Has Obama as promised to "cut our deficit in half by the end of my first term"?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
when Obama said: "cut our deficit in half by the end of my first term."
DID anyone ask Obama how he planned to do that as they are asking Romney about his tax cutting plans?

But more importantly DID Obama lie when Obama indeed made the pledge on Feb. 23, 2009, following a "Fiscal Responsibility Summit" one month after his inauguration.

His words:
"Today I am pledging to cut the deficit we inherited in half by the end of my first term in office. Now, this will not be easy. It will require us to make difficult decisions and face challenges we've long neglected. But I refuse to leave our children with a debt that they cannot repay, and that means taking responsibility right now, in this administration, for getting our spending under control."
PolitiFact | Romney says Obama promised to cut deficit in half

NOW for the REALITY!!!
Year Tax Revenue Expenditures Surplus or Deficit
=== ======== =========== ===========
2000 $2.026 Trillion $1.789 Trillion $236.2 billion
2001 1.991 1.862 126.6
2002 1.853 2.010 (157.8 billion deficit)
2003 1.782 2.159 (377.6 billion deficit)
2004 1.880 2.252 (412.7 billion deficit)
2005 2.153 2.472 (318.3 billion deficit)
2006 2.406 2.655 (248.2 billion deficit)
2007 2.568 2.728 (160.7 billion deficit)
2008 2.524 2.982 (458.6 billion deficit)
2009 2.105 3.517 (1.412 TRILLION deficit)
2010 2.162 3.456 (1.293 Trillion deficit)
2011 2.173 3.818 (1.645 Trillion Deficit

Bush Deficits in 8 years $2.133 Trillion after Dot.com bust, 9/11 and worst hurricane SEASONS in history.

Obama Deficits in 3 years $4.351 Trillion after what???? Any dot.com bust? Any 9/11? Any worst hurricane SEASONS??? Nothing happened that cost

400,000 jobs due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita again NOTHING Bush could do to prevent! After all he is definitely not the Messiah as Obama is considered!
145,000 jobs in NYC alone due to 9/11.... so of course because of the Gorelick Memo the CIA was not allowed to share with the FBI the 9/11 terrorists in country!
300,000 jobs lost due to dot.com busts....
845,000 jobs LOST WAS THIS THE FAULT OF Bush causing the Dot.com, 9/11 and worst hurricanes??
Granny says she ain't payin' it, she didn't spend it so she ain't payin' it - `sides dat she didn't even get dat 2nd stimulus check...
U.S. Government's Foreign Debt Now $47,495 Per Household
October 22, 2012 - The debt that the U.S. government owes to foreign interests now equals approximately $47,495 for each household in the United States, according to the latest data released by the U.S. Treasury and the Census Bureau.
The portion of the U.S. government’s foreign debt now owed to interests in Mainland China is about $10,090 per household. At the end of August, the latest period reported by the U.S. Treasury, foreign interests held a total of $5,430,000,000,000 in U.S. government debt. According to the Census Bureau’s latest estimate (which was for June 2012) there were 114,328,000 households in the United States. Therefore, the total U.S. government debt held by foreign interests was about $47,494.93 per household.

Back in January 2009, foreign interests held a total of $3,071,700,000,000 in U.S. government debt. That month, according to the Census Bureau, there were 111,079,000 households in the United States. Therefore the total U.S. government debt held by foreign interests was about $27,653.29 per household. Since January 2009, the total U.S. government debt held by foreign interests has climbed from approximately $27,653.29 per household to approximately $47,494.93 per household—an increase of about $19,841.64 per household.

Among foreign interests, those in Mainland China hold the largest share of the U.S. government’s debt. The Mainland Chinese, according to the Treasury, owned $1,153,600,000,000 in U.S. Treasury securities as of the end of August. Back in January 2009, interests in Mainland China held only $739.6 billion in U.S. government debt. That month, the U.S. government owed about $6,658 per American household to interests in China. As of the end of August, the U.S. government owed about $10,090 per American household to interests in China—an increase since January 2009 of about $3,432 per household.

U.S. Government's Foreign Debt Now $47,495 Per Household | CNSNews.com
What about now. He keeps talking about how he wants to invest in more teachers, and Cops, and research while we already have a massive Budget Deficit.

and how does he say he will pay for it all? By asking the rich to pay a little more? Has any reporter ever bothered to ask him how he comes up with that math? He could take 100% of the Riches income every year and it would only fund our current spending for 90 days.

Such a double standard, Romney has to provide details or he is not credible, but Obama can say he can do it all by Taxing the Rich, which is a Mathematical impossibility, and nobody even questions it.
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