Have you ever seen a worse group of GOP candidates? I haven't.


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Here's my superficial take on the GOP candidates:

Rick Perry: Reminds me of Howdy Doody. I think he's goofy - but most likeable.

Ron Paul: Too old, cranky and goofy - but I think he's by far the most genuine of the bunch. He is what he is.

Mitt Romney: Reminds me of Daffy Duck on meth. I believe nothing he says.

Newt Gingrich: Psycho! Most dangerous! In love with himself. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). I believe nothing he says.

Jon Huntsman: Bland and irrelevant.

Rick Santorum: Religious extremist. Batshit crazy. American Taliban.

Michele Bachmann: Religious extremist. Batshit crazy - and STUPID. American Taliban. Also appears to be a chronic liar.​
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Here's my superficial take on the GOP candidates:

Rick Perry: Reminds me of Howdy Doody. I think he's goofy - but most likeable.

Ron Paul: Too old, cranky and goofy - but I think he's by far the most genuine of the bunch. He is what he is.

Mitt Romney: Reminds me of Daffy Duck on meth. I believe nothing he says.

Newt Gingrich: Psycho! Most dangerous! In love with himself. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). I believe nothing he says.

Jon Huntsman: Bland and irrelevant.

Rick Santorum: Religious extremist. Batshit crazy. American Taliban.

Michele Bachmann: Religious extremist. Batshit crazy - and STUPID. American Taliban. Also appears to be a chronic liar.​

I'm interested in your description of Obama...

Granted.. I expect silence on this matter...:D
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Here's my superficial take on the GOP candidates:

Rick Perry: Reminds me of Howdy Doody. I think he's goofy - but most likeable.

Ron Paul: Too old, cranky and goofy - but I think he's by far the most genuine of the bunch. He is what he is.

Mitt Romney: Reminds me of Daffy Duck on meth. I believe nothing he says.

Newt Gingrich: Psycho! Most dangerous! In love with himself. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). I believe nothing he says.

Jon Huntsman: Bland and irrelevant.

Rick Santorum: Religious extremist. Batshit crazy. American Taliban.

Michele Bachmann: Religious extremist. Batshit crazy - and STUPID. American Taliban. Also appears to be a chronic liar.​

Somehow, given the tenor of your 'zany' posts, I doubt there was ever a year where there were Republicans you liked or would consider voting for.

I wouldn't vote for Mitt, Bachman or Ron Paul, but any of these people would be an improvement over Obama. A medical School Cadaver would be an improvement over Obama.
Here's my superficial take on the GOP candidates:
Rick Perry: Reminds me of Howdy Doody. I think he's goofy - but most likeable.

Ron Paul: Too old, cranky and goofy - but I think he's by far the most genuine of the bunch. He is what he is.

Mitt Romney: Reminds me of Daffy Duck on meth. I believe nothing he says.

Newt Gingrich: Psycho! Most dangerous! In love with himself. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). I believe nothing he says.

Jon Huntsman: Bland and irrelevant.

Rick Santorum: Religious extremist. Batshit crazy. American Taliban.

Michele Bachmann: Religious extremist. Batshit crazy - and STUPID. American Taliban. Also appears to be a chronic liar.

I'm interested in your description of Obama...

Granted.. I expect silence on this matter...
Good call.
Perry is a centrist looking for a free ride.

Paul is the real deal, realizes the danger America is in & has the answers... the constituency is too dumb'd down through communalistic public education to know the truth when it stares them in the face.

Romney is a progressive & a throw back to the hippie era. Mitt's motto is... "After me your 1st!" Mitt will lie when the truth fits better.

Gingrich... your dead on about this statist liberal in drag. Megalomaniac disorder... literally sees himself as the beginning to the end. Newt IS dangerous literally... supports growing the patriot act which was modeled on the 'Enabling Act"...

Patriot Act vs. Hitler's Enabling Act

of 1930's Germany. Newt is Obama on steroids. Newt could be the 1st president to support mass roundup's of citizenry since FDR.

Huntman... I agree with you.

Santorum... I agree with you.

Bachmann... religious extremist but NOT STUPID, just ignorant on certain topics. She is "churchian taliban" not American taliban as she worships churchianity not Christ. She is not a liar that I know of... her sheer weight of ignorance on MANY topics makes her appear a liar at times. Will end up losing her congressional seat as well as the primary. She's better suited as a salesperson in a craft/nick knack store than a representative of the people.

Here's my superficial take on the GOP candidates:

Rick Perry: Reminds me of Howdy Doody. I think he's goofy - but most likeable.

Ron Paul: Too old, cranky and goofy - but I think he's by far the most genuine of the bunch. He is what he is.

Mitt Romney: Reminds me of Daffy Duck on meth. I believe nothing he says.

Newt Gingrich: Psycho! Most dangerous! In love with himself. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). I believe nothing he says.

Jon Huntsman: Bland and irrelevant.

Rick Santorum: Religious extremist. Batshit crazy. American Taliban.

Michele Bachmann: Religious extremist. Batshit crazy - and STUPID. American Taliban. Also appears to be a chronic liar.​
Perry is a centrist looking for a free ride.

Paul is the real deal, realizes the danger America is in & has the answers... the constituency is too dumb'd down through communalistic public education to know the truth when it stares them in the face.

Romney is a progressive & a throw back to the hippie era. Mitt's motto is... "After me your 1st!" Mitt will lie when the truth fits better.

Gingrich... your dead on about this statist liberal in drag. Megalomaniac disorder... literally sees himself as the beginning to the end. Newt IS dangerous literally... supports growing the patriot act which was modeled on the 'Enabling Act"...

Patriot Act vs. Hitler's Enabling Act

of 1930's Germany. Newt is Obama on steroids. Newt could be the 1st president to support mass roundup's of citizenry since FDR.

Huntman... I agree with you.

Santorum... I agree with you.

Bachmann... religious extremist but NOT STUPID, just ignorant on certain topics. She is "churchian taliban" not American taliban as she worships churchianity not Christ. She is not a liar that I know of... her sheer weight of ignorance on MANY topics makes her appear a liar at times. Will end up losing her congressional seat as well as the primary. She's better suited as a salesperson in a craft/nick knack store than a representative of the people.

Here's my superficial take on the GOP candidates:

Rick Perry: Reminds me of Howdy Doody. I think he's goofy - but most likeable.

Ron Paul: Too old, cranky and goofy - but I think he's by far the most genuine of the bunch. He is what he is.

Mitt Romney: Reminds me of Daffy Duck on meth. I believe nothing he says.

Newt Gingrich: Psycho! Most dangerous! In love with himself. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). I believe nothing he says.

Jon Huntsman: Bland and irrelevant.

Rick Santorum: Religious extremist. Batshit crazy. American Taliban.

Michele Bachmann: Religious extremist. Batshit crazy - and STUPID. American Taliban. Also appears to be a chronic liar.​

I have a feeling if this thread goes anywhere..

that..finding a description of Obama from a Democrat

Will be..like trying to find... Waldo.....:lol:
My take-

Newt- Smartest guy out there, but clearly a little erratic. Whether this can translate into good leadership remains to be seen. We are in a time period where we need leaders who can think outside the box.

Mittens- Snaky, sneaky, dishonest, will say whatever you want to hear, completely out of touch with working folks. (Seriously, his biggest "hardship" was that he didn't have a refrigerator when he was annoying French people with the Book of Mormon in the 1960's.)

Santorum- Smart guy, but about as bland as watching paint dry.

Bachmann- Crazy and dishonest.

Ron Paul- Just crazy.

Huntsman- He'd make a great Democratic nominee.

Rick Perry- Truly my greatest disappointment. He jumped in impulsively not really thinking he'd have to work for it. I think he's improved since his awful start, but there's not enough time for him to make a comeback at this point. Which is too bad, because he probably has the most solid governing credentials of the lot.

Barack Obama- Completely, utterly, totally incompetant. But he makes us all feel better about ourselves.
I was impressed with what John Huntsman said tonight.
Rick Santorum knows what he's talking about, so does Bachman
I think it's going to matter greatly who is paired up as a running mate.

ron paul needs to give it a rest.

Newt won the debate.
Here's my superficial take on the GOP candidates:

Rick Perry: Reminds me of Howdy Doody. I think he's goofy - but most likeable.

Ron Paul: Too old, cranky and goofy - but I think he's by far the most genuine of the bunch. He is what he is.

Mitt Romney: Reminds me of Daffy Duck on meth. I believe nothing he says.

Newt Gingrich: Psycho! Most dangerous! In love with himself. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). I believe nothing he says.

Jon Huntsman: Bland and irrelevant.

Rick Santorum: Religious extremist. Batshit crazy. American Taliban.

Michele Bachmann: Religious extremist. Batshit crazy - and STUPID. American Taliban. Also appears to be a chronic liar.​

Barrack Obama: Malingering lying do-nothing empty-suit just bullshiting his way through life. Can't do anything right to save his life. Specializing in causing divisions and instigating turmoil. Has to surround himself with sycophants just to make himself feel like he matters. Wants to punish the rich, thinks murder is fun, pisses off every world leader he meets, has no real friends because the "friends" he used to have he's already thrown under the bus.
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Here's my superficial take on the GOP candidates:

Rick Perry: Reminds me of Howdy Doody. I think he's goofy - but most likeable.

Ron Paul: Too old, cranky and goofy - but I think he's by far the most genuine of the bunch. He is what he is.

Mitt Romney: Reminds me of Daffy Duck on meth. I believe nothing he says.

Newt Gingrich: Psycho! Most dangerous! In love with himself. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). I believe nothing he says.

Jon Huntsman: Bland and irrelevant.

Rick Santorum: Religious extremist. Batshit crazy. American Taliban.

Michele Bachmann: Religious extremist. Batshit crazy - and STUPID. American Taliban. Also appears to be a chronic liar.​

Barrack Obama: Malingering lying do-nothing empty-suit just bullshiting his way through life. Can't do anything right to save his life. Specializing in causing divisions and instigating turmoil. Has to surround himself with sycophants just to make himself feel like he matters. Wants to punish the rich, thinks murder is fun, pisses off every world leader he meets, has no real friends because the "friends" he used have he's already thrown under the bus.

Do you think someone holds his dick for him while he pees? :lol:
Here's my superficial take on the GOP candidates:
Rick Perry: Reminds me of Howdy Doody. I think he's goofy - but most likeable.

Ron Paul: Too old, cranky and goofy - but I think he's by far the most genuine of the bunch. He is what he is.

Mitt Romney: Reminds me of Daffy Duck on meth. I believe nothing he says.

Newt Gingrich: Psycho! Most dangerous! In love with himself. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). I believe nothing he says.

Jon Huntsman: Bland and irrelevant.

Rick Santorum: Religious extremist. Batshit crazy. American Taliban.

Michele Bachmann: Religious extremist. Batshit crazy - and STUPID. American Taliban. Also appears to be a chronic liar.

Yeah and the answer to this is four more years of Obama????????????


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