Heaven Is a Place Called Elizabeth Warren

Is this the same Elizabeth Warren who was 100% behind the occupy movement.....until the occupy movement wanted to occupy Harvard?

Then the story became "Mamma bear don't shit where she eats, GTFO you dirty hippies".

Do you have any cites of Elizabeth Warren endorsing the Occupy movement?

Do you have any cites of Elizabeth Warren criticizing the Occupy movment for wanting to occupy Harvard?

This is about as close as an endorsement gets:

"There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there — good for you! But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for." — U.S. Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, speaking in Andover, Mass., in August.
Occupiers top Yale librarian's quotes of 2011 | Cross Campus | Yale Daily News

And this quote is even closer:

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren is taking some credit for the Occupy Wall Street protests.

The Democrat and longtime consumer advocate said her work over the years against Wall Street abuses provided the intellectual groundwork for the demonstrators.

"I created much of the intellectual foundation for what they do," Warren said in an interview posted on The Daily Beast website. "I support what they do."

Warren claims credit for Occupy Wall St. protests - Yahoo! Finance
Elizabeth Warren making neocon whackjobs spit tacks? Check
Neocon whackjobs foaming at the mouth and start personal attacks on her? Check
Doesn't have the ear of merchant bankers and Wall St lobbyists? Check

Must be the ideal candidate for Congress to me...just the sort of person you need in there...

super, when she stands for christchurch, you be sure to vote for her
Is this the same Elizabeth Warren who was 100% behind the occupy movement.....until the occupy movement wanted to occupy Harvard?

Then the story became "Mamma bear don't shit where she eats, GTFO you dirty hippies".

Do you have any cites of Elizabeth Warren endorsing the Occupy movement?

Do you have any cites of Elizabeth Warren criticizing the Occupy movment for wanting to occupy Harvard?

I thought the majority of lefties stood unwashed-arm-in-arm with the Occupy crowd...

Elizabeth Warren making neocon whackjobs spit tacks? Check
Neocon whackjobs foaming at the mouth and start personal attacks on her? Check
Doesn't have the ear of merchant bankers and Wall St lobbyists? Check

Must be the ideal candidate for Congress to me...just the sort of person you need in there...

super, when she stands for christchurch, you be sure to vote for her

Not my electorate...;o)

And I'm in Aussie..
Why the right hate Elizabeth Warren:.

The Woman Who Knew Too Much | Politics | Vanity Fair

“There are many who are rich and powerful who say the system works fine as it is,” she continued. “America had been a boom-and-bust economy going into the Great Depression—just over and over and over, fortunes were wiped out, ordinary families were crushed under it. Coming out of the Great Depression we said, We can build a structure that makes us all safer. And notice, it’s from the end of the Great Depression to the 1980s that we built America’s middle class. That’s when we got stronger as a country. That’s when that big, solid, boring, hardworking, play-by-the-rules group in the middle emerged and defined what America was. You still had the ability to become a billionaire, but the center stayed strong and, notice, provided opportunity for growth, opportunity for getting ahead, opportunity that your kids were going to do better than you did. That was what defined America. And then we started, inch by inch, pulling the threads out of that regulatory fabric, starting in the 1980s.”

That last sentence in bold sums up why Ronnie Raygun, after Bush, is one of your worst presidents in history...
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Big Cheek Bones.....must be a Cherokee.

This $300K plus Harvard faculty member thought she could sell her voters on body parts.....gotta love how out of touch liberal elitists are from rank and file voters. Every Native American ought to be offended by this woman. What does that make a person who uses another person's race to their own advantage??? ..... might be a genuine racist by every definition.
And more...

Today, Warren says, one “vision of how America works is that it’s an even game, that anybody can get started—just roll those dice; that booms and busts will come and millions of people will lose their homes, millions more will lose their jobs, and trillions of dollars in savings retirement accounts will be wiped out. The question is, Do we have a different vision of what we can do? This agency is out here in a sense to try to hold accountable a financial-services industry that ran wild, that brought our economy to the edge of collapse,” she said. “There’s been such a sense that there’s one set of rules for trillion-dollar financial institutions and a different set for all the rest of us. It’s so pervasive that it’s not even hidden.”

Another reason neocons hate her - they think it ok that millions people can lose their homes, as long as a few get the American dream....she doesn't. What a socialist!!
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Let's say you have a credit card balance of $3000, and your monthly minimum payment on the balance is $100.

Your bank requires you to get your payment to them by the 15th of each month.

You make your minimum payment and it arrives at the bank on the 14th. But some genius at the bank has come up with a scheme that makes it so your payment does not post at the bank for three days.

So your payment posts on the 17th, even though you got it there by the 14th.

According to the contract, you are two days late and therefore subject to a late fee of $25.

That late fee is subtracted from your $100 and that means only $75 is posted to your balance.

Since your balance requires a minimum of $100, and you posted only $75 to your balance, you get an additional fee for not paying the mimimum balance. That fee is $35, which is added to your balance.

This actually happens. There are assholes at the banks who thought up this kind of scheme. It even has a name: fee pyramiding.

And it is illegal.

Banks are notorious for fee pyramiding. State attorneys general tried to go after the banks for fee pyramiding.

But whenever a state attorney general would go after a bank, that state attorney general would get a call from the Office of the Comptroller General (OCC) telling them to cease and desist. As a federal agency, the OCC had eminent domain over the bad deeds being done by banks.

So the state AGs had to sit on their hands and wait for the OCC to do something about fee pyramiding.

Except the OCC did nothing about fee pyramiding.

It is easier for a credit card company to capture a single federal agency than it is for that company to capture 50 state attorneys general, see. And the OCC is completely captured.

There were many other scams credit card companies were pulling on their customers, and the OCC was doing nothing.

Someone like Elizabeth Warren was committed to doing something about these kind of fraudulent activities. She was going to punish the credit card companies, as they certainly deserved to be punished.

But the GOP did not want Elizabeth Warren having the power to punish the banks. They wanted her power diluted by a raft of political appointees from both parties so that nothing would ever get done, since both parties can't even agree which direction the sun rises each day.

The banks were gleeful to see the GOP tie up the CFPB creation and appointing of a singular director. Just...gleeful.

We clearly need someone to stop financial institutions from illegally transferring wealth from the consumers into their pockets. Clearly.

So Warren was made out to be the stoic heroine and martyr. "At least I tried."

But then it all went to her head, and she began expressing her deeply liberal thoughts out loud. Thoughts that said no one got rich alone. Thoughts that said the factory owner got rich because of the roads and infrastructure and so forth, and therefore the factory owner should have to pay for however much Elizabeth Warren decided was "fair" for the owner to pay.

And thus it turns out that Warren is just as big a partisan hack as everyone else.

What does that mean in the context of credit card companies, you may be wondering.


I gave an example above of a credit card holder being preyed upon. No sane person would argue the credit card holder is culpable in such a case. The credit card holder is a victim of a crime.

But let's take the case of a person who signs up for a credit card that has 19 percent interest and a $15,000 credit limit. And then this person goes to Disney World and buys a boat and some jewelry and goes on a Best Buy binge, and they eventually max out their credit card.

This person then finds it impossible to make their minimum payments.

Someone like Elizabeth Warren believes the credit card company somehow tricked or brainwashed that person into maxing out their credit card. Some like Warren believes the credit card company should not have given that person a $15,000 limit and should be penalized for doing so.

People like Elizabeth Warren believe consumers are child-like or mildly retarded and must be protected by the wiser beings like Elizabeth Warren.

The partisan hacks in the GOP stopped the partisan hack Elizabeth Warren. This is a case of being right for all the wrong reasons.

We still need a powerful person who is able to stop criminal activities like fee pyramiding.

NO ONE is holding the banks accountable. And we must not allow our focus to be removed from that reality by the reindeer games of the hacks.

The banks would love for all of us to lose focus. They are counting on it and working overtime to make us forget.
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And finally..from the same article.

“I was going to expose these people who were taking advantage of the rest of us.” What she found, after conducting with two colleagues one of the most rigorous bankruptcy studies ever, shook her deeply. The vast majority of those in bankruptcy courts, she discovered, were from hardworking middle-class families, people who lost jobs or had “family breakups” or illnesses that wiped out their savings. “It changed my vision,” she said. She would chart the disintegration of government policies that, since the New Deal, had helped create perhaps the strongest middle class in the world—in particular, the deregulation of the banks that began in the 1980s. It was a process that she says transformed the middle class into “the turkey at Thanksgiving dinner,” carved, “pulled from,” picked at, something from which everyone “could make a profit.” Her research into how that profit was made would take her into the world of subprime and teaser-rate mortgages, huge credit-card and checking-account penalties, and everything that was buried deep in incomprehensibly worded fine print—the “tricks and traps,” as she calls them, that banks used to lure people into increasingly risky credit products. It would be her immense knowledge of banking practices that would make her such a dangerous and natural foe to Wall Street.

That last sentence in bold. Why the right is trying to marginalise her by making shit up, or trying to make issues out of things that aren't even issues - ie her native American ancestory. Talk about the dance of the desperate...
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Elizabeth Warren making neocon whackjobs spit tacks? Check
Neocon whackjobs foaming at the mouth and start personal attacks on her? Check
Doesn't have the ear of merchant bankers and Wall St lobbyists? Check

Must be the ideal candidate for Congress to me...just the sort of person you need in there...

super, when she stands for christchurch, you be sure to vote for her

Not my electorate...;o)

And I'm in Aussie..

my mistake, then

damn antipodes...
super, when she stands for christchurch, you be sure to vote for her

Not my electorate...;o)

And I'm in Aussie..

my mistake, then

damn antipodes...

oh, no, I am a NZer and have been living here for four years. However, Christchurch is in the South Island...I'm from the North Island. Bit like walking into an Alabama roadhouse and asking everybody to raise a glass to Abe Lincoln...:cool:
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  • Thanks
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Not my electorate...;o)

And I'm in Aussie..

my mistake, then

damn antipodes...

oh, no, I am a NZer and have been living here for four years. However, Christchurch is in the South Island...I'm from the North Islander. Bit like walking into an Alabama roadhouse and asking everybody to raise a glass to Abe Lincoln...:cool:

cool, i know the names of two places in nz and i picked the wrong one :lol:
Shit, the average IQ of the thread just dropped another 20 points.

Oh, hi Jillian.....

That's a bad habit you need to get out of - bidding hello to people while chastising your IQ. You started out with an IQ of 80, and it's dropped 50 points in two posts. I don't even know if any human has an IQ of 30....by rights you shouldn't even be able to post....
Is this the same Elizabeth Warren who was 100% behind the occupy movement.....until the occupy movement wanted to occupy Harvard?

Then the story became "Mamma bear don't shit where she eats, GTFO you dirty hippies".

Do you have any cites of Elizabeth Warren endorsing the Occupy movement?

Do you have any cites of Elizabeth Warren criticizing the Occupy movment for wanting to occupy Harvard?

This is about as close as an endorsement gets:

"There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there — good for you! But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for." — U.S. Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, speaking in Andover, Mass., in August.
Occupiers top Yale librarian's quotes of 2011 | Cross Campus | Yale Daily News

And this quote is even closer:

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren is taking some credit for the Occupy Wall Street protests.

The Democrat and longtime consumer advocate said her work over the years against Wall Street abuses provided the intellectual groundwork for the demonstrators.

"I created much of the intellectual foundation for what they do," Warren said in an interview posted on The Daily Beast website. "I support what they do."

Warren claims credit for Occupy Wall St. protests - Yahoo! Finance

I don't see where she where the Occupy movement wanted to occupy Harvard and she opposed them.

I heard she would not sign a petition supporting the Harvard branch of the Occupy movement, but that is not the same thing.
Democrats may be spineless, but Republicans are EVIL.

The leader of the Dem party murdered a US citizen and I have yet to come across a single one of you that cared that he broke the law and Constitution to do so.

Care to site a source about "evil" reps?


A truthful moment please, not some made up fake accusation.

Ibrahim Adam was a terrorist and planning more attacks. He was wanted by the US. He was "murdered" in the same fashion a criminal is murdered when he resists arrest.

Quite a quaint rationalization, but it doesn't work. Ibrahim Adam was not killed while resisting arrest, he was assassinated by our government. Before you get your panties in a wad over that fact, the killing of Adam was, in my opinion, justified on the grounds that he was making war against the United States. Consequently, the United States had a right to make war on him, and he lost.
Do you have any cites of Elizabeth Warren endorsing the Occupy movement?

Do you have any cites of Elizabeth Warren criticizing the Occupy movment for wanting to occupy Harvard?

This is about as close as an endorsement gets:

"There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there — good for you! But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for." — U.S. Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, speaking in Andover, Mass., in August.
Occupiers top Yale librarian's quotes of 2011 | Cross Campus | Yale Daily News

And this quote is even closer:

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren is taking some credit for the Occupy Wall Street protests.

The Democrat and longtime consumer advocate said her work over the years against Wall Street abuses provided the intellectual groundwork for the demonstrators.

"I created much of the intellectual foundation for what they do," Warren said in an interview posted on The Daily Beast website. "I support what they do."

Warren claims credit for Occupy Wall St. protests - Yahoo! Finance

I don't see where she where the Occupy movement wanted to occupy Harvard and she opposed them.

I heard she would not sign a petition supporting the Harvard branch of the Occupy movement, but that is not the same thing.

she won't say anything about harvard in case she wants another interest free loan
Isn't this the broad that has been defrauding Affirmative Action by claiming to be a minority, but it turns out she is only like...what was it? 1/32 Cherokee? Isn't everyone 1/32 Cherokee?

Isn't KSM 1/32 Cherokee?

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