Hello to one and all.


Dec 30, 2010
I'm Binky, Binkster or Bink, whichever you wish to use. I'm into music so I imagine I'll be posting many music vids, so bear with me.
Are you the seldom seen and oft humming addition to Wynken', Blynken' and Nod?

Welcome :razz:
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The intro post does strike some people as "familiar."

But, if you are just another emma troll, let this post serve as a place marker before you untimely (or very timely?) departure:

I wuz here!
You are either one of Emma's friends, or the lost fifth Banana Split

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Are you the seldom seen and oft humming addition to Wynken', Blynken' and Nod?


Welcome :razz:

When the kids were little they won three goldfish at the church fair. They were named Winkin', Blinkin' and Nod. They all lived together in their little fishie bowl all happy and fish like.

One day I thought they looked like they needed some fresh air so I sat their little fishie bowl outside for some sunshine on a lovely summer day.

Yeah, that didn't end too well.

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