Hate to say it but Politics 101, Trump cant take the bait. Schumer and Pelosi, you OWN Obamacare


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Notice how Schumer comes out and suggests he is "willing to work with Trump on a new healthcare deal". After watching politics extensively the last two years and disliking the games that are played immensely, unfortunately, I have to say, Trump needs to play hardball and cut deeper into the California/New York duo who have become a party to the exclusion of the other 48 states. America's future is too important to allow his promises to be derailed.

Therefore, if I am Trump as much as I know that my own party didn't work with me, I call out the Democrats publicly and often, he can deal with his own party behind closed doors. "If you have an issue with your Obamacare premiums, lack of choice and other issues, contact Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, here are their emails and phone numbers. We received zero votes for our latest Bill from the Democrats, they want Americans to keep Obamacare ".

If he let's Schumer form the next healthcare bill he is giving him a lifeline, where right now he is holding an anchor called Obamacare. I wouldn't do it. The fact is, if Schumer had been involved in the crafting of the latest bill and it ended up being the EXACT same bill tabled, the Dems would have voted 95% for it.

Schumer jumps at chance to work with Trump on health care, other issues

Schumer jumps at chance to work with Trump on health care, other issues
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This is the funniest attempt at spin ever, not counting the other thread trying this.
Enjoy trying to swim the next 4 years with that stone around your neck.

You really think the Republicans are going to be able, with a straight face, to run in 2018 on 'repeal and replace'?

aka, their BIG issue for the last 6 years?

They'll get laughed out of the buildings.


The Donald is in the perfect position politically. He tried to fix it, got no help from the RaTz and moved on...knowing full well that Obarrycare will blow up. You now own it TWICE and the fuse just keeps burning.

You've been played and you took the bait ... hook, line and sinker ... gut hooked.


The Donald is in the perfect position politically. He tried to fix it, got no help from the RaTz and moved on...knowing full well that Obarrycare will blow up. You now own it TWICE and the fuse just keeps burning.

You've been played and you took the bait ... hook, line and sinker ... gut hooked.

Indeed. As Scott Adams noted this weekend: Trump wins. He is no longer Hitler, he is incompetent. So that gets us back to politics as usual.

His prediction is that by the end of the year the Dems will be saying that Trump is competent, but the they don't like it.

Get ready for more winning!!!!!
Most Americans want some form of national health care insurance, and the House knows that.
Notice how Schumer comes out and suggests he is "willing to work with Trump on a new healthcare deal". After watching politics extensively the last two years and disliking the games that are played immensely, unfortunately, I have to say, Trump needs to play hardball and cut deeper into the California/New York duo who have become a party to the exclusion of the other 48 states. America's future is too important to allow his promises to be derailed.

Therefore, if I am Trump as much as I know that my own party didn't work with me, I call out the Democrats publicly and often, he can deal with his own party behind closed doors. "If you have an issue with your Obamacare premiums, lack of choice and other issues, contact Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, here are their emails and phone numbers. We received zero votes for our latest Bill from the Democrats, they want Americans to keep Obamacare ".

If he let's Schumer form the next healthcare bill he is giving him a lifeline, where right now he is holding an anchor called Obamacare. I wouldn't do it. The fact is, if Schumer had been involved in the crafting of the latest bill and it ended up being the EXACT same bill tabled, the Dems would have voted 95% for it.

Schumer jumps at chance to work with Trump on health care, other issues

Schumer jumps at chance to work with Trump on health care, other issues

Trump said that he would repeal and replace Obamacare on day one with something that was cheaper, better, and covered everyone.

Complete and utter failure.

Trump and the Republicans own that failure lock, stock, and barrel.

Now, there are some fairly minor tweaks that could be made to Obamacare to make it more efficient and balance out the insurance pool.

If the Republicans refuse to make those tweaks, that's on them as well.
Notice how Schumer comes out and suggests he is "willing to work with Trump on a new healthcare deal". After watching politics extensively the last two years and disliking the games that are played immensely, unfortunately, I have to say, Trump needs to play hardball and cut deeper into the California/New York duo who have become a party to the exclusion of the other 48 states. America's future is too important to allow his promises to be derailed.

Therefore, if I am Trump as much as I know that my own party didn't work with me, I call out the Democrats publicly and often, he can deal with his own party behind closed doors. "If you have an issue with your Obamacare premiums, lack of choice and other issues, contact Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, here are their emails and phone numbers. We received zero votes for our latest Bill from the Democrats, they want Americans to keep Obamacare ".

If he let's Schumer form the next healthcare bill he is giving him a lifeline, where right now he is holding an anchor called Obamacare. I wouldn't do it. The fact is, if Schumer had been involved in the crafting of the latest bill and it ended up being the EXACT same bill tabled, the Dems would have voted 95% for it.

Schumer jumps at chance to work with Trump on health care, other issues

Schumer jumps at chance to work with Trump on health care, other issues

Trump said that he would repeal and replace Obamacare on day one with something that was cheaper, better, and covered everyone.

Complete and utter failure.

Trump and the Republicans own that failure lock, stock, and barrel.

Now, there are some fairly minor tweaks that could be made to Obamacare to make it more efficient and balance out the insurance pool.

If the Republicans refuse to make those tweaks, that's on them as well.
No it's not. Your baby ... your problem.
Funny how the Dems now want The GOP to bail them out and save Obamacare when they refused to participate in the negotiations for the first bill proposed.
Notice how Schumer comes out and suggests he is "willing to work with Trump on a new healthcare deal". After watching politics extensively the last two years and disliking the games that are played immensely, unfortunately, I have to say, Trump needs to play hardball and cut deeper into the California/New York duo who have become a party to the exclusion of the other 48 states. America's future is too important to allow his promises to be derailed.

Therefore, if I am Trump as much as I know that my own party didn't work with me, I call out the Democrats publicly and often, he can deal with his own party behind closed doors. "If you have an issue with your Obamacare premiums, lack of choice and other issues, contact Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, here are their emails and phone numbers. We received zero votes for our latest Bill from the Democrats, they want Americans to keep Obamacare ".

If he let's Schumer form the next healthcare bill he is giving him a lifeline, where right now he is holding an anchor called Obamacare. I wouldn't do it. The fact is, if Schumer had been involved in the crafting of the latest bill and it ended up being the EXACT same bill tabled, the Dems would have voted 95% for it.

Schumer jumps at chance to work with Trump on health care, other issues

Schumer jumps at chance to work with Trump on health care, other issues

Trump said that he would repeal and replace Obamacare on day one with something that was cheaper, better, and covered everyone.

Complete and utter failure.

Trump and the Republicans own that failure lock, stock, and barrel.

Now, there are some fairly minor tweaks that could be made to Obamacare to make it more efficient and balance out the insurance pool.

If the Republicans refuse to make those tweaks, that's on them as well.
No it's not. Your baby ... your problem.

Your side is in control of the entire government.

Are you completely clueless regarding government's function?

The fact that the Republicans are hopelessly dysfunctional is not the fault of the Democrats.
The GOP spent seven years railing aganist the ACA, sixty plus votes to repeal it, and, they still can't get the job done when the control the entire government. They've gone from pretenders to frauds concerning this issue.
The propaganda in here is hilarious and is desperate.

The function of Congress is to produce Bi-partisan legislation. Discuss it, amend it, and come to an agreement that benefits most of The People and does The Greatest Good, or Least Harm.

The Health Care bill proposed and discussions about it, negotiations, were open, and The Dems were invited to participate, make suggestions and changes.

They refused to participate.

The Bill however and the attempt to get support for it, was refreshingly different than how Dems did things.

There was no debate. The GOP was shut out of the discussions. And virtually no amendments or changes were allowed. The Public Was Forbidden from Seeing it, and was not allowed to know what was in it.

No wonder it is a Trillion Dollar Money pit, which resulted in covering only 2% more of the Population while depriving 80% of the Population of Affordable Healthcare that they once had.

It is a disaster to make people pay for Health Care that is too expensive for them to use. You rob them twice when you do that.

But what else would you expect from a Partisan Dem Bill Rammed Through Congress with No Debate and having the Right Side of The Isle hog tied and silenced from representing the voice of their constituents in that ill fated, and collapsing ACA law?

It's their baby and it will be like an anchor around their neck when the outlandish premium and health care costs are dumped upon The American people in 2017.

If I were the GOP, I would take my time in crafting a good bill, and let The Left fend off the anger of their own constituents over their Partisan Phuck Job.
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Funny how the Dems now want The GOP to bail them out and save Obamacare when they refused to participate in the negotiations for the first bill proposed.

Don't you mean the GOP refused to participate in the negotiations for the first bill proposed?

Oh that's right, you think turnabout's unfair.

Face it. The ACA passed because Democrats know how to govern. Republicans don't. They hate government, even as they attempt to profit off of it.

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