Zone1 Hate Preacher Gives Vile Sermon Calling for LGBTQ+ to Be ‘Shot in the Back of the Head’

What do you think was wrong with the opinion and decision? Yes, she knew that this was a states rights issue. And, it is.
Let me make a suggestion. Do some research before you make claims that are false. You will at least give the appearance of being smart

There’s no question Ginsburg disagreed with how Roe was decided. But it’s hardly that simple.
Indeed Ginsburg’s criticisms of Roe generally had to do with pragmatic and political concerns, rather than saying it was outright wrong. And far from wanting to leave this decision to the states, as Friday’s decision does, she repeatedly sided with the idea that abortion was a constitutional right. She had preferred that right to be phased in more gradually and that it rely more on a different part of the Constitution — the right to equal protection rather than the right to privacy, the basis of Roe.
You've never had any respect for me. Stop it. All progressives want population control. Sanger wanted population control of Blacks. I think that is still the sentiment of most Democrats. That's why they want to keep Blacks poor in the Ghettos so they can perform more abortions on them.
Yes I did but you cashed in all of your chips. You are off the rails.nI don't know who it is that wants population control but any rational person knows that there are better ways of doing it than by abortion. The fact is that with our aging population, we need more young people so that I can keep getting my Social Security and Medicare
The preacher or whatever he claims to be is insane and is not connected to any mainstream religion, he is just a nut. He has no business advocating for violence against anyone. We all need to learn tolerance, left and right and practice it because neither the left nor the right are tolerant, and both justify why they aren't.
Your inane rant is the nothing buger here. You are in denial of the fact that this was far more serious that trespassing and some destruction of property. It was about disrupting a lawful function of government for the purpose of preventing the certification of thew winning candidate. In addition it was panned and coordinated, in effect a conspiracy and Trump was at the cener of it. Thdid former members of theOath Keepers and many otherse parade of witnesses that we have een are not lying. Trumps own White House Lawyer confirmed much of it as

I do not give a rats ass if you believe that or not but you cant get awy with deflecting with some crap about the Summer of Love

And let me remind you that the Republicans had a chance at equal representation on a 9-11 style commission which they rejected
Again, it is your opinion that Trump was at the center of it. But, it has not been proved. Just like the other attempts by Pelosi and Schumer scams. All bogus.
Let me make a suggestion. Do some research before you make claims that are false. You will at least give the appearance of being smart
And, as most liberals, they are wrong. There is nothing in the Constitution that has anything to do with abortion. She knew that there isn't and that's why it was a political problem when true Constitutionalists would get on the Supreme Court and reverse it for the right reasons. And, that has now taken place. So. Move on. And, what does abortion have to do with LGBTQ anyways?
Notice the atheist nutters are upset over anything they can't control.
No, sorry. Silly nutter fantasy you tell yourself to justify your own childish behavior.

But the self loathing closet gays in this thread sure are putting on a show. Enjoy.
Again, it is your opinion that Trump was at the center of it. But, it has not been proved. Just like the other attempts by Pelosi and Schumer scams. All bogus.
No it is not just my opinion. It is the evidence. Are you really too cowardly to listen to the testimony of that the Jan 6 Committee is hearing and to do so with some semblance of an open mind? It don't matter. The DOJ is listening.
And, as most liberals, they are wrong. There is nothing in the Constitution that has anything to do with abortion. She knew that there isn't and that's why it was a political problem when true Constitutionalists would get on the Supreme Court and reverse it for the right reasons. And, that has now taken place. So. Move on. And, what does abortion have to do with LGBTQ anyways?
Oh good fucking grief.. Of course there is nothing in the Constitution about abortion. Your need to say that is just more evidence of your simplistic understanding and primitive, ridgid thought process. Both abortion and LGBT rights are rooted in implied, unenmerated rights and flow from the enumerated rights.
No, sorry. Silly nutter fantasy you tell yourself to justify your own childish behavior.

But the self loathing closet gays in this thread sure are putting on a show. Enjoy.
Yes you do. You get Roe overturned and immediately the left goes nuts calling for getting rid of the Judicial Branch of the Federal Government. Get rid of the Supreme Court. Or, pack the Court so you can get your crybaby ways. WHAAAAAA!!!:itsok:
No it is not just my opinion. It is the evidence. Are you really too cowardly to listen to the testimony of that the Jan 6 Committee is hearing and to do so with some semblance of an open mind? It don't matter. The DOJ is listening.
There's no evidence. If there way, Garland would have Trump in jail. But, there is nothing. Just a bunch of people who spout lies with their heresay garbage. That's all that there is.
And, as most liberals, they are wrong. There is nothing in the Constitution that has anything to do with abortion. She knew that there isn't and that's why it was a political problem when true Constitutionalists would get on the Supreme Court and reverse it for the right reasons. And, that has now taken place. So. Move on. And, what does abortion have to do with LGBTQ anyways?
PS: Consider this.There is nothing in the Constitution about marriage either. No, I don't mean gay marriage. I mean marriage. All marriage. Now think about how people who like the idea of jmarriage-and there are many-would react if the hight court said that there is no right to marriage and that individual states can decide whether or not ANYONE can get married
Oh good fucking grief.. Of course there is nothing in the Constitution about abortion. Your need to say that is just more evidence of your simplistic understanding and primitive, ridgid thought process. Both abortion and LGBT rights are rooted in implied, unenmerated rights and flow from the enumerated rights.
Nope. Nothing about enumerated rights about abortion. There is more with some of the LGBT vile stuff. But, not abortion. Not the same thing at all. I find the Transgender stuff being spewed by the left is complete garbage. There is no way a man can "get" pregnant. It's scientifically biologically impossible. And yet, you think it is. How dumb can anyone be. And, the left is all about following the science. That's BS.
Yes you do. You get Roe overturned and immediately the left goes nuts calling for getting rid of the Judicial Branch of the Federal Government. Get rid of the Supreme Court. Or, pack the Court so you can get your crybaby ways. WHAAAAAA!!!:itsok:
You people packed the court and that is why we are where we are now. What's the problem?
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Nope. Nothing about enumerated rights about abortion. There is more with some of the LGBT vile stuff. But, not abortion. Not the same thing at all. I find the Transgender stuff being spewed by the left is complete garbage. There is no way a man can "get" pregnant. It's scientifically biologically impossible. And yet, you think it is. How dumb can anyone be. And, the left is all about following the science. That's BS.

Nope. Nothing about enumerated rights about abortion. There is more with some of the LGBT vile stuff. But, not abortion. Not the same thing at all. I find the Transgender stuff being spewed by the left is complete garbage. There is no way a man can "get" pregnant. It's scientifically biologically impossible. And yet, you think it is. How dumb can anyone be. And, the left is all about following the science. That's BS.

I did not say that there are enumerated rights for abortion. Now you are just jabbering and throwing dung at the wall hoping that something will stick.. Not even attemping to formulate an argument. Sad
You people packed the court and that is why we are where we are now. What's the problem?
That's not what "packing" the Court means. Packing the Court means to add additional Judges for your side above the 9 current Justices since 1869 just because you don't like the outcome of a decision. Big fat crybabies! The last time it was tried was in the 1930's with FDR. The Senate shot that down 70-20. And, in the past, it was done before 1869 for purely political reasons. And, the thing is, when done, the next President on the other side reversed things and got their way. You want to talk about precedence, that's 153 years! By the way, some presidents used Congress to remove the number of Justices to limit the opportunity of the next President getting the opportunity to nominate a Supreme Court Justice. The games people play when they don't get their way.
Yes you do. You get Roe overturned and immediately the left goes nuts calling for getting rid of the Judicial Branch of the Federal Government. Get rid of the Supreme Court. Or, pack the Court so you can get your crybaby ways. WHAAAAAA!!!:itsok:
Irrelevant crybabying. Hissy fit after hissy fit. Intellectual midget.
That's not what "packing" the Court means. Packing the Court means to add additional Judges for your side above the 9 current Justices since 1869 just because you don't like the outcome of a decision.
Bullshit ! Packing the court means exactly what the Republicand have done since McConnell refused to llow Obama to fill avacancy for an entire year, abd then pushed through 3 Trump nominees

I tried to help you by suggesting that you do some research before spouting off, but apparently that advise was lost on you

What Is Court Packing? | Rutgers University

Oct 27, 2020 · People often use "court packing" to describe changes to the size of the Supreme Court, but it's better understood as any effort to manipulate the Court's membership for partisan ends.
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