Have You Called Your Worthless Dem CongressCritter Today?


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
I've called mine 5 or 6 times already. Surprisingly, they couldn't tell me if I should send my new medical bills to their office or Obama's? Does anyone out there know?
My congress "critter" is a Republican and in this case, we agree on his vote.

I almost wish that my congressperson was a Democrat so that I could voice my displeasure over this vote.

I've called mine 5 or 6 times already. Surprisingly, they couldn't tell me if I should send my new medical bills to their office or Obama's? Does anyone out there know?

you don't think you sound ridiculous? *shrug*

Not at all. Apparently it is not an American citizen's obligation to pay for their own or their family's medical needs and longer. H.R. 3590
My congress "critter" is a Republican and in this case, we agree on his vote.

I almost wish that my congressperson was a Democrat so that I could voice my displeasure over this vote.

Call someone's else's rep then. :giggle:
I've called mine 5 or 6 times already. Surprisingly, they couldn't tell me if I should send my new medical bills to their office or Obama's? Does anyone out there know?

you don't think you sound ridiculous? *shrug*

Not at all. Apparently it is not an American citizen's obligation to pay for their own or their family's medical needs and longer. H.R. 3590

clearly you know and understand nothing about the bill.

but continue to make absurd comments.
I've called mine 5 or 6 times already. Surprisingly, they couldn't tell me if I should send my new medical bills to their office or Obama's? Does anyone out there know?

you don't think you sound ridiculous? *shrug*

Not at all. Apparently it is not an American citizen's obligation to pay for their own or their family's medical needs and longer. H.R. 3590

Once again, I actually find myself amazed at how little you assholes know about the legislation you rail against. :cuckoo:
My congress "critter" is a Republican and in this case, we agree on his vote.

I almost wish that my congressperson was a Democrat so that I could voice my displeasure over this vote.

Call someone's else's rep then. :giggle:

But then I would have to behave like a politician and lie in order to get them to listen to me.

Oh wait! They would not listen anyway... Good idea!

I've called mine 5 or 6 times already. Surprisingly, they couldn't tell me if I should send my new medical bills to their office or Obama's? Does anyone out there know?

I have a worthless Republican member...who replaced an even more worthless CROOK Republican member.

I will be voting to have him unemployed in November.
you don't think you sound ridiculous? *shrug*

Not at all. Apparently it is not an American citizen's obligation to pay for their own or their family's medical needs and longer. H.R. 3590

clearly you know and understand nothing about the bill.

but continue to make absurd comments.

No.... jill is sort of right... a good amount of hard working Americans do have to continue to pay for health care... for theirs and for those who the DEMs are trying to buy the votes from... and those who do have to pay, they best do it under fear of punishment by nanny government
My congress "critter" is a Republican and in this case, we agree on his vote.

I almost wish that my congressperson was a Democrat so that I could voice my displeasure over this vote.


Call and say 'thank you for trying'. It'll make him feel all warm and loved.... and then remind him that his loyalty is to remain with 'we, the people' not his fucking party.
I've called mine 5 or 6 times already. Surprisingly, they couldn't tell me if I should send my new medical bills to their office or Obama's? Does anyone out there know?

You're really stupid, aren't you?....LOL
I've called mine 5 or 6 times already. Surprisingly, they couldn't tell me if I should send my new medical bills to their office or Obama's? Does anyone out there know?

Why would they pay your bill?

Don't you have insurance?

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