20,000 rockets in 13 years.

Wow, oh what a danger that is? Unless, of coarse, you happen to see the total death count, as a result of those rockets. Here is ALL the fatalities, from ALL the rockets, from ALL the years they've been fired, into ALL of Israel...

Fatalities from rocket and mortar attacks in Israel from the Gaza Strip

Date of attack Name Age Location Weapon
2004.06.28 Mordechai Yosephov 49 Sderot Qassam
2004.06.28 Afik Ohion Zehavi 4 Sderot Qassam
2004.09.29 Yuval Abebeh 4 Sderot Qassam
2004.09.29 Dorit (Masarat) Benisian 2 Sderot Qassam
2005.01.15 Ayala-Haya Abukasis 17 Sderot Qassam
2005.07.15 Dana Gelkowitz 22 Moshav Nativ Ha‘asara Qassam
2006.03.28 Salam Ziadin* ? Nahal Oz Qassam‡
2006.03.28 Khalid Ziadin* 16 Nahal Oz Qassam‡
2006.11.15 Faina Slutzker 57 Sderot Qassam
2006.11.21 Yaakov Yaakobov 43 Sderot Qassam
2007.05.21 Shirel Friedman 32 Sderot Qassam
2007.05.27 Oshri Oz 36 Sderot Qassam
2008.02.27 Roni Yihye 47 Sderot Qassam
2008.05.09 Jimmy Kedoshim 48 Kibbutz Kfar Aza mortar
2008.05.12 Shuli Katz 70 Moshav Yesha Qassam
2008.06.05 Amnon Rosenberg 51 Kibbutz Nir-Oz mortar
2008.12.27 Beber Vaknin 58 Netivot Qassam
2008.12.29 Lutfi Nasraladin*† 38 IDF base near Nahal Oz mortar
2008.12.29 Irit Sheetrit 39 Ashdod Grad
2008.12.29 Hani al Mahdi* 27 Ashkelon Grad
2010.03.18 Manee Singueanphon* 30 Moshav Nativ Ha‘asara Qassam
2011.08.20 Yossi Shushan 38 Be’er sheva Grad
2011.10.29 Moshe Ami 56 Ashkelon Grad
2012.11.15 Yitzchak Amsalem 24 Kiryat Malachi rocket
2012.11.15 Mira Sharf 25 Kiryat Malachi rocket
2012.11.15 Aharon Smadja 49 Kiryat Malachi rocket
Total fatalities in the history of rocket and mortar attacks
from Gaza into Israel:
Give me a fucking break!

The garbage you people peddle, is ridiculous! Ooh, the "big danger"!

Meanwhile, the “most moral army in the world” from “the only democracy in the Middle East” has:
attacked hospitals, a home for the disabled, a geriatric hospice, demolished five mosques, razed entire neighbourhoods, erased entire families – the youngest – so far – just three days old if you do not count the unborn, as in the case of twenty nine year old Samar Al Hallaq (1) killed with her two sons, aged four and five, other members of her family and carrying her third child. Her husband was critically injured.
And this is ALL Hamas' fault, because they allegedly kidnapped 3 Israeli teens from the Fatah controlled, Israeli supported, West Bank, of which, no evidence as been shown to date, proving this to be true.

How about you stand with your family and I'll test my rockets on you? maybe just fireworks? uhm..even rocks!
Here's another example of Israeli lunacy...

...after major airline carriers react to Israel's "big damn rocket danger"...
Hours after US airlines Delta, United and US Airways cancelled all flights to Israel on Tuesday 22nd July, the US Federal Aviation Authority issued an advisory banning all US carriers from flying to Tel Aviv. Air Canada has also cancelled their flights. The European Aviation Safety Agency has followed suit issuing a “strong recommendation” that airlines avoid travel to Israel until further notice. Air France, EasyJet, Germany’s flag carrier Lufthansa, and the Netherland’s KLM were among European airlines that had already cancelled services.
...Netanfuckyou does an about face and claim the "airspace is safe", above Israel.
Having spent two weeks telling the world of the mortal danger the country faced (in spite of crowds of residents picnicking in the open, standing on car roofs to watch the destruction of Gaza) the Transportation Minister and Prime Minister Netanyahu declared that flying to the country is “safe” and that: “There is no reason whatsoever that American companies would stop their flights and hand terror a prize.” Somewhat contradictory all round.
People who support Israel, are just plain "out there"!

I guess some of you just can't believe that someone is pro-Israeli?? Just because I asked for some help on how to respond to a co-worker?? A couple of you are pretty suspicious.

I will say this one more time and that is it. If you don't believe me than there is nothing more I can say. I am pro-Israeli. I have always been pro-Israeli. How can I not support Israel when we have Palestinian and Arab threats of destroying Israel. I am a Bible believer and I believe Israel has been given the land of Israel forever by a power that is mightier than any Arab/Muslim unified front against the Jews and Israel.

So, that is it. Take it or leave it. I don't care what you think. I will continue to ask questions to help get me educated. I appreciate those that can help.


I apologize. This is me right now.>> :eusa_silenced:
I was having a discussion with a co-worker about the Israel/Palestinian situation. I was expressing my view that I fully support Israel and their recent ground operations etc that they are taking to protect themselves. I was surprised to some degree with the level of disagreement that I received. I feel like it is common sense that Israel has to take these measures.

Some of the points he made included the following:

  • Israel declared war on Egypt in 1966 and took lands that had not been theirs previously.
  • Does this sound familiar with their more recent annexation of Gaza, West Bank, and The Golan Heights?
  • Israel has repeatedly made promises to withdraw from areas and then continued to occupy and settle them.
  • He said that Israel's stance reminds him of traditional view that cowboys and Europe had the right to conquer because they believed they were right.
  • Putin's view of the world is similar to Israel. He is right and can do what he wants and could care less about truth or facts.

Unfortunately, I am not educated enough to respond to these points. Where can I go to get educated on Israel and the past that is a good source that I can trust?

Thanks in advance.


If you are Pro-Israel you are wasting your time trying to get an "education" on a political internet forum. If you want Pro-Israel information this is the site for you:
Advocates for Israel - Home Page

Of course, anyone with knowledge of the truth behind the conflict would have no trouble demolishing any "arguments" you might find there, but it's good enough to counter arguments a typical pro-Palestinian supporter might bring up.

Getting at the truth is far more difficult and takes years of research. Have fun with your co-worker.
I was having a discussion with a co-worker about the Israel/Palestinian situation. I was expressing my view that I fully support Israel and their recent ground operations etc that they are taking to protect themselves. I was surprised to some degree with the level of disagreement that I received. I feel like it is common sense that Israel has to take these measures.

Some of the points he made included the following:

  • Israel declared war on Egypt in 1966 and took lands that had not been theirs previously.
  • Does this sound familiar with their more recent annexation of Gaza, West Bank, and The Golan Heights?
  • Israel has repeatedly made promises to withdraw from areas and then continued to occupy and settle them.
  • He said that Israel's stance reminds him of traditional view that cowboys and Europe had the right to conquer because they believed they were right.
  • Putin's view of the world is similar to Israel. He is right and can do what he wants and could care less about truth or facts.

Unfortunately, I am not educated enough to respond to these points. Where can I go to get educated on Israel and the past that is a good source that I can trust?

Thanks in advance.


If you are Pro-Israel you are wasting your time trying to get an "education" on a political internet forum. If you want Pro-Israel information this is the site for you:
Advocates for Israel - Home Page

Of course, anyone with knowledge of the truth behind the conflict would have no trouble demolishing any "arguments" you might find there, but it's good enough to counter arguments a typical pro-Palestinian supporter might bring up.

Getting at the truth is far more difficult and takes years of research. Have fun with your co-worker.
RoccoR said:
Israel is still in compliance with the Israel-Syria General Armistice Agreement. Withdrawal is contingent on a Peace Treaty. Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 12 September 2005; but, it neither lead to a Treaty or Peace. In June 2007, shortly after HAMAS seized government power in Gaza, both Egypt and Israel put in place a blockade (air, land and sea). HAMAS was a designed terrorist organization. The West Bank falls under the Oslo Accords and the permanent status of negotiation (Article V).

This one always crack me up. Hamas was the elected government in office. Hamas won the 2006 elections and was the majority party in the Palestinian Authority.

Battle of Gaza (2007) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Battle of Gaza, also referred to as Hamas' takeover of Gaza
changes Hamas takes over the Gaza Strip

Good link, thanks.

It was a climax in the Fatah–Hamas conflict, centered around the struggle for power, after Fatah lost the parliamentary elections of 2006. Hamas fighters took control of the Gaza Strip[3] and removed Fatah officials.

Hamas won the 2006 elections and was the majority party in the Palestinian Authority. Hamas was the head of the Palestinian Authority and that government was legally constituted.

Fatah, (the losers of the elections) with the help of the US and others, (guns, money, political cover) attempted to retake control.

[ame=]On The Map with Avi Lewis: Gaza Coup d'Etat? - YouTube[/ame]
I was having a discussion with a co-worker about the Israel/Palestinian situation. I was expressing my view that I fully support Israel and their recent ground operations etc that they are taking to protect themselves. I was surprised to some degree with the level of disagreement that I received. I feel like it is common sense that Israel has to take these measures.

Some of the points he made included the following:

  • Israel declared war on Egypt in 1966 and took lands that had not been theirs previously.
  • Does this sound familiar with their more recent annexation of Gaza, West Bank, and The Golan Heights?
  • Israel has repeatedly made promises to withdraw from areas and then continued to occupy and settle them.
  • He said that Israel's stance reminds him of traditional view that cowboys and Europe had the right to conquer because they believed they were right.
  • Putin's view of the world is similar to Israel. He is right and can do what he wants and could care less about truth or facts.

Unfortunately, I am not educated enough to respond to these points. Where can I go to get educated on Israel and the past that is a good source that I can trust?

Thanks in advance.

Me. You can trust me. I'll tell you everything you need to know. I am the most unbiased, non-partisan voice on this subject





Trust you!

I Can also read minds Billo, no idea what the hell going inside yours :lol:

And stab babies in their sleep. And blowing up women and children. And dig terror tunnles. And calling Jews pigs and apes. and lie to my own people.

No reason to judge the Palestinians.

Besides human shields, suicide bombings, terror supportings, west-fightings, and girl abusing.... They're cool.

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