Has Anyone Ever Shed Their RINO Designation?

With all of the discussion recently about RINOs and the incredibly vague definition of such, I am curious...has anyone ever shed their “RINO” designation and re-earned their republican designation?

In the recent weeks and months when the field was forming for the GOP nomination, So many once-accepted republicans have been called a “RINO”. Mike Pompeo is one. DeSantis (who was the party’s savior in the Spring) is the latest one it seems.

Seems like the number of RINOs continuously grows and Trump becomes more and more isolated as a result.
Update. Republicans have it backwards. One guy just reminded us that Trump isn't a real Republican. He's the RINO.
I shredded mine.

Do you guys realize that Libertarians are just former Republicans who could no longer defend the party? They are basically RINO's. And most of you Republicans are a hodge podge between libertarians, tea baggers and neo cons. But Trump's secret weapon are the racists. nazi's. Proud Boys. Oath Keepers. Stand back and stand by.

With all of the discussion recently about RINOs and the incredibly vague definition of such, I am curious...has anyone ever shed their “RINO” designation and re-earned their republican designation?

In the recent weeks and months when the field was forming for the GOP nomination, So many once-accepted republicans have been called a “RINO”. Mike Pompeo is one. DeSantis (who was the party’s savior in the Spring) is the latest one it seems.

Seems like the number of RINOs continuously grows and Trump becomes more and more isolated as a result.
If Republicans aren’t careful they’re going to run out of ‘real’ Republicans.

With all of the discussion recently about RINOs and the incredibly vague definition of such, I am curious...has anyone ever shed their “RINO” designation and re-earned their republican designation?

In the recent weeks and months when the field was forming for the GOP nomination, So many once-accepted republicans have been called a “RINO”. Mike Pompeo is one. DeSantis (who was the party’s savior in the Spring) is the latest one it seems.

Seems like the number of RINOs continuously grows and Trump becomes more and more isolated as a result.

RINOs are Democrats who claim to be Republicans but obviously aren't. They think real Republicans will listen to someone who claims to be a Republican saying gosh, the Democrats are right on every issue. It's really just masturbation, no real Republican ever buys their stupid crap
Everyone did very well under Bill Clinton's administration. He was extremely popular from the 1st year through his 8th year.

True, it was an economic boom that had nothing to do with Slick, but he was the beneficiary of it. Every speech he gave he wanted to end the boom, but fortunately he preferred talk to action
RINOs are Democrats who claim to be Republicans but obviously aren't. They think real Republicans will listen to someone who claims to be a Republican saying gosh, the Democrats are right on every issue. It's really just masturbation, no real Republican ever buys their stupid crap

The DNC lead House and the DNC lead Senate passed a budget resolution during a budget shut down while your blob was in office. Trump signed it.

So tell us again about how Trump is not a RINO.
RINOs are Democrats who claim to be Republicans but obviously aren't. They think real Republicans will listen to someone who claims to be a Republican saying gosh, the Democrats are right on every issue. It's really just masturbation, no real Republican ever buys their stupid crap

RINO's are REAL conservatives, not Trump Cult Republicans. The believe in individual freedoms, balanced budgets, and small government.
True, it was an economic boom that had nothing to do with Slick, but he was the beneficiary of it. Every speech he gave he wanted to end the boom, but fortunately he preferred talk to action
Bill clinton gets credit for rescuing bush. Obama rescued bush two. Biden saved us from trump
RINO's are REAL conservatives, not Trump Cult Republicans. The believe in individual freedoms, balanced budgets, and small government.

Wow, RINOs are endorsed by Mrs. Kravitz who can't keep her nose in her own yard. I can't think of anything less interesting than that. You aren't even from a real country, you're Canadian

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