Hell yes! It’s happening. China fears manufacturing exodus

Can we get ONE liberal to admit it’s a good thing if we aren’t as reliant on China manufacturing?

How about the flip side? Can we get liberals in here to tell us why it’s bad for China to lose some manufacturing.

You know the left are hypocrites. On one hand, they bitch about employee pay in this country, on the other hand, they support virtual open borders for immigrants to come here and take our jobs and lower pay for Americans.

There is only one true way to lessen our reliance on China manufacturing, and that is for Americans to buy American products. Tariffs made our products more competitive to China, and look who was complaining about that.

Americans buying American campaigns have been past total failures.

Well, hopefully, this one will be much different.
Anyone who would be against China losing a SUBSTANTIAL portion of their manufacturing is really stupid.

We need to bring back a ton of that manufacturing and Japan can certainly take on more.

This crisis is a great opportunity to take manufacturing away from China.

All your iPhones are made in China. Why? Those should all be made here....just as an example. ALL OF THEM....EVERY SINGLE IPHONE.

Sure, they could be made here. I purchased my iPhone X almost two years ago. The cost was $1,000. If it were American made, the cost would be somewhere in the $1,600 area. Smart phones are not a monopoly. Apple needs to compete with similar products that are also not American made.

It's that way with most every foreign product we buy. Cost rules with the American consumer.
The child slave labor thanks you for supporting their servitude

So what are you suggesting, I do without a cell phone? Are you going to now?
Beware of your opium dreams.

Lets say Michael Jordan. His basketball shoes cost $120 and up. His industry in China allows him to pay cents of a dollar to employees and after the total cost of manufacturing and shipment from China and selling in the US, Michael makes a huge fortune.

If he transfers his sport shoes here, he will have to raise up the price of shoes in order to make a similar profit like before.

Same scenario will happen with all US companies having their goods produced in China.

You, the buyer might wish to bring back those manufacturers but the owners of those companies won't care about what the Chinese government did with respect to the virus, because such is "politics" while their companies are there for business.
Can we get ONE liberal to admit it’s a good thing if we aren’t as reliant on China manufacturing?

How about the flip side? Can we get liberals in here to tell us why it’s bad for China to lose some manufacturing.

You know the left are hypocrites. On one hand, they bitch about employee pay in this country, on the other hand, they support virtual open borders for immigrants to come here and take our jobs and lower pay for Americans.

There is only one true way to lessen our reliance on China manufacturing, and that is for Americans to buy American products. Tariffs made our products more competitive to China, and look who was complaining about that.

Americans buying American campaigns have been past total failures.

You have Toyotas assembled in Texas and Chevrolets assembled in Mexico.

Which one is American?

Chevy is Government Motors. Never buy another new GM product.

Toyota is Japanese but they hire American.
Gave up on GM and American made cars after getting stuck with a 1978 Pontiac Grad Prix. That car was a lemon and a piece of shit and I told the head of pontiac motor division that directly. It was really his piss poor attitude that convinced me to give up American makes and to never go back.

The last American made car I owned was a Malibu. After 30,000 miles, my mechanic drove it more than I did. One day when he came to my house to repair my car yet again, he told me how little work he gets from people that own a Toyota. He talked about the quality of parts they use, the engineering, and told me to pay attention to the side of the road when I'm on any highway, and take note of what kind of cars are there.

He talked himself out of my business, because when I finally got fed up, I bought a Toyota. I'm on my third one in the last 20 years. Never been late for work or had to call off, never seen a tow truck, and the Camry I bought last August comes with a 7 year--100,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty. Everybody compliments me on the looks of the car.

It doesn't surprise me though. As a truck driver, I had my share of dealing with those union idiots on the docks at our auto plants. In fact the last company I worked for finally stopped taking auto plant deliveries, because those union idiots would take a half a day to unload my truck, something non-union places did in 20 to 35 minutes.
I'm driving a Dodge Ram.
250k miles and the only major repairs I have had were:
Heater core (did myself)
In tank fuel pump (did myself)
Rear differential (mechanic)
Bearings and ball joints (did myself)
Can we get ONE liberal to admit it’s a good thing if we aren’t as reliant on China manufacturing?

How about the flip side? Can we get liberals in here to tell us why it’s bad for China to lose some manufacturing.

You know the left are hypocrites. On one hand, they bitch about employee pay in this country, on the other hand, they support virtual open borders for immigrants to come here and take our jobs and lower pay for Americans.

There is only one true way to lessen our reliance on China manufacturing, and that is for Americans to buy American products. Tariffs made our products more competitive to China, and look who was complaining about that.

Americans buying American campaigns have been past total failures.

You have Toyotas assembled in Texas and Chevrolets assembled in Mexico.

Which one is American?

Chevy is Government Motors. Never buy another new GM product.

Toyota is Japanese but they hire American.
Gave up on GM and American made cars after getting stuck with a 1978 Pontiac Grad Prix. That car was a lemon and a piece of shit and I told the head of pontiac motor division that directly. It was really his piss poor attitude that convinced me to give up American makes and to never go back.

The last American made car I owned was a Malibu. After 30,000 miles, my mechanic drove it more than I did. One day when he came to my house to repair my car yet again, he told me how little work he gets from people that own a Toyota. He talked about the quality of parts they use, the engineering, and told me to pay attention to the side of the road when I'm on any highway, and take note of what kind of cars are there.

He talked himself out of my business, because when I finally got fed up, I bought a Toyota. I'm on my third one in the last 20 years. Never been late for work or had to call off, never seen a tow truck, and the Camry I bought last August comes with a 7 year--100,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty. Everybody compliments me on the looks of the car.

It doesn't surprise me though. As a truck driver, I had my share of dealing with those union idiots on the docks at our auto plants. In fact the last company I worked for finally stopped taking auto plant deliveries, because those union idiots would take a half a day to unload my truck, something non-union places did in 20 to 35 minutes.

Speak for yourself on that one.

Me and my dad recommended a Toyota to my parents neighbor. She went out and got a brand new 2011 Camry. That thing was the biggest lemon she ever owned. It spent more time in the shop than on the road. She eventually traded it in on a 2015 Honda CRV and hasn't looked back.

There are 5 recalls on that car.

Toyota quality is not what it used to be. Honda has taken over.
Last edited:
How many of YOU own Apple products?

The moment the suicide net story broke I ditched ALL my Apple products and will never again support them.

I thought I was the only one who did that. After I heard that I went full Android and haven't looked back.

Is Android all American made?

Android phones are made all around the globe, but aren't made in factories where workers are jumping out of windows.
Every post on this board is written on a machine made in SE Asia if not China itself. It will be just as true this time next year
That's because Americans are not willing to pay $3000 for a $500 computer produced abroad.
True. I’m one of them.

The point is, that people shouldn’t bitch about globalization when they are acting like globalists themselves

In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Fuck you China!

Let’s eat Sushi, NOT BATS!

I could careless how China feels.

What I care about is that companies actually do come back here.

There isn't anything in your post that indicates any company is coming back to America.

So you get off on making people feel bad but don't give a damn about actual results.

I get it.

In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," a Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Fuck you China!

Let’s eat Sushi, NOT BATS!
They should be very afraid. It was foolish for the world, particularly the US to outsource majority of industrial production to the Communist Chinese in the first place. Maybe corona will be a wake up call., but kinda doubt it actually.

The only way companies are going to come back to America is if they're forced to do so.

They've been given incentive after incentive to come back. They have not.

The only way to force them to return is to make it too expensive for them to be out of America. That happens with taxes. Hit them with huge taxes to be out of America.

You will see them return but of course hitting them with penalties isn't going to happen.

In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Fuck you China!

Let’s eat Sushi, NOT BATS!

I could careless how China feels.

What I care about is that companies actually do come back here.

There isn't anything in your post that indicates any company is coming back to America.

So you get off on making people feel bad but don't give a damn about actual results.

I get it.

I am interested in manufacturing leaving China. If Japan gets some of it, that’s good to me. I am also saying we need to bring a lot back home.

In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," a Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Fuck you China!

Let’s eat Sushi, NOT BATS!
They should be very afraid. It was foolish for the world, particularly the US to outsource majority of industrial production to the Communist Chinese in the first place. Maybe corona will be a wake up call., but kinda doubt it actually.

The only way companies are going to come back to America is if they're forced to do so.

They've been given incentive after incentive to come back. They have not.

The only way to force them to return is to make it too expensive for them to be out of America. That happens with taxes. Hit them with huge taxes to be out of America.

You will see them return but of course hitting them with penalties isn't going to happen.

We need to cut regulations for all types of businesses.

An example of over regulation is needing a permit to braid hair. I know that isn’t a China/US thing, just an example.

We made it too expensive to do business here and we need to make it less expensive as a matter of national security. It seems pretty fucking obvious.
Can we get ONE liberal to admit it’s a good thing if we aren’t as reliant on China manufacturing?

How about the flip side? Can we get liberals in here to tell us why it’s bad for China to lose some manufacturing.

You know the left are hypocrites. On one hand, they bitch about employee pay in this country, on the other hand, they support virtual open borders for immigrants to come here and take our jobs and lower pay for Americans.

There is only one true way to lessen our reliance on China manufacturing, and that is for Americans to buy American products. Tariffs made our products more competitive to China, and look who was complaining about that.

Americans buying American campaigns have been past total failures.

You have Toyotas assembled in Texas and Chevrolets assembled in Mexico.

Which one is American?

Chevy is Government Motors. Never buy another new GM product.

Toyota is Japanese but they hire American.
Gave up on GM and American made cars after getting stuck with a 1978 Pontiac Grad Prix. That car was a lemon and a piece of shit and I told the head of pontiac motor division that directly. It was really his piss poor attitude that convinced me to give up American makes and to never go back.

The last American made car I owned was a Malibu. After 30,000 miles, my mechanic drove it more than I did. One day when he came to my house to repair my car yet again, he told me how little work he gets from people that own a Toyota. He talked about the quality of parts they use, the engineering, and told me to pay attention to the side of the road when I'm on any highway, and take note of what kind of cars are there.

He talked himself out of my business, because when I finally got fed up, I bought a Toyota. I'm on my third one in the last 20 years. Never been late for work or had to call off, never seen a tow truck, and the Camry I bought last August comes with a 7 year--100,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty. Everybody compliments me on the looks of the car.

It doesn't surprise me though. As a truck driver, I had my share of dealing with those union idiots on the docks at our auto plants. In fact the last company I worked for finally stopped taking auto plant deliveries, because those union idiots would take a half a day to unload my truck, something non-union places did in 20 to 35 minutes.

Speak for yourself on that one.

Me and my dad recommended a Toyota to my parents neighbor. She went out and got a brand new 2011 Camry. That thing was the biggest lemon she ever owned. It spent more time in the shop than on the road. She eventually traded it in on a 2015 Honda CRV and hasn't looked back.

There are 5 recalls on that car.

Toyota quality is not what it used to be. Honda has taken over.

Sounds like a Friday 4:59 pm car. It happens.
hey don't have bureaucracies mired in
Another terrific episode of How the Worm Turns :)

China is providing help and supplies to us right now, so the President is going to play up to them.

Yeah, I noticed that Donnie was blaming his own incompetency more now on the media, WHO and Dem governors and mayors than on China.

Trump was not incompetent in this problem. The incompetent ones were the Chinese. They didn't provide warning or protection from this thing when they learned it got out of the lab. They stopped all domestic flights from Wuhan, and allowed international travel. They are responsible for this problem--nobody else.

We're gonna have to disagree on that. Donald isn't responsible for the virus. He IS responsible for a miserable response to the virus.

I don't see how. He took action the day the WHO categorized it as a problem. Hell, the leftists new hero, Dr. Fuci said as late as January 21st that it wasn't going to be a problem for the US. And remember the Democrats like Piglosi who were encouraging people to ignore the virus because it's not going to be a problem.

I don't know why you single out Trump.......wait a minute, I take that back. I do know why you single him out.
Whatever bullshit about the virus that comes out of the mouth of Trump or other politicians should be taken with a grain of salt. It's actions not rhetoric that counts in an epidemic, something we saw very little of during the crucial months when the virus could have been contained.

The data needed to manufacture test kits was released by China and the WHO about Jan 12th. Before there were any cases of the virus in South Korea , they began preparing to make test kits to identify the disease. They were mass producing test kits after 3 weeks. Fast forward two months, and South Korea is among the world's worst affected countries, with more than 7,800 people infected, and more than 60 deaths and in the US a nursing home had 18 suspected cases and 2 elsewhere. South Korea then began a massive program of testing suspected infections and contacts, quarantining tens of thousand and hospitalizing over 2000. In the US, only a few hundred test kits were available and they were divided up equally between the states of which many proved to be faulty. By the end of March, South Korea had reduced the number of new cases a day by 90%. In the US, 20 cases had grown to over 20,000 cases and the number test kits were still not even enough to test all suspected infections much less the contacts.

For whatever reason, the administration failed miserable to provide the resources need to bring the virus under control. Trump claimed he was not responsible. He claimed it was the fault of the democrats, Obama, China, the states, the hospitals, the WHO, ect.

Oh please. It's the CDC and FDA that Fd everything up. Quit blaming the President for things that he left up to our medical agencies that they screwed up. They don't have bureaucracies mired in red tape and regulation in South Korea. They need something, they just get it; something we can't do in our system of government.

When the first cases of COVID-19 were reported in the US, two labs at the CDC were the only ones permitted to conduct COVID-19 testing, using a test developed by the agency’s own researchers. When the CDC tried to expand testing by providing its test kits to state and local public health labs, there were problems with the initial version of the kits, which the CDC then reworked.

That delay, along with the growing number of undetected cases in the U.S., prompted the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Feb. 29 to expand its approval criteria to allow any qualified lab to develop its own test. Two of the largest diagnostic commercial labs, Quest Diagnostics and LabCorp, have begun testing this week but are still conducting only a few thousand a day as they scale up capacity.

In the US, rollout of widespread testing is plagued by not only logistical issues but political over-promising and supply constraints. When the FDA expanded its approval criteria at the end of February, agency commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn predicted that the policy would lead to enough test kits for more than a million people within a week; when that goal wasn’t met, White House Coronavirus Task Force point person Mike Pence was forced to extend the target date by a week as companies scrambled to familiarize themselves with the test and order the chemicals and reagents they needed.

There are also still technical hurdles for some of the labs that are trying to run the CDC test. Smaller labs, including those at major hospitals, are struggling to meet some of the FDA’s approval requirements.

So if you're going to point fingers, quit trying to make this like it's all Trump's fault, when he had little control over all the BS of our bureaucracies.

The director of both the CDC and FDA work for Trump, are Trump appointees, and serve at his pleasure. The responsibly for their actions or lack of falls on the president whoever he might be.

The problems you're addressing exist because there was little or no planning for the pandemic. FDA regulations could have been set aside in an epidemic. These are exactly the kind of problems that have to be fixed before a disaster strikes. You just can not wait for a pandemic to come to America, to change regulations, order supplies, and draw up a plan of action which is exactly what happened. If you will recall, Trump abolished the Pandemic Response Team in 2018, distributing the duties to various other groups. That means there was no coordinated planning.

Reagents needed to build test kits were in short supply in January. Did the CDC reordered them so contractors could build million of kits? Nope, but in March when the whole world was building test kits and needed these reagents for test kits, the CDC tried to order reagents and guess what? They were not available. I know, I'm anti-Trump but this level of mismanagement and incompetence should not be tolerated regardless of who's president. You guys would certainly not condom it if Obama was president. It has cost an untold number of lives and it will continue for many month if not years.

In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," a Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Fuck you China!

Let’s eat Sushi, NOT BATS!
They should be very afraid. It was foolish for the world, particularly the US to outsource majority of industrial production to the Communist Chinese in the first place. Maybe corona will be a wake up call., but kinda doubt it actually.

The only way companies are going to come back to America is if they're forced to do so.

They've been given incentive after incentive to come back. They have not.

The only way to force them to return is to make it too expensive for them to be out of America. That happens with taxes. Hit them with huge taxes to be out of America.

You will see them return but of course hitting them with penalties isn't going to happen.

Think that would work? What do you think voters would be saying if they had to pay $35.00 for a clock radio instead of $9.99 when you voted for this tax you're talking about? How about a 60" television for $2,300.00?

Our founders (and leaders afterwards)never designed taxation to control actions of their citizens. Taxation into compliance is what dictatorship governments do--not free countries.
hey don't have bureaucracies mired in
Another terrific episode of How the Worm Turns :)

China is providing help and supplies to us right now, so the President is going to play up to them.

Yeah, I noticed that Donnie was blaming his own incompetency more now on the media, WHO and Dem governors and mayors than on China.

Trump was not incompetent in this problem. The incompetent ones were the Chinese. They didn't provide warning or protection from this thing when they learned it got out of the lab. They stopped all domestic flights from Wuhan, and allowed international travel. They are responsible for this problem--nobody else.

We're gonna have to disagree on that. Donald isn't responsible for the virus. He IS responsible for a miserable response to the virus.

I don't see how. He took action the day the WHO categorized it as a problem. Hell, the leftists new hero, Dr. Fuci said as late as January 21st that it wasn't going to be a problem for the US. And remember the Democrats like Piglosi who were encouraging people to ignore the virus because it's not going to be a problem.

I don't know why you single out Trump.......wait a minute, I take that back. I do know why you single him out.
Whatever bullshit about the virus that comes out of the mouth of Trump or other politicians should be taken with a grain of salt. It's actions not rhetoric that counts in an epidemic, something we saw very little of during the crucial months when the virus could have been contained.

The data needed to manufacture test kits was released by China and the WHO about Jan 12th. Before there were any cases of the virus in South Korea , they began preparing to make test kits to identify the disease. They were mass producing test kits after 3 weeks. Fast forward two months, and South Korea is among the world's worst affected countries, with more than 7,800 people infected, and more than 60 deaths and in the US a nursing home had 18 suspected cases and 2 elsewhere. South Korea then began a massive program of testing suspected infections and contacts, quarantining tens of thousand and hospitalizing over 2000. In the US, only a few hundred test kits were available and they were divided up equally between the states of which many proved to be faulty. By the end of March, South Korea had reduced the number of new cases a day by 90%. In the US, 20 cases had grown to over 20,000 cases and the number test kits were still not even enough to test all suspected infections much less the contacts.

For whatever reason, the administration failed miserable to provide the resources need to bring the virus under control. Trump claimed he was not responsible. He claimed it was the fault of the democrats, Obama, China, the states, the hospitals, the WHO, ect.

Oh please. It's the CDC and FDA that Fd everything up. Quit blaming the President for things that he left up to our medical agencies that they screwed up. They don't have bureaucracies mired in red tape and regulation in South Korea. They need something, they just get it; something we can't do in our system of government.

When the first cases of COVID-19 were reported in the US, two labs at the CDC were the only ones permitted to conduct COVID-19 testing, using a test developed by the agency’s own researchers. When the CDC tried to expand testing by providing its test kits to state and local public health labs, there were problems with the initial version of the kits, which the CDC then reworked.

That delay, along with the growing number of undetected cases in the U.S., prompted the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Feb. 29 to expand its approval criteria to allow any qualified lab to develop its own test. Two of the largest diagnostic commercial labs, Quest Diagnostics and LabCorp, have begun testing this week but are still conducting only a few thousand a day as they scale up capacity.

In the US, rollout of widespread testing is plagued by not only logistical issues but political over-promising and supply constraints. When the FDA expanded its approval criteria at the end of February, agency commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn predicted that the policy would lead to enough test kits for more than a million people within a week; when that goal wasn’t met, White House Coronavirus Task Force point person Mike Pence was forced to extend the target date by a week as companies scrambled to familiarize themselves with the test and order the chemicals and reagents they needed.

There are also still technical hurdles for some of the labs that are trying to run the CDC test. Smaller labs, including those at major hospitals, are struggling to meet some of the FDA’s approval requirements.

So if you're going to point fingers, quit trying to make this like it's all Trump's fault, when he had little control over all the BS of our bureaucracies.

The director of both the CDC and FDA work for Trump, are Trump appointees, and serve at his pleasure. The responsibly for their actions or lack of falls on the president whoever he might be.

The problems you're addressing exist because there was little or no planning for the pandemic. FDA regulations could have been set aside in an epidemic. These are exactly the kind of problems that have to be fixed before a disaster strikes. You just can not wait for a pandemic to come to America, to change regulations, order supplies, and draw up a plan of action which is exactly what happened. If you will recall, Trump abolished the Pandemic Response Team in 2018, distributing the duties to various other groups. That means there was no coordinated planning.

Reagents needed to build test kits were in short supply in January. Did the CDC reordered them so contractors could build million of kits? Nope, but in March when the whole world was building test kits and needed these reagents for test kits, the CDC tried to order reagents and guess what? They were not available. I know, I'm anti-Trump but this level of mismanagement and incompetence should not be tolerated regardless of who's president. You guys would certainly not condom it if Obama was president. It has cost an untold number of lives and it will continue for many month if not years.

Bureaucracies are an entity of their own. The President cannot overrule the decisions of them. If he can, please show me where that is written. But let's say Trump did that, and something went wrong. Would you TDS people be supporting Trump, or would you say that Trump didn't listen to his experts; he thought he knew more than the professionals; Trump thinks he knows more than anybody?

In the past, those were the accusations made against the President, and it was made by you and your people. Now the President did the exact opposite of what your previous complaints were. He took their advice and allowed them to carry on with their duties.

What you are doing here is absolving the mistakes made by our bureaucracies, and blaming the President for not going against their policies and acting on his own, about subjects he has no expertise in.

As for this phony pandemic team, first of all, it was never dissolved. Secondly, even if every member were still in place, where is your evidence that they would have acted differently than the FDA or CDC? Need a FactCheck link on that, I have it right here. Just ask. One person was let go from that so-called team, and it was carried out by John Bolton, not Donald Trump. Again, I have the link if you care to read it.
How many of YOU own Apple products?

The moment the suicide net story broke I ditched ALL my Apple products and will never again support them.

I thought I was the only one who did that. After I heard that I went full Android and haven't looked back.

Is Android all American made?

Android phones are made all around the globe, but aren't made in factories where workers are jumping out of windows.

They are? China has owned all our electronics industry for the last couple of decades. Do you really believe the Android phone has no Chinese parts or assembly in the manufacturing process? I don't know the answer to that myself, but if you want, I can do some research on it tomorrow. I'm willing to bet you are wrong.
Can we get ONE liberal to admit it’s a good thing if we aren’t as reliant on China manufacturing?

How about the flip side? Can we get liberals in here to tell us why it’s bad for China to lose some manufacturing.

You know the left are hypocrites. On one hand, they bitch about employee pay in this country, on the other hand, they support virtual open borders for immigrants to come here and take our jobs and lower pay for Americans.

There is only one true way to lessen our reliance on China manufacturing, and that is for Americans to buy American products. Tariffs made our products more competitive to China, and look who was complaining about that.

Americans buying American campaigns have been past total failures.

You have Toyotas assembled in Texas and Chevrolets assembled in Mexico.

Which one is American?

Chevy is Government Motors. Never buy another new GM product.

Toyota is Japanese but they hire American.
Gave up on GM and American made cars after getting stuck with a 1978 Pontiac Grad Prix. That car was a lemon and a piece of shit and I told the head of pontiac motor division that directly. It was really his piss poor attitude that convinced me to give up American makes and to never go back.

The last American made car I owned was a Malibu. After 30,000 miles, my mechanic drove it more than I did. One day when he came to my house to repair my car yet again, he told me how little work he gets from people that own a Toyota. He talked about the quality of parts they use, the engineering, and told me to pay attention to the side of the road when I'm on any highway, and take note of what kind of cars are there.

He talked himself out of my business, because when I finally got fed up, I bought a Toyota. I'm on my third one in the last 20 years. Never been late for work or had to call off, never seen a tow truck, and the Camry I bought last August comes with a 7 year--100,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty. Everybody compliments me on the looks of the car.

It doesn't surprise me though. As a truck driver, I had my share of dealing with those union idiots on the docks at our auto plants. In fact the last company I worked for finally stopped taking auto plant deliveries, because those union idiots would take a half a day to unload my truck, something non-union places did in 20 to 35 minutes.
I'm driving a Dodge Ram.
250k miles and the only major repairs I have had were:
Heater core (did myself)
In tank fuel pump (did myself)
Rear differential (mechanic)
Bearings and ball joints (did myself)

Some people have had good luck with American vehicles. My experiences were different. Plus I took the advice of my former mechanic, and I haven't regretted it since.

When I bought my first Toyota, my tenant came out to discuss my purchase. He was a Ford pickup truck guy. He swore by them. His transmission went out at 40,000 miles, and of course like every other American vehicle, the coverage expired. After he put $2,500 into it, he sold it to his brother. He then bought a Toyota pickup truck, and is still driving one today to my knowledge.

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