“He has a battle rifle”: Police feared Uvalde gunman’s AR-15


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
facts are coming out every day still about the Uvalde shooting, a (relatively) long time after it happened

Yes, a grotesquely anti-American op, and the cowards of Uvalde, blaming the gun for the crimes of the fascist democrat produced killer, and their own cringing cowardice, they are all of them, barely human beings, just barely, and just as all cowards everywhere ever, they are blaming everyone and everything else, but themselves and their cowardice..... :puke3:
The minute they heard that there was an Assault Weapon (AR) involved they FROZE and let those kids die.

Cops know they are weapons of war and they are scared shitless of them.

Time to get them off the streets.

Oh yea...and apparently the shooter had never fired that type of weapon before that day. That's how easy those killing machines are to use
The minute they heard that there was an Assault Weapon (AR) involved they FROZE and let those kids die.

Cops know they are weapons of war and they are scared shitless of them.

Time to get them off the streets.

Oh yea...and apparently the shooter had never fired that type of weapon before that day. That's how easy those killing machines are to use
It has nothing to do with the weapon and everything to do with those cops being fucking cowards.
Nonsense...they were afraid of the damn GUN

They quickly identified it as an "AR" and backed the fuck off

Being afraid is no excuse. Only a coward would say it is. Every one these cowardly pieces of shit should be blackballed from law enforcement.
Being afraid is no excuse. Only a coward would say it is. Every one these cowardly pieces of shit should be blackballed from law enforcement.
Yea...I'm sure you (being the keyboard warrior that you are) would have rushed in there guns blazing right Mr. CIA?
If they identified it as an assault rifle they would have done just what they did.

Hunker down and wait
Wait even after Level IV Body Armor & ballistic shields and Breacher team guys with .308 Carbines had been standing around in the hallway for 55 mins while shooter killed more kids and others bled out ?
Wait even after Level IV Body Armor & ballistic shields and Breacher team guys with .308 Carbines had been standing around in the hallway for 55 mins while shooter killed more kids and others bled out ?
That's what they did...right?
facts are coming out every day still about the Uvalde shooting, a (relatively) long time after it happened

Fucking pussies
Yea...I'm sure you (being the keyboard warrior that you are) would have rushed in there guns blazing right Mr. CIA?
No, I wouldn't have. I would have used violence, force of action and audacity to overwhelm that kid and take his ass out. He was in a static position and couldn't see his surroundings. The assault team had the ultimate advantage. Had they not been cowards, that is.
The minute they heard that there was an Assault Weapon (AR) involved they FROZE and let those kids die.

Cops know they are weapons of war and they are scared shitless of them.


Time to get them off the streets.

We know. That's the best the libtards have.

Y'know what though? When the depression hits you don't tell the rich people with lots of assets to dump all their possessions and go get minimum wage jobs.

One or two of em might laugh at you but mostly they'll beat the shit out of you for saying it.

Oh yea...and apparently the shooter had never fired that type of weapon before that day. That's how easy those killing machines are to use
You're scared too.

Figures, dumbass ignorant leftard.

Bet you've never been in a firefight your whole entire life.

You're exactly like the little old ladies who don't like pot and blue jeans. (And long hair).

We know. That's the best the libtards have.

Y'know what though? When the depression hits you don't tell the rich people with lots of assets to dump all their possessions and go get minimum wage jobs.

One or two of em might laugh at you but mostly they'll beat the shit out of you for saying it.

You're scared too.

Figures, dumbass ignorant leftard.

Bet you've never been in a firefight your whole entire life.

You're exactly like the little old ladies who don't like pot and blue jeans. (And long hair).
I have not and I'd be willing to bet you haven't either...other than dodging sperm in circle jerks

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