Hawaii’s Governor Takes On ‘Birthers’

I'm delighted that Albercromie is telling the world that the current publicly available evidence (Internet COLB) is inadequate to answer the question of whether Barack Obama is a "natural born citizen" that meets Article 2 Section 1.
But there must be a reason. or he would have done it.

i have no idea what that reason is....many on the left and his staunch supporters believe it is just a big middle finger to the right or his enemies, some on the right believe it is because he is hiding something...

who knows, but it is stupid of him to continue the charade either way
no, actually its smart of him
that way he can marginalize his opponents with it

i think that's part of it.

but i think goldcatt's right in her assessment that it doesn't matter what he does, the loons would demand more.... same as the troofers.
i have no idea what that reason is....many on the left and his staunch supporters believe it is just a big middle finger to the right or his enemies, some on the right believe it is because he is hiding something...

who knows, but it is stupid of him to continue the charade either way
no, actually its smart of him
that way he can marginalize his opponents with it

i think that's part of it.

but i think goldcatt's right in her assessment that it doesn't matter what he does, the loons would demand more.... same as the troofers.
oh, i know
its amazing
But there must be a reason. or he would have done it.

i have no idea what that reason is....many on the left and his staunch supporters believe it is just a big middle finger to the right or his enemies, some on the right believe it is because he is hiding something...

who knows, but it is stupid of him to continue the charade either way
no, actually its smart of him
that way he can marginalize his opponents with it

interesting, so his opponents are now chris mathews and his guests and the new democrat governor of hawaii....

yeah....that is smart, so smart that the new dem governor of hawaii is asking the state AG how to get out more information on obama's birth in hawaii without breaking privacy laws....so smart that hawaii has to spend tax dollars everyday on this because obama won't release the original
i have no idea what that reason is....many on the left and his staunch supporters believe it is just a big middle finger to the right or his enemies, some on the right believe it is because he is hiding something...

who knows, but it is stupid of him to continue the charade either way
no, actually its smart of him
that way he can marginalize his opponents with it

i think that's part of it.

but i think goldcatt's right in her assessment that it doesn't matter what he does, the loons would demand more.... same as the troofers.


did obama release the best evidence of his birth in hawaii?

yes or no
i have no idea what that reason is....many on the left and his staunch supporters believe it is just a big middle finger to the right or his enemies, some on the right believe it is because he is hiding something...

who knows, but it is stupid of him to continue the charade either way
no, actually its smart of him
that way he can marginalize his opponents with it

interesting, so his opponents are now chris mathews and his guests and the new democrat governor of hawaii....

yeah....that is smart, so smart that the new dem governor of hawaii is asking the state AG how to get out more information on obama's birth in hawaii without breaking privacy laws....so smart that hawaii has to spend tax dollars everyday on this because obama won't release the original
i think you'll find that will go away fast
and someone has to "gin up" the controversy so it is still a viable tactic
no, actually its smart of him
that way he can marginalize his opponents with it

interesting, so his opponents are now chris mathews and his guests and the new democrat governor of hawaii....

yeah....that is smart, so smart that the new dem governor of hawaii is asking the state AG how to get out more information on obama's birth in hawaii without breaking privacy laws....so smart that hawaii has to spend tax dollars everyday on this because obama won't release the original
i think you'll find that will go away fast
and someone has to "gin up" the controversy so it is still a viable tactic

really? its over two years later and the issue is still making news...

so much for "fast"
interesting, so his opponents are now chris mathews and his guests and the new democrat governor of hawaii....

yeah....that is smart, so smart that the new dem governor of hawaii is asking the state AG how to get out more information on obama's birth in hawaii without breaking privacy laws....so smart that hawaii has to spend tax dollars everyday on this because obama won't release the original
i think you'll find that will go away fast
and someone has to "gin up" the controversy so it is still a viable tactic

really? its over two years later and the issue is still making news...

so much for "fast"
no, i mean the Governors actions
i think you'll find that will go away fast
and someone has to "gin up" the controversy so it is still a viable tactic

really? its over two years later and the issue is still making news...

so much for "fast"
no, i mean the Governors actions

why do you say that? he is a new governor and has obviously thought about the issue and said it is "personal"....you think the new dem governor of hawaii is ginning up the issue? on what grounds do you believe that?
It's amazing, the media could generate a full dossier on total unknown Joe “the plumber” Wurzelbacher in 24 hours yet they can’t find anything about Barack?
Two years ago, he wasn't governor. What could he do? Nothing. To right wingers, everything has to be explained, and even then.......
So he could have mentioned it
In 1990, Governor Abercrombie was elected to return to Congress and represented Hawai`i’s first Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives until 2010
Governor Neil Abercrombie — Office of the Governor

He's mentioning it now. Maybe he just finally got fed up?
Where does he say this in that resolution of his?

“It’s an insult to his mother and to his father, and I knew his mother and father; they were my friends, and I have an emotional interest in that,”

Wow so if he didn't use those exact words your going to object right? The man was telling the story about how he knew the Presidents parents since about the time the birthers were in there infancy. Look it up on utube.

U didn't get your present yet did you?
Your argument is not convencing. You used a link for some resolution he submitted in no ways mentions anything about his friendship with obamas parents. All it mentions is that obama was born in Hawaii which thats what the news media tells us. Butthey do not mention this at anytime that I know of.
“It’s an insult to his mother and to his father, and I knew his mother and father; they were my friends, and I have an emotional interest in that"

You can bet the farm that if this was know two years ago the media would have played it 24/7


“It’s an insult to his mother and to his father, and I knew his mother and father; they were my friends, and I have an emotional interest in that,” Governor Abercrombie said in a telephone interview late Thursday. “It’s an emotional insult. It is disrespectful to the president; it is disrespectful to the office.”

Now don't you feel like a dumb shit?
I still say that I am 99.99% sure that Obama was born in Hawaii.

What I do not know is what he is hiding. It is obvious he is hiding something.

My best guess is still that he is a bastard.

And I; and I bet most Americans; could care less.

For one, his long form birth certificate is protected by privacy laws.

Second, why should he be treated differently than any white president in US history? The short form was good enough for them.
Wow so if he didn't use those exact words your going to object right? The man was telling the story about how he knew the Presidents parents since about the time the birthers were in there infancy. Look it up on utube.

U didn't get your present yet did you?
Your argument is not convencing. You used a link for some resolution he submitted in no ways mentions anything about his friendship with obamas parents. All it mentions is that obama was born in Hawaii which thats what the news media tells us. Butthey do not mention this at anytime that I know of.
“It’s an insult to his mother and to his father, and I knew his mother and father; they were my friends, and I have an emotional interest in that"

You can bet the farm that if this was know two years ago the media would have played it 24/7


“It’s an insult to his mother and to his father, and I knew his mother and father; they were my friends, and I have an emotional interest in that,” Governor Abercrombie said in a telephone interview late Thursday. “It’s an emotional insult. It is disrespectful to the president; it is disrespectful to the office.”

Now don't you feel like a dumb shit?
From your cut and paste I notice the date
/2010/12/25 2010 is not 2008
But from your link this is what I found
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Now don't you feel stupid?
no, actually its smart of him
that way he can marginalize his opponents with it

i think that's part of it.

but i think goldcatt's right in her assessment that it doesn't matter what he does, the loons would demand more.... same as the troofers.


did obama release the best evidence of his birth in hawaii?

yes or no

A Notarized state issued birth certificate? That would be a "yes".
Two years ago, he wasn't governor. What could he do? Nothing. To right wingers, everything has to be explained, and even then.......
So he could have mentioned it
In 1990, Governor Abercrombie was elected to return to Congress and represented Hawai`i’s first Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives until 2010
Governor Neil Abercrombie — Office of the Governor

He's mentioning it now. Maybe he just finally got fed up?

If he felt this way now why didn't he feel the same way then?
“It’s an insult to his mother and to his father, and I knew his mother and father; they were my friends, and I have an emotional interest in that,”
Your argument is not convencing. You used a link for some resolution he submitted in no ways mentions anything about his friendship with obamas parents. All it mentions is that obama was born in Hawaii which thats what the news media tells us. Butthey do not mention this at anytime that I know of.

You can bet the farm that if this was know two years ago the media would have played it 24/7


“It’s an insult to his mother and to his father, and I knew his mother and father; they were my friends, and I have an emotional interest in that,” Governor Abercrombie said in a telephone interview late Thursday. “It’s an emotional insult. It is disrespectful to the president; it is disrespectful to the office.”

Now don't you feel like a dumb shit?
From your cut and paste I notice the date
/2010/12/25 2010 is not 2008
But from your link this is what I found
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Now don't you feel stupid?

He wasn't governor two years ago. A Republican was governor and she didn't do anything and you can bet, she knew.

In fact, could you imagine if she had information contrary to what the state publicly issued? She would have become a saint to every right wingnuts in the United States. It would have been the biggest political story in a decade.
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The long form is actually protected by law as an invasion of privacy. The governor said he will work to change the law.

Does it really matter what laws are changed? The Confederate Conservative Right Wing Republican Party of Teabags will never, ever accept a "black" guy in the "WHITE" House. I bet that about 90% of Republicans, who are 90% white, wouldn't accept evidence, no matter where it came from or how much exists. It just ain't gonna happen.

Holy fuck man... you sound like one sons a bitchin', frothing at the mouth, worse than WJ or Bass RACIST. You're beating this shit to DEATH!


he is also ....a stupid fuck.....Dean is one of 2 types of people doing everything they can to keep this Country divided.....the other type is the guys on the other side of the coin....the FAR Right....the FAR Left and Right should be the enemies of ALL Americans who are trying to keep this ship afloat......ANYONE who exhibits their kind of behavior should be kicked out of political office at any level...they are lowlife vermin and should be treated as such...
I still say that I am 99.99% sure that Obama was born in Hawaii.

What I do not know is what he is hiding. It is obvious he is hiding something.

My best guess is still that he is a bastard.

And I; and I bet most Americans; could care less.

For one, his long form birth certificate is protected by privacy laws.

Second, why should he be treated differently than any white president in US history? The short form was good enough for them.

Fuck, God Damn, shit, piss mother fucking hell.

When are you going to get off this racist BS.

It's not about Black vs White asshole.​
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i think that's part of it.

but i think goldcatt's right in her assessment that it doesn't matter what he does, the loons would demand more.... same as the troofers.


did obama release the best evidence of his birth in hawaii?

yes or no

A Notarized state issued birth certificate? That would be a "yes".


the best evidence is a copy of or the original

that would be a "no" to your ignorance

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