My Review of Republican Presidential Candidates

Buzz Jenkins

Senior Member
Aug 20, 2015
I will vote for the Republican nominee, as per usual. I would vote for an empty can of paint before I ever vote for a Democrat. What follows are my thoughts on the current candidates for my party's nomination.

Donald Trump: I like the fact that he is shaking things up and urinating in the face of PC sensibilities. I also like the fact that he is a businessman and not a career politician. I do believe that he is quite persuasive and will get things done. I just don't know what those "things" will be. I am not at all convinced that he is a conservative. I suspect that he is more of a populist and will sway with the breeze on matters that he is either not interested in or in which he has no background.

Jeb Bush: George HW Bush is my second favorite president (first is Reagan, of course). I generally like the Bush family, as they are good people of character. One will find few examples of decisive, competent, and fierce leadership as George HW Bush displayed following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and subsequence military buildup and defeat of Iraq. W was not nearly as bad as the left makes him sound. He had to deal with some very difficult circumstances. Then there is Jeb. He is married to a beaner. He advocates amnesty and Common Core. He is establishment through and through. I trust that he will do what he sincerely thinks is best for the country. But I think that he lacks the balls of a real conservative and will do what needs to be done to restore America to the dominant force in the world and to dismantle the PC cancer that is spreading. He is not the right man for the job.

Ben Carson: He seems like a good guy and he is obviously a skilled and upstanding guy and notable surgeon. His standing up to Obama at the prayer breakfast a few years ago was phenomenal. He is also a black dude and may turn on a moment's notice and start advocating slave reparations. You just cannot know with those people. Look at how Colin Powell turned on us. I do not trust Carson. Pass.

Lindsey Graham: He's a total fag. I don't know why he just does not come out and admit to sucking cock. He is deeper in the closet than my running shoes. Pass.

Carly Fiorina: I like her a lot, and not just because I would totally do her. She always says the right things and she is a straight shooter. She made some tough decisions at HP that helped them transition and become a more profitable business. She is highly intelligent and appears to have a high degree of common sense. So far she is my favorite, notwithstanding the fact that she is a woman and, therefore, naturally flawed. There are exceptions to every rule.

Rick Perry: I do not know if HE even knows why he is running. He does not even appear to be too bright. I am betting that those glasses are fake, worn to improve his image just like Trump says. Bottom line: he's an idiot.

Jim Gilmore: I do not even know who the fuck he is.

Scott Walker: This is my second favorite, behind Fiorina. He has won election after election against the leftist scum. He has taken on both the unions and the public education nazis - and won. He has executive experience and balls. He is a good solid choice.

Marco Rubio. He is my third favorite. However, I do not think that it is his time yet. He still gets those deer-in-the-headlights looks a lot. He is a true conservative, but I think his immigration ideas are weak. We have got to get the immigration mess straightened out. We have to stop immigration and start deporting some of these dregs that are bleeding us dry. Rubio does not have the guts to do this. He needs to grow the fuck up.

Ted Cruz: Well, here we go - Mr. Cruz. He is the sweetheart of the Tea Party. So why do I hate him so much? He says all of the right things and has done some good things in the Senate. But I get this impression that he is lying to me. He is super intelligent but spins EVERYTHING to the point of straining his credibility. Certainly I would happily vote for him over the Dem nominee, but that goes for all of the Republicans. He strikes me as a better Senator than a president, or perhaps a lobbyist for the tobacco industry. Frankly, I would not trust him to be alone with my dog. Pass.

Bobby Jindal: He sounds like a conservative but he looks like a terrorist. I really don't have anything bad to say about him. The left hates him, so I know he has some great qualities. I am undecided about him.

Rick Santorem: I should disclose that I am an atheist. I am also a conservative. Rick is a devout God guy, which is ok. I do not hold that against him necessarily. We all have the same goal to make American strong and prosperous. However, I wonder: does he have a little Jimmy Carter in him? Will his faith weaken him and make him do stupid shit like Carter? I do not think that it will, but you never know. Rick seems like a total pussy. Will he have the balls to bomb the shit out of Iran? Will he tell the PC left to go get fucked or try to hold hands and pray? I think I will take a pass on Rick.

Rand Paul: This fucker is bat shit crazy! He has crazy eyes. He has a look like he is about to shoot laser beams out of those crazy eyes at any moment. I know he has a lot of diehard supporters, but like most libertarians he is a nut. Libertarianism is more of an academic exercise for college kids rather than a working political ideology. Maybe I would be more inclined to support him if I smoked pot and listened to Widespread Panic. Fuck Paul!

Chris Christie: Fat. Yankee. RINO. Populist. Smart ass. All of these terms apply to this asshole. All of them are bad. As far as I am concerned he irreparably ruined his image when he sucked Obama's dick after Hurricane Sandy. I will never forgive him for that! PASS.

Mike Huckabee: He sounds like Mister Rogers on a bad acid trip. I sincerely believe that he loves America and truly appreciated the gravity of being President. While he is religious and I am an atheist I oddly feel like I can trust him. Unlike most atheists I do not fear religion. It has its utility and its place. There is the potential for the Jimmy Carter syndrome. But unlike Santorem I think that Huckabee has the balls to bomb Iran and any other terrorist prick. I also think he has the balls to stand up to Putin and China. He is like a crazy ass uncle: you really don't want to hang out with him but you definitely want him on your side in a fight. Moreover, he will kindly explain to your face why your PC sensibilities are stupid. He is a wild card.

John Kasich: Is he a Republican or a middle of the road Democrat? Who fucking knows? Like Jeb Bush he is just not the right man at the right time. What's more, he is not even a real conservative. I think that I will pass on him.

George Pataki: He was an effective governor for New York. He seems like an ok, decent guy. But he is also a Yankee, which means he is probably also an incurable prick. But "prick" is not necessarily a bad thing. I am not really decided on him, but it hardly matters because he has a snowball's chance in hell of winning the nomination.

The remainder of the field: I don't even know who these people are.

Dark Horse: Mitt Romney: Just for the fuck of it, I like Romney a lot. He is a good man of character, skill and intelligence who can advocate the right economic policies to make us prosperous once again. I have always thought this. But why would he want to run again? I do not think that he will, which is a shame. I do not think he could win either the nomination or the general election. However, it is a nice thought to daydream about a Romney presidency. Romney makes Obama look like Dion Sanders hosting a beauty pageant.

So these are my thoughts on the candidates. I am leaning toward a Fiorina/Walker or Fiorina/Rubio ticket. If history is any guide then I am wrong and that vile bitch Hillary will be our next president, hastening our demise as a nation.
Ok, I will be the first to reply. This analysis of the Republican candidates is spot on! Don't ask just me either...

"Buzz Jenkin's analysis of the Republican candidates for president is the most thorough and useful break down if GOP hopefuls I have yet to see." - Buzz Jenkins (2015).

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