Have You Heard OF Hillary's Defense of Rapist Thomas Alfred Taylor?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
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It is one of the most disgusting cases of twisted law I have ever read, and Hillary laughs about it.

Wow, Clinton Attacked 12-Year Old Rape Victim's Credibility [UPDATED]
Two years into her career of making change and having Day One-readying experience, 27 year old Hillary Rodham was appointed a public defender in a rape case, and played out deep in the gray areas of morality by attacking the 12-year old victim's credibility. Though nobody involved in the case can recall a shred of evidence that the victim had any sort of history of making false claims, Hillary argued it as a centerpiece of her case anyway. And conveniently omitted this aspect of the case from her 2003 book, "Living History."...

The victim was 12 years old. An older man, Thomas Alfred Taylor, was accused of raping her in his car. The man requested a female public defender, which Hillary at first resisted. Once she took the case, however, her defense was aggressive.

In "Living History" and in the Newsday piece, we learn of the issues raised about blood and semen samples, standard criminal defense tactics. But Hillary left out a key piece of the defense.

Newsday explains the omission:

However, that account leaves out a significant aspect of her defense strategy - attempting to impugn the credibility of the victim, according to a Newsday examination of court and investigative files and interviews with witnesses, law enforcement officials and the victim.

Rodham, records show, questioned the sixth grader's honesty and claimed she had made false accusations in the past. She implied that the girl often fantasized and sought out "older men" like Taylor,according to a July 1975 affidavit signed "Hillary D. Rodham" in compact cursive...

But the record shows that Rodham was also intent on questioning the girl's credibility. That line of defense crystallized in a July 28, 1975, affidavit requesting the girl undergo a psychiatric examination at the university's clinic.

"I have been informed that the complainant is emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men and to engage in fantasizing," wrote Rodham, without referring to the source of that allegation. "I have also been informed that she has in the past made false accusations about persons, claiming they had attacked her body."

Dale Gibson, the investigator, doesn't recall seeing evidence that the girl had fabricated previous attacks. The assistant prosecutor who handled much of the case for Mahlon Gibson died several years ago. The prosecutor's files on the case, which would have included such details, were destroyed more than decade ago when a flood swept through the county archives, Mahlon Gibson said. Those files also would have included the forensics evidence referenced in "Living History."

The victim was visibly stunned when handed the affidavit by a reporter this fall. "It kind of shocks me - it's not true," she said. "I never said anybody attacked my body before, never in my life."
Hillary Clinton LAUGHS tells how she helped a child rapist walk free

During the course of the conversation which dates from the early 1980s, Clinton, then 27, outlines how she used a mistake by the prosecution to get 41-year-old Thomas Alfred Taylor to walk free.

Indeed, so cavalier is her attitude to securing the freedom of a man suspected of raping a child that the shocking and candid interview may tarnish her role as an advocate for women and children in the United States.

The recordings which date from 1983-1987 were discovered by the Washington Free Beacon and are of Clinton recalling her role in the most important criminal case of her career.

This is not the first time that the trial has been written about....

'This guy was accused of raping a 12-year-old. Course he claimed that he didn’t, and all this stuff,' says Clinton.

However, what is most shocking is the breezy manner in which she discusses her clients crime and the offhand way in which she questions his innocence.

'I had him take a polygraph, which he passed – which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs,' she says with a laugh.

Indeed, Clinton laughs during several different parts of the interview - especially when she discusses the forensic lab destroying key evidence - which led to Taylor getting away with the crime.
Hillary Clinton's Handling of 1975 Rape Case Emerges Again

Hillary Clinton's successful 1975 legal defense of an accused rapist has surfaced again with the victim, angered over a tape of Clinton chuckling over her courtroom tactics in the case, lashing out at the potential Democratic presidential candidate.

"Hillary Clinton took me through hell," the victim told the Daily Beast in an emotional interview published today. The woman said that if she saw Clinton today she would say, "I realize the truth now, the heart of what you've done to me. And you are supposed to be for women? You call that [being] for women, what you done to me? And I heard you on tape laughing."

The name of the woman, who is now 52, was withheld for privacy reasons. She decided to speak out after hearing never-before-heard audio tapes released by the Washington Free Beaconearlier this week of Hillary Clinton talking about the trial. In the recordings, dubbed the "Hillary Tapes," Clinton is heard laughing as she describes how she succeeded at getting her client a lighter sentence, despite suggesting she knew he was guilty.
The Hillary Tapes

Newly discovered audio recordings of Hillary Clinton from the early 1980s include the former first lady’s frank and detailed assessment of the most significant criminal case of her legal career: defending a man accused of raping a 12-year-old girl.

In 1975, the same year she married Bill, Hillary Clinton agreed to serve as the court-appointed attorney for Thomas Alfred Taylor, a 41-year-old accused of raping the child after luring her into a car.

The recordings, which date from 1983-1987 and have never before been reported, include Clinton’s suggestion that she knew Taylor was guilty at the time. She says she used a legal technicality to plead her client, who faced 30 years to life in prison, down to a lesser charge. The recording and transcript, along with court documents pertaining to the case, are embedded below.

The full story of the Taylor defense calls into question Clinton’s narrative of her early years as a devoted women and children’s advocate in Arkansas—a narrative the 2016 presidential frontrunner continues to promote on her current book tour.
Tapes Reveal Hillary Clinton Discussing Her Defense Of Child Rapist [VIDEO]

The Arkansas prosecutors cut out a square portion of Taylor’s underwear, which was covered with blood. The crime lab returned the underwear without the square section which held most of the evidence of the rape.

“I mean I plea bargained it down because it turned out they didn’t have any evidence,” said Clinton, explaining that she then got a court order to take the underwear to a forensics specialist in New York.....

Clinton had the scientist, whose name she could not recall, look over the underwear. He determined that they contained only a slight trace of evidence saying that it “can’t prove anything.”

Clinton went back to the Arkansas prosecutor and pushed for a plea bargain.

“Well this guy’s ready to come from New York to prevent this miscarriage of justice,” said a laughing Clinton on the tape describing her conversation with the Arkansas prosecutor.

When asked by Reed about the outcome of the case, Clinton said, nonchalantly, “Oh he plea bargained. Got him off with time served in the county jail, he’d been in the county jail about two months.”

In the interview, Clinton indicated that she was certain Taylor was guilty.
Exclusive: ‘Hillary Clinton Took Me Through Hell,’ Rape Victim Says

In a long, emotional interview with The Daily Beast, she accused Clinton of intentionally lying about her in court documents, going to extraordinary lengths to discredit evidence of the rape, and later callously acknowledging and laughing about her attackers’ guilt on the recordings.

“Hillary Clinton took me through Hell,” the victim said. The Daily Beast agreed to withhold her name out of concern for her privacy as a victim of sexual assault.


The victim’s allegation that Clinton smeared her following her rape is based on a May 1975 court affidavit written by Clinton on behalf of Thomas Alfred Taylor, one of the two alleged attackers, whom Clinton agreed to defend after being asked by the prosecutor. Taylor had specifically requested a female attorney.

“I have been informed that the complainant is emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men and engage in fantasizing,” Clinton, then named Hillary D. Rodham, wrote in the affidavit. “I have also been informed that she has in the past made false accusations about persons, claiming they had attacked her body. Also that she exhibits an unusual stubbornness and temper when she does not get her way.”

Clinton also wrote that a child psychologist told her that children in early adolescence “tend to exaggerate or romanticize sexual experiences,” especially when they come from “disorganized families, such as the complainant.”

The victim vigorously denied Clinton’s accusations and said there has never been any explanation of what Clinton was referring to in that affidavit. She claims she never accused anyone of attacking her before her rape.
So a 12 year old girl got raped in an open and shut case, Hillary defended the 41 year old rapist by attacking the 12 year old witness, and pulled a lawyer fast one to bluff an idiot DA to plead down to time served. The man should have been shot, IMO. The victim was left unable to ahve children after that and was tortured with horrid memories and a life of drugs and prison as a result.

And this is the woman that all these people in the Democratic Party thinks is a defender of women?

roflmao, that is pathetic
Hillary Clinton was doing her job as a defense attorney, unless you want to say that rapists don't deserve a fair trial, which is actually an item on the feminist agenda to say that men accused of rape should not get a fair trial.
Hillary Clinton was doing her job as a defense attorney, unless you want to say that rapists don't deserve a fair trial, which is actually an item on the feminist agenda to say that men accused of rape should not get a fair trial.

Doing her job as a defense attorney is one thing, but pulling tricks to get evidence thrown out, attacking the 12 year old, and then laughing about it all later while knowing the man was guilty and then presenting herself as the champion of women and children is despicable.
We've covered this subject before. The libs all defended her smear of the 12 year old victim. They have no sense of decency.
Hillary Clinton was doing her job as a defense attorney, unless you want to say that rapists don't deserve a fair trial, which is actually an item on the feminist agenda to say that men accused of rape should not get a fair trial.

Doing her job as a defense attorney is one thing, but pulling tricks to get evidence thrown out, attacking the 12 year old, and then laughing about it all later while knowing the man was guilty and then presenting herself as the champion of women and children is despicable.
you've simply bought in to the right wing lies Jim....

Try FACT CHECKING the 'story' the right wing propaganda sites have spun.

Claim: Hillary Clinton successfully defended an accused child rapist and later laughed about the case.

-In 1975, young lawyer Hillary Clinton was requested as lawyer for the defense in a rape case involving a 12-year-old girl;
-Clinton reluctantly took on the case, successfully challenged mismanaged evidence, and entered a plea bargain for the defendant.

-Clinton laughed about the unreliable nature of polygraphs, not the case's outcome;

-Clinton did not volunteer to be the man's lawyer;

-Clinton did not claim the complainant fantasized about being raped by older men; the case did not go to trial.

Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist, Laughed About it?

Also this link:

Did Hillary Clinton ask to be 'relieved' from representing an accused rapist in 1970s?
Hillary Clinton was doing her job as a defense attorney, unless you want to say that rapists don't deserve a fair trial, which is actually an item on the feminist agenda to say that men accused of rape should not get a fair trial.

Doing her job as a defense attorney is one thing, but pulling tricks to get evidence thrown out, attacking the 12 year old, and then laughing about it all later while knowing the man was guilty and then presenting herself as the champion of women and children is despicable.
What is despicable is the right wing's lies about the entire case and making this woman go through the pain of it over and over and over again just for partisan political shenanigans, and telling this woman that Hillary laughed about the case.... when she didn't.

YES, despicable alright... SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!
So a 12 year old girl got raped in an open and shut case, Hillary defended the 41 year old rapist by attacking the 12 year old witness, and pulled a lawyer fast one to bluff an idiot DA to plead down to time served. The man should have been shot, IMO. The victim was left unable to ahve children after that and was tortured with horrid memories and a life of drugs and prison as a result.

And this is the woman that all these people in the Democratic Party thinks is a defender of women?

roflmao, that is pathetic
Absolutely pathetic and disgusting.

You literally have to have zero moral standards to vote for this cold hearted bitch and anyone in the democratic party.
Hillary Clinton was doing her job as a defense attorney, unless you want to say that rapists don't deserve a fair trial, which is actually an item on the feminist agenda to say that men accused of rape should not get a fair trial.

Doing her job as a defense attorney is one thing, but pulling tricks to get evidence thrown out, attacking the 12 year old, and then laughing about it all later while knowing the man was guilty and then presenting herself as the champion of women and children is despicable.
What is despicable is the right wing's lies about the entire case and making this woman go through the pain of it over and over and over again just for partisan political shenanigans, and telling this woman that Hillary laughed about the case.... when she didn't.

YES, despicable alright... SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!
I suppose you think it is despicable of us to think Hillary is a lying, hypocritical bitch for claiming that rape and molestation victims should be heard and defended after having attacked every single one of Slick Willy's conquests and trying to ruin their lives. The bitch is SICK!

Inside Hillary's Efforts To Hide Bill's Sex Attacks — 'He Should Be Put In A Prison Cell'
Former Clinton aide Larry Nichols told Radar that Hillary, 68, helped hush up scandals to further her career. And in the new book The Clintons’ War on Women, authors Roger Stone and Robert Morrow have linked Bill to a string of attacks dating back to the late 1960s. They branded the lust-crazed political leader, who won a scholarship to study in England, as “The Rhodes Scholar Rapist.”

Hillary Clinton haunted by efforts to ‘destroy’ Bill Clinton accusers
But the issue is clearly on some voters’ minds. Mrs. Clinton, at a town hall in New Hampshire last month, faced the first pointed question about her husband’s accusers.

“I would say that everyone should be believed at first until they are disbelieved based on evidence,” Mrs. Clinton said, quickly moving on to another question.

Neither Ms. Broaddrick, who accused the former president of rape, or Kathleen Willey, who accused Mr. Clinton of sexual assault, have had their stories disproved. And Ms. Jones’ husband said they considered the settlement the Clintons paid an “apology” to her.
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Everyone who knows me knows that I am totally against Hillary and I've made that clear over and over. But it is not legitimate to attack her based on this issue. It was her JOB to defend this man, and she DID HER JOB. When you're defending a man accused of rape, you MUST discredit the victim, there is no other way of DOING THE JOB. Unless you think that people accused of crime should be convicted on the word of the police and prosecutor, with no trial.
And I want to make this clear. On two occasions I was tasked with defending men who may or may not have committed statutory rape against a 15-year-old girl. I did my job on both occasions. In the first case, I managed to get the police to drop the case for lack of evidence. In the second case, I plea bargained so that my client was not put on the sex offender registry. I did my job, and someone has to do it.

Every man or woman who is accused of a crime is entitled to the most zealous defense possible. If you don't believe that, then you don't believe in the American system of justice. In fact, you don't believe in any kind of justice, but a police state like they have in most third-world countries where a police accusation is enough to convict, and no real defense is allowed.
Hillary Clinton was doing her job as a defense attorney, unless you want to say that rapists don't deserve a fair trial, which is actually an item on the feminist agenda to say that men accused of rape should not get a fair trial.

Doing her job as a defense attorney is one thing, but pulling tricks to get evidence thrown out, attacking the 12 year old, and then laughing about it all later while knowing the man was guilty and then presenting herself as the champion of women and children is despicable.
you've simply bought in to the right wing lies Jim....

Try FACT CHECKING the 'story' the right wing propaganda sites have spun.

The Daikly Kos is a riughtwing website? Are you fucking kidding me?

Read it again, as your retention rate is somewhat deficient, 'Care'4 all. lol

Wow, Clinton Attacked 12-Year Old Rape Victim's Credibility [UPDATED]

Two years into her career of making change and having Day One-readying experience, 27 year old Hillary Rodham was appointed a public defender in a rape case, and played out deep in the gray areas of morality by attacking the 12-year old victim's credibility. Though nobody involved in the case can recall a shred of evidence that the victim had any sort of history of making false claims, Hillary argued it as a centerpiece of her case anyway. And conveniently omitted this aspect of the case from her 2003 book, "Living History."

In 1975, Hillary Rodham, 27, was a court-appointed attorney for an indigent defendant accused of raping a 6th grader in Arkansas. She wrote about it in her 2003 book, "Living History," focusing on technical evidentiary aspects of the case she presented to the court. Not surprisingly, she omitted the damning parts.

The victim was 12 years old. An older man, Thomas Alfred Taylor(41 yo), was accused of raping her in his car. The man requested a female public defender, which Hillary at first resisted. Once she took the case, however, her defense was aggressive.

In "Living History" and in the Newsday piece, we learn of the issues raised about blood and semen samples, standard criminal defense tactics. But Hillary left out a key piece of the defense.

Newsday explains the omission:

However, that account leaves out a significant aspect of her defense strategy - attempting to impugn the credibility of the victim, according to a Newsday examination of court and investigative files and interviews with witnesses, law enforcement officials and the victim.

Rodham, records show, questioned the sixth grader's honesty and claimed she had made false accusations in the past. She implied that the girl often fantasized and sought out "older men" like Taylor, according to a July 1975 affidavit signed "Hillary D. Rodham" in compact cursive.

A man Hillary owes $688,000 to this year says this is just "the best defense possible."

Here's one twist - the victim, now 46, had not realized Hillary Clinton was the defense attorney when Newsday caught up with her (her name was not Clinton then). The victim is not pushing this story - if anything, she is forgiving, even if she has only just become aware of the cynical Clinton attacks on her credibility.

So we have several mysteries here that all suggest some fairly evil things about Hillary Rodham Clinton , and I dont mean Disney evil or Pat Roberts Place Your Hands on Your TV to Protect Yourself From this Evil.

I am talking Jim Jones evil, Madoff type evil where she sets herself up as a trusted champion of a group of people so she can sell them out in the political system, in this case she sells out women and children.

How does a hot shot up and coming Harvard graduate lawyer like Rodham get appointed to an indigent case as a public defender? Why does sho go full 'balls to the wall' aggressive in attacking this young girl? Why the incredibly aggressive defense using a New York forensic specialist to make a blatantly bought bullshit conclusion that there was no evidence when they had both her blood and his semen in the underwear? Lawyers use people as commodities, why would Clinton do all this for someone who couldnt pay her to defend him? Obviously some quid pro quo is involved, likely an exchange of favors, but what? Is this what opened the doors to her career at the Rose Law Firm? She had to prove she had no soul and was the Devil's kin?

Why does the DA agree to plead down in response to what he could easily see was a bullshit claim that there was no physical evidence? Why plead down all the way to time served when he knew he had a winning case? This whole thing stinks to high Heaven of Arkansas backwoods corruption and scandal that was so bad it was even a running joke in a corrupt state like Texas.

And here are the other sites that are a part of this 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy'.

Daily Mail:
Hillary Clinton LAUGHS tells how she helped a child rapist walk free

ABC News
Hillary Clinton's Handling of 1975 Rape Case Emerges Again

Washington Fee Beacon
The Hillary Tapes

All these are rightwing conspirators trying to destroy Hillary Clinton?

roflmao, no, the deception is in the minds of you Clintonistas who are determined to dismiss the evidence that points to what a dark, corrupt and twisted soul Hillary Rodham Clinton is.

And I want to make this clear. On two occasions I was tasked with defending men who may or may not have committed statutory rape against a 15-year-old girl. I did my job on both occasions. In the first case, I managed to get the police to drop the case for lack of evidence. In the second case, I plea bargained so that my client was not put on the sex offender registry. I did my job, and someone has to do it.

Every man or woman who is accused of a crime is entitled to the most zealous defense possible. If you don't believe that, then you don't believe in the American system of justice. In fact, you don't believe in any kind of justice, but a police state like they have in most third-world countries where a police accusation is enough to convict, and no real defense is allowed.

Court appointed attorneys are not known for doing much more than filing your paper work for you, ask anyone that has had to deal with them.

What Clinton did was beyond the norm, beyond the pale considering the nature of the offense.

And at the very least she has no right to claim to be a defender of innocent women and children, not at all.

And Trump should use this to trample her reputation in the mud for all eternity and I think he will.
Everyone who knows me knows that I am totally against Hillary and I've made that clear over and over. But it is not legitimate to attack her based on this issue. It was her JOB to defend this man, and she DID HER JOB. When you're defending a man accused of rape, you MUST discredit the victim, there is no other way of DOING THE JOB. Unless you think that people accused of crime should be convicted on the word of the police and prosecutor, with no trial.

No you file your paperwork, make sure he has signed his 'X' on all applicable lines and initialed the margins in all the right places and then kiss his ass good bye.

That is what these vermin normally do.

But someone bought Hillary and she was happy to sell out to these cretins.
And I want to make this clear. On two occasions I was tasked with defending men who may or may not have committed statutory rape against a 15-year-old girl. I did my job on both occasions. In the first case, I managed to get the police to drop the case for lack of evidence. In the second case, I plea bargained so that my client was not put on the sex offender registry. I did my job, and someone has to do it.

Every man or woman who is accused of a crime is entitled to the most zealous defense possible. If you don't believe that, then you don't believe in the American system of justice. In fact, you don't believe in any kind of justice, but a police state like they have in most third-world countries where a police accusation is enough to convict, and no real defense is allowed.

Court appointed attorneys are not known for doing much more than filing your paper work for you, ask anyone that has had to deal with them.

What Clinton did was beyond the norm, beyond the pale considering the nature of the offense.

And at the very least she has no right to claim to be a defender of innocent women and children, not at all.

And Trump should use this to trample her reputation in the mud for all eternity and I think he will.
You are LYING..... and are a PAWN....And happy to be the pawn....that's telling....how far you'd go for your messiah
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