He ain't dead yet


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Good editorial.

But we should remember that restraint and deliberation is what got Obama this far.

The Republicans smell blood and are already drawing straws over who gets tapped to roll into the White House on Jan. 20, 2013. Old Mitt Romney just isn’t radical enough, and his past is littered with embarrassing examples of compromise and concern for health care, and so he is being nudged aside by religious zealots like Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann. With a strong Democratic opponent, they’d have to at least pretend to temper their anti-government, pro-business, rule-from-the-Bible politics to appeal to mainstream America. But with Obama seeming on the ropes, they can let it all hang out and spin their revanchist dreams to scrap the EPA, disband the Department of Education and push gays back under a rock.

The country is in deep economic trouble, and Republicans are ballyhooing their key solutions — lower taxes on the rich, fewer programs for the poor, and get government off the backs of corporations and out of the helping people business. Whether Obama intends it or not, our enfeebled president is letting America take a good long listen to the people who would like to have complete control. I’m not sure they’ll end up liking what they hear.

Hold the fork! Obama may not be toast yet - Chicago Sun-Times
A Chi-Town paper that says:

"We [the Chicago Sun-Times editorial page] are returning to our liberal, working-class roots, a position that pits us squarely opposite the Chicago Tribune—that Republican, George Bush-touting paper over on moneyed Michigan Avenue

Of course they will keep Obama alive as long as they can- not to mention he is from Chicago.
CaféAuLait;4109543 said:
A Chi-Town paper that says:

"We [the Chicago Sun-Times editorial page] are returning to our liberal, working-class roots, a position that pits us squarely opposite the Chicago Tribune—that Republican, George Bush-touting paper over on moneyed Michigan Avenue

Of course they will keep Obama alive as long as they can- not to mention he is from Chicago.

They are grasping at any glimmer of hope.

The only way that bastard wins is if there is rampant fraud.
you mean sorta like when you cut the head off a snake and the body still moves... not dead?

Yes, cut off a snakes head, and the heart beats for quit some time after, and the head can still kill you. The race is the other party's to lose, and Obama has never faced a real campaign, he can still do a ton of damage before he is ejected.
Good editorial.

But we should remember that restraint and deliberation is what got Obama this far.

The Republicans smell blood and are already drawing straws over who gets tapped to roll into the White House on Jan. 20, 2013. Old Mitt Romney just isn’t radical enough, and his past is littered with embarrassing examples of compromise and concern for health care, and so he is being nudged aside by religious zealots like Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann. With a strong Democratic opponent, they’d have to at least pretend to temper their anti-government, pro-business, rule-from-the-Bible politics to appeal to mainstream America. But with Obama seeming on the ropes, they can let it all hang out and spin their revanchist dreams to scrap the EPA, disband the Department of Education and push gays back under a rock.

The country is in deep economic trouble, and Republicans are ballyhooing their key solutions — lower taxes on the rich, fewer programs for the poor, and get government off the backs of corporations and out of the helping people business. Whether Obama intends it or not, our enfeebled president is letting America take a good long listen to the people who would like to have complete control. I’m not sure they’ll end up liking what they hear.

Hold the fork! Obama may not be toast yet - Chicago Sun-Times

He's far from dead. He's polling much better then the Republican congress..and as the debate showed last night, the only one that emerged as "electable" was the guy Republicans don't like very much.

My take is that this is a "Rope a dope" strategy. But it's really got to be his take too. Republicans hate his guts. He can't keep being friendly toward them.
The republicans BIG problem is the nation still rightly blames them for making this mess
He's far from dead. He's polling much better then the Republican congress..and as the debate showed last night, the only one that emerged as "electable" was the guy Republicans don't like very much.

My take is that this is a "Rope a dope" strategy. But it's really got to be his take too. Republicans hate his guts. He can't keep being friendly toward them.

9.1% unemployment. Alf Landon's Zombie could beat him at this point.

Even PMS-NBC admited that Perry looked cool, collected and held his own.

What I thought was an awesome moment. The Douchebag moderator tried to to a tsk-tsk about Texas' death penalty, and the crowd cheered the DP.
Your right there but they also see that Barry's policies have made things worse.

How much was that debt figure again??
The American people BLAME the republicans for making this mess.

They are mad at Obama for not fixing the mess faster.

They blame the republicans for throwing roiadblocks in the way of fixing the mess.

Do you really think they will hire one of you to replace Obama to fix the mess?

You dont hire the mechanic you just fired for breaking your car to fix it because they new guy is slow.
Good editorial.

But we should remember that restraint and deliberation is what got Obama this far.

The Republicans smell blood and are already drawing straws over who gets tapped to roll into the White House on Jan. 20, 2013. Old Mitt Romney just isn’t radical enough, and his past is littered with embarrassing examples of compromise and concern for health care, and so he is being nudged aside by religious zealots like Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann. With a strong Democratic opponent, they’d have to at least pretend to temper their anti-government, pro-business, rule-from-the-Bible politics to appeal to mainstream America. But with Obama seeming on the ropes, they can let it all hang out and spin their revanchist dreams to scrap the EPA, disband the Department of Education and push gays back under a rock.

The country is in deep economic trouble, and Republicans are ballyhooing their key solutions — lower taxes on the rich, fewer programs for the poor, and get government off the backs of corporations and out of the helping people business. Whether Obama intends it or not, our enfeebled president is letting America take a good long listen to the people who would like to have complete control. I’m not sure they’ll end up liking what they hear.

Hold the fork! Obama may not be toast yet - Chicago Sun-Times

He's far from dead. He's polling much better then the Republican congress..and as the debate showed last night, the only one that emerged as "electable" was the guy Republicans don't like very much.

My take is that this is a "Rope a dope" strategy. But it's really got to be his take too. Republicans hate his guts. He can't keep being friendly toward them.

Exactly, but they are not sharp enough to see.
CaféAuLait;4109543 said:
A Chi-Town paper that says:

"We [the Chicago Sun-Times editorial page] are returning to our liberal, working-class roots, a position that pits us squarely opposite the Chicago Tribune—that Republican, George Bush-touting paper over on moneyed Michigan Avenue

Of course they will keep Obama alive as long as they can- not to mention he is from Chicago.
But the media isn't leftward-biased.

Right, USMB lefties?
Poll: 51% still blame George W. Bush for economy - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

The American people BLAME Bush and the republicans in congress.

the numbers you see blaming Obama are all the SAME people, the republican base, you know , the right on this site.

You keep thinking you are the majority of Americans, YOU ARE NOT.

you are the 33 - 28% of right wing nuts.

You are the far right.

YOU cant elect ANYONE
He's far from dead. He's polling much better then the Republican congress..and as the debate showed last night, the only one that emerged as "electable" was the guy Republicans don't like very much.

My take is that this is a "Rope a dope" strategy. But it's really got to be his take too. Republicans hate his guts. He can't keep being friendly toward them.

9.1% unemployment. Alf Landon's Zombie could beat him at this point.

Even PMS-NBC admited that Perry looked cool, collected and held his own.

What I thought was an awesome moment. The Douchebag moderator tried to to a tsk-tsk about Texas' death penalty, and the crowd cheered the DP.

See but you're wrong. A bunch of you keep saying that shit (My DOG could beat Obama hurr hurr durr-hurr), but you fail to realize the entire country doesn't suffer from Obama derangement syndrome. He's unpopular, mostly because he's abandoned too much of his principal and tried too hard to reach out to Republicans that hate him, but Republicans are just as unpopular or more unpopular than he is. :dunno:

Try not to act shocked if/when he wins next year. It's a possibility; a probability even.
He's far from dead. He's polling much better then the Republican congress..and as the debate showed last night, the only one that emerged as "electable" was the guy Republicans don't like very much.

My take is that this is a "Rope a dope" strategy. But it's really got to be his take too. Republicans hate his guts. He can't keep being friendly toward them.

9.1% unemployment. Alf Landon's Zombie could beat him at this point.

Even PMS-NBC admited that Perry looked cool, collected and held his own.

What I thought was an awesome moment. The Douchebag moderator tried to to a tsk-tsk about Texas' death penalty, and the crowd cheered the DP.

That's down after it shot up to 10%, before the stimulus was implemented. Like so many things you guys do, which is cherry pick, get the dates and numbers wrong, and out and out lie..that's just not going to hold up.

The Republicans, like the terrorists of 9/11, destroyed in eight years, and economy that took over 200 years to create. They didn't just screw it up a little, they destroyed it at it's base. It took a couple of hours to knock the twin towers down. And the twin tower took 10 years to build.

3 years..in not enough time..to rebuild what Republicans and Conservatives destroyed at it's foundation.

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